Weekly editorial - shift government balances in Pinguela - The New Democracy

Author: Redação de AND
Categories: Editorial
Description: To act with dignity, as independent political force, workers need to break free from ideological strings, according to which, they must be content with the minimum. "Things are not good, that's right, but it's possible, and everything will be even worse if you are not content." Since ancient times, this is the most efficient way to keep slaves submissive.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T18:06:09-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T04:24:05+08:00
Sections: Editorial
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T18:06:09-03:00
Images: 000000.png

As it turns out, seasonal improvements in the GDP index and “job creation” are just statistics. It is already from popular wisdom that a government of the exploiting classes lies in two ways: one is even lying, blatantly, the other is publishing statistics that, showing everything, hide what is fundamental. The 3% GDP growth is an artificial number leveraged by the record crop of the agro -export landowner, whose export of its production, for example, do not contribute to taxes; They do not bring any improvement to the economic situation of the majority of the population, that is, the workers, as with the price of the basic basket, which became again in February (in 14 of the 17 capitals, there was high prices). In Rio de Janeiro alone, the increase was on average 5.1%.

The discharge in rejection was therefore not the result of an alleged reaction to the statement of the country's agent abroad in condemning the Zionist genocide in Gaza. After all, Luiz Inácio only remains to condemn the absurdities in the international level, where his word, at most, causes diplomatic discomfort without important repercussions. (The words of condemnation of Israel, by the way, are always preceded by harsh convictions to the Palestinian National Resistance, choir with the reactionary scream of “Hamas Terrorism”). Already at the national level, Luiz Inacio cannot make their arrice of posing as a “progressive”, as the economy is delivered to the international financial oligarchy and political governance is delivered to the president of fact, the colonel yesterday pocket arthurist Arthur Lira, who, who, In addition to controlling the country's political agenda (controlling what is voted or not voted in the National Congress), it also exercises control over the most important part of the Union budget. It is the government.

Luiz Inácio can not talk too much about “agribusiness” because it would sound strange, especially after giving him the largest crop in the country's history, far superior to Bolsonaro, while for the “agrarian reform” of the old state , in 2023 and 2024, the shift government allocated R $ 2 billion, the same amount that Bolsonaro had allocated in 2021. We all said that Bolsonaro wanted the death of “agrarian reform”; What do you want to want Luiz Inácio, in addition to your canteenna of prestidigator before the popular masses?

The popular masses of the countryside and the city accumulate lessons from this period. To act with dignity, as independent political force, workers need to break free from ideological strings, according to which, they must be content with the minimum. The “minimum”, achieved today through the misleading appeal of saving the country from the hands of a celebrated and supporting a shift government sitting on the right lap and conciliation with the hard core of coup, is condemning them to a future in which the "minimum" will be even worse. This is how the old order continues to deceive the masses, all guaranteed through the well -known blackmail: "Things are not good, that's right, but it is possible, and everything will be even worse if it is not content." Since ancient times, this is the most efficient way to keep slaves submissive. It is also a sign sacred by the story that systems like this no matter what the maneuvers of rulers, will crumble and will be swept!

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/editorial-semanal-governo-de-turno-se-equilibra-na-pinguela/