Duisburg Youth and Culture Association held 49 General Assembly
Author: muhabirhasan
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Duisburg | 12.03.2024 | Duisburg Youth and has been operating in Duisburg since 1974 and ...
Link-Section: haberler
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:00:00+08:00
Type: article
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Duisburg | 12.03.2024 | Duisburg Youth and Culture Association, which has been operating in Duisburg since 1974, has held the 49th General Assembly. After the opening speech and silence on behalf of the Board of Directors on Sunday, March 10 at 14:00, the election of the Council was passed after the detection of members.
After the election of three people, the Association's annual report was presented to the members. After discussing the activity report, which many members expressed their opinions, presented their criticism, the Audit Board was also released after the members of the members of the Audit Board were approved. Later, the financial report was presented and approved.
Discussion was carried out on the political perspective draft letter prepared by Atiif for the Atiif General Assembly in Frankfurt on March 16, and 10 delegates were elected to participate in the Atiif General Assembly.
Then, after the selection of 7 people management and 3 people in the audit committee, the General Assembly was terminated after the Dillek and wish department.
Author: carga
Categories: Política
Description: There are hidden things that suddenly emerge, as was this March 8 march, massive throughout the country. More than one million companions in the street, the Misogino Millei, who was exhibited with Lali Espósito, had his response. This answer raises a sequence, first was in front of the speech by assuming the ...
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:00:00+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
There are hidden things that suddenly emerge, as was this March 8 march, massive throughout the country. More than one million companions in the street, the Misogino Millei, who was exhibited with Lali Espósito, had his response.
This answer raises a sequence, first was in front of the speech by assuming on December 10, with the stage of an emperor and at night he had his first cacerolazo. The repercussions of the unemployment of January 24 shook all the policy that led to the failure of the Bus Law. And above all that it was a leap in the combativeness of the entire labor movement, because its concretion implied a discussion and a factory decision by factory and guild by Guild, in the midst of a debate with many colleagues who had voted and joined the unemployment . Then he received the response from the provinces where there is everything, but specifically federalism emerged and that law failed, a situation that Macri tried to take advantage of positions in the cabinet.
The president with the speech he made on March 1 and his call to May 25 seeks to return to the full moment he assumed. The content of that call is a great antipopular pact, seeks that all gorillas and reactionary forces be coaligated again as it was in the ballot and crushed the workers and popular expressions. It offers for that a negotiation that has already begun, which in turn allows you to gain time to rule with the DNU. He said it directly in his speech. This is the knot. Therefore our knot is to achieve the repeal of the DNU.
So that of women, more than one million in the streets when Milei is trying this play and advances as a top applying the DNU, it is on the one hand of immense courage and an immense contribution to stop this despot. The mobilization of March 8, summons us to maintain the claims against hunger and a new large unitary call throughout the country for March 24, and generate the conditions for a new active general strike that pushes the repeal of the DNU and the Failure of the new attempt of the mega law.
In the midst of these struggles, a great debate is transcurred, which is if there is another exit. To unify the fight and defeat the DNU, to fight for each claim, it is very important to see that there is another exit. Moreover, understanding that this leads us to a larger disaster. It is not only anger, hate, resistance to the measures that Milei takes, but the perspective what unifies. And the government itself gives us the elements to see that this is so, in three months the Central Bank gathered 9,000 million dollars. This shows the Argentine ability to produce wealth. We produce all that wealth, it is liquidated by paying the IMF, the bond holders, the banks, the importers and remission of the gain of foreign monopolies. That policy leads to the national disaster and as we see day by day to the liquidation of our currency if this silver returns to consumption and is invested in the production there is exit in favor of the people and the homeland.
This demonstrates the potential of the wealth of Argentine production. That is not a wealth only for the natural resources we have. These 9,000 million dollars are production. Natural resources, if you leave them, is to observe a beautiful geography. But silver, wealth, is done with production. This productive capacity that the Argentine people have, in all branches, in oil, in gas, in the countryside, in the production of grains, in industrial production, a working people who have the capacity to realize in very various branches. We are one of the twenty countries that have automotive industry, one of the twelve countries that can produce vaccines, has the ability to produce drones. All this potential is what the government suddenly sucks wealth and those eight billion where are they going to go? To pay the taxes to the FM, to pay the Chinese swap, to pay the bonds of all color that have been made of bond festival.
Well, this is the point that you have to be clear to understand that if all that wealth is put at the service of production and consumption, there is exit. But you necessarily need to join, face this and work for that. Another policy that suspends the payment, that sends silver to production and that gives satisfaction to hunger that is reigning in the Argentine people.
De Renzis
: We stay in the imagination of what should and can be done.
Arnoldo Gómez
: A big idea of where you want to go, not to hesitate to hit with whoever stops this disaster, repeal the DNU and twist the arm to the government, to achieve another policy and another government that enables the measures of a national and popular exit .
The 8m face in Cali, what the communists saw | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: For the communists, 8M keeps great importance because in 1917 women with courage they consecrated their life for a just cause, which was the revolution
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T13:34:40-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:27:21+08:00
Section: Emancipación de la mujer
Tags: 8 de marzo 2024, día internacional de la mujer, Emancipación de la Mujer, feminismo, Movimiento Femenino Revolucionario
Type: article
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March 8 as International Women's Day is a day of international solidarity with all women and, most importantly, to demonstrate the strength of proletarians, despite their double exploitation.
For communists, 8M keeps great importance because in 1917 women with courage they consecrated their life for a just cause, which was the socialist revolution. Women with stones, sticks, snowballs became fire and slogans against tsarism, thus demonstrated to the capital that workers are warts and that their oppression in an intolerable situation of pain and misery, were not enough to reduce fury with the fury with that the workers fought to impose a system that would support them and allow them to have their long -awaited freedom.
With this action it was shown that the wait and faith deposited in the state of the exploiters is idealistic, the story has already taught us many times that the capital did not attack the same and that it cannot be transformed from the inside. Our salvation only depends on us, workers who fight with our classmates.
The gender struggle detached from the class struggle is nothing more than an ideology professed directly by the exploiters (men and women); The bourgeois gender struggle puts everything upside down and serves the bourgeoisie to keep us oppressed. Therefore, talking about gender equality in a class society is only demagogy.
Feminism bases its struggle on obtaining the same privileges as exploiters, so it has demonstrated their great failure when solving the problems of proletarians; Its weakening is evidenced with fragmentation within their struggle, creating supposed new feminisms that would respond to our interests, but even their speeches and their actions are weak against the great oppression that poor women live. This comes from its resignation to the class struggle for what are subordinated, without realizing, to bourgeois ideology.
Of course, the communists oppose machismo, homophobia and transphobia of the bourgeois institutions of the State, we wake up tire Great: For the liberation and abolition of all forms of discrimination, exploitation and oppression that we live in this disgusting bourgeois society, and for this great objective we need all the groups that suffer: men, women, children, young people, mothers, poor, poor and Oppressed from Colombia and the world.
The communists who attended Cali at the march of 8m with our fighting partners, were censored by the media and photographs at the reason of claiming the class struggle and not of gender. We understand that the bourgeoisie, in her desire to keep women oppressed with their postmodern theories, attack us in front of the ideological, political and economic field, in this case it was both political and ideological, because we closed the possibility of demonstrating What our posters and slogans said, our positions were not collected by the media in the same way as the bourgeois and reformist slogans of feminism.
In this march also attended the PCC and the Juco, that is, the bourgeois ideology also dressed in red, because the opportunistic revisionism in its eagerness to follow fashion and get rid of all class speech is infected by these old ideologies and follow the foot these individualistic trends, which leave for the latest the class struggle, so they dressed as "aliades" of feminism, caricaturizing the figures of great revolutionary such as Clara Zetkin and Alexandra Kollontai, deceiving the protesters of what is the Fight for socialism, because almost for any woman who attended 8M is a secret that these organizations cover up and exert violence against women, discrediting the revolutionary struggle, to the point that women were cautious of any apparent influence of these organizations. We live in our own flesh that we tell them because when we approached the MFR platform, some girls said in the distance that, if they give them something of the juco or the PCC they would throw it away, break it or burn it, so we had To clarify that we are a totally different organization, we clarify again and by our media to all the compas that not everyone who looks red is from the juco or the PCC Mamerto.
Companions, it is time to forget those bourgeois divisions and unite against a single and true enemy: capital. Unite with strength and freedom as Russian women, such as Chinese and like many of our mothers who, despite the double exploitation and precariousness situation in the oppressive system, led us to be great women and men.
MA: Arsenal de Glighter is seized in the headquarters of Latifundio do Junco do Maranhão - The New Democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio – São Luís (MA)
Categories: Luta Pela Terra
Description: The warehouse had almost a dozen long weapons, “tactical” ammunition and equipment such as vests, balaclavas and knives.
Link-Section: luta-pela-terra
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T13:54:19-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:54:16+08:00
Sections: Luta Pela Terra
Tags: Pistolagem
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T13:54:19-03:00
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An operation carried out on March 7 at the headquarters of “Santa Érica Farm”, divided between Maranhão and Pará, exposed a true arsenal maintained by the “security guards” (gunmen) of the Finger family landowners. The warehouse had almost a dozen long weapons, “tactical” ammunition and equipment such as vests, balaclavas and knives. The farm is accused of being the result of land grabbing and is in a territory of 12,000 hectares where about 10 peasant communities live. In addition to the weapons, two men (“security guards”) and a woman, who worked as a cook, were arrested.
The operation occurred after several mobilizations in the region that exposed and denounced the crimes committed by gunmen at the service of landowners in the region. The peasants also denounce the involvement of repressive forces with their own gun.
Since November last year, the repressive forces in the region, demoralized by the exposure of involvement with the large farmers, have moved a true campaign of persecution against the peasants of the community. At the same time as the police carried out the operation against the Santa Érica Farm, the Civil Police also served an arrest warrant and several of search and seizure against the peasants of the village Vilela. A resident was arrested,
accused of assaulting a PM during a protest on November 29, 2023
The successive and constant operations against peasants stress that, despite the searches and punctual seizures against landowners, almost always motivated by the scan of crimes through massive popular mobilization, the repressive forces of the state are at the service of large farmers. Union of Communities in Fighting (UCL) denounces that, in addition to operations against the gun seek to “clean” the appearances of the Civil Police after proven involvement of the repressive forces with the landlord, the search and seizure warrant was unsuccessful to demobilize O
Popular Court for the trial of landlord crimes,
Event held this weekend, 9 and 10 March, in the village itself.
PC 11 March - Still Viceclary arrests in L'Aquila against Palestinian refugees
Description: Hands from Anan, Ali, Mansour and all Palestinian activists. The real terrorist is Israel and his accomplice imperialism, Italy in p ...
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:59:00+08:00
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Hands from Anan, Ali, Mansour and all Palestinian activists.
The real terrorist is Israel and his accomplice imperialism, Italy in the first place
On the eve of the Council Chamber at the Court of L'Aquila
On the extradition in Israel of the Palestinian political refugee
Anan Yaesh, and while mounting mobilization throughout the national territory for its liberation and against its extradition, 2 other Palestinian refugees were arrested this morning by Digos at the request of the Public Prosecutor of L'Aquila,
District Anti -Mafia and Anti -terrorism Directorate, in coordination with the National Prosecutor.
According to the accusation
An operational structure called “Group would have been established
quick response - Brigades Tulkarem ”, filiation would seem
of the brigades of the martyrs of Al-Aqsa, which has among its objectives
acts of violence against the state of Israel. The brigades to the AQSA,
relating to Al Fatah, at the request of Israel have been inserted
from the European Union in the black list of organizations
For all three arrested
An extradition procedure has been activated on stress
of the Israeli authorities.
The accusations against Anan were obviously not effective enough to quickly obtain the extraction, as is also deduced from the intervention of his lawyer yesterday during the garrison at the Terni prison, where he relaunched, in addition to that of 12 tomorrow in L'Aquila, Also another important date for national mobilization, that of March 20 in Rome at the Court of Cassation
The timing, to say the least suspect, between the hearing and these new arrests push us to relaunch the mobilization more forcefully. Below is the appeal of the Aquila coordination for Palestine:
No to the entication for Anan and to the torture of the Palestinians,
L'Aquila calls the mobilization
The Aquila coordination for Palestine tomorrow in garrison to
Court for the hearing on the release of Anan Yaeesh
A perfect timing, a few hours after the hearing to the Court of Appeal
of L'Aquila
in which the request for release of
Anan Yaeesh, three other arrest mandates were carried out in the
Night at L'Aquila. One of the three concerns Anan himself. Particular
that a arrest warrant is issued the day before in which it comes
The request for release is discussed.
The accusations are of
International terrorism and subversion. The media, bringing back so
Certosino what has been suggested by the Police Headquarters, they even refer
the preparation of suicidal attacks. Meanwhile, in this
context, and with these heavy accusations, people arrested again
they do not have access to their file, nor do they know anything, except that they are
Be took from home to dawn and transferred to prison.
Exactly as it happened in Anan in late January.
In short, we would amaze if the accusations proved unfounded,
Considering Italian collaborationism with a correspondence status
Like Israel. It is clear that in the ethnic cleaning project
perpetrated by the Jewish state also enters the elimination of
Palestinian people who live abroad, often by virtue
of the political persecution to which they were subjected to the territories
illegally occupied. In our city and in our country there is a
very heavy climate against dissent, against those who try to oppose a
a genocide that is underway thanks also to the complicity
of Italy. Against those who dare questioning a meaning
Unique and totalizing.
For this it is important to raise the
voice against the request for extradition from those who constantly violate e
For decades human rights and international law has killed
30 thousand people in 4 months, forces a apartheid, deport one whole
Population and torture the prisoners, even minors.
This we reiterate how much more important it is to be present at
Presidium of tomorrow 12 March, at 11, at the Court of via XX
September in L'Aquila. We invite the population of L'Aquila and the
country to mobilization.
Here below some videos and links on the garrison at the Terni prison, where there was also a delegation of communist proletarians:
MS: After more than two weeks without water, Guarani -Kaiowá de Sassoró lock highway in protest - the new democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio - Dourados (MS)
Categories: Povos Indígenas
Description: The indigenous people blocked the MS-295 highway, one of the main paths to southern Brazil and an important latifundium grain flow route.
Link-Section: luta-pela-terra
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T14:20:24-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T01:20:21+08:00
Sections: Povos Indígenas
Tags: Guarani-Kaiowá
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T14:20:24-03:00
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On March 5, the Guarani-Kaiowá of the Indigenous Land (TI) Sasoró, from the city of Tacuru, Mato Grosso do Sul, locked the MS-295 highway in protest for the lack of water that had reached the site 16 consecutive days. The community, with more than 2,200 inhabitants, blocked the road that gives access to Iguatemi and is one of the main ways to southern Brazil and an important latifundal grain flow route. With the combative lock, a technician from the MS Special Sanitary Sanitary District (DSEI) went to the scene stating that a survey will be conducted to investigate the issue. Protesters gave a period of 15 days for the problem to be resolved. Otherwise, they are willing to perform new protest actions.
While water is lacking for the Guarani-Kaiowá, there are promises of pro-latifundium governor Eduardo Riedel (PSDB), who was in the city of Tacuru on 03/04. The announcement of R $ 17.9 million in infrastructure and education for the municipality did not even contemplate a real for indigenous peoples from there. Backly, Riedel sat next to Mayor Rogério Torquetti (Patriota) and Tacuru City Council to announce the “universalization of the service” of basic sanitation. The mayor stated that the funds went to “priority projects”, but nothing was done with the top truck that recently stopped circulating for mechanical problems and helped supply the village-distant 35km from the city headquarters.
One of the posters was addressed to the Secretary of Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health of Luiz Inacio. Photo: Gazeta News
The problem, an expression of the bureaucratic-latifundity character of the old Brazilian state, is spread in the state. Just under two months ago in Dourados - a city 200 km from Tacuru - the inhabitants of the villages Jaguapiru and Bororo also
blocked a highway due to lack of water
. While other villages in the state report the same situation, the State Government announced, at the end of February, at its official site, that "awaits the position of the Union to send solution to water shortage in the villages." It is the classic position of the ruling classes, who play their responsibilities to each other. Not that Luiz Inacio's government has no responsibility for it. On the contrary, your
“Privatist bias” in indigenous health
, as the Missionary Indigenous Council (CIMI) denounced, it certainly has part of it. Even the indigenous people know this and some posters quoted Weib Tapeba, the Secretary of Indigenous Health of the Ministry of Health.
The blockade took place on the highway that gives access to Iguatemi and is an important latifundal flow route. Photo: Gazeta News
If the commitment obtained to the protest is not completed, they promised new blockages. Photo: Gazeta News
A few days before the highway block, other data added to the problem of lack of water. According to the local monopoly
, based on 2022 census data, 27,000 indigenous people in the MS do not even have a bathroom - sometimes using only one hole in the floor or just with the toilet - and another 12,500 shared common bathrooms for various houses. Among the “critical situations” investigated by the newspaper, including the city of Tacuru, which, alongside Japorã and Paranhos, has more than 20% of the municipality's indigenous population with a lack of bathrooms. This situation of the basic sanitation of the indigenous people, however, is just another aggravating problem of the broader problem of lack of access to land. After all, Sasoró's indigenous people do not completely enjoy the hectares demarcated for them and still receive residents of other territories, such as the indigenous people who are expelled from their
, like Pyelito Kue, in the neighboring city, where there is
a wide open conflict since last year
AM: Mayor's house is attacked during rebellion for neglect in health - the new democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio – Manaus (AM)
Categories: Nacional
Description: Residents destroyed gate from Lúcio Flávio (PSD) house with a car in protest for the avoidable death of a newborn in the hospital.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T14:49:09-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T01:49:06+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: Luta Classista
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T14:49:09-03:00
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After the avoidable death of a newborn in a hospital in the municipality of Manicoré, on March 6, the people of the city Se Rebelo and attacked the house of the mayor of the city, Lúcio Flávio (PSD) and sectors of the hospital. Afraid of the mass revolt, the old state responded by sending the shock troop to identify and arrest the protesters.
The case began at the Dr. Hamilton Maia Cidade Regional Hospital, where on the same day, a one -day baby would have died due to medical complications. Residents and relatives of the newborn accuse, however, both medical and city neglect, who would not have been interested in providing the necessary assistance in time.
The answer of the masses, after the baby's funeral, was to summon a major demonstration that attacked part of the hospital's facilities and continued towards the mayor's own house, Lucio Flávio (PSD), who was not in residence at the time. With the help of a car, the pasta destroyed the gate and took the residence, demonstrating their fury against this injustice.
In response to the rebellion, the municipal government called the Military Police shock troop. In a statement, the local government stated that: “Unacceptable acts of depredation and property damage will be faced with the full force of the law. The City Hall of Manicoré ensures that those responsible for these actions will be identified and will respond to the court for their conduct. ” In another note, the city still cynically accused residents of wanting to “politicize” a tragic event.
The truth is that the case is not a “isolated incident” or even just a “tragic event”, but a symptom of public health destruction throughout Brazil and, in particular, in the state of Amazonas, as
denounce the sector workers themselves
Jammed in crimes, mayor fears new rebellions
The main target of the demonstration, Mayor Lúcio Flávio (PSD), also maintains an extensive condemnation racing form, where he has already been pointed out by the court as author of “voting buy” actions during the 2016 elections, as well as using funds public to hire a PM for their “private security”.
After the act, the politician's first action was to mobilize the city's security forces to keep his residence and, soon after, to seek a new shock troop team for the municipality. These actions demonstrate the profound dread of the reactionary in the face of a new survey of these masses, which narrowly not generalized a great revolt throughout the city.
Long live the Brazilian people: about the use of the fantastic and the fictional in democratic literature - the new democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio - Curitiba e Região (PR)
Categories: Nova Cultura
Description: Long live the Brazilian people, novel by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, it is quite interesting not only for their literary exceptionality, but also as an example of the contradictions that constitute a work of art.
Link-Section: nova-cultura
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T14:57:32-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T01:57:30+08:00
Sections: Nova Cultura
Tags: literatura popular
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T14:57:32-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg
Can fiction be more real than reality? João Ubaldo shows us that yes. Naked and raw reality suffers from lines that tie it and give them consistency. Therefore, every vision and every portrait of reality are extremely ideological. The truth, the real, is made of ideology. All art is, therefore, as much as some seek to forget this, the result of a form of life. Every work is synthesis, frozen and alive, of concrete and contradictory individuals, about the world they live and the relationship they establish with it.
Long live the Brazilian people
, novel by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, it is quite interesting not only for its literary exceptionality, but also as an example of the contradictions that constitute a work of art.
Let's start with the good part. The novel addresses, under the style commonly known as fantastic realism (in which fantastic, unreal, mythological elements, etc., run side by side with reality), the history of Brazil, especially the period between independence (1822) and proclamation of the Republic (1889). We see just about everything, the gradual change of Portuguese imperialism to English, the capitalist need for the abolition of the slave system, the crisis of mills, the cultural and religious dynamics by mixing in the cultural cauldron, the emergence of an unbeaten national bourgeoisie as not Being European, the growth of cities and the sub -articization of the elite, the first struggles armed by the land, the horrors of the Paraguayan War, the conformation of the Brazilian Army and, especially, the life and struggle of the Brazilian people.
In this epic, it is surprised that the book has “only” 640 pages. It's just that John uses a trick, a seasoning, the "fantasy" serves as a lashing. That is, it draws apparent continuities between seemingly discontinuous events. But it's just a trick, because, in fact, these events do have a continuity, but very difficult to capture. Take the most beautiful example: almost all the fighters of the people represented in the novel have contact with a box within which one can spy "everything", all that has already been learned by past fighters. Thus, the struggles of the Brazilian people evolve from the first indigenous resistance to straws, to the communists in the Vargas era and the dictatorship of 64. Of course there is continuity between all these struggles, of course they trace a story, but one History, we can say, discontinuous, fragmented, full of roads and paths, almost irrastreable, almost countless. But through the insertion of a magical object, John "sewing" the story without false it. At this point, the use of fantasy is more real than reality, because in condensing very complex historical processes in a metaphor, it is able to enunciate a truth that would be very difficult to convey otherwise.
This box, however, is not limited to giving magical powers to the characters. When it is presented, we may not yet realize it, but it is the opposition that supports the whole book, a opposition to bourgeois history. Let's see: “But, the blind one explained, the story is not just the one in books, because many who write books lie more than those who tell stories of Trancoso. […] In addition, the blind man continued, the story made by papers lets all that was not made on paper and only puts himself on paper what matters. […] Someone who stole writes who stole, who killed writes who killed, who gave false testimony confess that he was a liar? Do not confess. Does anyone write well from the enemy? Do not write. So the whole story of the roles is for someone's interest. ”
The blind exposure - a figure that echoes the mythological seer, the one who sees otherwise - along with the presentation of the box shows us the fundamentally ideological aspect of history. Is there a better way to explain why every ideology is class ideology? Such lines echo about war and peace, when Tolstoy brilliantly points out that the intellectuals who write the books often overvalue their own deeds over the people's achievements. Let us observe this in the way we often learn history in schools: a story made only by a few great men and every now and then a Princess Isabel, erasing all the strength that the people employ to make the time compressor roll.
This is the thesis of the novel
Long live the Brazilian people
, recover the history of the people. But there are immense difficulties, an ideological erasure, but also one quite literal: much of the past has been lost, many files were burned, decimated populations, the huge majority of the Brazilian people were or is illiterate: it did not write its story or did not have the one write. How to rebuild a story that survives through rituals, food, garments, prayers, crafts, dictated, superstitions, scars, anything but documents? Therefore the use of fantasy is crucial to
Long live the Brazilian people
, the book would not exist otherwise, because there is a huge gap between what happened and
it happened. Fantasy comes to sew this gap and tell us a mythological but deeply real story that touches the struggles of our people more than any document would be capable. The box, spiritual incorporations, cannibalism, unlikely chances, mythological combatants, all resources to say what may otherwise were unquestionable.
Therefore, this novel is important to expand horizons for the production of truly democratic literature. We understand with John how the literary tool should be appropriate to its object and the multiplicity of possible styles derives from the infinity of available objects. We could talk about how some artistic forms are intrinsically linked to certain forms of ideology according to their material origins (the most evident example: agroning), but this is for another text, in addition, I am ready to advance that these are exceptions, after all, after all Even the police genre has been used brilliantly subverted, just read
The name of the Rose
It is just worth putting that not everything is flowers.
Long live the Brazilian people
It ends in a low grade that does not match all its energy. We advanced to a certain point for the 1970s, when Stalin José, a Brazilian communist, dies of apparent tiredness or disappointment. Soon after, we have a passage in which the continuity of the Brazilian people, hitherto sewn through fictional resources, is reduced to a specific resource: the manifestation of spirits who successively embody during generations. As if the story were just something that lives through us and of which we are not really part.
I don't want to tell the whole plot, so this explanation may make the book look silly. It is not. In fact, the narrative is well conducted and the closing of history follows the internal logic it has established. It took a good effort to realize, however, that the literary tool that once connected fiction to reality, only joined fiction to fiction. It should be noted, of course, that every tool is a two-edged knife. In the end, it seems that John cuts himself. After a Homeric effort to glimpse the past, it seems difficult to give the important turn to the future and resorts to an idealistic thesis of history. It is the only point that weighs negatively and significantly in the book. It is not justification not to read it. On the contrary, it may be another reason for him being so interesting.
Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: 8Μάρτη, Β.Δ., γυναικα, Κ.Κ.Ε.(μ-λ)
Published Time: 2024-03-12T02:25:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
The following text is the suggestion of
Vangelios Dermitzakis at the event held by the KKE (M-L) on Saturday 9 March titled
8 March 2024: We are discussing the female issue at
Outside the walls ”
The clouds of war are darkening our days and our system policies are immersed in poverty. The objective reality we are experiencing is so gloomy that it requires that subjective weaknesses and suspensions created by the adverse correlation of power to the detriment of the peoples to change the Rous of History and not to lead humanity to the devastation that is pushed by bourgeoisie. . The forces struggling to overthrow the unequal and unjust class social system cannot bypass the female issue. There can be no massive moves seriously in questioning, let alone the overthrow of capitalism, without the involvement of women in the struggle, without giving the prospect of a solution to the woman's inequality. There can be no reason, not only for socialism, but also for complete and stable democracy, without the attraction of women, that is, without half of the human population, in politics and the struggle, as Lenin used to say. He always emphasized that there is no social equality without a solution to female inequality.
In recent years it has been rich in unpleasant news and tragic events with victims of women. The rape and murders of women have become a daily routine. Sexual scandals in the field of art and sport involving people above criticism. The way they are treated or explained shows that nothing is self -evident or commonly accepted around the case of female liberation. On the one hand they throw responsibilities on the male sex and on the other to the female. Increasingly, the voices that justify the murderers and the victims exaggerate. The system is fascist and with affection the most reactive there is, justifies and gives it a step. Women's conquests at work and insurance have been abolished and her basic rights are threatened and disputed in various ways, such as the right to abortion. The pandemic of Coronovirus, which has caused great social and economic upheavals, the attack on the income and rights of the workers and the people, as well as the systematic effort to control and suppress youth, exacerbate its problems and multiply the crimes of all kinds at the expense of it. The EU has set up a series of programs, institutions and observatories, in the name of gender equality, so that it can pass its anti -populist policies through this path and impose cuts of rights, such as layoffs of pregnant women. The US and the EU imperialists, to control peoples, penetrate every human activity, exploit every need and use the woman as bait and victim. This side of imperialism is exported to it countries either as an ideological and cultural product or as a direct exploitation of their inhabitants…
The retreat of revolutionary and communist ideas and the defeat of the labor movement has dragged its defeat and its female part. A number of false perceptions such as: "The female movement is not needed because it is covered by the labor", "all the classics" were developed, "the woman's integration into the movement will solve the problems with the other sex on its own. "," All the issues of the woman will be resolved by the revolution "and others. Today, the bourgeois ideology that feeds feminism is dominated, which is trying to lead any women's movement appears in the spotlight. Although it fails, despite his clear support from the propaganda urban systems, to move the popular female population, which remains dumb and decommissioned, confuses the youth and seduces several pieces of the left, who do not see or do not see that they do not see that they do not see that Its modernity lies all the rotten bourgeoisie.
Nowadays there is nothing self -evident. There is a need to clarify the elementary ones, such as what the female issue is, how it appeared and above all what are the characteristics of today. Because the female issue didn't always exist. The story of the woman may be the story of her oppression but she was not conscious of her condition. She also believed that her lower position in society was a will of God, that her destination was to serve others. As long as the woman's life was limited in the family home, her enslavement within the family could, at best, cause humanitarian sympathy and various reasoning for the means that would relieve the fate of the humiliated, within the exploitative society. , female sex.
The appearance and development of the female issue is an important development of the capitalist period. There are two reasons for it. The former has to do with the phase that the bourgeoisie when claimed power and came out with slogans trying to support all the oppressed groups, the poor masses of the proletariat and of course women. The second is related to the massive entry of the woman to work in capitalist businesses. To meet the need for capital in cheap labor hands, he brought the woman to the factories, as did the children. The rights raised by the bourgeoisie during its revolutionary phase became a salaried slavery, and the liberation that promised the enlightenment theorists promised to the woman's theorists became a double harsh oppression, at home and at work. But the entry to work, the fact that she was coming out of her home, made the female worker realize her miserable position and claim human life and rights.
At that time, all members of a working family were converted into wage slaves. A young couple, in the 19th century, by moving them from a rural to an urban area, reduced their life expectancy by a decade. The conditions of her work and life are miserable, so she has to fight from a very early age. The first recorded female strike, with demands for better salary and working conditions, took place in the English city of Worster in 1804 by the workers of a factory that made gloves. As Kolondai says, "the female movement was only a result of women's integration into production".
Then, in addition to improving life conditions, the worker could not imagine that he could claim full rights with the man. Indeed, the workers' unions refused to write members of the workers. Since the mid -19th century, Marx and Engels meet with the movement of the workers who are taking his first steps, which they have gained with their ideas. They showed the way the woman had to take to improve her life until her full emancipation. They emphasized that no discussion could be made for female liberation without its financial independence. But as working on capitalism does not liberate anyone, nor the man, but on the contrary it is the basis of the alienation of the worker, so women's work in capitalism reproduces and perpetuates the inequality of the sexes. Maternity, for example, in capitalism can only "work" on the condition that the woman is excluded from work because motherhood is her primary role.
In the 19th century and early 20th century, the working woman was the worker, the woman, the poor woman. The women of the bourgeoisie and any mediums that existed at that time, as a rule did not work. The work of the worker was complementary to the man. The request was then for the woman to come out in production. Today, the landscape has changed. Women generally work. Women of all social classes and strata work. So we are not only talking about workers but workers today, which are obviously not included. In our country is dominated by de -industrialization, the destruction of the primary sector and the development of public and private services while the crisis is constantly closing in business. The bourgeoisie of the country is in search of a productive model. At present, statistics records that the woman has a high level of education and works in the services. Endless hours of work, precision, low wages, characterize work in our country and first affect women. The type of work, salary and working conditions have an impact on all aspects of a woman's life, inside and outside the house.
The woman is now an integral part of the workforce, and at the beginning of the 20th century she claimed the right to work. New forms of exploitation of the woman has invented the system. Her body, her femininity, maternity and other characteristics of the sex and the roles she is called upon to play, are either converted into commodities or press on them to sell goods.
For years, what dominated Greek society and educated the youth was the slogan "Father-Religion-Family". In a time, like the one we live in, everything collapses, the family seems to have remained unique. It has been spilled a lot of ink to prove that the institution of the family, despite the crisis that is going through, supports its members in difficult times, so we do not see hordes of homeless and destitute. Young people and young people, in the face of financial difficulties, continue to stay with their family. Today a man, if needed help, can only rely on himself or turn to his family. How do some people dare and say it should be dissolved? The family is still the whole world. Today, how to argue for its abolition without stoning? "Abolish the family! Even the most radicals are indignant about this shameful intention of the Communists, "Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto 177 years ago. And yet the goal remains.
The bourgeois family reflects all the contradictions and contradictions of the social system and influence its members and their relationships. Of course, if the members are bourgeois or workers, it changes certain things, but it does not change its function. A family of workers is also an urban family, where the woman depends on her husband and child on his parents. It reproduces standards and urban ideology and educates with these members. He teaches what he is.
The woman is oppressed through the roles she is called upon to play and oppress herself. Capitalism removed any work that covered the needs of the family (manufacture of clothes, food production) and left it with the "uninvited" homework that never ends, so tired and resent. She is the daily night of her life. Whatever the laws and papers, analyzes, statistics and theories say, the woman is still the slave of the house. The exceptions prove the rule. Socialist construction has tried to solve the problem with the socialization of domestic work.
Today, within feminism there is a theory that home work is the key to the production of labor force. Housewives are considered part of a global class of unpaid workers, the exploitation of which is central to the accumulation of capital. They do not consider homework as unhappy, but the basis of the capitalist organization of labor. Housewives should not be related to the workers in the factories, but they can be organized worldwide, starting to control the reproduction of the labor force. Because, as men say, they control the work today, the time and the movement of their women, through family salary, women must first fight within their own families and relationships. This theory results in the request for salary to housewives and the feminist strike. According to the "99%feminist manifesto" "the production of people and the special care for their growth and prosperity are acting as a prerequisite for capitalism" so we all invite us to abstain from sex, to abstain from sex. Do not smile and not show tenderness to the faces of our family.
When in 1917 the Bolsheviks took power, granted, with the first decrees, full political rights to women, the political marriage and divorce was established, prostitution was banned, homosexuality was decriminalized, abortions were allowed, abortions were abolished, It was banned from the night shift in pregnant women, etc. For their time it was unprecedented. Today all this is data. There is an equilibrium, institutionalized "equal remuneration for equal work" and numerous instructions, actions and programs of the EU ensure the elimination of all kinds of discrimination and violence against women. One would say that there are no demands for women to claim today. Of course, a series of women's conquests are lost in the context of the overall attack that the system has launched to workers and the people and they will have to win them again. One could argue that you do not need a particular formation of a female movement.
In fact, what they have given under pressure from the movements of a previous period is what capitalism could give. Double oppression at work and at home remains. Because the oppression of women does not start with the existence or not of some rights. Its roots are in class society, but each season takes other forms. That is why it is important to study the causes, forms and the consequences of female oppression today. Bebel said that "women cannot have illusions that men will help them get out of this situation, in the same way that workers have nothing to hope for the bourgeoisie." Addressing the workers, Lenin invited them to be activated, because their release from double oppression is, first of all, their own affair.
The female movement must be rebuilt as a distinct part of the labor -popular movement, and therefore much of the process is identified with the course of reconstruction of the labor -popular movement. But female has particularities and additional difficulties. He has to defend his existence, even within the female masses, to clarify his characteristics, study his story, criticize and criticize, to argue with feminism and bourgeoisie, to be tested in battles for her rights. Woman, to support her daily struggle and her confrontation with the other sex, on the basis of her opposition to the man is an expression of class contradictions, to develop arguments against the rotten dominant ideology and to reveal the multi -faceted network of control and exploitation. . This process cannot be academic. It must be alive, organized, with action and involvement of the woman of the popular strata. In this process, the woman will shake off her dominant perception of herself, which means being reinstated for the so -called "values" that are attributed to woman's relationships with society, with family, with men, with the Its function as a spouse and mother, as well as as a worker.
The anti -communist propaganda
It is obvious that the female issue and the rights of LGBTKI are used as tools to deconstruct Marxism and degrade socialism. Everyone, almost without exceptions, theorists of every trend in feminist currents are against Marx and Engels. The cursor that got up has not yet gotten up when the government has tabled the marriage of homosexual couples, which is now law. The KKE's stance has given the government's right and conservative elements, and not only, to appear as progressively and talking about the conservatism of the Left. They do everything they can to exterminate the ghost of communism that haunts them.
Today, the EFSYN newspaper is entitled "Homosexuality in the Soviet Union". It reproduces a series of Trotskyist positions that distort and slander the colossal efforts of the Bolsheviks, but especially of the Russian people, to build a new society. Trotskyism has a political form that repeats it monotonously on any subject. He praises the October Revolution, presents Trotsky as Lenin's right hand, which the two built all the good, until Stalin came, who, due to his malice and ambition to climb power, murdered and terrorized. This Trotskyist narrative has many times exploited the system to support its anti -communist propaganda. So, in 1917, the Bolsheviks decriminized homosexuality, but Stalin, in 1934, found the opportunity to invite it and began pursuing homosexuals.
Before we say about this one, we will generally say that there were problems when building socialism in the SE. And we need to recognize them and explain their causes, to draw conclusions that will help us in our struggle today. It is important on which side is criticized and why it is done. The same criticism has another function when the opponent does. After all, inside the SE The different positions on a number of issues were openly expressed. For example, the different approaches between Kolodai, Kroupskaya and Chetkin for the upbringing of children was openly expressed. Kolontai believed that the child should belong to the socialist state, Chetkin, parents and Kroupskaya, to themselves. The Chinese approached the issues of marriage, sexuality and economics, etc. We have also criticized us on aspects of the 1934 Constitution. The Chinese until 1956 criticized, but after the 20th Congress passed into the confrontation.
Indeed, in 1934, criminal punishment was decided for pedophilia and sodomism and in 1936 free abortions were banned. The reasons that led to these decisions, according to the Soviet leadership, were, for the first, the many cases of pedophilia and rape, and for the second, the huge increase in abortions. This resulted in a significant decline in births. Many men left the woman when she became pregnant, and that was another reason. Kolodai, who participated, both in the drafting of the first laws ('17 -'20) and 1936, in an interview on 17/7/1936, explains the reasons for these changes. Interesting is the point where he speaks of the need for men responsible. Characteristically, he says that "men try to avoid fulfilling their obligations. In many cases, it was especially the man who pressured the woman to have an abortion so that she would not be forced to pay for a diet. " That is why, in the debate that preceded the law passing the workplaces, women were in the majority of it, while men were more hesitant. He also explains that free abortions were allowed in the early years of the revolution, not for reasons of principle but because the conditions did not allow the young Soviet state to truly protect the mother and child. For these reasons, women's arguments are not weakened in capitalism that claim free abortions. It should be noted that there were no contraception measures at that time. Zhenotdel (Bolshevik Women's Department) had suggested in 1920 as a "temporary measure" free abortions. In general, what characterized all the laws of the Soviet state was that motherhood is a social affair and not individual.
Today we see that the solutions or "solutions" given then were the estimate that existed since 1933 that war was coming. Then it was decided to the Anti -Fascist Front and open to the Church. They were weighed in the decisions. With a distance from things today, with the knowledge of the events that followed, with the experience of the movement of a century after the conclusions of the Cultural Revolution, we can say that social issues are not resolved by administrative decisions and bans, the openings must be resolved. They sometime but they remained after the war. We also know that the revolution does not automatically erase the ideological rust, prejudices and fears that people carry. Thus, the bias that people had on these issues was real and the dislike for homosexuality most had. The rape was the punishment of the revolutionaries arrested.
There is a basic rule in historical materialism. How every season is judged by its own measures.
But since lately, many have been said about sexuality I close with some general findings as a trigger for a debate that must be opened.
First of all, there is no physical sexuality. The alleged natural forms in which sexual needs are met are determined by the characteristics of society, but also the sexual needs themselves are produced by society.
Capitalism and imperialism view sexuality as a commodity that is sold and purchased like everything else, undergoes the same laws and demand laws and is also destroyed by consumption. The question is what is the function and the effects of this type of sexual culture in humans.
The sex industry that leaves a footprint everywhere does not treat sex as the means to express the particular content of relationships between individuals, but as a means for each person separately in order to escape society and as a moment of enjoyment in a life without joy and hope. It seems to have distanced itself from its social characteristics, not binding but on the contrary to separate people.
There is no concept of equality in sexual standards that the bourgeoisie is promoting. It characterizes them a relationship of sovereignty and enslavement, where the dominant is a male. Nothing is positive from the reversal of sovereignty roles.
Sexuality for the ruling class is a way of demonstrating and enforcing its power and power. The triptych "Sex - Violence - Power" is promoted everywhere, is the new fashion that plays the system, especially in youth, is the promotion of the bourgeoisie in a standard.
Prohibitions and oppression of sexuality are part of sexuality. They do not oppose it but identify it. Sexual freedom in capitalism is like all other capitalist freedoms, exist only in theory and papers.
In urban sexuality we cannot contrast a model of revolutionary, labor or Marxist sexuality. Nor in socialism, the satisfaction of sexual impulse, the erotic need will not be as simple and rough as a glass of water. In sex life, Lenin used to say, not only physical elements, but also acquired culture, play a role.
Urban theories about sexuality are dominated by reasons of desire. It has become a common place to regard sexuality as a separate from class. Thus the autonomy of desire has become one of the deeper bourgeois "truths". Such positions are contrary to materialistic perception. We need to understand sexuality as both a social and a historical relationship.
The sexual crisis and the sexual problems that seem to plague people and often take up a lot of space in youth concerns, "not solved", Kolontai wrote, "without fundamental reform of human psychology, without increasing" erotic potential. " But this mental reform depends entirely on the basic reorganization of our socio-economic relations on communist bases. "
The following text is the suggestion by Yianna Antoniadis
At the event held by the KKE (M-L) on Saturday, March 9
8 March 2024: We are discussing the female issue at
Outside the walls ”
Side One: The class root
The female issue is class because it was born with class society. Marx and Engels have shown that the cause of the woman's unequal position is neither psychological nor biological. It didn't always exist. Changing the way material life production resulted in the appearance of the historical social phenomenon of the woman's enslavement. Therefore, there will be no forever, it can be overthrown.
During the long period of humanity, where the origin of children were determined by the mother, the two sexes were equal and there was communion. In those primitive communist societies there was a division of labor, but it had no competitive characteristics. In a certain phase, people's work created excess tools and food, which brought the separation of society into classes.
The man was in the advantageous position to handle the superixture, which is owned. The family goes to its monogamous form in order to serve the need to transfer ownership to the descendants of the man, who must be sure to be his. Woman's work loses her social character and she is oppressed and humiliated.
All of this builds the appropriate superstructure. With the help of religion, oppression, exploitation, lower position in society, violence, and strict monogamy of the woman are justified. With the creation of the classes, that is, the corresponding "law" was created, which consistent with this new relationship of things. It was then that, according to Engels, the "cosmopolitan defeat of the female sex" took place.
Side second: The intensity of the problem according to the class position
Women are not a homogeneous social stratum but, like men, belong to different social classes which, between workers and bourgeois women, are competitive. Working women are victims of oppression due to sex and class exploitation. The lower a woman's socially, the more heavy heavy on her (pay, access to education, etc.). Women of the people and the working class experience multiple exploitation and oppression. They do not have the financial means to get rid of the burdens of the household such as the women of the ruling class who pay for other women or men to do their homework and child care. A worker is oppressed by the bourgeois feminist employer, who oppresses the male worker.
Side Tuesday: The female issue as a case of 'order'
The female masses are half of the people.
"Without women there can be no real movement of the masses"
Lenin used to say. This is a serious compass for the case we serve. The emergence of the female issue and the struggle in the direction of female emancipation and widening of women's rights
'It's not feminism, it's a practical revolutionary effort'
As bourgeois women, when they raise bourgeois democratic demands, do so in their social class: they support capitalism, which is the basis of the exploitation of popular strata women. They defend the existence of allegedly common interests among women, regardless of which class they belong to, to hide that they belong to the one that exploits the rest. That is why bourgeois feminist organizations are completely absent from wage and pensions struggles, from motherhood claims and labor rights struggles.
In summary, for us the female issue is class, because the inequality against women stems from the creation of classes and is reproduced by the bourgeoisie, today's exploitable class, without the crushing of which the woman will not be redeemed. It is, on the other hand, class because it first and primarily the poor, the working mother, the unemployed. And third, it is class because it is tied to the class workers' movement. Any disconnection of the class element from the struggle of women leads to outrageous distortions that put a serious obstacle to the hypothesis of female masses.
As for issues related to the superstructure:
The class nature of the female issue, which has its roots in exploitative production relations, is reflected in the construction, shaping perceptions and prejudices about the position and role of women. The school, the church, the art, the customs and the customs, the family, the media, every institution or social activity maintain and reproduce ideologies about the inferiority of the woman. Yesterday's darkness is reproduced in today's modern. All of these perceptions are not sufficient to be denounced. We do not refer the female issue to socialism, saying it will be resolved then. We are fighting for - for millennia - perceptions that consider the woman, a man of the man.
When we talk about the class of female issue, we do not underestimate the ideological struggle, but we stress that it also has a class sign. We criticize feminist organizations, not because they deal with the superstructure, but because they exhaust their action on it, and their proposals do not question the system that generates female inequality.
Marxism and the communist movement have inherited us to have a body of views on the female issue, which must be enriched, spread out, modernized. For marriage, motherhood, family, gender relationships, work and unscrupulous work at home, abortions and everything else the big issue is raised, we have an opinion. Class and ideological struggle go together. The confrontation with the perceptions that support their philosophy in the class structure of society is essential and is not easy at all. The formation of our point of view must be accompanied by an attitude of life and come out of our organized struggle.
Unlike Marxism, feminist theories want, the exploitation of the woman and her unequal relationship with the man, to come from patriarchy
"Patriarchy is understood as a system that is social, political and economic. Therefore, economic practices may be patriarchal or not. Correspondingly, capitalism is an economic system that is a more specific form of the general economic system of patriarchy. This means that patriarchy historically can take various forms and capitalism is only a form of it in specific historical and social contexts.
A common basis for different currents within the context of feminist organizations is the claim of an informal capital-men. Men benefit because they ensure that their wife is their personal maid while getting this family salary and the best jobs. They are hostile to the unions, charging them that they have historically contributed to the reinforcement of male interests with their demands (welfare for women, labor wages sufficient for the whole family, etc.) and in the depth of these views hides that they are hostile to the labor movement .
Although the theories of patriarchy have differences between them, they agree that gender is what defines the social system, the contrasting man-woman is regarded as the basic opposition of society, not the contradiction of capital-labor.
Today, the theories of patriarchy and their derivatives, that is, the theories of social sex and gender -based violence, dominate. They have managed to penetrate almost all the spaces of the left and anarchy, which have adopted, not only the term feminism, but also everything related to feminist -bourgeois perceptions.
We disagree vertically with these views because they see the roots of the female issue in biology, in the "brutal nature of the man", as they consider that the man is the enemy and not the class structure of society.
These views beyond that they are completely unmistakable, they extinguish every hope of the woman for emancipation. Because the basic contrast of society is between the two sexes, if its root is biology, then the only thing left is gender deconstruction. The abolition of man -woman distinction and the conversion of all into "changing subjectivity", "constructions of society". Gender is distinguished in "biological-sex" and "social-genders". These theories are metaphysical and openly state that they are confronted with Marxist views.
The ending of these theories is that there is no class enemy but racial. There are no bourgeois and proletarians, employers and workers but only men and women. In the name of the unity of female sex, or rather female, class peace is signed and the war is raging.
The different interpretations of the female issue, class or racial, inevitably lead to two anti -diametrically opposed and, ultimately, opposing lines within the movement. On all aspects of the female issue, both in interpretation and in the way it is addressed, the goals of struggle and the demands, the same existential questions are reflected:
The enemy is men who by their nature are violent and sexist or class society and capital. Is the enemy overturned, or should we pretend that there is no metaphysical theories? And even further, the capitalist system can or not be overturned?
Because, if it can be overturned, then we want to overthrow it and want it all. To be liberated from the oppression that generates the capitalist mode of production that oppresses and the male worker. To build the construction that will support new production relationships and want the woman really equal.
But is feminist theories the first to defend the capitalist system itself? Is their basic concern to hide the class contradictions and the rotten of this system that is deeply rotted? They are trying to disorient and convince women that in war, poverty and poverty, hand-in-hand, bourgeois and workers, urban governments and pioneering fighters, Palestinians and Israeli femininity, they will be released Sexism.
This line struggle is shown on all aspects of the female issue. We will refer to some aspects, not because we underestimate the rest, but because our goal is not to exhaust the discussion, but help to open it after you.
For gender -based violence
Already before the pandemic, one in three women in the world of 15-49 years, was a victim of abuse every year, mainly by her erotic partner (Un Women, 2020). After the start of the pandemic in the US, Asia and almost everywhere in the world, the numbers of victims increased dramatically. In Greece, in January 2021 up to 10 rape of women per day, much smaller than the real one, as forensic and police authorities are estimated to be reported to be reported 1 out of 24 cases. About 4,000 incidents of rape are committed, but only 200 are reported. In all countries of Europe in recent years, women's murder has increased significantly. A pan -European study showed that between 2001 to 2014, women's murders have gradually increased. In 2017, 58% of the murdered women worldwide were murdered at home by familiar faces. The oppression and exploitation of the woman in the crisis is deepened, her position is getting worse.
At the same time, civil law welcomes the perpetrators, through a series of laws that confirm the system's intention to subdue women even more. The Law of Tsiara (2021), for the compulsory cooperation, which gives rights to the life of former woman and minor children even if they are victims of his abuse. Changing the law on rape by submitting the victim to a forensic examination in order to prove that it was in a hurry, the anti -labor law Hatzidakis according to which the employer (ie number one perpetrator in the workplace) assumes… protection from the sexual harassment. The questioning of the right to abortion by the Church and far -right aspects of the system confirm the class origin of violence.
But what is the reason for this explosion of violence and what should our attitude be?
The conditions in which the people live and who do not define them do not shape them but are imposed by the greats of the world, are the ones who give birth to violence and crime, with women first on the list because of their double exploitation. The peoples are immersed in poverty, poverty, diseases and poverty. Despite technological achievements, artificial intelligence and space conquest, societies, and even in the developed West, are condemned to a modern Middle Ages characterized by inhumane working and living conditions for millions of poor, and indescribable violence. Refugees, immigrants, unemployed, employees with hunger and hunger wages, workers without rights and basic security conditions make up the millions of modern -day hells, who strive to survive in a world that does not fit them and have no prospects for them and have no prospects for them their children.
The removal of the people from collective struggle, solidarity, class consciousness. The difficulty of politicizing any movements that erupt and the difficulty they face in being victorious lead to individualism and leave everyone and everyone exposed to the attack of the system and its rotten ideals. Consumerism, the commercialization of love, the dissolution of human relationships, the treatment of the female body as a commodity, the promotion of easy wealth through gambling and prostitution, and the absolute lack of vision and perspective, alienate people. They are unable to see the class enemy, turn against each other, trying to survive in an inhumane and violent system.
Violence is therefore not gender, but class. Poor women are more exposed to violence. Their financial situation makes it more vulnerable to the blackmail and harassment of the employer, and often does not allow them to be removed from the abusive spouse, since they are not able to maintain themselves and their children who are also at risk. In addition, the laws and courts are at the service of capital and the powerful, the examples of dozens in our country, but I leave them for the debate.
A necessary clarification. We do not ignore or overlook that the rich women accept violence or, if you will, the most favored. Nor do we even more consider that rapists, killers and sexists are victims. But the rapist is not enough for us, we do not consider that the capabilities and needs can fit into such a limited and often controlled and useful, system. Treating all men as potentially rapists and murderers is not only unfair and unfounded, but hides their system responsibilities and in fact adopts the bourgeois perception that brings all issues to personal responsibility.
For the work
We do not mention here in the position of woman at work, we have done it in our various texts and we could see it after the conversation. More we want to dwell on two sides that have been put in the discussion on the female issue and want attention.
