by contrainformation Ross Operaia dated 12/03

The manifestations of the women of Rome and Milan, the many events, small and large, which were there on a national scale have seen returning to Massa the movement of women in the squares, in the processions. In the center of These mobilizations were essentially two themes: the question of violence against women, feminicides, and the entire system capitalist patriarchal who, in different forms, converges on these issues and makes even more difficult life to workers, at women, to girls.
In these demonstrations the strength of the great event is echoed of Rome of over half a million people on November 25th.
The role of women and girls in the general movement has returned to being important. Now it is necessary that it continues giving life to one systematic participation of women in all events against the government, against the imperialist war, in solidarity To Palestinian women.

The important initiative of the proletarian feminist movement must be considered Revolutionary who hit these days on workers, on the workers, actively intervening and organizing delegations of workers in the events. We particularly point out the initiatives to the factories of Bergamo, Montello and Beretta, The initiatives in Palermo, the initiatives in Taranto. Great Importance was the presence of the representation of the MFPR at Two main events in Milan, in which the MFR companions brought the item of the workers and at the same time they have strengthened the choice of Maximum solidarity with Palestinian women, their resistance.
On the blog Communist proletarians, on the blog of the proletarian feminist movement Revolutionary, you can find, listen and read reports, images, videos, interventions that took place in these events.
Two: the event has shown that solidarity is stronger than the war of aggression, the invasion, the occupation, the genocide plan, which It is tenacity and that its absolute trust affirms that the Palestinian people will win. Great was the support for Resistance in all forms of the Palestinian people.
But March 9 is was also the day of the Palestinian woman. Throughout the procession Palestinian women and representatives of the Palestinian communities have expressed all the strength that the Palestinian woman expresses in the struggle against Zionism, the state of Israel, imperialism, e in being in the front row and background of the great resistance that the people are developing.
In tune with This imprint that had the demonstration of March 9, are were the interventions that the proletarian feminist movement Revolutionary has brought to this event with flyers, With an intervention by partner Donatella, national representative of our movement and bringing the maximum support to every aspect of the Battle of Palestinian women. The solidarity banner that it highlighted how Palestinian women are transforming into pain in force, had the imprint of a great message and one Great indication not only for Palestinian women, but for women that all over the world struggle against the imperialist system, against capitalist oppression, patriarchate and all forms of oppression. It must be said that on the morning of March 9 a delegation of the MFPR has challenged prohibitions and obstacles, bringing Striscioni of reporting of the genocide under the headquarters of the consulate Israeli in Milan.