PC 12 March - Presidium in L'Aquila for Anan Yaeesh and against the persecution of Palestinian refugees. Anan is not extradable therefore the Meloni government keeps him in prison and 2 other Palestinian refugees for 270 bis

Description: The defense had presented the release of release 15 days ago, while today's hearing was set with extreme delay. The defence ...
Published Time: 2024-03-13T04:54:00+08:00
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The defense had presented the release of release 15 days ago, while today's hearing was set with extreme delay. Anan's defense had raised several profiles according to which Anan's extradition would never have been possible. Too serious violations of human rights in Israel, too practiced torture, too many associations for recognized and reliable human rights that confirm it: Anan is not extradable.

But our criminal procedure code also provides for the impossibility of extracting a subject when that person, for the same fact for which extradition is required, is subjected to a criminal affair in the resident country. And today Italy makes the first of the class, the most servile ally of Israel, because it does nothing but submit to criminal trial those who oppose Israeli employment, do nothing but repress the Palestinian resistance. And he can say "no to entry", without imbalanced in humanitarian issues. It can say "we don't give it to you simply because we are processing it".

Those who follow are some Valutration of Anan's defense at the end of today's Council Chamber, which as such was held closed and with Anan by videoconference because they are accused of "terrorism".

A garrison of solidarity with more than 100 people from, as well as from L'Aquila, from various cities of Abruzzo, from Rome from Umbria, for the freedom of Anan, Ali, Mansour, in support of the resistance, was held outside the court. Palestinian, against genocide, for the freedom of Palestine and of all the Palestinian people


Press review follows:









Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-12-marzo-presidio-laquila-per-anan.html