There is a lot of talk about women's right to have their bodies as they want themselves and to be "sex workers" and the movement to fight to have labor and professional rights and to recognize their work and contribution to society . I'm not going to say how vulgar it sounds in my ears. How tragic I think, a woman or any man, to have to sell his body and emotions to make a living. Just to say how tragic they are people who are struggling to adopt and reproduce the ideals and values of such a rotten and inhumane system and sprinkle the shit with sugar to consume them easier.
Why poor women and men, marginalized trans people have to be led to prostitution to survive or why young and young people follow the same path with a little fancy wrapper to live a comfortable life with easy money, very consumption and unbearable . Who defined these ideals and values, who left so few passes open if not the capitalist system itself. How can we consider it to be a real choice. That these people could have a decent life, with pleasant and creative work, with fees that allow them to live decent, have roofs, food, education and health for themselves and their children, but preferred to self -sustain the body and invest in the sex industry.
Isn't it hypocrisy, at the same time that we know that thousands of women are victims of trafficking, when 12 -year -olds and 14 -year -olds are systematically rushed in exchange for a plate of food and, while threatening, in fact, their own lives to talk about processing and self -determination? We do not hide behind our finger and do not rinse the system of mastic, cops and judges covering the davids and rapists, adopting such demands. Under no circumstances are we against those who are in this position, but it is our revolutionary duty to reveal the real responsible and to fight for life with rights and dignity. Because otherwise we leave the system undisturbed to reproduce its rotten rot and use the female movement to its advantage.
For homework and feminist strike
The homework is that a person can be more uninvited and created. They offer nothing to the human mind, they are boring and trap women in a microcosm monotonous and bone. Much more when it is loaded with the main responsibility of children's upbringing and old age and illnesses of elderly parents. Millions of women have spent their whole lives doing homework and taking care of all other family members, young and old, including spouses, perhaps, especially those. The feminist movement, which claims to be aimed at directly improving women's life conditions, claims a salary for homework, considers that the process of reproduction is a job and must be paid. It also defines the feminist strike. So on March 8, we do not cook, we do not wash and we do not smile, we do not hug, we do not give our children cards. In this way we are able to first accept that it is really our job to take care of the home, hoping for a small pay and, secondly, to confuse the mop with love, affection and feelings to our children and comrades. Human relationships of companionship and solidarity to be treated as a job.
On the contrary, we believe that the point should be that we will get rid of these unscrupulous jobs. Until we can have another society as mentioned by Vangelio previously, we first owe women and men who are in class struggle and on the side of women to fight so that the homework will be restricted and shared among those who are shared among those who They live in every house.
We need to decide the relationship and the role we want to have at home and in society in general. Certainly not each one alone can shake the role that the system wants to load it, but it is important to question it and try to move on to more creative roles to fit us. Instead of constantly questioning the abilities, through the burden of responsibility and guilt that have loaded us, to see our role and participation in the movement.
The Left and the Movement must make their account and self -criticism, whether they have succeeded, in recent decades, under the burden of the defeat of the communist movement, to deal with these issues. Participation in the movement, politicization and class consciousness constitute and steal every poor and exploited man. Talking about women and the double oppression they live in, this is not enough. They need to discuss, to challenge, to persuade themselves first to shake off the bourgeois ideology and the superiority that the system gives them to women.
Both men and women, we need to see the patterns, values, ideals, attitude, the attitude of life we adopt. The system has found new, more complex, ways to invade our minds and shape consciousness. No, it is not all -powerful, equally in deep crisis and sepsis, and the millions of poor people, the peoples, are looking for a way out and are looking to find out how they will answer. Part of this search are the outbursts of youth, which in addition to anti -war or labor claims are also concerned with broader anti -systemic issues, such as the crime in Tempi.
The hospitable site of the books of publications outside the walls was filled, on Saturday afternoon on March 9, by people, men and women, who responded to the call of the KKE (M-L) to take part in the discussion organized by the female issue . An issue that leaves its marks on human relationships, generally on all aspects of life and which is part of the social issue, as emphasized in the opening of the discussion,
The discussion started with two suggestions. In the first presentation, Yianna Antoniadis developed the main aspects of the KKE (M-L) view on the subject, as recorded in the brochure that issued a year ago, as well as a number of issues, such as the issue of feminist strikes, prostitution- 'Droopic' and more (you can read it
). In the second presentation, Vangelio Dermitzakis developed the dual character of female oppression, how to see the female issue today and the need to reconstruct the female movement. He also referred to issues raised in the Soviet Union in 1934 and 1936, on the occasion of the Insert Tribute to the EFSYN newspaper for "homosexuality in the Soviet Union" (you can read it
Subsequently, a rich dialogue was developed with many placements that added additional elements to the various issues that had been raised. Maternity, work, women's rights, homework, sexuality, LGBTKI rights, problems and dilemmas of a woman who is militant in the movement and much more. The discussion that kept everyone's interest undiminished has helped to understand the multifaceted female issue and to the efforts made by the KKE (M-L) to study it in today's conditions, to contribute to the reconstruction of the female movement and to chart it with its tools Historical materialism, the lines and goals of its struggle.
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In Paris, the revolutionaries of the cause of the people took part in the March 8 parade alongside the comrades of young revolutionaries (JR) and the Revolutionary Youth League (LJR). The procession also included union comrades of the Student Union Federation (ESF), as well as activists from the Unit Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah (Cupplgia). A speech was made by our comrades,
available here
. The activists proudly displayed the portraits of heroines of the proletariat: Clara Zetkin, Danielle Casanova, Jiang Qing and comrade Norah.
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In Limoges, the revolutionaries took part in the demonstration with a portrait of comrade Clara Zetkin and banners against capitalism and imperialism, struggles necessary for the liberation of women.
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In Lille, the comrades of the ESF took part in the March 8 procession with a banner to affirm the need for proletarian feminism. A tribute banner to Martha Desrumaux, the first woman member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of France, leader and combatant from the region, was also trees.
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In Caen, the revolutionaries paid tribute to the heroines of the proletariat with the Palestine Hérouville committee, with the slogans "woman of the people, defend your class!" "And" Long live revolutionary March! ».
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In Toulouse, the comrades of the Revolutionary Youth League (LJR) took part in a powerful anti-imperialist procession in support of Palestinian women.
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In Lyon, the Popular Women's Committee (CFP) led a meeting at Lyon 2 University, on work in neighborhoods and anti-imperialist struggle in the fight of people of the people. The activists then took part in the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist procession with the Revolutionary Youth League and the La Fosse aux Lyons collective.
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In Rennes, the revolutionaries of the cause of the people and young revolutionaries took part in a snack and banner workshop with the families of the Kennedy district with the collective of women Kune, before joining the FSE within the procession for support for Palestinian women .
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SC: Residents close roads after murder of young people by police - the new democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio – Florianópolis (SC)
Categories: Nacional
Description: According to residents, young man murdered by the Civil Police was unarmed. Protest started on Saturday and continued until Sunday dawn.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T15:34:00-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T02:33:43+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: violência policial
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T15:34:00-03:00
Images: 000000.webp
Residents of different slums in the Monte Cristo neighborhood closed different roads in a protest during March 9, organized after the murder, two days earlier, from a young man in the Grota favela by civil police officers of the Special Resources Coordination (Core). Residents claim that the young man was unarmed.
The protest concentrated residents of the Grota favelas, Chico Mendes, Sapé and other communities. Videos record huge barricades of fire on important roads in the region, such as Josué di Bernardi Avenue, Joaquim Nabuco and José Antonio Tonolli. The popular revolt in condemnation of police raids and murders in the communities began on the afternoon of 03/09 and continued until the dawn of 10/03.
In an interview with the local correspondent
Residents stated that police repressed the protest using pepper gas and rubber bullets. A child was shot during the demonstration. The repression was not accepted by the protesters and there was confrontation. According to local press, a policeman was injured in his head after being hit by a stone.
Police violence in the city of Florianópolis comes in a growing, as well as popular demonstrations against this scenario of increasing rights violations. Last year, residents of Morro da Caixa also protested after PMs
assault an autistic child during an approach
[Video] Lyon: A rally organized by the CPES in support of an ex -employee of Grand Lyon Habitat - New era
Author: Missak Manouchian
Categories: Travail de masse, Vidéo
Description: The emotion was present this Wednesday, March 6 for Rachid on Wednesday, for Rachid and the residents of the United States who came to support him. Indeed, following the dismissal by Grand Lyon Habitat of this former guardian of the building in early January, the discontent won the inhabitants knowing him, and solidarity was built very largely, until the holding of a rally on Wednesday 6 […]
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T19:23:31+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T03:09:58+08:00
Type: article
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The emotion was present this Wednesday, March 6 for Rachid on Wednesday, for Rachid and the residents of the United States who came to support him.
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Indeed, following the dismissal by Grand Lyon Habitat of this former guardian of the building in early January, the discontent won the inhabitants knowing him, and solidarity was built very largely, until the holding of a rally on Wednesday March 6.
Let's go back to the story around this dismissal: last November, the goalkeeper was awakened one morning at 7 a.m. by several police officers who are drumming at his door. In question, a vast police descent in the United States district. Police forces then ask him for the keys to the cellars. The goalkeeper then came across 4 young people, handcuffed and kneeling, and, abused, under pressure and completely destabilized he replied that he did not have them.
Upon the arrival of the agency director more than an hour later, the latter also attacks the goalkeeper, who gave him the keys explaining to him that he had found them after the request of the police officers, that he does not want to hinder the police but that in the midst of the operation he preferred to wait for his superior.
The continuation is funny or terrifying, as desired: the 4 young people are released for lack of evidence, the garages forced by the locksmith prove to be empty, and the exploration of the cellars offers absolutely no element for the investigation.
Neither the police nor justice then criticizes the former Garden for having hampered the investigation, but Grand Lyon Habitat Si, and the agency director begins disciplinary procedure with regard to his employee for fault serious, hinders the work of the police, and an attitude which would have been disrespectful and close to the insubordination in front of his superior.
While his work is recognized and praised by his colleagues and the inhabitants, the proof is with the wave of solidarity which swept, Rachid is finally dismissed in January, after several months of procedure, not receiving after more than 30 years of work at GLH that a little more than 2000 € and having to make its official accommodation.
Indeed, its official housing is handed over to the private housing market, which implies that the next building goalkeeper, who will potentially be an employee in subcontracting, will have no function housing. The lessor would thus kill two strokes with one stone, recovering more accommodation to add to his housing stock, and getting rid of the management of employees who would be delegated to an intermediary.
Faced with this new demonstration of the unworthy methods and thugs of Grand Lyon Habitat, the CPES and Rachid decide to organize a rally in front of his home, a hundred meters from the United States agency of the lessor.
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Source: new time
About 60 people therefore found themselves during the gathering to listen to the various speeches, sign the support petition or discuss the continuation to give this mobilization.
It was first Rachid who thanked the people who came to support him at length, supporting the fact that collective mobilization is the strength of "small against large".
A spokesperson for the CPES then supported this declaration, calling for continuing the fight, and insisting that the committee would continue to fight alongside Rachid and all the inhabitants abused by the lessor Voyou Glh.
"We take this opportunity to inform you that a legal proceedings of formal notice is currently underway to require control of these charges coming to couple all our popular mobilizations, and we also affirm that we will support Rachid as much as it is necessary Until he obtains compensation,
Because whether Rachid or the charges, we are faced with the same problem: residents of despised working-class neighborhoods, as are workers in factories or women relegated to secondary and underpaid jobs. ”
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Source: new time
We were also able to question Coralia, member of the CPES, on the consequences of this mobilization:
New era (ne): Hello, thank you for answering our questions. First of all, how did you know this case?
Coralia: So we got to know this case because Rachid contacted the CPES. Indeed, he had already seen our work in the neighborhood, it was one of his neighbors who provided him with our contact.
Ne: Now that this gathering is made, what do you prepare to continue the fight against this injustice?
Coralia: What came out of this gathering is that everyone wants to go further, gathering in front of the antenna of the United States of Grand Lyon Habitat to affirm their dissatisfaction with this injustice. We will continue to broadcast this case in the neighborhood so that the tenants are aware that GLH despises them but also despises its employees.
Ne: You are talking about the contempt of Greater Lyon Habitat against his tenants, this takes us on the question of your fight against abusive charges, can you tell us where the situation is?
Coralia: We have started first legal proceedings for formal notice through a lawyer in order to obtain a check of the charges. We are not fooled, we are aware that it is not only by the judicial route that we will achieve our ends, but it is a tool to show once again than together we are strong, and in order to Unmask the mafia schemes of Grand Lyon Habitat.
Ne: Finally, last question: what do you want to say to all those who are in the same situation, who are crushed by thugs or dishonest bosses and who undergo injustices?
Coralia: I take a sentence from Rachid, we will "show the big ones that the little ones when they are all together, they are strong". This is the goal of the CPES, to recreate solidarity in the neighborhood to be able to fight, to be aware that collectively we are a force and to win victories and no longer let it go.
Don't you: would you like to add something?
Coralia: As everyone in the neighborhood has understood, the situation of Rachid is neither trivial nor isolated, it reminds us of the difficulties that everyone faces, and today we must fight together to do justice To the people who will no longer let themselves be done, for all those who have been crushed and could not make the blows.
Ne: Thank you, and see you very soon!
Coralia: Thanks to you, good evening.
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800 families organized by MST occupy MG estate and Codevasf area in BA in response to 'slow in land reform' - the new democracy
Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Luta Pela Terra
Description: This is the first land occupation of the MST in 2024, and occurs after a year of 2023 marked by the discrepancy between complete paralysis in the purchase of land for land reform and large investments in the government's landlord.
Link-Section: luta-pela-terra
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T18:52:13-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T03:30:13+08:00
Sections: Luta Pela Terra
Tags: Governo Lula, tomadas de terras
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T18:52:13-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg
About 800 families organized by the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) occupied a large estate in Minas Gerais and land associated with the São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Company (Codevasf) in Bahia, on March 8 and 10. In pronouncements, the peasants criticized the government for not delivering land to the peasants. This is the first land occupation of the MST in 2024, and occurs after a year of 2023 marked by the discrepancy between complete paralysis in the purchase of land for land reform and large investments in the government's landlord.
The land occupied in Minas Gerais is located in Lagoa Santa, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The 500 families who occupied the landowner state that the farm was abandoned by the owners and was unproductive.
According to a state leadership, the occupation was a response to the slowness of the government to meet the peasants' demands and occurred as "the most legitimate alternative to fight for the right to land."
Em 2023,
The government did not buy any land for land reform
despite the government's promises to set up a “land shelf”. The central justification for the lack of land delivery was the “lack of budget”, but many peasants question the explanation against the destination of values that exceed R $ 300 billion to agribusiness through low interest credits.
A request for repossession was fired in court, but denied by the judicial body. The governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema (Novo), criticized the suspension of the repossession and directed the Military Police to act in support of the alleged landowners. A clear defense of state landowners against the peasants in struggle.
About the request, the MST stated that "they could not demonstrate that they have land possession and failed to prove the productivity of the farm, which has been abandoned for almost a decade."
In Bahia, the peasants made similar requirements. There, there were about 300 families who occupied an area of Codevasf on March 10th. The peasants denounced both the lack of land and the lack of water in the region, and blamed Codevasf for the situation of precariousness.
Codevasf said the available water is offered to farmers regularly registered in the venture.
Agrarian Reform will continue to be buried
Throughout 2023, Luiz Inácio's team insisted on the impossibility of carrying out land reform with the low value left by Bolsonaro's budget. However, there was no significant difference in the budget for the Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform from 2023 to 2024: while in the budget left by Bolsonaro the total figure of the institute was R $ 2.85 billion, the one set up by Luiz Inácio dedicated R $ 2.89 billion to the agency. According to calculations by groups such as the National Confederation of Agriculture Workers (Contag), the increase of $ 400 million is far from enough. For Contag, an effective land reform policy would require at least $ 7 billion.
With such miserable elevations, it is expected that the results for 2024 do not differ much from 2023. Last year had the smallest number of settlers in all petist governments. In contrast, peasants rose in different corners of the country throughout the year in occupations to conquer the land by their own hands. It was so in important struggles like that of
Mother Bernadete camp
, no
Occupation of the lands of the Jaíba Project
, in Minas Gerais, both supported by the Poor Peasants League (LCP) and immediately transformed into productive camps, with divided and distributed land among the peasants, and in different occupations carried out by the National Fight - Campo and City Front (FNL) Red Carnival. The MST itself also occupied different land, especially to press the government.
On the other hand, landowners may expect maintenance of large investments in the sector. In February this year, the government
announced the investment of another R $ 6 billion in “BNDES Rural Credit”
. The program was created last year as a way to foster “agribusiness” through dollar loans and therefore with reduced interest rates. Precisely because of focus on the loan in the US currency, the measure focuses on the export sector, and directly benefits the ownership producing
This article was updated at 6:31 pm on March 11, with the addition of Romeu Zema's positions.
Cebraspe - Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples
Description: Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples is a democratic entity that aims to defend the right of the people to fight for their rights.
Published Time: 2024-03-12T04:39:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
800 families organized by the MST occupy landowners in MG and Codevasf area in BA in response to 'slow in land reform'.
Source: New Democracy Newspaper.
This is the first land occupation of the MST in 2024, and occurs after a year of 2023 marked by the discrepancy between complete paralysis in the purchase of land for land reform and large investments in the government's landlord.
About 800 families organized by the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) occupied a large estate in Minas Gerais and land associated with the São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Company (Codevasf) in Bahia, on March 8 and 10. In pronouncements, the peasants criticized the government for not delivering land to the peasants. This is the first land occupation of the MST in 2024, and occurs after a year of 2023 marked by the discrepancy between complete paralysis in the purchase of land for land reform and large investments in the government's landlord.
The land occupied in Minas Gerais is located in Lagoa Santa, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The 500 families who occupied the landowner state that the farm was abandoned by the owners and was unproductive.
According to a state leadership, the occupation was a response to the slowness of the government to meet the peasants' demands and occurred as "the most legitimate alternative to fight for the right to land."
Em 2023,
The Lula government did not buy any land for land reform
despite the government's promises to set up a “land shelf”. The central justification for the lack of land delivery was the “lack of budget”, but many peasants question the explanation against the destination of values that exceed R $ 300 billion to agribusiness through low interest credits.
A request for repossession was fired in court, but denied by the judicial body. About the request, the MST stated that "they could not demonstrate that they have land possession and failed to prove the productivity of the farm, which has been abandoned for almost a decade."
In Bahia, the peasants made similar requirements. There, there were about 300 families who occupied an area of Codevasf on March 10th. The peasants denounced both the lack of land and the lack of water in the region, and blamed Codevasf for the situation of precariousness.
Codevasf said the available water is offered to farmers regularly registered in the venture.
Agrarian Reform will continue to be buried
Throughout 2023, Luiz Inácio's team insisted on the impossibility of carrying out land reform with the low value left by Bolsonaro's budget. However, there was no significant difference in the budget for the Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform from 2023 to 2024: while in the budget left by Bolsonaro the total figure of the institute was R $ 2.85 billion, the one set up by Lula dedicated R $ 2 , 89 billion to the agency. According to calculations by groups such as the National Confederation of Agriculture Workers (Contag), the increase of $ 400 million is far from enough. For Contag, an effective land reform policy would require at least $ 7 billion.
With such miserable elevations, it is expected that the results for 2024 do not differ much from 2023. Last year had the smallest number of settlers in all petist governments. In contrast, peasants rose in different corners of the country throughout the year in occupations to conquer the land by their own hands. It was so in important struggles like that of
Mother Bernadete camp
, no
Occupation of the lands of the Jaíba Project
, in Minas Gerais, both supported by the Poor Peasants League (LCP) and immediately transformed into productive camps, with divided and distributed land among the peasants, and in different occupations carried out by the National Fight - Campo and City Front (FNL) Red Carnival. The MST itself also occupied different land, especially to press the government.
On the other hand, landowners may expect maintenance of large investments in the sector. In February this year, the government
announced the investment of another R $ 6 billion in “BNDES Rural Credit”
. The program was created last year as a way to foster “agribusiness” through dollar loans and therefore with reduced interest rates. Precisely because of focus on the loan in the US currency, the measure focuses on the export sector, and directly benefits the ownership producing
Cebraspe - Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples
Description: Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples is a democratic entity that aims to defend the right of the people to fight for their rights.
Published Time: 2024-03-12T04:45:00+08:00
Images: 000000.webp
Government cancels official acts in a 60th anniversary of the military coup.
Plusted before the Armed Forces Generals, President Luiz Inacio gave a direction directed to his ministries: to paralyze any and all initiative that deals with the Military-Enterprise Coup of April 1, 1964, which this year will turn 60.
Plusted before the Armed Forces Generals, President Luiz Inacio gave a direction directed to all his ministries: to paralyze any and all initiative that deals with the Military-Deputy Coup of April 1, 1964, which this year will turn 60. Official acts, solemnities, mentions of speeches by government members, publication of materials or inauguration of Mark in memory of the crimes and violations of rights that the reactionary military committed in the 21 years of the regime - everything is suspended by express orders from Lula.
Last Thursday, March 7, President Luiz Inacio met with Silvio Almeida, human rights minister, a folder that had (until then) an extensive program on the subject. The information is from Correio Braziliense.
Nor should the creation of a memory and truth museum be effective. While still at the head of the Ministry of Justice, Flávio Dino announced the initiative during an event in Chile in repudiation at the 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup.
Luiz Inacio's order is to offer an agreement with the generals who, in return, would no longer publish their “order of day” on March 31. Year after year, Armed Forces Commanders celebrate the date through the "Order," which is read in all the country's barracks.
The Federal Government had already disadvitered the recreation of the committee of politicians. And on February 27, Luiz Inácio, during an interview, said that one should not "break the story." The statement was defended by Hamilton Mourão.
It will be up to the true democrats, popular organizations and struggle movements of the Brazilian people the fundamental task of denouncing yesterday and today's coup of the military regime.
The newspaper
The New Democracy
will organize a political act on April 25 under the motto
Neither forget nor appease: condemn the blow yesterday and today!
. An excerpt from the call can be read below:
“It is urgent that progressives, genuine and revolutionary democrats undertake serious combat of coup, condemning the 60 years of the 1964 military coup and coup today. As part of combating the policy of appeasement (only one way of cowing), we demand that the Special Commission on the Dead and Missing Politicals by the shift government is reinstalled, as it is a demand from family members and of unique importance to bring to the national political debate the fascist horrors of the military regime. It is necessary to defend democratic freedoms, already so much and under permanent attacks, through urgent mobilization. ”
Our action as MFPR companions and Slai Cobas workers for the SC in the important March 8/Women's strike this year has had two realities at the center in particular.
On the one hand that of the workers,
of the workers who live a situation today heavier than loss of jobs, of enormous wage differences, of duties, of negation of even basic rights, of discrimination, of violence even in the jobs, of discharge on them of all the Work of care and domestic in the family ..., a condition of increasingly exploitation and oppression of the masters, of the government, today with the fascist Meloni, of this social system; But that in the face of all this, they struggle courageous and determinedly, they do not stop, or would like to fight ...
On the other that of Palestinian women
Which today are the symbol of the most atrocious oppression of the women of this capitalist and imperialist social system, but which transform the immense suffering, the pain, into force, in resistance and struggle.
In the flyers, posters, banners that we brought to some factories in the North, in the workplace, in the initiatives of the precarious workers of the Slai Cobas, which we spread in the events of Nudm and the Palestinians in which we participated in Milan, we brought a clear message
On the bond between women in struggle, the workers in the first place and the Palestinian women
"... both because it is the Meloni government, the masters of this country are those who build weapons above all, who are the accomplices and co -responsible for the genocide in Palestine. These monsters, as our livers of workers use their profits, Their reactionary, racist, repressive plans to prevent the freedom of us women, are the same who want to crush the Palestinian people and women. The struggle of Palestinian women, therefore, is our struggle, helps us against this putrefied system; and The struggle of us working women is also the struggle of Palestinian women, because it weakens our imperialist monsters
... "(from the flyer of 8 March).
Here is all this has been at the center of our action on this March 8 proletarian and internationalist!
First of all, we were at the Montello/Bg factory at the evening shift between 7 and 8 March,
We talked to several workers of all the reasons for the strike of women, of the need to join as workers, also treasured the struggles already made in recent years; The masters fear the unity of workers, for this reason they always try to divide them with blackmail, with pressure, repression; But we must look with confidence at the strength of the struggle of women ... In this sense, Palestinian women are a great example of the oppression that is transformed into force.
The beautiful and strong appeal of an Slai Cobas SC worker workers to the other workers and women to strike "
Because we women should not be crushed by anyone
has opened the strike of women/workers since the night of March 8th
On the morning of March 8, we went to the Beretta Salumificio factory in Trezzo. In this factory the workers by majority immigrant,
They also live a condition of increasingly exploitation and less rights, undergo discrimination and differences in treatment of masters and garments in particular if they fight, as Slai Cobas SC workers who have resisted and continued to fight do. In this factory
Some workers also suffered serious harassment from a pig chief, and courage also made complaints about it.
Spreading the flyers of the strike and speaking to the workers, also with interventions at the megaphone, at the duty, an interim immigrant worker in part
Icolare wanted to express the sharing of the reasons for the strike and the importance of the unity of workers ".
alone we are not strength and also fear of losing the job ... ";
as well as
The rightness of solidarity actions to Palestinian women and to stop the massacre of children and the genocide ...
In the same morning other flying and support actions to workers were made, for example in Milan at the National Institute of Tumors towards the nurse and OSS; While in other cities, in particular of the South such as Palermo and Taranto precarious workers of the social coops, of the nursery schools, ATA of the Slai Cobas school for the SC and students on strike were the protagonists of combative garrisons, and the connection was beautiful, Also telephone, of these initiatives of struggle with the actions of companions among the workers to the factories of the North
In the afternoon participating in the great event in Milan promoted by Nudm
which has seen more than 20 thousand demonstrators and which articulated from the square of the Central Station to the Cathedral invading the square and breaking
nally a ban for some time in place, we wanted to bring the essence and the two realities that we considered central to this March 8/strike
With the banner, the flyers, the megaponage in the procession and in particular with the intervention of an MFPR partner made by the truck that led the procession ...
