by contrainformation Ross Operaia dated 12/03

Anan Yaeesh is a 37 -year -old Palestinian from the city of Tulcarem, the West Bank.
Conducted his political activity in context of the second intifada and for this reason has already served four years in the torture prisons of Israeli employment. Once released, he suffered a further ambush of the special forces Israeli in 2006, reporting serious gun wounds. In the 2013 left Palestine directed in Europe and Norway where it comes subjected to surgery to remove bullets remained for years in his body. Then in 2017 he reached Italy, where In 2019 he obtained a regular residence permit as a refugee.
In 2023 he went Visiting in Jordan and here is kidnapped by the secrets of secrets Giordani who intended to deliver it to Israel. But after six months of detention, the great mobilization that followed the news of the his arrest, prevent the Jordan authorities from delivering him to Israel and force him to release it.
So 2023 in November He returns to Italy, in L'Aquila, where on January 29 of this year, a following a request for acquittal of the Zionist State of Israel, the Italian authorities arrest him and are preparing for Estand it. Here too in Italy it is immediate to mobilize for request their liberation and prevent extradition.
There have been Heads of cities in Sassari, L'Aquila, Terni, where He is detained. But for today, March 12, at the L'Aquila court was The hearing is expected to discuss its extradition. Is exactly Yesterday, with an extraordinary timing, the Prosecutor's Office of L'Aquila has marked a capture mandate for the same Anan e Two other Palestinians residing in L'Aquila, with an accusation imaginative, apparently, of having made up a cell in Italy who designed attacks. Anan's lawyer speaks of timing suspected.
To a situation that is complicated must answer and replies Already today the continuity of the campaign for its liberation. AND' in fact provided in L'Aquila, in front of the court, where it will be discussed the case, a new garrison and on March 20 in Rome, a further event. A story that proves once again the complicity and servility of the Italian state compared to projects of persecution and annihilation of political opponents Palestinians by the state of Israel but shows how today the solidarity with the Palestinian people, with the Palestinian resistance both the ground where the bigger and stronger feels the movement, popular mobilization, internationalist solidarity. Tomorrow a information on the demonstration in front of today's L'Aquila court, with the decisions taken by the hearing.