Award -winning whistleblower, Mauro Cid should complicate the life of generals in a new statement - the new democracy
Author: Jaílson de Souza
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Everything points to the proof of the thesis, long raised by this podium, that those manifestations of green chickens had a professional-hard core of professional people, acting as a political party of far right and military capacity.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T19:07:21-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T05:46:57+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T19:07:21-03:00
Images: 000000.webp
Mauro Cid's new testimony, a former Bolsonaro-joint, should not bring anything that completely modifies the course of events. As it cannot lie or omit in the face of questions - since it is an official whistleblower - and may lose the benefits of
Awarded, it is certain that Cid will produce new frictions in the military crisis, more clearly revealing the role of certain characters. One of them is former Defense Minister Paulo Sérgio Nogueira.
So far, Paulo Sérgio-who is also former army commander-has been spared, according to Bolsonaro's own allies. However, it is a fact that he was on the front line of several initiatives to accident the country's institutional land in 2022, and, for example, responsible for making the “report” of the Armed Forces about such reliability of the electronic ballot boxes, in which, in which, Although there was no evidence collected from fraud, he manifested ambiguously as he burst-armed actions in the interior of the country calling for military intervention. At a meeting, this same general was caught referring to his participation in the Electoral Transparency Commission as an operation “in the lines of contact with the enemy”. Innocence is not the case of this general.
Although not the most likely, it is also possible that something else is said about the then Army Commander, General Freire Gomes. He, who presents himself as the "Santinho" of the Republic, for refusing "boarding" in the coup in "time H", is not immaculate. In December 2022, for example, former pocketmaker Ailton Barros exchanged the following messages with Mauro Cid: “There was
change in the wind
? FG [Freire Gomes]
it returned
denying the door? ”, To which Cid replied,“
It returned
… ”And Ailton replied:“ FDP ”. As it turns out, Freire Gomes was not the example of Democrat, but until the last moment he flirted, was permissive and waited until the last moment for the "stop" if he decided and he made his decision; arrived at
to change
of opinion, generating anger in the core core pockets. Perhaps that is why he kept the scammers, issued "notes" greeting the camps of "green chickens" such as "democratic" and other maneuvers more, until the last day of Bolsonaro's term. Maybe that's why it was called
by Braga Neto.
Finally, ICD will probably be asked about the exchange of messages with the Major of the Special Forces, Rafael Martins de Oliveira, in which both make transactions of values to fund “Protesters Expenses” in Brasilia. Everything points to the proof of the thesis, long raised by this podium, that those manifestations of green chickens, both in Brasilia and in the rest of the country, had an operational core of professional people, functioning as an extreme political party right and with military capacity. These people, in whom they have lost the initiative and passed on to the defensive tactical, did not disappear: follows with their opinions, mirroring and waiting for the first opportunity to put yourself again in the offensive. And there is no conciliation that can sweep this scammer threat from the map.
Dengue epidemic in Brazil: test tube for entomological warfare? – The Red Herald
Author: F.W.
Categories: Featured, The Americas
Description: In this year, 2024, the worst numbers of dengue infections in the history of Brazil have been registered.
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T21:45:00+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T06:50:00+08:00
Sections: Featured, The Americas, Brazil, Repression, English, pll_65ef7bf8c5c84
Tags: Brazil, Repression
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp
Hereby we publish a summarization of an article published
The New Democracy
In this year, 2024, the worst numbers of dengue infections in the history of Brazil have been registered. A Nova Democracia (AND) reports that in relation to the first months of the year,
“a 315% increase in relation to the year
2023 was registered. In absolute numbers that represents an increase of 165,839 cases to 688,461, which would mean almost the
alf of last year’s total cases. Among those, more than 5,000 are serous, a growth in this case of 196% in relation to the same period last year. Among confirmed and suspected deaths, we have also reached almost half of the number
in 2022, which was previously the worst in history. ”
[All quotes are unofficial translations.]
According to press monopolies, this would be due to a decrease in health agent visits during the pandemic. However, what can seem natural due to the conditions of the country, is also linked to the negligence applied by the old State towards the healthcare of the Brazilian people, especially in poor neighborhoods, and coincides with the research carried out on dengue transmitting mosquitoes and with these epidemics.
The newspaper AND explains the beginnings of the genetic editing investigations of the Dengue transmitter mosquito in Brazil:
“Research on the use of genetic
to combat the
was initiated in 2011 in Brazil by the
Yancies Single the
xitec pharmaceutical. However, it was not until 2015 that the first “
osquitos Aedes do Bem”, as they are commercially called, were released in Itaberaba and Juazeiro, in Bahia. This year, we had one of the biggest dengue
in the country
its history, which would only be surpassed by the
one of
There were more mosquitoes releases in the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 in multiple areas of Brazil. From 2022 a Japanese pharmaceutical monopoly, Takeda, is involved in mosquito release operations in Brazil. Today it produces the
vaccines, bought by the Brazilian government. In 2023, the UN World Mosquito Program was added to these operations, releasing billions of mosquitoes as a measure to control the reproduction of the dengue transmitting species,
Temples of the Egyptians.
AND points out the consequence of this new mass release:
“In 2023, the World Mosquito Program of the United Nations released its own genetically modified mosquitoes and in 2024 we will have a new record
of the epidemic
Simultaneously these large monopolies received contracts to produce and administer millions of vaccines.
Regarding the links of these monopolies and their investigations, with their use as a repressive mechanism by imperialism and the ruling classes, AND points out the relationship between the Bill Gates Foundation as one of the main investigating agents of these mosquitoes, and an agency from the Pentagon, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA):
“In 2017,
Bill Gates paid $ 1.6 million to a public relations
agency to block the moratorium proposed by the UN on the issue of genetic
safety could be established. According to emails obtained by the ETC group, Emerging AG recruited more than 65 experts, including a senior official of the Gates Foundation, an employee of the
Advanced Research Projects
(DARPA) of the Pentagon and scientists who also received financing of
to convince the UN
stop research on gene
edition until it
, in general, plays an outstanding role in
editing research
in several sectors. (…)
has also been conducting research on
of insects in crops
, without determining potential risks and under total lack of transparency.”
In conclusion, this use of genetic editing of mosquitoes would obey two uses mainly: to the increase in monopoly profits, unleashing a problem and an alleged solution to it; The creation of new tools for the low intensity war, which is of the interest of the imperialists and their lackeys for the low intensity wars against the people. The latter may have more prominence even in the case of low intensity wars against struggling peoples as is the very case of the Brazilian people, which has stood out in recent years in the growth of their protests and the struggle, especially in the countryside.
NRW, Germany: Demonstrations and action on March 8 – The Red Herald
Author: G.D.
Categories: Europe, Featured
Description: On March 8, the International Women's Struggle Day, the Red League in North Rhine-Westphalia took part in two demonstrations.
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T22:39:33+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T06:55:00+08:00
Sections: Europe, Featured, 8th of March, Germany, Women's Struggle, English, pll_65ef889ac4eb3
Tags: 8th of March, Germany, Women's Struggle
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp000001.webp000002.webp000003.webp000004.webp 000005.webp000006.webp000007.webp000008.webp
We have
previously reported
on mobilizations of the
Red Women’s Committee
in Bremerhaven and Leipzig,
. We now share a
by the Red League on demonstrations and actions in the cities of
and Essen, in
North Rhine-Westphalia
On March 8, the International Women’s Struggle Day, we as the Red League in North Rhine-Westphalia took part in two demonstrations.
In Cologne, we as the Red League participated with a relatively large, young and combative contingent in the central demonstration on March 8, in which over 1,000 demonstrators took part. The demonstration was used by the participants to carry out various actions from within the demonstration and to set off pyrotechnics. As part of the demonstration, we distributed leaflets from the Red Women’s Committees for March 8 and raised combative proletarian-feminist slogans against the double oppression of women through imperialism and patriarchy with a megaphone together with surrounding demonstrators. Many of the participants expressed their agreement that support for the struggle of the people of Palestine as a struggle against imperialism must be waged together with the struggle against patriarchy and were excited about the demonstration invitations to the Palestine demonstration in Bochum on March 22 at 6 pm at the Schauspielhaus in Bochum.
In Essen, we participated at 5 pm at Friedensplatz in the city center in a rally and short demonstration, an internationalist demonstration on March 8, in which we carried this year’s banner of the Red League NRW with the slogan “Women Combat and Resist! Out for March 8!” together with a woman with a kuffiayh holding a Red League flag. We also distributed the leaflets of the Red Women’s Committees for March 8 and the revolutionary newspaper “Rote Post” among the participants and drew attention to the upcoming demonstration of the Open-Palestine-Meeting in Bochum, which was euphorically received by many participants.
After the demonstration, we carried out a mobilization action on a pedestrian bridge in Essen-Altendorf, where we hung up banners to draw attention once again to the International Women’s Struggle Day and the demonstration of the Open Palestine Meeting in Bochum.
Featured image: Hundreds of women marched in Zurich, Switzerland on the 9
of March on the occasion of IWWD. Source: AGEB
The Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB)
on massive celebrations in many cities in Europe on the 8
and 9
of March. AGEB, the Purple-Red Collective ATİGF, İTİF and Partizan activists took part in 8
of March activities in Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Ulm in Germany, Vienna, Linz, Neunkirchen and Innsbruck in Austria, Zurich in Switzerland, Liège in Belgium, Paris and Reims in France and Athens in Greece. With flags and banners they shouted slogans on the streets to keep the spirit of struggle of the 8
of March.
On the occasion of the International Working Women’s Day a march took place in
Zurich, Switzerland
on the 9
of March. Hundreds of women, including the Purple-Red Collective and Partizan, participated in the march.
During the march, militants of the TKP/ML covered the walls of Zurich with graffiti saying “TKP/ML TIKKO” and “From Meral to Asmin the Fight Continues!”.
Graffiti by TKP/ML militants in Zurich, Switzerland. Source: AGEB
At the end of the demonstration an F-16 model plane was set on fire to protest attacks by the Turkish army.
F-16 model plane was set on fire at IWWD march in Zurich, Switzerland. Source: AGEB
During the whole march the police applied intense blockade, harassment and provocation. After the march two women from the Purple-Red Collective was stopped in the middle of the street and subjected to police violence. One of the women was beaten and detained, while the other woman was stopped and beaten for a long time. The people nearby protested with slogans. The detained woman is reported to have been taken to the police station and later released.
Stuttgart, Germany
, Partizan and the Purple-Red Collective participated in a demonstration on the 8
of March. Around two thousand people gathered in the demonstration.
Demonstration on the 8
of March in Stuttgart, Germany. Source: AGEB
Thousands of people participated in the 8
of March march in
Nuremberg, Germany
. The march was called for by the Nuremberg 8
of March Platform, which the Purple-Red Collective is a part of. The Purple-Red Collective also distributed leaflets in German and Turkish during the event.
Demonstration on the 8
of March in Nuremberg, Germany. Source: AGEB
Ulm, Germany
, a rally was held on the 8
of March by women’s organizations, including the Purple-Red Collective, with a banner with the slogan “Against fascism, environmental massacre, wars, exploitation and oppression against women!”.
Rally on the 8
of March in Ulm, Germany. Source: AGEB
Thousands of people celebrated the International Working Women’s Day in
Innsbruck, Austria
, on the 8
of March. The day started with stands, workshops, and speeches, before a march started in the afternoon. The Purple-Red Collective took an active role in the event.
The Purple-Red Collective at the 8
Of March event in innsbruck, austria. Source: Ageb
Neunkirchen, Austria
, the Workers’ Youth Cultural Center and the Purple-Red Collective organized an event on the 8
of March with around 150 participants. The event started with an opening speech, before a screening of a movie on the history of women’s struggle, and ended with cultural performances.
Event on the 8
of March in Neunkirchen, Austria. Source: Ageb
A massive and enthusiastic march was held in
Linz, Austria
, on the International Working Women’s Day, the 8
of March. ATİGF and the Purple-Red Collective participated in the event.
IWWD march on the 8
of March in Linz, Austria. Source: AGEB
Vienna, Austria
, around 7,000 people gathered in a march on the International Working Women’s Day. The Purple-Red Collective, ATİGF and Partizan participated together with organizations and individuals from Latin America to Asia, and from Palestine to Europe.
IWWD march on the 8
of March in Vienna, Austria. Source: AGEB
marches took place in several cities together with a women’s strike on the 8
of March. Around 30.000 people took part in the women’s strike in 12 cities. In the city of
there was a march with over a thousand participants. The march was called for by the Women’s Platform, which the Purple-Red Collective is a part of.
March in Liège, Belgium, on the 8
of March. Source: AGEB
Paris, France
, a large march took place on the International Working Women’s Day, the 8
of March. Supporters of Partizan took part in the march together with French women’s organizations and immigrant organizations.
IWWD March in Paris, France. Source: AGEB
Reims, France
, a march and rally was held in the 8
of March. Supporters of the Purple-Red Collective took part in the action and a speech was held on behalf of the Purple-Red Collective.
March and rally on the 8
of March in Reims, France. Source: AGEB
Tens of thousands of people took part in the 8
of March protest in
Athens, Greece
. The KKE(ml), the TKP/ML and Patrizan participated in the protests which also gathered university students from many Greek cities. The crowd protested in front of the entrance of the Parliament against a bill for the opening of private universities. The protest was attacked by the police, and the masses responded with resistance.
Protest on the 8
of March in Athens, Greece. Source: AGEB
UMM Saad - The portrait of the Palestinian mother's heroism
Description: MFP is a vanguard organization and masses of women of the people.
Labels: Heróis do Povo
Published Time: 2024-03-12T09:57:00+08:00
Images: 000000.base64000001.base64
Palestinian woman faces a Zionist soldier during protest, Sep/2015.
This woman generates her children and they saw Fedayin. She gives birth
And Palestine takes. ”
We recommend reading
Umm supply
by Ghassan Kanafani,
Palestinian revolutionary, co -founder of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, murdered by the Mossad¹
in 1972. Kanafani wrote novels, plays, short stories and
Political essays. The 1st edition of the original in Arabic was
published in 1969. in Portuguese we can find in
Publication of the publisher Tabla.
Umm supply
We come across a beautiful representative history
millions of Palestinian women who in the resistance war
national of their people do not lose optimism and deposit in the new
generations the unshakable faith in victory, in the trinfo, the freedom of the
Ghassan Kanafani Book Cover, Tabla Publisher
The narrator of this prose presents
Umm supply
As a real woman, cousin
your. When presenting the kinship, it points out that this is not the reason
To tell your story but the cause that unites a nation
vilified and outstretched people. The relationships that develop and
strengthen around this design are the most valuable and grand
than any kinship bond.
Umm supply
It's the mother's allegory
Palestine, from the vigor and fortress of the women of a people who never
folds and that loves children as much as the colonizers of
Every time, like today, the Zionist bandits.
Already in the presentation, the author extols the role of the masses in history
“We learn from them and teach them”, in a clear reference to
more advanced experiences of revolutions around the world,
particularly directed by the communists.
Umm supply
It is originally
of a rural community and, after Nakba (catastrophe),
Live in a refugee camp outside Palestinian territory. O
narrator, when describing the character, states that “after the people
Palestinian pay dearly for the defeats he suffered ”, shrunken,“ as
Folded Flags ”sees this vigorous woman emerge“ as something
that sprouted from the womb of the earth, ”“ walked haughty, as if it were
a flag raised by invisible arms. ” The greatness of
character of the Palestinian mother, who does not doubt the future of her people,
that affirms the coming victories is a demonstration of superiority
morality of all the Palestinian people.
Expression of this confidence in the future is like, in the little things,
Despite all the difficulties guarantees that the new will arise, such as a
Dry branch, apparently lifeless, will come a vineyard. Conviction
In the new, in the future, inductability of victory. Another element of
ideological strength that is due from this confidence, is persistence,
not admitting that your peers give up, fights, to make the
little by little, to plant the seed and take care of it patiently because
It will generate fruits, as is the earth, as is the Palestinian mother.
In the struggle between the anguish of being away from his son, of feeling that he
It is already a human being who no longer depends on the mother and the pride of
see him become a guerrilla for the liberation of the nation, which
prevails is the joy to see your child a
see your dreams come true in the actions of the son, demonstrating a
inexhaustible faith in the future of its people. She knows that her son's place
It is not “under its wings”, but in the struggle for the liberation of
nation. This reminds us of the great Lenin when, when referring to
with revolutionary optimism that the proletariat wants to have children,
states that this optimism comes from the certainty that “we fight better than
Our parents and children will fight better than us. ”
The mother's pride is even greater in the face of the posture of the son who does not
surrender, does not sell, does not capitulate the fight, or in the face of prison
and death. The Palestinian mother wages fights with those who falter and
denounces that life is a prison if there is no struggle, that freedom
It is in persistence in fighting.
The son Saad finds his mother, even distant, in the combat fields.
The Palestinian mother finds her children wherever she is and her children
They find their mothers everywhere. It is one of the greatest examples of
exercise of social maternity, how class struggle promotes the
that is most beautiful in the human being, expression of the collectivity,
feeling of unique cause of the class, contrary to every feeling
selfish and individualistic of exclusively individual relations.
Other ideological elements that arise in the narrative is the
identification, by the Palestinian mother, of the traitors of the cause
of liberation with combating all capitulation. Your head is
a combatant of the revolutionary cause, learned to delete the
traces not to allow combatants to fall into the hands of the
enemy. In addition, class identity, solidarity with
Other mothers are present in the work. To the
Umm supply
the marks of
cuts and wounds of war are healing with work and struggle, not
They erase, if not forge, make the Palestinians stronger.
The defense of armed struggle as the only hope so that one day they can
Returning to Palestine is present throughout the narrative. Like this
, her husband is enthusiastic to see the rifle in the hands of his children,
training for the war, for the resumption of their lands, rekindling
The will to live for the hope of returning home.
The elements of this beautiful soap opera are present in the battles of
today. The strength and vigor of the Palestinian mother, sustained in hatred against
The Zionists who murder their children daily are indestructible.
Palestinian mothers will continue to provide
as your duty
before the Palestinian National Resistance, they will follow
in those guerrilla lands that will accumulate forge and experience
to destroy the imperialists, especially the ianques and their
Sionistas Lacaios departs by the part. Thus sprouting liberation
Palestinian national, the result of the indomitable war of resistance.
Long live the Palestinian mothers!
Long live the Palestinian children!
Long live the Palestinian National Resistance!
Palestine resists, Palestine will triumph!
1 - Mossad
- Secrets of the Zionist State of Israel.
2 - Fedayin
- Each of the Palestinian militants who resist fighting in
guerrillas. Guerrilla.
A demonstration was held in Thessaloniki on Sunday 10/3 with great mass mass to report the attack that two trans people received from a furious mob on Saturday night in a central part of the city. Despite the extraordinary character of the call, the concentration called at 7:00 in Aristotelous Square by feminist collectives, was quickly massaged with the presence of students and New World. The demonstration crossed Nike Avenue, climbed from Angelakis to Egnatia and ended in St. Venizelou. The KKE (M-L) participated in the call by sharing the complaint it brought about the attack.
The presence of the police was provocative throughout the demonstration, and there were teams of right -wingers who attempted to approach and attack the rally.
We publish this unofficial translation of a statement published on
New democracy
First of all, the fact that revolutionary democratic movements put elections at the center of discussions in these times is one of the most obvious weaknesses of recent times. The election-centered discussion of the fundamental problems of the revolution essentially points to the hegemony of elections serving the ruling classes.
As we have emphasized before, and as an opinion we should pay special attention to during this period, all choices, whether general or local, will largely unite the masses with the reactionary order; The rulers use the masses as filling material in their mutual power struggle; To hide disorganization and judge the people of lack of will by reducing popular administration to only choosing administrators and thus facilitating ideological hegemony of the people; Let's repeat that it serves to stifle the tendency to act with anger and reaction against the rulers for the sake of reform.
From the past to the present, the revolutionary movement has assessed the election processes' politicizing function as a means of organizing by using legal opportunities. These processes are processes that provide important opportunities for agitation propaganda, which is a means of organizing the people in the ranks of the revolution. Therefore, it is not possible for revolutionaries to stay indifferent to these processes. In these processes, it is almost a necessity to determine a specific policy, to determine the reflections of the general line and the principles, to talk to his own words to the politicized masses and to explain the purpose and the way. To neglect and underestimate this ultimately means denying the role of masses in revolutions. For the revolution, the masses must be informed about the revolution. The main task of the electoral processes is to achieve this. The important thing is to bring the consciousness of the revolution to the masses, expand the possibilities of fighting the system and mobilize them to political power.
Therefore, no one in the public would even discuss the reality of the Communists' general assessment of the elections, let alone accept it. Almost everyone knows that elections in Turkey only serve to determine which clique of the ruling class will govern the 'national' parliament or the municipal council in particular. Although we know that these assemblies are unlikely to change order and realize the interests of the people, the public is prevented from having the income that these assemblies provide and using the funding and various opportunities that exist there. This is the main feature of parliamentary and local elections...
Elections on this basis are based on deciding who should be in the administrations whose boundaries are determined by reactionary laws to comply with this order. It turns into an approval of the fascist order every time. It cannot be the attitude of the revolutionary movement to decide who the masses should prefer in the ongoing struggle for the same reactionary goals between the dominant clicks. Wherever it turns into this, our basic attitude should and will be to protest against the election and remain indifferent to this decision.
Increased number of attacks
Under the total attack that has continued since 2015, the bourgeois-feudal dictatorship now considers its fascist laws and even its constitution as a limiting factor. Intensive reactionism, which is particularly hostile to the Kurds everywhere and in every position, acts as an aggressive force in the region, including Iraq and Syria, and tries to strangle even the slightest requirement for rights in the country, has become a stable line. For us, this is an obligation to "show the origin". It is not a deviation from the Republic that some people think, but it is: the state almost without mask.
Local elections take place in such a political climate. The administrator's cane is used with experience and open threat. Elections that do not take place in a democratic environment are organized within the established rules with the approach that the resulting will will be unsurposed.
The fascist dictatorship, with all its power, organizes these choices with a strong chauvinist campaign. The masses are surrounded, poisoned and shaped by political arguments such as hostility towards Kurds, "terrorism," nationality and localism "and hostility to false imperialism. In this image, all the chauvinist reflections caused by the disorganization of the surrounded people also strengthen the social chauvinist approaches. Social chauvinist trends gain influence among the masses against the AKP-MHP click, and the opposition, but chauvinist parties, are seen as the least evil in this election.
Reformism emerges in front of us with a political formation that is far from understanding the political nature of the process and seizing the real problems of the people.
The main problem for the masses, who are literally trapped under hunger, poverty and fascist oppression, is how they can handle daily life, rather than who should rule. The election and the debate over which party will prevail is a debate that the rulers are trying to create. The masses' expectation is never salvation. "No one" alternative is stronger, but the prerequisite for this alternative to become a material power is weak. After each election, stronger economic and political attacks are carried out by the fascist dictatorship. The needs of the masses are to reach the root of the contradictions, to expand their rights through independent action by elaborating on these contradictions and to enter a battle that will challenge the rulers. Choices, on the other hand, lead to the pacification of stricter contradictions, hinder the masses' quest for independent action and serves to elaborate the disorganization.
The will of the people against the election game
We once again urge all revolutionary forces to honor Partizan's mission and history in connection with the soil of the name 'Partizan' because of the opportunism and insidious existence of the well -known group. Partizan has an established line and principles that are understood by all revolutionary elements. Those deprived of these also lack the ability to represent it…
We will act in the awareness that electoral relations and alliances that do not involve the organization and struggle of the people, negotiations based on winning mandates and consolidation of legalism by aiming at legal areas that should be tools are dangerous and leading to hindrance to the people's Fight for liberation.
Hug the election game that suppresses
Don't put your hope to the electoral clock!
Do not give mandate to chauvinism and social chauvinism!
Travel it
Invitation to Solidarity with Ecevit Piroğlu
19th of February
We publish an unofficial translation of the article that was published at
European News Center
Ecevit Piroğlu has begun to hunger strike again to protest the illegal behavior of the Serbian state.
Ecevit Piroğlu, arrested in Serbia on June 1, 2022, hunger strike for 136 days last year due to Turkey's extradition request, and the extradition decision was stopped with great international solidarity.
Piroğlu, which was released on January 12, 2024, was arrested again by the Serbian immigration police, who waited in front of the prison and led to another prison -like extradition camp.
Ecevit Piroğlu, who did not accept this illegal practice, once again began to hunger for his freedom.
Freedom of Ecevit Piroğlu
Holds a press conference to condemn the Serbian State's illegalities, raise revolutionary solidarity with Ecevit Piroğlu, which has been detained in Serbia for 32 months, and make people aware of it.
All sensitive groups and the press are invited to the press conference, which takes place today at. 14.00 at Aveg-Kon's Cologne Office.
, that many people were detained in house transitions in Izmir and Istanbul in the morning yesterday, the
February. Some people are reported to have been tortured by police while being detained.
The detainees have been denied access to lawyers. "Funding a terrorist organization" has been mentioned as the cause of the detention.
The Partizan Reader İBrahim Hakkı er was among those arrested. During the Razzia, specialized violence used violence against people in his house. Written material such as newspapers and books were confiscated.
The house, where members of the music group ̇syan Ateşi (fire of the rebellion) live, were also searched. Police broke up the door to the house and confiscated several books.
The DİSK members, Tijda Kılıç, Şerife Alpözü and Mahir Kılıç, were also detained.
There were also house transitions against members of the Socialist Party (ESP) and the Association of Socialist Assemblies (SMF). Several members of ESP and SMF were detained.
New democracy
Today, the detention period for the detention in Istanbul has been extended by another day.
Three arrested after house transitions
February 27 - March 1
Sıtkı Güngör, Arzu Aksakal Og Metin Keleş Blev Anholdt EFTER HUSLANSAGNINGER i İzmir Og Istanbul 27. Februar. Clay:
New democracy
New democracy
today that three of the 15 people who were detained during
the house transitions in Izmir and Istanbul
On February 27, has been arrested. Among the arrested are the Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal. One of the arrests was released under house arrest while the rest was released.
The revolutionary Democrats are charged with "membership of a terrorist organization" as well as "financing a terrorist organization", based on the accused having transferred money to people, such as their family members, as the old state claims are terrorists.
There have been protests against the detentions in Switzerland and England.
On February 29, a protest was held in
To demand the release of those detained during torture when their home was searched. Many people participated in the demonstration, which was organized by several Turkish and Kurdish organizations. Slogans such as "Stop Fascist attacks in Turkey", "down with fascism" and "freedom of political prisoners" were often shouted throughout the demonstration.
Protests in London, England, against house transitions and detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source:
On February 29, a protest was also held in
in Switzerland against the detention. The protesters had banners with the slogans "oppression, detention and arrests cannot scare us", "shoulder to shoulder against fascism", "release the detainees" and "the detention attack of fascism cannot prevent our struggle."
Protests in Zurich, Switzerland, Against House Releases and Detentions in Izmir and Istanbul. Source:
On March 1, a solidarity action was held in
, Switzerland, under the banner "Do you know that the Turkish state is killing political prisoners?". Slogans such as "Revolutionary Prisoners are our honor" and "Freedom of political prisoners" were shouted in German and Turkish.
Solidarity action with revolutionary prisoners in Basel, Switzerland, the
March. Source:
Torture of prisoners during transfer: hands and feet tied
February 29th
Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the article in
New democracy
It is reported that four prisoners were transferred from Denizli to Samsun with blindfolds and with hands and feet tied and tortured along the way.
4 prisoners from T-Type prison in Denizli were transferred to S-Type High Safety Prison in Samsun on February 22. It is claimed that 4 prisoners were tortured during the transfer.
Halil Muratoğlus sister, Ayşegül Muratoğlu, said her brother and other prisoners were tortured during the transfer.
Ayşegül Muratoğlu told what happened after a telephone conversation with her brother, explaining that the detainees were subjected to physical and mental violence along the way.
Muratoğlu said his brother felt severe pain in the ribs and stomachs as a result of the violence he was exposed to, demanding that those responsible be held accountable.
March belongs to those who fight for their rights, and not those who wait for their rights!
On March 8 this year, we women will again listen to the claims of the imperialist system and the reactionary male -dominated culture that great progress has been made to 'women's rights'. On the occasion of March 8, it will again be expressed on television, in parliaments, in seats, in stands and on international platforms, that women's freedoms from working life to social life and fundamental rights have been expanded and must be expanded. On March 8, they will celebrate "International Women's Day" with greater "enthusiasm" than we do, and they will keep talking about women's rights.
On the one hand, they will tell us the lie of how great progress they have made with regard to women's rights, and on the other, they will hide the historical significance, the content and the essence of March 8. They will hide the class structure of the women's struggle for rights and freedom and pretend that it was those who gave women their rights.
But we know what the truth is. On March 8, 1857, the bloody story of a strike is organized by 40,000 working women in New York to demand "an abbreviation of the 16-hour working day for 10 hours and equal pay for equal work." During the strike, thousands of workers were locked inside at the factory of the police with the support of the bosses, and 129 striking workers died in the ensuing flames. At the International Socialist Women's Conference in 1910, on March 8, on the proposal of Clara Zetkin, the working women's international match day, dedicated to the memory of the murdered strikers.
The reality of the imperialist citizenship and all reactionary forces talking about women's rights by hiding March 8's class character that is ours is a completely different one. In dozens of semi -feudal, semi -colonial countries like Turkey, even our most basic rights are an oasis in the desert. The exercise of many fundamental rights such as the right to life, inviolability, freedom and security, establishment and travel freedom, freedom of thought and expression, financial freedom, the right to work and divorce and the right to engage in politics are rights that are both difficult, And when we see them, we women are murdered, subjected to violence, isolated and subjected to social pressure. In Turkey alone, 52 women were murdered for various reasons in January 2024. In countries such as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the countries of the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Turkey are brutal violence and murder of women on the agenda.
The imperialists who are the enemies of the people and the working women can never hide their true face in the wars they are leading or provoking. In Palestine, the Zionist Israeli war machine performs a massacre that does not distinguish between children, women and the elderly. Women are the weak link in this cruelty. On the one hand, they are massacred with a merciless blockade, on the other, they are treated as "oppressed" objects in attempts at a ceasefire. To downplay the Palestinian resistance, the imperialists once again develop psychological warfare over women's bodies. In the figure with the "barbaric Palestinians", the women's problem is hypocritically used as a lever.
The imperialist system of its overdue capital, its degenerate culture, its hypocritical democracy, its structure, whose other characteristic is war, is the production center of all forms of reaction that reverberates women's rights and freedom and draws us into a vertebrae of male -dominated violence . Their alliances with the feudal forces of their semi -colonies are misogyne. The chauvinism, build -up and war policy that they promote in their own countries is also culturally based on male supremacy and nourishes misogyni. The honey they lubricate our mouths means that we are happy with what is available and accepts our fate. Which in turn would mean that we accept their utilizing, blood -sucking, women's hostile system, including male supremacy.
We will not accept it. We will not submit to. We will not give way back from our fight.
We will not settle for limited, symbolic rights. There will be no release of working women as long as the source of exploitation, violence, poverty, aggression and unfair wars does not dry out. We will fight our struggle with the awareness of complete liberation, not less. We will not lead our struggle with a liberal spirit, but with a revolutionary spirit.
Therefore, March 8 is neither a simple "Women's Day" nor an instrument of capitalist consumer culture.
8th March;
-… is a call for battle against unfair imperialist wars.
-… is a call for rebellion against the diverse exploitation and oppression of female workers.
-… is a call to expand women's revolutionary organization and struggle in this process, where the exploitation is increased and 'slave laws' are introduced.
-… is a call to fight all kinds of patriarchal culture, religious reaction and all forms of discrimination.
– ... is a call to organize against state violence against communist, revolutionary and progressive women in dungeons, prisons and on the streets.
As purple-red collectives, we will meet on March 8, working women's international match day, on streets and squares with all our enthusiasm, challenge
frustration and despair
, smash women's hatred, oppose imperialist plundering and exploitation and never let us chase of fascism and feudalism.
March, World Works Women Day!
Stop sexual, national and classic exploitation!
No to imperialist warfare, exploitation and parasitism!
Purple-red collective
MARTS 2024
Activities and inventory for March 8
2. marts
Mobilization in March to it
Working women
s I
day, Istanbul,
March. Source:
New democracy
The new democratic women (Yeni Democracy Kadın - Ydk) in Istanbul have carried out several activities in connection with the working women's international match day. Ydk will walk on the street with the slogan »
Liberation is not in the male -dominated order it is in our hands
On March 8 this year.
YDK has encouraged women to join them on March 8 by
hand out
Dazibaos and leaflets in poor neighborhoods. Burning problems for women have also been taken up in studies in nine different neighborhoods.
Image collage of different activities the
March performed by Ydk. Source:
New democracy
Bahçelievler, Şirinevler, Okmeydanı, Sarıgazi and Çekmeköy with our wall newspapers and papers, we reiterated our calls for March 8.
On March 3rd
Thousands of women
In the square in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul and marched through the streets under the slogan "Fight against poverty, violence, exploitation and war". Several women's organizations participated in the march, including YDK. Slogans like »8. March is red, it will remain red 'and slogans in honor of revolutionary prisoners were shouted.
A demand for the release of newly imprisoned political prisoners, including the Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal, was raised with the slogan "Let the dungeons be destroyed, freedom of the prisoners". The government's crimes associated with the landscape in 2023 were often condemned. Photographs of women murdered or disappeared during the earthquake, as well as women murdered as a result of patriarchal violence were carried around. The women's struggle in the workplace and the universities were also taken up, just as solidarity with those suffering from war and occupation around the world, and support for the Saturday mothers' struggle, which has required to know what has happened to those who are disappeared in the custody of the old Turkish state.
Mobilisation in March for the
Working Women's in
ag, Istanbul, March 3. Source:
New democracy
We also share an unofficial translation of a statement from YDK:
The burden of the world on our shoulders, the weaving workers in our memory, the struggle for freedom in our consciousness…
On March 8, 1857, 40,000 female weavers went on strike in New York, USA to demand "equal pay for equal work." In the fire that broke out under the strike, 129 female workers who were locked inside the factory lost their lives.
The 1850s were the years when the labor movement was on the rise in the United States. Industrial workers worked under unusually difficult conditions. Women led into the working class of the period and went on strike to demand a reduction of the 16-hour work day to 10 hours, correction of inhuman working conditions, an increase in wages and equal rights for female workers.
Following this event, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, leaders of the Social Democratic Party in Germany, suggested at the Women of the Women in the 2nd International (International Socialist Women The proposal was accepted.
Since then, women have fought for the demands made by the murdered weavers.
The women continued to be inspired by this resistance story and walked the streets every 8 March despite all the pressure, the difficult conditions and the prohibitions. Throughout the world, women have fought and fight for their invisible, ignored and underpaid work. As in other countries, women in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East on the streets are shouting their demands into the streets.
Today, women are sentenced to more poverty, which has been revealed by the deep economic crisis on a global scale, and they are slaughtered by the wars going on around the world. The paths of migration become the paths of death for women. If they are not on the roads, they are subjected to abuse such as harassment and rape beyond poverty where they live and they are killed in their homes, in the workplace and on the street as a result of men's violence.
Today, the fascist AKP-MHP block, which represents the patriarchal state, is attacking constant women's claimed rights. These attacks have become even more ruthless following the cancellation of the Istanbul Convention, which was signed with the rising wave of women's struggle and rebellion. Women who are fighting for their rights are also exposed to all forms of violence by the patriarchal state.
In this geography, as in Palestine and Rojava, poor people, mostly, become women and LGBTI+'are massacred in the wars that the imperialist capitalist system leads in search of markets.
On the other hand, the patriarchal state and its representatives AKP-MHP's obvious massacre on workers and nature in Erzincan ̇liç will create serious problems in the region in the coming years. This massacre will put a new and heavy workload on the women's shoulders. Already today, women are concerned about their future in the region and wonder what they can do to ensure a healthier future for their children.
We saw a similar situation when the Maraş earthquake developed on February 6 into a massacre of hundreds of thousands of people. Women were forced to carry very heavy burdens to survive, and they are still trying to survive in the earthquake zone by carrying burdens that become exponentially heavier.
In the wars caused by the rulers, the burden is laid by the poor people, the burden of the massacre of nature and all living things through organic massacres, the burden of the massacre of people, nature and living things in the region through the earthquake, and the burden of poverty caused of the economic crisis also on the women's shoulders. Just as their work in the home is ignored, the value of the labor they create in workplaces and factories decreases day by day.
Long live 8 March, long live women's solidarity!
New democratic woman
IKP (Maoists) continues to develop the People's War
In recent weeks, there have been several actions carried out by the Indian Maoist Guerilla, which took place within the framework of the People's War led by India's Communist Party (Maoists) - IKP (Maoists). All of these actions we report on have been carried out in the state of Chhattisgarh, a Maoist stronghold. During the month of February
About other actions.
During the month of February, two paramilitary have been killed and another has been injured in actions that the Maoists have allegedly performed in the Bijapur district.
11. f
turning an initial order
a paramilitary soldier was wounded after activating an improvised explosive charge (IED).
became a commander of the paramilitary forces allegedly the assault and killed with an ax only 200 meters from the camp where the troops are located.
Then 25. Fin.
turning an initial order
was another paramilitary killed after activating an IED.
In the first week of March, there were two other victims of the old Indian state: On March 1, a leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was eliminated after he
had been assaulted with sharp weapons in the Bijapur district. Over the past year, seven BJP leaders have been eliminated under similar circumstances in Chhattisgarh.
In the Chancellor district, an officer of the paramilitary bastar warriors was killed in an exchange of gunfire with Maoist guerrillas in which a Maoist guerrilla was allegedly killed. But as for the Maoist losses, the figures from the old Indian state are being questioned today. In the Chhattisgarh district, the oppression of the Indian people has worsened, and there have been several reports of new false links between alleged Maoists and the oppression forces of the old Indian state. Villagers in the district point out that the alleged loss of Maoists that the Indian oppression forces have achieved are false,
and that they are victims of
. In this case, three villagers were killed by the King police, who claimed that the murdered villagers were Maoists, but the victims' families have denied it.
As we have reported, democratic rights organizations condemn this type of oppressive practice, such as
), and they condemn that these are common cases in Chhattisgarh. These Encounters are nothing but secret murder of innocent civilians in areas where the Maoists are strongly present. In this way, it is possible to continue to terrorize the population, try to cut their relations with the Maoists and increase the official figures for guerrilla loss that the ancient Indian state gives up.
More armed clashes in multiple districts in manipur
February 16
The municipality's building in Churachandpur burned down by the locals. Source: NDTV.
In the past week, the situation has become very tense in Manipur. Armed clashes have been erupted in several districts at the same time, and there have also been several looting of weapons and mobilizations of different types.
Tuesday night it was reported that a group of people in Imphal East plundered
the weapons of 5. Indian reserve battalion
and got hold of about 200 weapons and 20,000 cartridges. There was also a shooting episode with the local forces where a soldier was killed and three others wounded. After this operation, the total number of looted weapons that have not been explained is around 4,000. Among the weapons looted on this occasion, there were military weapons, such as attack rifles such as Insas, AK, etc.
After this looting, the conflict broke out in
, where on Thursday night there were two dead and dozens of wounded when people marched against the police station. The protesters condemned that a local police officer from Kuki has been fired to cooperate with armed groups, but when the same thing happened with Meitei agents, nothing happened. The protesters have pointed out the local oppression forces' cooperation with the Meitei militia. The protest was severely suppressed, and the inhabitants of Churachandpur have recorded how the Indian oppression forces attacked mobilization as if they were in a war zone, shooting with deadly ammunition and used explosives against the protesters.
Following the vigorous oppression of the Indian troops, the protesters rightly attacked several of the oppressive forces' buildings, and several state buses were burned. After the violence, a total shutdown of the city's services and business was called on Friday, February 16. The conflict has continued and the forum for original tribal leaders (Indigenous Tribal Leaders Forum (ITLF)) calls on
to a general strike in all state services in the city
As a protest against the ancient Indian state.
And Sunnu and Coching-Distrouste
is an agent from the border security guard
been injured
in a shootout. The officer who reported on the incidents also said there have been repeated armed attacks in Sugnu over the past three days, showing increasing instability in the area. Last Wednesday, there was another shootout between several armed groups.
Map of the Districts in Manipur. Source: Mapsofindia website.
When the old Indian state announces that it has pacified the situation or that "it has returned to normal," the conflict breaks out in many other places. The reality is that Manipur has not been pacified and will not be so far. The situation is still not under control despite the large number of troops that are posted there, namely
. Even the Prime Minister of Manipur, N. Biren Singh, constantly urges the state's oppressive forces to act more determined. But since May, all this has been inadequate to stop the protests and the righteous struggle of the people in Manipur.
Graffiti to support the new democratic revolution
19th of February
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following article from
Red Herald
We have received reports of political graffiti in the capital of India, New Delhi, in support of
Y Democratic Revolution and with demands for the release of revolutionary political prisoners associated with it.
The comrades who sent us this information wrote the following: In February 2024, a large -scale wall writing appeared in Delhi in support of the new Democratic Revolution in India. Delhi, the capital of the ancient Indian state and the center of the white power, is the stronghold of the ruling Comador-bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the landlord classes. Even in the stomach of the beast and the center of the reaction, the sparkle of the new democratic revolution continues in symphony with the People's War in the countryside, even in times of the utmost reactionary violence against the masses, led by the Brahmanian Hindutva fascism in the ancient Indian state.
Wall script near Delhi University in support of the new democratic revolution.
Wall script near Vishwavidyalaya Metro Station to support the new democratic revolution.
Another wall writing near the subway to support the new democratic revolution.
Wall script near Delhi University in support of the new democratic revolution.
Wall script with requirements for release of Dr. G.N. Saibaba, professor at the University of Delhi and Deputy Secretary of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), a unit front of various organizations banned by the Indian state under indictment of being a front organization for India's Communist Party (Maoists). He was at the forefront of the democratic campaign that opposed Operation Green Hunting. Dr. Saibaba is 94% physically disabled and is still imprisoned even after he was acquitted by the Bombay Lands Court.
Wall writing with requirements for release of pramod Mishra and Hem Mishra. Pramod Mishra is a member of the Politbureau and the Central Committee of India's Communist Party (Maoists). He was a former member of the former Maoist Communist Center in India (
red. –
Maoist Communist Center of India (MCCI)) and led extensive land battles in the state of Bihar after McCI leader com. Kanhai Chatterjee. Mishra was responsible for Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, after McCi merged with IKP ML (People's War) and formed IKP (Maoists) in 2004. Even the Yankee Imperialists noticed him during this period and mentioned him in their land reports about terrorism in 2006. He was arrested by the Indian state in 2008 but was acquitted and released in 2017. He was arrested again in August 2023. Hem Mishra, who studied Chinese at Jawaharlal Nehru University, was a popular cultural activist in Revolutionary Cultural Front (
red. –
Revolutionary Cultural Front (RCF)) in Delhi. His activism raised awareness of the Indian state's genocide war against people in Bastar, especially against the Adivasi farmers, the imperialist plunder of India's natural resources and the semi-feudal violence that prevails in Indian society. He was arrested in 2013 accused of being "courier" for the Maoists and is still imprisoned.
Masonry in Delhi with a requirement for the release of SanJoy Deepak Rao, Member of IKP (Maoister) S Central Committee and Secretary of Western Ghat's Zonal Committee. RAO was a member of the Central Review Committee, IKP (Marxister-Lenininists) (RAUF) and later formed IKP-ML (Naxal Bari) in 1999 together with leaders such as K. Murali (Ajith). This group merged with IKP (Maoists) in 2014 and brought RAO into CC. Rao worked carefully in both urban and rural areas to intensify the long-standing People's War. He was arrested in September 2023.
Wall script with requirements for release of Sheela Marandi, Member of IKP (Maoister) S Central Committee. She worked to intensify, organize and consolidate the role of women in the new democratic struggle against the Indian state, against Brahmanian patriarchy, feudalism and imperialism. She was first arrested in 2006 in Odisha, but was acquitted in 2016. She was arrested again in November 2021.
Wall script that supports the people's militant struggles against the old Indian state.
Wall Scripture Against the Old Indian State's counter-revolutionary Operation Samadhan-Prahar, which was initiated in 2017 against IKP (Maoists) and People's Liberation Guerilla army (
red. –
People's Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), which also oversaw the policy of genocide against the Adivasi peasants in India's resource-rich regions. The counterrevolutionary operation grew into the Surajkund Offensive in 2022 after the old Indian state decided to intensify its Chiang Kai-shek-style encirclement campaign against the guerrilla zone. Like the previous Operation Green Hunt, SAMADHAN-Prahar and the Surajkund offensive will be defeated by the Indian masses and their vanguard, the Communist Party of India (Maoists), under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
'Black Day', more clashes between peasants and the old state
21st of February
Farmers burn depictions of Modi, Amit Shah and Haryana's chief minister. Source: Varun Gulati.
On Wednesday, February 21, the farmer Shubh Karam Singh, who protested with thousands of other peasants, was shot by the reactionary Indian police in the Jind district of Haryana.
No agent has been placed to
For this, and Punjab's main minister, Bhagwant Mann, shamefully tried to buy the family and peasants by announcing that he will give them compensation of 10 million rupees, equivalent to $ 120,000. At the same time, the Indian police declared that the cause of death would only be known after the autopsy, and thus they avoided any fault themselves.
The cowardly murder of Shubh Karam Singh is not an isolated case, but the oppression of the old Indian state has been very harsh since the beginning of the protests. The use of tear gas, concrete barricades that protect the country's capital, and heavy police attacks have been normal this week with peasant protests. In addition, the old Indian state has also launched its entire propaganda and censorship machinery. Punjabs peasants are accused of being infiltrated or having
connections to
the organization of independence
, declared terrorists by the ancient Indian state. In this way, the just struggle of the people is criminalized and the harsh oppression of them is justified. During previous peasant protests, such as those in 2021, there were already accusations of this from the state prosecutor.
The ancient Indian state has implemented other forms of repressive measures to isolate the battle of the peasants and try to prevent them from condemning the crimes and the oppression they are exposed to. For example, have
Internet access and
SMS been prohibited
In several districts in Haryana from February 11 to last Saturday. It has even been known that they
Indian authorities have contacted the social network
(formerly Twitter)
To close accounts and delete posts related to the peasants' battle. This has been admitted by the social network itself.
The murder of the young peasant and the harsh repression of the old Indian state have not stopped the protests of the Indian peasants, but have strengthened their efforts, and the peasants have carried out several mobilizations and calls for new ones. Friday the 24th.
the Indian peasants
"And hoisted thousands of black flags under the marches and once again bumped into the oppressive forces of the old Indian state during their march against the capital New Delhi. Farmers' organizations held several protests against police oppression and burned depictions of Modi, Amit Shah and the minister of the chief of Haryana, and there have been new wounded peasants due to police brutality. They have also announced new mobilizations, including a tractor march on Monday, February 26.
About the old state's murder of the protesting farmer
February 22nd
Subhkaran Singh, murdered peasant from Punjab. Source: Countercurrents.
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the invitation from
Mod loincloth
State oppression
Mod loincloth
State oppression
(Casr), an association of nearly 40 progressive democratic organizations, calls for protest against the killing of 24-year-old demonstrator Shubh Karam Singh and gunshot wounds to several protesters caused by police in Haryana in connection with farmers' protest at the Khanoari border. We see that the government is using brutal methods of oppression such as building concrete blockades, shoping tear gas from drones, large -scale use of shock grenades, shotguns and now live bullets against farmers trying to reach Delhi to protest their 12 -point demands.
We believe that these oppressive military tactics, which were previously seen in conflict zones such as Bastar and Kashmir, against the democratic right of people to protest and make their demands, are very harmful to the democratic space in the country and should be counteracted to regain our democratic as well as both as constitutional rights.
The media is one of the important pillars of democracy, so we appeal to you to participate in the protest and reinforce the message of protest and the peasants' struggle.
Stad - Jantar Mantar, Delhi.
Date - Kl. 15.00 on February 23, 2024.
With best regards,
Campaign against state oppression
Also the Indian Children's Organization Samyukta Kisan Morcha has
issued a statement
About this cowardly murder and we bring an unofficial translation of it below:
The Prime Minister and the executive power that does not implement the agreement with the farmers are responsible for the cause and the current crisis
SKM's NCC and GB meeting on February 22, 2024, will take decisive steps to promote the match SKM strongly protested against the brutal oppression of the police and the murder of farmer Shubkaran Singh (23) from the village of Ballo in the Bhatinda district when police opened fire at the border between Haryana and Punjab. According to the available reports, about fifteen people have been seriously injured during oppression. It is a brutal assault on farmer's families who serve for food while protesting to have the prime minister's written promises implemented.
The Prime Minister and the Government, who failed to implement the agreement with SKM, which was signed on December 9, 2021, is the sole responsible for the current crisis and its causal relationship.
SKM takes the situation at the border with Punjab seriously and the National Coordination Committee and the Executive Board, which will meet on February 22, 2024, will discuss the situation thoroughly and take decisive measures to advance the fight.
India's Communist Party (Maoists): Fighting against Imperialists' Plans to Stepped The ongoing War Against Palestine
February 23rd
COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOISTS) International Affairs Central Committee
Fight against the imperialist plan to step up the ongoing war against Palestine and expand the war horizon in West Asia.
Protests and build militant mass movements for immediate peace in Palestine and West Asia.
CK IKP (Maoists) appeals to all friends and comrades of the Indian Revolution and all other revolutionary Maoist forces in the world to build militant mass movements against the Zionist Israeli State's People's People's War against Palestine and to build movements for immediate peace and unconditional humanitarian support for the Palestinian people. CK in our party calls for organizing and building militant mass movements in support of Palestine's liberation struggle and punishing the Zionist war criminals.
Down with the Zionist apartheid state of Israel and imperialism!
Say no to imperialist wars against oppressed nations!
Workers and suppressed people in all countries, unite!
Live it
ICSPWI calls for two new international days:
February 23-22
In solidarity with the Palestinian national resistance to Israel, imperialism and the plans for genocide. For the national liberation.
Against imperialist intervention in the Red Sea and attacks on Syria and Iran.
Against the march against imperialist war.
In support of anti -imperialist folk struggles and folk wars.
In all countries and international areas, it is proposed that the two days be organized by Palestinian Solidarity Committees, which include Palestinian associations, trade unions, anti-imperialist and progressive forces, youth and student movements, intellectuals, lawyers, artists, etc.
The two days are organized 23
February strikes, demonstrations in popular areas, meetings and 24 national demonstrations in central places and all other national actions.
CASR - condemns the brutal detention of protesters
February 23rd
We publish an unofficial translation of the following document from campaign against state oppression (CASR).
We condemn the brutal detention of demonstrators at Jantar Mantar because they stood up for the democratic right of farmers to protest for their demands.
February 2024
Campaign against state oppression, a coalition of over 40 organizations, has called for a protest against Haryana Police's brutal behavior, shooting with tear gas and shock grenades, use of shotguns and murder of Shubhkaram Singh and other protesting farmers. We are very concerned that our protest has been reclaimed by Delhi's police to suppress the people's demands for democratic rights against the state's oppression. The protesters have been brutally detained and female protesters have been abused by male officers. Sharda Dixit, former school principal for the entire India Red Education Committee, is severely wounded and unconscious. Nearly 25 protesters, including students, lawyers and professors such as Professor Nandita Narain and Professor N Sachin, have been detained.
We believe that the Indian state led by the Brahmanian Hindutva fascist BJP-RSS by erecting a concrete blockade and using the aforementioned funds to prevent farmers from protesting against their downfall in the hands of the state and corporate, openly reveals its militaristic and fascist nature , as patriotic, democratic -minded and justice -loving people have to resist.
It is important to point out that farmers are protesting against the imperialist aggression against our country in the form of the WTO, for the just demands for MSP, forgiveness of farmers' loans and securing the rights of tribal peasants over their land, water and forest, among many other demands. These demands are answered by militarised force, as we see in Bastar, where drones are used to drop bombs on people, and in Kashmir, where pellets are used against people of oppressed nationalities. Such militarized repression is very worrying for the future of the country and requires immediate attention from the people of the country and the world.
Campaign against state oppression
, calls on all patriotic, progressive, democratic and justice -loving people to be solidarity with farmers' right to march to Delhi and demand that the government stop its brutal oppression tactic.
We require it:
All concrete blockades must be lifted and the peasants must be allowed to march to Delhi.
Initial an independent legal investigation into the intervention at the Shambhu and Khanauri border, and hold officers and staff responsible for the killing of farmers, damage to others and the destruction of farmers' property.
Stop threatening and harassing the agricultural association leaders and farmers with threats of seizure of property and other penalties.
Campaign against state oppression (CAST)
Slip Rona Wilson fri!
We are publishing
an unofficial translation of excerpts of a
published by
Nazaria store
Slip Rona Wilson fri!
Free the BK-16 goals for it
Indutva-fascism's attack on different thinking and democratization!
Rona Wilson is one of the activists sitting behind bars in the BK16 case because of her activism and anti-fascist intervention. …
To question Indian democracy is not new to Rona, as his activism around political prisoners is centered around the undemocratic nature of the "anti-terror" law in India. Rona helped establish committees for release of political prisoners (
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Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP)) and acts as PR secretary for the organization. …
Together with the famous author and activist Arundhati Roy, Rona was also a member of the committee for defense and release of G.N. Saibaba and has worked on the issue of political prisoners since the early 2000s. …
Rona was arrested from her home in Delhi on June 6, 2018, along with four other activists on the same day – Sudhir Dhawale, Surendra Gadling, Mahesh Raut and Shoma Sen. All five were accused of having links to the banned Communist Party of India (Maoists) and charged under various sections of the UAPA. But the state had especially targeted Rona Wilson...
National Investigation Board (
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National Investigation Agency (NIA)) has accused Rona of trying to create turmoil in India as they have seized some documents from him talking about how oppressed groups such as Dalites and Muslims should come together to form an antifascist unit front to strengthen the mass mobilization of people. For this reason, police appointed Rona to conspire to murder Prime Minister Narendra Modi, based on the police's claims of finding a letter among Rona's possessions…
Several years after his unfair arrest, Arsenal Advice analysed the electronic copies of co-defendants Rona's and Surendra's computers at the request of the defence. Arsenal Consulting (a Massachusetts-based digital forensics company) had stated that an attacker used malware to infiltrate Wilson's laptop and deposited at least ten incriminating letters on it. These included an alleged letter to a Maoist militant discussing the need for weapons and ammunition and even calling on the banned group to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
A year later, the Washington Post released a report that revealed that Rona was the target of two different groups of hackers before he was arrested. … ModifieDelephant, the primary hacker, sent emails with documents or attachments-filled with commercially available malware such as Netwire and Darkcomet-tailored to the victim's interests and were often copied to several recipients they knew, Sentinelone said. Wilson received at least 32 emails from ModifieDelephan, and Gadling was a recipient of 40 such emails from the group.
… Three independent experts in the US and Europe reviewed the Sentinelone report at The Post's request and joined its conclusions. It is worrying that researchers say the earliest attack on Wilson can be traced back to a decade ago, even though the email attacks intensified in 2014 and continued until at least 2016.
… The state has painted him like that, just as they have painted those who fight against injustice, for hope, as terrorists, as anti-national. The question is still - if nation? In a country that is a prison for nationalities itself, do we have to accept the state's agenda to establish a Hindu Rashtra? Should we accept a 'nation' built on the blood of Muslims, adivasis, oppressed throws, women and other oppressed groups? Should we accept a nation that throws its most patriotic, land -loving people in prison for having a voice, albeit one who speaks to the people, about their demands, instead of the state's chauvinist and reactionary agenda? No, we can't accept that as a country. We can accept nothing but an unconditional release of friend Rona and of all political prisoners who are struggling selflessly for us.
Casr condemns the verdict on the IKPML-Freeland leader Manoj Manzil and 22 others!
February 28th
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following statement from
Campaign against state oppression
Campaign against state oppression strongly condemns the frivolous charge and conviction of Comrade Manoj Manoj Manzil and 22 others in the case of murder plot in Badgaon and demand their immediate and unconditional release. We also encourage all democratic, progressive and justice -loving people to stand together and fight such an offensive against the democratic forces.
Casr condemns the arrest of lawyer and former teacher in case of Maoist connections
5 March
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following statement from campaign against state oppression (CASR).
Casr condemns the arrest of lawyer Kripa Shanker Singh and former Teacher Binda Sona Singh in case of Maoist Relations in Up
On March 5, 2024, the Anti-Terrorism Group Up (
Translator's note:
It has also been the general trend throughout India since the Brahmanian Hindutva fascism made its way after BJP's victory in 2014, and it has been particularly intensified after the arrests in the Bhima Koregaon conspiracy case. The state is trying to establish a narrative and lay the foundations of several Bhima Koregaon-like conspiracy cases across India by bringing the idea that the very existence of political democratic disagreement is equal to naxalism. Prime Minister Narendra Modi even declared in Surajkund Chintan Shivir in 2022 that "any kind of naxalism, whether with pen or gun, must be eradicated." In this distorted tale of Brahmanist Hindutva-fascism becomes a lawyer like Kripa Shanker Singh, There are fighting for political prisoners and for the democratic rights of people, to Maoist.
CASR strongly condemns the arrest of Allahabad High Court lawyer Kripa Shanker Singh and former teacher Binda Sona Singh for their contribution to the fight against the imprisonment of activists and the release of political prisoners.
Casr requires immediate release of Kripa Shanker Singh and Binda Sona Singh.
We demand an immediate stop for Nia's, ATS 'and the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh-Government Witch Hunting on all Democratic activists under the name "Maoist Relations" case.
Campaign against state oppression (CAST)
AirSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, BHIM army, CEM, CEM, CRPP, CTF, DISC, DSU, DTF, Forum against oppression Telangana, Brotherhood, IAPL, Innocent Network, Karnataka Janashacti, Progressive Attorney's Association, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, Napm, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Guard, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janpishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, SFI, united against HAD, united Fredsalliance, WSS, Y4S.
Professor G.N. Saibaba acquitted of national court
High Court in Bombay
Gun. Sai Baba
And five others who were accused of connecting to the Maoists, a case manufactured by the old state who tried to criminalize him for his activity in the defense of democratic rights by stamping him as a Maoist. The old Indian State's own judiciary had admitted this, then
they were not able to
In some of what he was accused of. The other five acquaintances were Mahesh Tirki, Pandu Pora Narote, Hem Keshwdatta Mishra, Prashant Rahi, Vijay. Nan Tirki. Narote died in prison in August 2022.
This is not the first time that a lower court has decided to free and thus release G.N. SAIBABA: The most notorious case was when a court in Maharashtra decided in 2022 to release him, but later the national court said that G.N. Saibaba was a threat to national security and decided that he should remain in prison.
Even the UN questioned Professor Saibaba's health and the inhuman treatment that the ancient Indian state exposed him to. These questions were not answered.
It is
His many health problems deteriorated because of his meaningless imprisonment: »
After he suffered from polio and problems with the spine in his youth, he was left in a wheelchair. He has several other health problems that worsen as a result of the terrible conditions of his prison and the lack of necessary medical attention.
This is why activists and organizations for democratic rights
that this acquittal is coming very late and that no one can now give him back his freedom and his lost health, and they have also condemned that many other Muslim, Dalit and Adivasi activists are still imprisoned under the oppressive UAPA (Unlawful Activity Prevention Act (
red. –
Law on the prevention of illegal activity)) and they must be released. They have also condemned that this is not something that only applies to the BJP government, but that changing Indian governments have suppressed the Indian people in this way.
Shame sustainable internal peace and security
February 5th
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
from the Philippine Revolution Web Central (
The Philippine Army's 3rd Infantry Division is determined to call its military oppression campaign against the population of Negro's island for a state of "stable inner peace and security". Negrosanon's condemns this false statement strongly.
What the fascist reactionary state forces call "internal peace" is coercion of peasants to surrender as members of and supporters of new folk army (
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New People's Army (NPA)), incorporation of communities through restored societal support program (
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Retooled Community Support Program (RCSP) and attacks on civilians through targeted military operations resulting in several human rights violations on the island to create fear and suppress social unrest caused by imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism.
Their boasting of government-implemented projects is once again exaggerated. Barangay Development Programme (
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Barangay Development Program (BDP)) has been used by National Special Unit (
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National Task Force (NTF))-ELCAC together with the deceitful e-clip surrender program to force communities to pretend to be false NPA surrenders in exchange for poor state aid or unsustainable livelihood. It is even ridiculous that poor societies must first be "NPA-infected" before they get symbolic government projects. BDP and e-clip are also huge sources of corruption of generals and local leaders.
What mercenaries and reactionary state forces call "security" drive peasants, farm workers and indigenous peoples from the countryside, coastal fishermen and the urban poor using sheer force or political manoeuvres by bureaucratic capitalists to make way for foreign and local ruling class interests such as mining, ecotourism, commercial plantations, quarries, real estate, reclamation projects and mega-dam projects. Their protection of exploiters and oppressors should not be called SIPS, but 'sipsip' or fattening for their masters for their own gain.
The armed forces of the Philippines (
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Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)), Filippinernes Nationale Politi (
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The Philippine National Police (PNP)) and NTF-ELCAC are actually decorating their difficulties in fighting the armed revolution while also chasing the deadline they have received from the United States, their imperialist gentleman, to shift focus to war preparations against China on our shores.
All five guerrilla fronts in the Apolinario Gatmitan Commando-NPA Negros Island Regional Operations Command (AGC-NPA), under the absolute lead of the Filipinos' Communist Party (CPP), work with renewed strength to launch armed battle, implement agricultural revolution and build mass base and bodies for political power . Revolutionary mass organizations also continue to arouse, organize and mobilize farmers, women, adolescents and other marginalized sectors in the countryside through anti-imperialist, anti-feudal and anti-fascist campaigns. A thousand threads tie the NPA and the masses together, and the invincible link that binds them together is still expanded and consolidated in the hidden, even with the presence of the fascist AFP.
Reactionary state forces cannot dismantle the collective awareness of the exploited and oppressed masses to overthrow a rotten semi -colonial and half -feudal system, and the reasons for fighting grow every single day.
»Correct errors, consolids and expand our ranks! Defeat the American Marcos II regime! Forward with the People's War! "
February 17th
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
for National
Statement from
Christians for national liberation
(CNL) on their 52nd anniversary
Is it the kind of fasting I have chosen: to let go of the chains of injustice and loosen the cord of the yoke, to put the oppressed free and break any yoke? Isn't it to share your food with the hungry and give the poor wander shelter - when you see the naked, to give them clothes, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
(Esahash' Bog 58:6-7)
The prolonged stagnation and crisis of the dying global capitalist system has resulted in an escalation of the US-led interimperialist deputy wars, especially in Ukraine and Palestine. The crisis in the semi -colonial and semi -feudal system in the Philippines continues to worsen. The Philippines suffers from greater poverty and distress due to bureaucratic corruption and social injustice under the American Marcos II regime. But the people continue to resist, organize and make revolution.
Against this background, we celebrate today, February 17, 2024, 52nd anniversary of the founding of Christians for national liberation (
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Christians of National Liberation (CNL)) with the theme: “Fairly mistake, consolidation and expand our ranks! Defeat the American Marcos II regime! Forward with the People's War! "
We greet and give the highest tribute to our CNL revolutionary martyrs and heroes who selflessly sacrificed their lives in the fight and revolution. Their blood was shed and sacrificed to nourish and flourish CNL and the national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective.
On this date, we also remember the Martyri of the Three Filipino Priests 152 years ago - the fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora, known as Gomburza, triggering the Philippine Revolution in 1896, which crushed three centuries of dominance of Spanish colonialism in our country .
Like gold tested in fire, the CNL has stood firm on its Christian revolutionary stance and practice for more than five decades with full and vigorous participation in the struggle of the Filipino people for national liberation and democracy with a socialist perspective.
Since its founding in 1972, CNL has successfully held nine national congresses and made calls and plans to strengthen the organization and help promote the revolution. CNL's principles, practice, organization and strategic program have been claimed, confirmed and practiced throughout the years. It has stopped establishing and activating itself across the country as a revolutionary political underground organization of Christians and church people as part of the overall revolutionary mass movement.
Hundreds of CNL members act as revolutionary catalysts in the Christian churches and communities in the different regions and areas of the country. They help to build and promote the revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside. Many CNL members have since volunteered to help directly prepare and maintain guerrillazons, build bases and promote the Agrare Revolution.
As one of the founding and groundbreaking members of
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines
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The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)) On April 24, 1973, CNL contributes to forming, strengthening and expanding the revolutionary unit front through direct organization of underground mass organizations. The structure and development of the unit front is based on the strength of the basic alliance of workers and peasants, supplemented by broad formations of the middle class and national bourgeoisie.
CNL has actively participated in the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, anti-fascist mass movement to combat the ultra-reactionary plans from the subsequent US-backed regimes under Marcos Sr., Cory Aquino, Ramos, Estrada, Macapagal-Arroyo, Aquino , Duterte and Marcos Jr. It has also helped to fight the colonial, feudal and fascist culture and promote national and scientific culture.
CNL's members are always aware of the limits of the reactionary institutions they operate in, but strive to lead the struggle for democratic reforms within the churches at all levels, counteract the reactionary trends and promote the progressive tendencies and bring the power and resources of the churches to it to it The Side of the National Democratic Revolution. This includes international work, especially with the presence of CNL formations in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific area.
In all this, CNL recognizes lacks and challenges that need to correct and overcome to promote the revolution. This includes correcting subjectivism in the form of empiricism, which is driven by bourgeois and petty -bourgeois thinking and actions.
We therefore continue to consolidate and expand our membership throughout the country in order to achieve broad, dynamic and vibrant participation and support, primarily for the armed struggle. This is reinforced and supplemented by anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, anti-feudal mass movements, parliamentary struggle and peace negotiations.
We dare to fight, dare to win.
shake for
Live the National Democratic Front of the Philippines!
Leve N
y folk army
Live the Communist Party of the Philippines!
Live the Philippine people!
NPA-Norwegian Negros begins special operations near the city center
20. February
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
Fra the town.
Red fighters from n
y folk army
Negros confiscated a .22 rifle and 44 bullets, a .357 gun and ammunition from a counter-revolutionary criminal punished on February 13 in Toboso, Negros Occidental.
The weapons as well as two mobile phones and documents were seized by Allan Macasling, which has long been accused by the inhabitants of shootings, landgrabbing and other crimes. The penalty was performed in Sitio Banquerohan, Barangay Salamanca in the said city.
"The masses greatly helped the operation in the outer part of the guerrilla front, near the national highway, near the coast and near the city center," says Ka Cecil Estrella, spokesman for NPA-Norse Negros.
The residents were very helpful because they wanted to get justice for the serious assaults and violence Macasling had inflicted on them and their livelihood.
Meanwhile, Ka Cecil clarified that their armed action had nothing to do with the question of revolutionary taxation simply because Macasling was a businessman. He also urged other counter-revolutionaries to stop their activities and put an end to their anti-popular practice.
NPA-central Negros ends Ugelang Political-Military Training
20. February
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
Fra the town.
A unit from New Folk Army (NPA) -Central Negros completed a week-long political-military basic course on 20-27. January last year. The purpose of the activity was to equip the red warriors with basic political-military principles so that they can bravely resist Marcos regime's strategic counter-revolutionary campaign.
The unit conducted training in the middle of intensified military operations on the guerrilla front. Tight coordination and cooperation between the red fighters and commanders, and the unwavering mass support for the unit's financial, financial and security needs were the key to a successful and safe conduct of the exercise.
According to Ka Monique, a red warrior participates, "it really is better when you exercise because you are not afraid to meet the enemy, especially when you consider that it is part of our central duty as a army."
The unity's revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the armed struggle also served to inspire the warriors, they said. Training is also part of the guerrilla territor's efforts to overcome the ideological, political and organizational weaknesses that prevent extensive progress for the folk war in their area of responsibility.
According to KA Turko, political-military training like this one helps "avoiding a purely military thinking or being militaristic ... to be good military is to be good at politics." He is the division manager for the unit and served as a primary training instructor.
The training lasts a week is based on the syllabus for a longer course that lasts a month. It was abbreviated to accommodate the long -term siege operations of the state armed troops. Some of the activities on the course were regular morning exercises, basic formation commands such as exercise, march and weapon manual as well as combat formation and military maneuvers in various fighting scenarios.
Christians for national liberation celebrate the 52nd anniversary
February 23rd
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
Fra the town.
Revolutionary priests, nuns and church people celebrated on February 17, the 52nd anniversary of Christians for National Liberation (CNL). On the occasion of their anniversary, CNL's national leadership called on all its members in the country, in Europe, North America and Asia-Stophav area: “Right up to weaknesses, consolidation and expand our ranks! Defeat the American Marcos II regime! Expeding People's War! "
With their anniversary, the group also commemorated the 152nd anniversary of the martyrdom of three Filipino priests, Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora, collectively known as Gomburza. They were murdered by the Spanish colonialists and were one of the catalysts for the revolution of 1896 that ended Spain's colonization of the country.
On this occasion, "we salute and give the highest honor to our revolutionary martyrs and heroes who selflessly sacrificed their lives for the struggle and revolution," the group said.
CNL has held nine national congresses, presenting its programs and plans to strengthen the organization and promote the revolution. CNL launched its 9th Congress in September 2022, where it adopted CNL's template program.
"Hundreds of CNL members serve as revolutionary initiators of change in Christian churches and societies in different regions and areas of the country," according to CNL. They say they help build and promote the revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside. The group also stated that many of their members voluntarily help directly prepare and maintain guerrillazons, build bases and promote the agricultural revolution.
From the reactionary institutions in which they operate, CNL also leads the struggle for democratic reforms within churches at all levels, and oppose reactionary trends and promote progressive changes within them. CNL says they are also trying to bring the power and resources of churches to the side of the national democratic revolution.
"In light of these, CNL recognizes the weaknesses and challenges it has to correct and overcome to promote the revolution," it says. The group says that among those it must overcome is subjectivism in the form of empiricism derived from bourgeois and petty -bourgeois ideas and practices.
In the new year, CNL promised to strive to consolidate and expand membership throughout the country to primarily support the armed battle and at the same time lead the anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-feudal mass movement.
Condemn the massacre at Bohol on February 23rd! Justice for the 5 from Bilar!
February 26th
Domingo Compoc (KA Silong) is seen here in custody of a soldier from 47. Ib, shortly after he was arrested in Bilar, Bohol, on February 23. He was later subjected to torture and executed by reactionary soldiers.
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.
The Communist Party of the Philippines
February 24, 2024
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the fascist US-Marcos regime, the Army forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) for the massacre of five captured revolutionaries in Bilar, Bohol yesterday, and assigns the demand for justice for Domingo Compoc, Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho.
The five were all caught alive and taken into custody yesterday morning by the fascist criminal troops from the 47th Infantry Battalion and the Bohol police in Sitio Matin-Ao 2, Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol. They were exposed to coarse torture and then murdered with cold blood.
There is no truth in the lie that police spread that the five were killed in a fight. Local residents confirm that there was no meeting that morning. What people witnessed was the brutal combat troops of the military and police that tortured and killed the five revolutionaries.
A picture taken in the alley shows Compoc, with his arms apparently tied on the back, in custody of a soldier from the Armed Forces of Philippines (AFP) after being harassed by the military and police. This image is currently circulating among the people of Bohol and on social media.
Compoc, which was in the 60s, suffered from arthritis and was unable to fight. He was subjected to serious torture in front of a number of people in the village in the hope of putting a horror in life on them. Based on the facts that were originally collected in the area, Ka Silong was chopped to death with deadly wounds on the neck and abdomen.
Cesista, on the other hand, a young lawyer from Cebu, who chose to serve the peasant masses and their revolutionary movement in Bohol, were thrown onto the ground by the soldiers and forced to lie and crawl in the mud before she was finally shot to death.
The intentional killing of Compoc, Casista, Historia, Omosura and Sancho, after being taken prisoner and put into the custody of the military and police, is a serious violation of international humanitarian law. 47. Ib and Bohol Police, the management of AFP and PNP and Marcos themselves are responsible for war crimes and must be prosecuted and punished for their criminal deeds.
Further details are being collected about how the others were tortured and killed in the same way. An autopsy of the remains of the victims of the Bohol massacre performed by independent pathologists will certainly add more details to the first facts that have been bravely presented by the local community and help to solve the cruel crime committed by the military and the police.
The first details of local witnesses contradict the "results" of the so -called "crime unit" of the Philippine national police, which are in charge of the criminals of the police and the military who shamelessly cover the crime.
The party calls on the Filipino people, peasant associations, unions, youth groups, lawyers, media, church people, women and others to unite and stand with the families, friends and loved ones to the victims of Bohol massacre in their demands for justice. The party and new folk army will promise to do everything they can to punish the fascist and terrorist criminals.
The massacre in Bohol is just the latest in a series of fascist crimes committed by the AFP and PNP during their desperate campaign to end the armed resistance of the Filipino people. Notably, the 47th IB is also responsible for the killing of Manuel 'Loloy' Tinio on April 4, 2023 in Ubay, Bohol, and Arthur Jasper Lucenario on May 14, 2023 in San Miguel, Bohol.
By committing these fascist crimes, only the Marcos regime and AFP further succeed in increasing the Filipino people to resort to weapons and join the new folk army to fight for their rights and promote their case for social justice by using State terrorism shows The American Marcos regime, which is why the revolutionary armed resistance of the people is fair and necessary, and why it is the only opportunity for the people, especially the peasant masses, in their struggle for a real land reform.
The people and especially the majority of the peasant masses in Bohol have no choice but to rise for resistance and fight back with weapons. In Bohol, the land is still in the hands of a few large landlords, large bourgeois compradors and large foreign companies. Most of the peasants are peasant farmers and oppressed and suffer from gross forms of exploitation, financial distress and hunger. They are deprived of their land by large oil palm plantations and ecotourism projects.
The Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary movement paid tribute to Domingo Compoc, Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho at the highest. They are the Heroes of the Philippine people who gave up all the comforts to serve the oppressed and oppressed masses. Their contribution to the Filipino people's case will never be forgotten.
Inspired by Francisco Dagohoy's heroism, which led Bohol's resistance for more than eight decades from 1744 to 1829 against the Spanish colonial forces, the farmers in Bohol are with the rest of the Philippine people's oppressed and exploited masses, under the party's leadership, determined to rise And fight with weapons, no matter how long it takes to promote the fight for national democracy towards a complete victory.
General Brawner is wrong, NPA in Visayas cannot be destroyed
1. marts
We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following
from the Philippine Revolution Web Central (
The head of the Filipino's Armed Forces (AFP), General Romeo Brawner JR, boasted of his confidence that the overall victory over the "NPA remains" in Visayas will be achieved by the end of 2024. But the brutal and sweeping massacre of five hors they Combat in Bohol performed by 47. Ib and PNP and the bombardment of the craving kal range in Escalante metropolis, including the murder of Jose Caramihan, an ordinary farmer, shows AFP's and the police's dirty and cruel behavior to publicly manifest the false success of their rebel campaign.
With AFP's repeated postponement of the deadline to do away with NPA, it is clear that Brawner and his commander Marcos Jr. not want to admit the defeat of their plan to destroy the revolutionary movement.
NPA can never be destroyed. The justice of a folk war that is waged with the unwavering support of the masses has been proven in the more than 55 years NPA has existed under the leadership of the Filipinus Communist Party (CPP). As long as the rotten semi -colonial and semi -feudal system exist, more people will oppose and be willing to sacrifice their lives in the armed revolution.
In this connection, Apolinario Gatmitan Commando-Ny Folkehær Negros Island Regional Operations Command (AGC-NPA), along with all guerrilla fronts on the island, will be the largest tribute to Domingo Compoc (ka Silong or commonly known by the masses in Negros as KA Laser) and Alberto Sancho (Ka Juaning), which was among the five red warriors brutally massacred by elements of the 47th infantry battalion from the Philippine Army and troops from the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Sitio Matin-Ao 2, Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol Province on February 23rd.
According to witnesses, no meeting took place in the aforementioned area. Ka Laser and Ka Juaning and the other three comrades were still alive when they were taken prisoner by the mercenaries and police. Ka laser suffered from arthritis and had no ability to resist.
Instead of respecting the rights of the five red soldiers as prisoners of war, they were subjected to torture by the butchers of 47. Ib and PNP. They were forced to roll themselves in the mud and were shot to death except Ka Laser. He was stabbed in the throat and his stomach was cut up, causing his death. There are clear violations of the Geneva Convention of 1949 and Supplementary Protocol 1 from 1977.
The masses at Negros greatly appreciated KA Laser and Ka Juaning. They became part of the growth of the revolutionary movement on Negro's island.
Ka Laser came from Bohol province and has long been carrying out revolutionary work in his area since the 1980s. In 2007, he was deployed to southeastern Negros and then to southwest Negros in 2015. Later, he was redeployed to Bohol in 2017 as platoon leader and deputy secretary of the Bohol Provincial Committee.
Before KA Laser was posted to Negros, he contributed significantly to the development of a guerrillazone in Bohol. He helped with the breakthrough of the agricultural revolution during other major remedy movement (
red. –
Second Great Rectification Movement (Sgrm)), including the increase in the production share in favor of the tenants. He also greatly contributed to strengthening the underground mass organizations in Bohol.
Ka Laser was also known for its role in tactical offensives in Bohol. The most notable tactical offensive he was involved in was attacked in 1999 at 7th PNP-Regional Mobile Group Camp Support Coy (RMG-CSC) Headquarters in Barangay Rizal, Batuan, Bohol, which was performed without a single shot where NPA seized 80 M16 rifles, an M60 masking gun and a 60 mm mortar.
Meanwhile, Ka Juaning helped with the mass legal movement in early 2010 in Negros Oriental and engaged as a full-time NPA fighter later that year.
Ka Juaning has been active in the mass struggles among the poor in the cities since the 1980s. In 1987, he was captured by reactionary state forces because he supported the armed partisans. He was sentenced in 1994 and brought to National Bilibid prison (
red. –
National Bilibid Prison (NBP)). He was among those who joined SGRM and helped strengthen the political prisoners' position in NBP. After his release from the prison in the latter part of the 1990s, Ka Juaning returned to work in the mass movement in Cebu.
AFP and PNP must be held accountable for their abominable crime in slaughtering the five red fighters. The butchers in the military and police are wrong in their belief that NPA will be weakened by their methods of performing massacres and then terrorist terror, either in Visayas or throughout the country.
Revolutionary martyrs such as Ka Laser and Ka Juaning who sacrificed their lives serve as inspiration for red fighters and the whole revolutionary movement. Their revolutionary spirit will live on in our persistent struggle for the democratic revolution of the people so that the people can achieve a future with true peace and liberation.
LCI statement on March 18 - Solidarity Day with Political Prisoners
Author: Servir al pueblo
Description: March 18 - Solidarity Day with Political Prisoners - Honoring Communist and Revolutionary Prisoners
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T07:57:19+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T15:57:19+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.png
PC 12 March - The Stellantis crisis: between Mirafiori and induced, between renovation and layoffs, thousands of jobs at risk
Author: prolcompal
Description: Pending the unitary union event of April 12, so unitary that also brings together the acronym of the association ...
Published Time: 2024-03-12T17:50:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpeg
Waiting for the event
unitary union of next April 12, so unitary that it puts together
The abbreviation of the Quadri Association are also listed, in an article by
Sole 24 hours of March 9, as well as naturally to Stellantis Mirafiori, the
Inductor companies in a crisis situation. An industrial crisis that is
aggravate and that, as mentioned in a regional council, in just over ten years
led to the loss of 40 thousand jobs.
As for Mirafiori “that
It has about 12,000 workers in the entire area and 3200 in the bodywork
where the Maserati models and the electric Fiat 500 assemble: “For over 2200
employees a layoff procedure has been opened ... for the entire month
of March, prolonged until 20 April
Next, and we move on to a single round.
A kind of general test, the workers' representatives say, for
Keep the plant at the minimum. "
To 40 thousand lost in these ten
years, therefore, now another 3000 could be added for the disputes
Open: “The disputes in the province of Turin are a dozen with
About 3 thousand risk employees "all in the automotive.
There is the
, defined
"Punta dell'Indberg", "multinational that produces car seats with 400
employees in the historic group of Grugliasco ";
the "
Of the
, historical
Company that produces car filters, today in a very serious liquidity crisis.
With 108 risk employees ";
“There are also 300 employees on
1200 of the
Marelli Lighting
, (an Italian-German company active in
Loading sector for motor vehicles, based in REUTlinsen)
“The 500 employees of the
of Poirino - one of the Group's plants
Japanese engaged in the production of heating, ventilation,
air conditioning and engine cooling modules and
“About 300 employees of
global leader in the production of ball bearings, part of which
intended for the automotive sector
While "
, historical
reality of the Automotive Made in Italy survey, communicated a few days ago ... the
Decision to close the production site of Grugliasco, in the province of Turin
and to move the 110 employees to the Bruino pole. "
The whole, says a trade unionist
of Uilm, is “a worrying figure if inserted in a context in which Stellantis
is defining the production puzzle for the other Italian plants in the
Next years: after the pandina for Pomigliano until 2027, confirmation arrives
that the new Alfa Romeo Stelvio and Giulia will get to Cassino starting
respectively from 2025 and 2026, while Melfi remains focused on
Stla Medium platform. "
Apart from the fact that the
"Confirm" for Cassino and Melfi must first materialize, but about
"Productive puzzle" Stellantis has already decided on the matter and without doubt
Compared to the factories in Brazil, for example, with an investment of 5.6
billions of euros and the launch of 40 new products, as well as in Argentina with
An investment of 370 million for the production of batteries (from the newspaper
of the masters of 7 March), and not to mention the billions in the United States ...
Stellantis (which we remember has
declared 18.6 billion profits in 2023) enjoys the "policy
of the incentives ”put in place by almost all governments, while, at the same
time, in fact discharge, the "transition crisis" on workers and on
workers. In this sense, rather than asking for "help from institutions" for
resolve the "crisis", the workers must choose how to counter the plans of
General restructuring placed by the master.
PC March 12 - Filippine: the journey to Europe of the warfounder Marcos Jr. disguised as diplomacy in the report of the Communist Party of the Philippines
Author: prolcompal
Description: One of the many protests after the settlement of the Marcos Jr government The "Euro-Vioggio" of Marcos is a brazen demonstration of warfounding ...
Published Time: 2024-03-12T18:12:00+08:00
Images: 000000.webp
One of the many protests after the settlement of the Marcos Jr government
Marcos' "euro-banging" is a brazen demonstration of
warflower disguised as diplomacy
08 Marzo 2024
The imminent European journey of Marcos Jr, from 11 to 15
March, to sign maritime security agreements with Germany and the
Czech Republic, it is a brazen demonstration of warflower disguised as
diplomacy, and of political frivolity and extravagance.
While millions of Filipine working masses fight against
the intensification of the economic difficulties and calamities that require
urgent attention, Marcos Jr instead grants a sumptuous escapade in
Europe immediately after its failed attempt to use the Australian Parliament
to clean up the bloody curriculum of his regime, where the senator of
Verdi Janet Rice criticized him for the violations of human rights of his
Instead of focusing on internal issues, Marcos gives the
priority to make the licking of its allies
military, the United States,
further increasing the inter-imperialist tensions between China and the United States.
Gather the allies of the United States to be increasingly involved in the
dispute on the Western Philippine Sea serves the imperialist design of the
Use to cause Beijing as he implements the "strategy of the chain of
Islands "of the United States for maritime containment. This journey
He barely puts Marcos' unsuitable submission to his masters
US imperialists, supporting the United States war preparations
in Asia at the expense of public funds and the inclined threat to sovereignty
Marcos' trip to Europe is also a show
selfish politician, who squanders the money of taxpayers on the pretext of
"Promote bilateral cooperation". During the resolutions of the
Congress of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines for the budget of the
last year, the president's office required a 71% increase in
travel budget for 2024. In fact, these visits to Europe mark the
5th and 6th Marcos trip only in 2024. Apart from Australia, Marcos was
In Vietnam last January and participated in a royal wedding in Brunei
At the beginning of this year.
Giving priority to F1 races in Singapore (in fact,
Marcos has not failed to participate in an F1 race since he hired
the assignment in 2022) and his other races abroad, Marcos reveals his
propensity for the useless performances of foreign diplomacy, its profound
detachment from the realities faced by the Filipino working masses and his
blind adhesion to US imperialist pushes.
International Information Office NDFP | Forehead
National Democrat of the Philippines
PC 12 March - 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia - The role and action of the MFPR on days of struggle and mobilization of women on 8 and 9 March - Anan Yaeesh free! - on European rearmament
Published Time: 2024-03-12T19:00:00+08:00
Images: 000000.png
Cebraspe - Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples
Description: Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples is a democratic entity that aims to defend the right of the people to fight for their rights.
Published Time: 2024-03-12T21:00:00+08:00
SC: Residents close roads after murder of young people by police.
Source: New Democracy Newspaper.
According to residents, the young man murdered by the civil police was unarmed. The protest began on Saturday and continued until the early hours of Sunday.
Residents of different slums in the Monte Cristo neighborhood closed different roads in a protest during March 9, organized after the murder, two days earlier, from a young man in the Grota favela by civil police officers of the Special Resources Coordination (Core). Residents claim that the young man was unarmed.
The protest concentrated residents of the Grota favelas, Chico Mendes, Sapé and other communities. Videos record huge barricades of fire on important roads in the region, such as Josué di Bernardi Avenue, Joaquim Nabuco and José Antonio Tonolli. The popular revolt in condemnation of police raids and murders in the communities began on the afternoon of 03/09 and continued until the dawn of 10/03.
In an interview with the local correspondent
Residents stated that police repressed the protest using pepper gas and rubber bullets. A child was shot during the demonstration. The repression was not accepted by the protesters and there was confrontation. According to local press, a policeman was injured in his head after being hit by a stone.
Police violence in the city of Florianópolis comes in a growing, as well as popular demonstrations against this scenario of increasing rights violations. Last year, residents of Morro da Caixa also protested after PMs
assault an autistic child during an approach
I see more: https://anovademocracy.com.br/sc-morers-fecham-vas-apos-assissinato-de-jovem-por-policinal/
The Greek government's decision to send warships to the Red Sea brings back the participation of our country a few years ago to the 2003 Iraq war. , in view of the American attack. But this was not the first time. In the distant 1882, the government of Charilaos Trikoupis sent two warships to Alexandria, Egypt, to join with the English -French fleet in the swallow of a national uprising that had erupted in the Nile country.
Anti -colonial uprising
The fact is not so well known in our time. It happened in the years when the only vision that the Greek ruling class could give was that of the Great Idea. An idea dangerous, adventurous and deceitful that only was suffering for the Greek people.
Egypt in the second half of the 19th century, although typically considered part of the Ottoman Empire, in practice it was an autonomous state. The eastern question, that is, the division of the Ottoman Empire, put it in the whirlwind of colonial aspirations of European countries and especially the UK. The global economic crisis of 1873, combined with the huge loans it had received from Europe to build large projects such as the Suez Canal as well as their inability to pay, put Egypt under an international financial control, mainly English and French. . Indeed, the two colonial countries managed, in 1879, to emerge in the leadership of the country by Teufik, a man of them.
Within a shorter than two years an anti -Ottoman and anti -colonial uprising broke out under the leadership of a military, Ahmed Arabi. Arabi mainly expressed the young Egyptian bourgeoisie, military circles, progressive intellect and sections of feudalism with national characteristics. It had great popular support, mainly from the rural population. The central demands that these strata of Egyptian society united were the modernization of the country, the establishment of elections and the adoption of a constitution to ensure political freedoms. Under the pressure of the rebels, Teufik was forced to satisfy their demands. So in the elections that followed, Arabi's National Party was first elected.
The foreign intervention
The risk of completely coming out of Egypt from the influence of the English was more than visible. Only the fact of losing control of the Suez Canal was capable of making them lose their sleep. Dangerous developments for colonial developments forced them to make the decision of military intervention.
A total of 7 English and French ships entered the port of Alexandria and demanded an ultimatum the resignation of the government. As soon as the demands of foreign invaders were known, thousands of people took to the streets of Alexandria and Cairo, supporting the legitimate government. There were serious incidents with the dead and injured. Alexandria, which had a rude defense in its port, was brutally bombed by modern European ships on July 11, 1882 and suffered major material disasters. 25,000 English soldiers landed on the coast and conquered the city. The uprising was finally suppressed. By September, the resistance of the Egyptian people had been crushed and its leader was banished. The country was essentially under English occupation. The new government promised to comply with the country's international obligations. After all, in the deal that followed the English threatened with a new intervention if needed…
The Greek involvement
No matter how unlikely it seems to the potential of Greece, a country that still had half of what we know today, the Greek government decided to send two warships to Egypt, "King George" and "Greece", to support for reinforcement. of the English -almighty fleet. Their departure took place in May 1882 and as soon as they arrived at the port of Alexandria they were put under English administration.
It was obvious that Trikoupis with this decision wanted to be on the "right side of history" -to use a topical term. The founding of the Greek state was marked by the country's dependence on the great powers of the time, England, France and Russia. The famous "loans of independence", the imposition of foreign kings, the constant raw interventions of the English and the French on the political affairs of the country, but also the adventurous and dependent character of the Greek ruling class did not leave room for a different foreign policy. The Greek contribution to the suppression of the Egyptian uprising was a given.
Of course there were also the special aspirations of the then Greek state, as a military involvement in a neighboring country with a strong Greek element and even with strong positions in its economy, rekindled the ruling classrooms who imagined conquests of "Grand". of ancient times. Indeed, however ridiculous it may seem, even references were made to Alexander the Great in the pages of that time. In fact, preparations had begun to send other ships to Egypt, even an expeditionary body for land intervention. The official reasoning for Trikoupi's decision was to protect the Greek community in Egypt. In fact, however, the Greek government was counting on the subsequent help of Great Britain in the Greek -Turkish competition and the claim of more Ottoman Empire territories to expand the Greek state.
Of course, the big boss, the English, when the repression of the uprising was completed, ordered the Greek ships to leave. They believed that their further involvement may raise claims for the economic benefits of the Greek community. Thing that happened. Many Greeks in Egypt received a financial benefit in the following years with the trade conventions signed, but in the largest and most key investments in the big projects the English dominated. The suppression of the uprising and the consolidation of British sovereignty in Egypt was the reason for the redistribution of wealth even within the Greek community. New pro -English fireplaces have emerged as many Greeks were forced to return to Greece. All under the high supervision of the English.
Although there have been some benefits for the Greek bourgeoisie of Egypt from Greece's participation in the suppression of the uprising, we would not say that something similar happened in relation to all other expectations of the Greek state. Not even in the counter with the Ottoman Empire he found the support he expected from the English. Soon the world's greatest colonial power came up with the part of the Ottoman Empire, since a possible breakup at that time could become uncontrolled for them. There were already many forces interested in prey such as France, Russia, the US and even Italy.
The involvement of our country in interventions on the side of colonial and imperialist forces we see that it has its beginnings in the 19th century. Greece since the birth of the Greek state has been on the "right side of history". And the results were miserable.
Not even 20 years had been closed by the "independence" of our country with the London Protocol in 1830 and the Greek people lived the British naval blockade of Piraeus and other ports in 1849-50 on the occasion of the Patsifiko case. At the same time, there were dozens of cases where the Bavarians and English were suppressed rebels in the mountains of our homeland. We had similar events with the three-year occupation of the port of Piraeus by Angle-algae troops in 1854-57.
But the story was repeated many times. Following the adventurism in Egypt and the Greek -Turkish War of 1897, the bankruptcy and international economic control of 1898 followed.
Following the Crimea campaign in 1919 and the Asia Minor War, the defeat and destruction of 1922 followed.
Following Greece's involvement in the Korean War in 1950-53, the support of American democracy and then the junta and the Turkish intervention in Cyprus.
But also in the most recent period, after the new "big ideas", the entry of "strong" Greece into the hard core of the euro, the organization of the Olympic Games and the participation of Greek soldiers in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the memorandums, surveillance, poverty and misery followed.
History showed one and only one and only truth: the Greek people paid dearly for the participation of dependent Greece in imperialist interventions. The interventions of the US -NATO in the wider region and the active involvement of our country by sending Greek frigates and everything else requested in the Middle East place the people in the face of serious dangers. We must contribute to the reconstruction of the anti-imperialist movement so that we will not once again experience tragic aspects of history.
"World History Tom. Z1 », USSR Academy of Sciences, ed. Melissa
"History of colonialism vol. C, D », N. Psiroukis, Case Editions
"Lists" of trade unions, personal data and illegal material in the hands of DAP-NDFK of the University of Macedonia.
Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: αγωνιστικες κινησεις αει-τει, νεολαια
Published Time: 2024-03-12T21:10:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
In the last 9 weeks, the PAMA student club, along with the other student clubs in the country as well as a large part of society, is fighting for public and free education against the new Pierrakakis bill that brings private universities and tuition to public Article 16. In the context of the occupation, the Coordination Committee has decided to claim the offices of the student club, which for years now, instead of being open to all PAK students, were openly exclusively to members and executives of DAP-NDFK. ONNED and the New Democracy.
In the offices of the club, therefore, there was a large volume of illegal and irregular material that should not be in the hands of anyone, but at all accidental, it was in the hands of the DAP. More specifically found:
1. Distribution Proofs: Sealed Election Folders with DAP-NDFK ballots
2. Election Proceedings of 2022 and 2023 which at the end of student election voting must be destroyed
3. Seminar attendance certificates signed without names
4. Lists with the names of PAKE students and trade unionists. Even documents with student personal information have been found, which only the secretariat and the student are entitled to hold!
5. Plenty of notes and exam topics.
Based on these elements we can easily conclude what DAP-NDFK is, especially at the University of Macedonia where DAP-NDFK has been self-sufficient for many years. That is, those who talk about excellence, open schools and imagine "hoodlums" are the ones who make their own paramilitaries of our club, who encloses students and students, who own student documents so they can use them against them against them against them. , distributing seminar certificates and notes as leaflets. They have completely fallen on the existence of student associations with patronage and customer relations with students, and their connection to the teaching establishment is clear and proven for many years.
As a racing moves, we perceive the student club differently and the political processes within it. We are fighting for a university that will fit all the children of the people and not a few and chosen, for a student club possible with students in the struggle for public and free education. That is, exactly what he opposes nails and teeth (literally several times, such as in SEY in Ioannina, where members of the DAP with crowds threatened students) the government faction within universities. Students as we have been doing for 2 months, as we have done at the PAK's historic General Assembly on 24/1, to continue against reactionary policy on education and its expressor within the schools, DAP-NDFK, and continue the race. to the end to overthrow the law on private universities.
Italy: March 8 - action of the MFPR among working women in the strike, in large demonstrations of workers/women and in solidarity with Palestinian women
Our action as MFPR companions and Slai Cobas workers for the SC in the important March 8/Women's strike this year has had two realities at the center in particular.
On the one hand that of the workers,
of the workers who live a situation today heavier than loss of jobs, of enormous wage differences, of duties, of negation of even basic rights, of discrimination, of violence even in the jobs, of discharge on them of all the Work of care and domestic in the family ..., a condition of increasingly exploitation and oppression of the masters, of the government, today with the fascist Meloni, of this social system; But that in the face of all this, they struggle courageous and determinedly, they do not stop, or would like to fight ...
On the other that of Palestinian women
Which today are the symbol of the most atrocious oppression of the women of this capitalist and imperialist social system, but which transform the immense suffering, the pain, into force, in resistance and struggle.
In the flyers, posters, banners that we brought to some factories in the North, in the workplace, in the initiatives of the precarious workers of the Slai Cobas, which we spread in the events of Nudm and the Palestinians in which we participated in Milan, we brought a clear message
On the bond between women in struggle, the workers in the first place and the Palestinian women
"... and because it is the Meloni government, it is the masters of this country who build the weapons above all, who are the accomplices and co-responsible for the genocide in Palestine. These monsters, as they use our lives as workers for their profits, their reactionary, racist, repressive plans to prevent the freedom of us women, are the same ones who want to crush the Palestinian people and women. The struggle of Palestinian women, therefore, is our struggle, it helps us against this rotten system; And the struggle of us working women is also the struggle of Palestinian women, because it weakens our imperialist monsters
... "(from the flyer of 8 March).
Here is all this has been at the center of our action on this March 8 proletarian and internationalist!
First of all, we were at the Montello/Bg factory at the evening shift between 7 and 8 March,
We talked to several workers of all the reasons for the strike of women, of the need to join as workers, also treasured the struggles already made in recent years; The masters fear the unity of workers, for this reason they always try to divide them with blackmail, with pressure, repression; But we must look with confidence at the strength of the struggle of women ... In this sense, Palestinian women are a great example of the oppression that is transformed into force.
The beautiful and strong appeal of an Slai Cobas SC worker workers to the other workers and women to strike "
Because we women should not be crushed by anyone
has opened the strike of women/workers since the night of March 8th
On the morning of March 8, we went to the Beretta Salumificio factory in Trezzo. In this factory the workers by majority immigrant,
They also live a condition of increasingly exploitation and less rights, undergo discrimination and differences in treatment of masters and garments in particular if they fight, as Slai Cobas SC workers who have resisted and continued to fight do. In this factory
Some workers also suffered serious harassment from a pig chief, and courage also made complaints about it.
Spreading the flyers of the strike and speaking to the workers, also with interventions at the megaphone, at the duty, an interim immigrant worker in part
Icolare wanted to express the sharing of the reasons for the strike and the importance of the unity of workers ".
alone we are not strength and also fear of losing the job ... ";
as well as
The rightness of solidarity actions to Palestinian women and to stop the massacre of children and the genocide ...
In the same morning other flying and support actions to workers were made, for example in Milan at the National Institute of Tumors towards the nurse and OSS; While in other cities, in particular of the South such as Palermo and Taranto precarious workers of the social coops, of the nursery schools, ATA of the Slai Cobas school for the SC and students on strike were the protagonists of combative garrisons, and the connection was beautiful, Also telephone, of these initiatives of struggle with the actions of companions among the workers to the factories of the North
In the afternoon participating in the great event in Milan promoted by Nudm
which has seen more than 20 thousand demonstrators and which articulated from the square of the Central Station to the Cathedral invading the square and breaking
nally a ban for some time in place, we wanted to bring the essence and the two realities that we considered central to this March 8/strike
With the banner, the flyers, the megaponage in the procession and in particular with the intervention of an MFPR partner made by the truck that led the procession ...
Italy - March 8/strike a great day of mobilization and struggle of women
After the great mobilization of 25 November in Rome,
This year, March 8 was an extensive day of struggle, action, a new strong and combative response of the movement of women who confirmed the will/need not to stop and continue to fight, to join and rebel
to a condition of exploitation and oppression that invests every area of the living condition of the majority of women in this country.
All this has materialized first of all with the strike,
a strike not only union
but which again had the value of a strong challenge, of rupture,
A weapon of struggle to be challenged, a strike that from the jobs touches all aspects of the life of the workers, women, young people,
increasingly under attack in a specific phase such as the current one in which with the government, with the fascist Meloni, it advances in this country ideologically, politically, practically a
modern fascism
And from which also emanates a modern patriarchism that influences and affects the mass level until the serious emergency of more and more men who kill women, who want to freely choose their lives, as if it were a normality.
A strike "
from productive and reproductive work
"As the Nudm movement also wrote,
but which must be placed in a perspective that places the need for women's struggle at 360 degrees against the capitalist and imperialist social system, violent, source and cause and oppression of women,
that cannot be improved but only overthrown...
Italy - March 8/strike a great day of mobilization and struggle of women
A strike that has been visible concretely and actively already in the morning
In some factories with leaflets, assemblies, stops, with blocks in logistics warehouses, through garrisons or clips in the processions of the workers/precarious social sector of the social and social coops, so in the events in particular of the school workers, students/students , with blocking actions and occupations in universities, with protests of the unemployed such as in Naples against the closure of the consultors and the attack on the right to health that mainly affects proletarian women ..
Some pictures
The strike of 8 March at the Montello BG factory
8 March logistics strike yes cobas
BRT Crespellano (BO)
Students' morning procession and students in Milan
School workers and students on strike March 8 in Brescia
on precarious workers strike of hospitals and integrated welfare services
On strike the precarious social coops Slai Cobas SC 8 March Palermo
strike March 8 workers in kindergarten and school Slai Cobas and students
The great afternoon demonstration promoted by Nudm, again of thousands of women, young people, demonstrators,
In particular in Rome, Milan, Turin, and in many other cities,
On the one hand they represent the beautiful continuity/confirmation of the mobilization of November 25 against violence, feminicides, but on the other they also brought more clear elements, clearer in the watchwords, in the complaints,
For example, against "
The familist and racist policies of the Meloni government who endanger the right to abortion, health and self -determination and attack migrant and racial people ...
", Or, on the condition of attack on women on a working level,
"We protested against low wages, the revocation of the few measures to contrast poverty, such as citizenship income, rampant precariousness, unemployment, hunger pensions and all other forms of economic violence ...
"(From the final press release of Nudm on March 8 and the strike)
But this March 8/strike was also crossed by a great and strong denunciation and solidarity action with Palestine, towards the Palestinian women, towards the resistance of the Palestinian people
which has expressed itself in varied forms
From jobs to events, to actions,
With the multiple flags, the banners, the signs, the writings, boycott initiatives to places or commercial establishments that represent the state of Israel criminal and genocida ... a great active solidarity that said shouted strong and clearly aimed at the genocide, for liberation Of Palestine, against the Meloni della war government ...
First images
In Milan the procession invades Piazza del Duomo with bright writings on the free Palestine buildings and a large Palestinian flag
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
The wording has received a report on the actions that
They took place on March 8, during the International Day of the
Proletarian woman.
Among other things, in a demonstration of March 8 it is
They distributed brochures; The following is the text of the brochure:
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Long live the International Proletarian Women's Day!
"Women, like men, are reactionary,
centrist or revolutionary. Consequently, they cannot free the same
battle. In the current human panorama, the class separates individuals more than
the gender".
- José Carlos Mariátegui, founder of the Communist Party of the
The fight for women's rights in society has
been long. But what women are fighters? What role does the
class affiliation in women's movement?
Feminism is in essence a revolutionary idea, but the
feminist movement is influenced by two visions of the world: a bourgeois
and another proletarian. The bourgeois are selfish and fight to preserve their
privileges that only a few enjoy and therefore can give the
appearance of working so that more women become capitalists of
Risk or executive directors of companies, knowing that most of the
Women of the world will never approach that position. In the current system.
They want to make us believe in a false "female solidarity."
In contrast, the proletarian is truly revolutionary
Because he sees the real potential of women as leaders. Are the
women fighting in society those who produce true qualities of
leadership. When the price of food, electricity and rent
increases without compensating for wages that our work is worth, not
We can afford to be deceived by people who invest in the
Guerra and who kill our comrades and innocent friends worldwide.
Bourgeois feminists like Hillary Clinton and Ebba Busch are Belicists
racists trying to prevent the proletariat from fighting together when they know
We overcome them in number.
Our oppression is of a dual nature: we are oppressed
both for our class and for our genre, which are reasons for the
patriarchal structures. Women in the Third World are triple
oppressed: they are oppressed by imperialism, their class affiliation and their
gender, because countries like the United States but also Sweden not only absorb
to the working class of his own country but also to the oppressed classes of
other countries, such as workers and the poor, to the Campesinos, buying their
bourgeoisie and investing in their state affairs.
We understand that bourgeois feminists like Hillary Clinton
and Ebba Busch are reactionary and imperialists who, along with their colleagues
male Joe Biden and Ulf Kristersson defend the "right" of
Israel to "people" because it benefits their class interests.
They spread false news about decapitated babies on October 7, 2023
and then kill 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, but they didn't care about
Real babies that are killing. Nor George Bush Jr. who justified his war
Oil in Iraq with the words "respect for women can
now become a reality in the Middle East. "
Our proletarian analysis of the feminine issue
leads to the conclusion that patriarchal violence against women
oppressed in the world is characterized by the main contradiction in the world
Today, which is between imperialism and the oppressed peoples of the world. By
So much, we cannot put our destiny in the hands of the imperialists. Must
fight together and organized under the red flag of Maoism for our future
And that of our children, together!
Proletarian feminism for communism!
For a class line in the female movement!
Do you want to study Marxism-Leninism-Maoism? Join a
study group!
Preparing the popular war is essential in the revolutionary exercise | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: One of the work of the working revolution is to dismantle that opportunistic and bourgeois idyll that the reformist left, the workers, peasants and
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T10:05:56-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-12T23:05:45+08:00
Section: Actualidad política
Tags: Guerra Popular, Pacifismo, pacifismo armado, Procesos de Paz
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
The Social Democratic Philistines and the revisionist mamlets have historically made the labor, student and peasant movement believe that the fight can be done through democratic roads and that our purpose of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat can be developed within the molds of Bourgeoer liberal democracy. This has resulted in a veil on the eyes of all the movements that fight for a fair and especially socialist society in Colombia. The current panorama demands to remove that veil, because it is possible that the reformist government of President Gustavo Petro be replaced by one of the most radical and corporatist right with support of Yankee imperialism.
One of the work of
Workers Revolution
, is to dismantle that opportunistic and bourgeois idyll that the reformist left, the workers, peasants and students have created, need to awake The popular war that destroys all the power of the exploiters and the imperialist domination over the country.
Clearly today, in Colombia there is no open armed confrontation of the people against their enemies, but this does need to prepare from now; Particularly, to defend the communities and leaders of the actions of the armed groups linked to drug trafficking, and the official military forces.
That is why a revolutionary party or organization, including the organizations of the masses, both in the countryside and in the city, must and have the obligation to take a position in front of the current war and prepare the foundations to face the enemies also in this field. To reactionary violence, the revolutionary violence of the masses must be responded and that is why it is necessary to prepare to face the esmad and other repressive bodies of the State, and to face the paramilitary groups and other armed enemies. That's why from
Workers Revolution
The need to generalize the guards, shock or "first lines", and start forming popular militias.
It is necessary to overcome guerrillaism based on the twisted understanding of the Cuban experience, according to which it is enough that a group of heroes separated from the masses is launched to the mountain and creates a guerrilla focus whose example in combat will be followed by the masses. That path demonstrated its failure not only in Bolivia where Che Guevara died in the attempt to implement that erroneous theory, but throughout Latin America, including Colombia, where guerrilla groups have ended up separated from the town and in many cases against that People who in word say defending, linked to the drug trafficking business and, in other cases, their bosses signing alleged peace agreements with the enemies of the people in exchange for positions in the bourgeois state, while the demobilized base has paid with hundreds of dead the dead the dead errors of its leaders.
We must put the magnifying glass in the international experience of the labor movement, and perform the concrete analysis of Colombian society to determine a correct line because as comrade Pedro Vásquez Rendón said, the popular war is the denial of all adventure.
That is why the Communist Workers Union (MLM) dedicated a great effort to studying the problem, a product of which it was endowed with
The military line of the proletarian revolution in Colombia
, published in the theoretical magazine
No. 1 and that they can consult in our portal
Workers Revolution
It is not about mechanically copying the experience of other countries, but of assimilating it to solve the specific problem in each country. This is the Marxist way to face the problem, because, as Comrade Aureliano, leader of the UOC at that time, said in an interview in 2001: «From the beginning you have to build a game that is prepared, ready; Theoretically convinced and trained practically to develop the most diverse military actions at any time; We cannot form isolated militants of the military confrontation and the popular war ». The Popular War in Colombia will not be simile or traces of the Chinese experience, nor of the Peruvian, we must keep in mind its tactics, its organization and especially the determination to unite in arms to combat imperialism, bourgeoisie, landowners, and All the reaction that hinders the emancipation of the proletariat and the people.
That is why we must forge comrades, militants capable of directing the masses to face and crush the counterrevolution, taking into account that the party is the one that rules and should never be allowed to send the rifle to the party, as well as not forget that Power is born from the mouth of the rifle, from the people in arms. Colombia is the sun at birth, our struggle is fair, and the right will germinate union and sympathy in the heart of the people.
Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: Δημοκρατικά, διωξεις, εκπαιδευση, εργαζομενοι
Published Time: 2024-03-12T23:56:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
And for the demonstration organized on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 at PIRAEUS MUNICIPAL SQUARE
Recently, a trade union and political persecution industry has been opened against teachers. All over the country are utilized all administrative and judicial mechanisms to find militant teachers to find hostages in disciplinary and courtrooms. Various reactionary provisions of the Civil Service Code are utilized as well as the anti -union legal framework passed in recent years (Chatzidakis, Georgiadis Laws, etc.)
Specifically there are:
· 4 persecutions (disciplinary and criminal) for participating in the mobilization of ELME Piraeus (with ADEDY workstation) against PISA exams.
· 2 criminal and disciplinary persecution of teachers for "inappropriate out -of -service behavior", due to participation in mobilizing the anniversary of the murder of 15 -year -old Grigoropoulos, based on (junta inspiration) prohibitions in the pandemic.
· 3 Criminal Persecution of Teachers for the Mobilization of ELME Piraeus against the Piraeus Piraeus Fiesta-Fiasko in favor of private schools and for mobilization of the Association at the Piraeus GRN offices. In this lawsuit made by the Piraeus Piraeus, he is also the president of the Piraeus Labor Center, who participated and supported the mobilization.
· 2 disciplinary proceedings (referral from the Piraeus GGM) for "malicious criticism of the Head Authority", on the occasion of public (!) Criticism in the policies of the Ministry.
· 1 Primary Primary Education Prosecution in Thessaloniki for participating in mobilizations against auctions.
; .
· 3 References to Disciplinary Regional Education in Athens for their participation in the educational associations strike-by-law by mentors.
Among all this at times colleagues are called to apology to the training departments for written explanations, are threatened with SAD, are called to police departments because they participated in a strike (Rethymnon).
It is a fact that all these persecutions are part of the overall blow to the action of unions, the right to demonstration, strike and mobilization.
It is not only about persecuted but all workers, youth, the people who want to resist policies that hit and dismantle rights in work, education, health.
After two meetings- with the participation of trade unions and movements- neighborhood colleges and movements- that took place (22/2 and 27/2) we took the initiative to organize information campaign against the prosecutions and implementation
Demonstrations on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 at PIRAEUS MUNICIPAL THEATER Square.
For all these reasons we invite you to a press interview on Friday 15/3 at 18:00 to the Athens Bar Association (Akademia 60) for more detailed information on the issue as well as for the better dissemination of the demonstration we are organizing.
The culprits are hunting the crime in Tempi - let's not allow them!
Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: πολιτικη
Published Time: 2024-03-13T02:06:00+08:00
Images: 000000.png
The article was written on the proletarian flag released last Saturday. The Mitsotakis interview with SKAI today and the closure of the House Committee simply confirmed the concealment operation and the indifference of the government and the system for the lives of our people.
The cover -up operation of the Tempe crime proceeds unstoppable, and let's constantly come out of the new and nigger sides of it.
The House Inquiry Committee did not adhere to the pretexts. The government majority, from the first day, showed that its intention was to direct the decision to the human error or any other convenient justification would extract oil itself and its regional governors.
This has already been apparent by decisions on a one -party bureau by the ND and the list of witnesses, who were finally 35, out of the more than 100 previously agreed by the parties. Among those cut were Hellenic Train workers, who had repeatedly made complaints about the shortcomings of the rail network and had highlighted the risk of accident, as well as firefighters who attempted and could deposit the material that caused the fire that caused the fire . Also, the prosecutors' experts were cut, so the only experts to submit were those of the Committee of Gerapetritis.
Then, the "glorious moments" of the committee were Hatzidakis' lies that there was a teleikos system in Larissa, the open insult of the dead driver, with the violation of his medical privacy, to prove that he should not be in that position for reasons. Health, the marathon deposition of the Italian Captain, Managing Director of Hellenictrain, who argued that everything was working well and was unanimously referred to falsehood!
The issue of the cargo cargo was not given, as in the famous incomplete contract 717, for which Karamanlis said in his deposition that he would not save nothing, since the Rules of Procedure was violated that night! And the Buyer, refused to testify, exercising his right to stumble, since he was now accused of the case.
In the end, the committee was submitted to the case, but a few days later, PASOK MPs who participated in it pointed out that only sections of the case file were given and requested that the whole were lodged.
Summary procedures, the liability of political persons, an attempt to find scapegoats to calm down victims' relatives and all angry society. These were the government's goals in the committee. Even SYRIZA's responsibilities have been put aside (eg about how much its 717 works, which had been signed since 2014), not only because when the accident happened, the ND had been ruled for four years, but because if it enters And SYRIZA in the frame, then the responsibilities begin and become timeless and do not concern governments, but the system they serve. Obviously we did not expect a House committee to even let this be implied.
However, the waters shook the European Parliament's resolution on the delay of awarding justice in Greece, which explicitly refers to the Tempe case. The reasons that led to this should be sought in the more general pressures of Europeans over the Greek government, which has tightened the US, rather than the ... sense of justice of Europeans, who know very well the Italians who bought and operate the Greek railways …
In this resolution, but also in the pressure exerted on the government, the families of the victims, but also the whole people behind them, should also seek the causes of the "awakening" of the Supreme Court, who in late February asked them Prosecutors should take all the necessary steps to clarify the case. In order not to be doubtful about the intentions of the Supreme Court, let us remind you that the Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Picilin had given… monumental answers to protesting relatives, only weeks earlier: “How do you do? It's a small moral issue "," they happen "," visit a church to help you "!
The hook was also expressed ... materials, with the accident of the accident area, just a day after the accident, on March 1, 2023. The otherwise cumbersome public moved, found contractors, signed contracts, spoiled about 650,000 euros and completed. The project in less than a week! The Journal of Editors revealed that one of the companies involved was set up a month later, in early April!
However, is it still unclear who ordered the mandate, the Region of Thessaly, the Fire Brigade, the Police, the Government? Everyone deny it! But the joke was done. And the official excuse (who was not even convinced of a high school student ...) was that the muddy space had to be cleaned and covered so that the cranes could be stable and the dead would be restored, while also protected the underground conductor of physicist. Gas! What had to be covered was the valuable elements that might be hiding at the scene of the crime and what had to be protected was all kinds of responsible, especially on the ... tall floors! Even if this meant to cover the biological material of the victims ...
The cover -up business is overall, coordinated and inhumane. Those who designed and implemented her are determined to continue to the end. An end to which some guilty and many innocent are intended to find. Above all, to acquit the system that kills, in Mandra, in Mati, in Tempi, but also in Gaza and the camps of the destitute throughout the Earth.
This system was targeted, even without realizing it, by the thousands that were demonstrating last year, the thousands that demonstrated this year on 28 February and many of those who signed the Karystianos resolution. This rage, expressed so massively, must become more overall, turning to the main culprit, the system of exploitation and not be the subject of small -party exploitation of some who, in fact, are complicit.
Udea Rectory: between the Antioquia bourgeoisie and the petrist bureaucracy | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: On April 6, the rectoral period of the University of Antioquia ends, and with it one of the most disastrous and mercantilizing administrations of education
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T13:14:22-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T02:14:12+08:00
Section: Actualidad política
Tags: estudiantes, Universidad de Antioquia
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
University of Antioquia
On April 6, the rectoral period of the University of Antioquia ends, and with it one of the most disastrous and mercantilizing administrations of education that has had the Udea, the lousy rectory of John Jairo Arboleda, who has the impudence of launching again to reelection, whose electronic consultation will be held this Tuesday, March 12 between 8am and 6pm. The panorama presented to the student body and the university community in general is quite bleak, the candidates let us see who are the ones who really dispute the rectory of the Udea: on the one hand, the Antioquia bourgeoisie of the Antioquia business group
and his governor on duty, Uribista Andrés Julián Rendón; And on the other hand, the petrist bureaucracy with candidates close to the historical pact and the corrupt Daniel Quintero.
represents what we want for the government
Among other candidates kneeling to the Business of Antioquia is Ramón Javier Mesa, who was Vice Chancellor of Arboleda, that is, directly responsible for the administrative disaster and the scandalous budget deficit of 345 billion pesos that the Udea has, who also holds known relations with the GEA and with institutional right -wing political sectors. Also, and the most reactionary, is Manuel Santiago Mejía, a member of the GEA, owner of the Colombian of Commerce (corvette) that agglomera companies such as AKT motorcycles, Alkosto and Ktronix stores, and former member of the board of directors of the Public Companies of Medellín, Route N and Metro; Who was the Finance Manager "
La Carolina
”Where the paramilitary group was founded
The twelve apostles
The influence of the historical pact, the main coalition of government of the country, also has chips and is not far behind, in a kind of measurement of forces with business and political sectors of Antioquia that represent the legacy of Uribism, have as spears in different currents to Luquegi Gil, who was general secretary of the Udea and Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science during previous administrations such as Uribe Correa, Alviar and Arboleda; And also Javier Darío Ledesma, specifically record of the disastrous former mayor of Medellín Daniel Quintero (who directly ordered the violent and brutal remembered intervention of the Esmad at the University of Antioquia on February 22, 2020), in addition to former manager and manager in EPM and EPM and Route N.
Other candidates such as Jaime Andrés Cano or Lina María Muñoz do not represent more than a recycling and verbiage of several past administrations, having occupied charges on several levels previously in the Udea and other IES.
So, as a student I call to be constantly aware of the administrative and financial reality of the University, as well as the political ties of those who direct it, also not to participate in the false university democracy that is nothing more than a competition in the That those candidates of the Antioquia bourgeoisie and the petrist bureaucracy measure forces.
PC 12 March-the great events of the women of March 8, the procession of 9 in Milan and the proletarian and internationalist sign brought by the MFPR
Author: prolcomra
Description: As a counter -information Ross Operaia dated 12/03 last weekend was characterized by the great mobilization of women for the 8 ...
Published Time: 2024-03-13T02:57:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpeg000001.jpeg
by contrainformation Ross Operaia dated 12/03
Last weekend was characterized by the great
mobilization of women for March 8, who combined in forms
wide with the mobilization for Palestine.
The manifestations
of the women of Rome and Milan, the many events, small and
large, which were there on a national scale have seen returning to
Massa the movement of women in the squares, in the processions. In the center of
These mobilizations were essentially two themes: the question
of violence against women, feminicides, and the entire system
capitalist patriarchal who, in different forms, converges on these
issues and makes even more difficult life to workers, at
women, to girls.
In these
demonstrations the strength of the great event is echoed
of Rome of over half a million people on November 25th.
The role of
women and girls in the general movement has returned to being
important. Now it is necessary that it continues giving life to one
systematic participation of women in all events
against the government, against the imperialist war, in solidarity
To Palestinian women.
The important initiative of the proletarian feminist movement must be considered
Revolutionary who hit these days on workers,
on the workers, actively intervening and organizing delegations of
workers in the events. We particularly point out the
initiatives to the factories of Bergamo, Montello and Beretta,
The initiatives in Palermo, the initiatives in Taranto. Great
Importance was the presence of the representation of the MFPR at
Two main events in Milan, in which the MFR companions brought the item of the
workers and at the same time they have strengthened the choice of
Maximum solidarity with Palestinian women, their resistance.
On the blog
Communist proletarians, on the blog of the proletarian feminist movement
Revolutionary, you can find, listen and read reports,
images, videos, interventions that took place in these events.
Two: the event
has shown that solidarity is stronger than the war of
aggression, the invasion, the occupation, the genocide plan, which
It is tenacity and that its absolute trust affirms that the
Palestinian people will win. Great was the support for
Resistance in all forms of the Palestinian people.
But March 9 is
was also the day of the Palestinian woman. Throughout the procession
Palestinian women and representatives of the Palestinian communities have
expressed all the strength that the Palestinian woman expresses in the struggle
against Zionism, the state of Israel, imperialism, e
in being in the front row and background of the great resistance that the
people are developing.
In tune with
This imprint that had the demonstration of March 9, are
were the interventions that the proletarian feminist movement
Revolutionary has brought to this event with flyers,
With an intervention by partner Donatella, national representative
of our movement and bringing the maximum support to every aspect of the
Battle of Palestinian women. The solidarity banner that
it highlighted how Palestinian women are transforming into
pain in force, had the imprint of a great message and one
Great indication not only for Palestinian women, but for women
that all over the world struggle against the imperialist system,
against capitalist oppression, patriarchate and all forms of
oppression. It must be said that on the morning of March 9 a
delegation of the MFPR has challenged prohibitions and obstacles, bringing
Striscioni of reporting of the genocide under the headquarters of the consulate
Israeli in Milan.
PC 12 March-Libertà for Anan Yaeesh/NO to EXTRACTION! Today events in some cities and garrison at the Court of L'Aquila who discusses its extradition
Author: prolcomra
Description: From counter -information Rosso Opera of 12/03 Anan Yaeesh is a 37 -year -old Palestinian from the city of Tulcarem, the West Bank. Has...
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:07:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
by contrainformation Ross Operaia dated 12/03
Anan Yaeesh is a 37 -year -old Palestinian from the city of
Tulcarem, the West Bank.
Conducted his political activity in
context of the second intifada and for this reason has already served four
years in the torture prisons of Israeli employment. Once
released, he suffered a further ambush of the special forces
Israeli in 2006, reporting serious gun wounds. In the
2013 left Palestine directed in Europe and Norway where it comes
subjected to surgery to remove bullets
remained for years in his body. Then in 2017 he reached Italy, where
In 2019 he obtained a regular residence permit as a refugee.
In 2023 he went
Visiting in Jordan and here is kidnapped by the secrets of secrets
Giordani who intended to deliver it to Israel. But after six months of
detention, the great mobilization that followed the news of the
his arrest, prevent the Jordan authorities from delivering him to
Israel and force him to release it.
So 2023 in November
He returns to Italy, in L'Aquila, where on January 29 of this year, a
following a request for acquittal of the Zionist State of
Israel, the Italian authorities arrest him and are preparing for
Estand it. Here too in Italy it is immediate to mobilize for
request their liberation and prevent extradition.
There have been
Heads of cities in Sassari, L'Aquila, Terni, where
He is detained. But for today, March 12, at the L'Aquila court was
The hearing is expected to discuss its extradition. Is exactly
Yesterday, with an extraordinary timing, the Prosecutor's Office
of L'Aquila has marked a capture mandate for the same Anan e
Two other Palestinians residing in L'Aquila, with an accusation
imaginative, apparently, of having made up a cell in Italy
who designed attacks. Anan's lawyer speaks of timing
To a situation that is complicated must answer and replies
Already today the continuity of the campaign for its liberation. AND'
in fact provided in L'Aquila, in front of the court, where it will be discussed
the case, a new garrison and on March 20 in Rome, a further
event. A story that proves once again the
complicity and servility of the Italian state compared to projects
of persecution and annihilation of political opponents
Palestinians by the state of Israel but shows how today the
solidarity with the Palestinian people, with the Palestinian resistance
both the ground where the bigger and stronger feels the movement,
popular mobilization, internationalist solidarity. Tomorrow a information on the
demonstration in front of today's L'Aquila court, with the
decisions taken by the hearing.
Silvio Almeida accepts order from Luiz Inacio and cancels condemnatory event of the military regime in the 60th anniversary of the coup - the new democracy
Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Situação Política
Description: With the submission assumed to the barracks, Luiz Inacio will achieve nothing but feed the coup today.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T18:53:01-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:07:26+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: 60 anos golpe militar, Governo Lula, militares
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T18:53:01-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg
The head of the Human Rights Folder, Silvio Almeida, accepted the order of Luiz Inacio to cancel the condemnatory events of the government compared to the 60th anniversary of the military coup. Last year, the folder held a series of critical events to the regime, which will no longer be done this year. In addition to Silvio Almeida, other ministers were also directly and personally oriented by Luiz Inacio not to hold such events, according to Folha de São Paulo.
The event of the Ministry of Human Rights would take place on April 1 at the Museum of the Republic, and would have a speech by Silvio Almeida himself. According to information from the Folha Press Monopoly, the act would seek to extol "the struggle of militants persecuted by the regime."
Days before Luiz Inacio's order to the ministers, the federal government agent had already widened that he would seek to avoid the matter. "I, honestly, I will deal with as quietly as possible," he said, before stating that "this [the regime] is already part of the past" and that he did not want to be "always brooding", in a set of statements vehemently rejected by A wide range of progressive and democratic activists. Family members and researchers interviewed by the program
By the way
, of
, like Mario Alves's grandson,
Leo Alves
, and the teacher of Eco-UFRJ,
Ana Paula Goulart Ribeiro
, condemned the president's speech.
This is not the first time that Silvio Almeida has acted orders from Luiz Inacio so as not to generate friction with the reactionary armed forces. Last year, Almeida's portfolio had the decree to reopen the special committee on the dead and missing politicians in hand, but did not refer the measure by guidance of the presidential team.
While the government gives up any movement to condemn the 60th anniversary of the military regime, it was announced today that the Military Club will hold a lunch to celebrate the date on March 27 at the Lagoa Sports headquarters, in the area southern river.
‘Break the story’ of living crimes and coup
With the submission assumed to the barracks, Luiz Inacio will achieve nothing but feed the coup today. Although the military who were involved in an attempt to culminate the institutional rupture in 2022 being investigated, the other loud-command green they knew of the whole contract, but did nothing, follow unpunished, as former commander Freire Gomes. They follow the same way despite all the illegal interference, in the national political life that has been expanded since 2015, and continues to perform these days, such as the current commander Tomás Miguel Miné Paiva.
Avoid “brooding on history”, therefore, is actually choosing the way of appeasing with today's coup. Maintain the old tradition of the country, already at the level of general law of Brazilian history, of alternation between military and civil governments protected by the barracks, without any confrontation to the coup and crimes of the military regime.
The aforementioned interviewees defend similar points. “I think it is a very important perception the role of memory. Unlike what some have been talking about, memory has nothing to do with the past. If we do not resolve to our authoritarian past, authoritarianism will be knocking on our door all the time, and we lived it in the very recent history of our country, ”said Professor Ana Paula Goulart Ribeiro in an interview with
By the way
The same is true of the crimes of the military who follow alive. On March 20, 21 and 22 and April 2, the Amnesty Commission will judge different regime processes. Two of them are collective reparation processes for indigenous peoples Krenak and Guyraroka, brutally affected by the fascist military dictatorship.
In times of appeasement so severe with the military and such wide impunity to the military for yesterday and today's crimes, as proven in the judgments of cases such as the 257 shots fired at a black family, which occurred in 2019, or forced disappearance From Luiz Eduardo Merlino, from the time of the regime, it is difficult to expect a hard penalty. It is already clear which rule to follow.
International Walking, National Submission
The hypocrisy of the government has been openly open in the international level. Six months ago, the government sent a commission to a political act in Chile of conviction at the 50th anniversary of the military coup. In a similar period, Luiz Inacio visited the mothers of Praça de Maio, also in a political maneuver.
Here in the country, silence orders the regime, refuses to open commissions for the crimes of the barracks and even avoids receiving relatives from the victims of the facist military dictatorship.
It remains the doubt of what more can be given to the military as part of the appeasement. Last year, Luiz Inácio accepted the protection of the barracks on procedures such as the CPMI of 8/1 closed -mouth and filled the dacked people with reactionary military personnel for fear of having his government defenered. This year, he threw away all his speech of "dictatorship never again", propagated in the campaign months, also for cowardice. What more Luiz Inacio and his team are willing to accept to keep the well -known cemetery peace?
It is the lesson that the fight against the crimes of the military of yesterday and today, among which is the veiled or wide -open coup, will be a task for the popular masses in struggle.
PC 12 March-No to the rearm plan of the imperialist Europe which is the war economy downloaded on workers and the masses and great profits for the masters of the weapons
Author: prolcomra
Description: From counter -information Rossusoia of 12/03 is certainly not peace on the agenda but it is the policy of the increase in military expenses. ...
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:28:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
by contrainformation Ross Operaia dated 12/03
It is certainly not peace on the agenda but it is politics
of the increase in military expenditure. In these days the newspapers
They report news of new funding for strategic autonomy
of the European imperialism that translates into other passages, in
Other war plans by imperialist governments of Europe
which are only needed to feed the fire of the clash
military in progress against Russia in particular.
Governments and the
same European institutions speak of common defense but the unit of
intent that reach the various imperialist countries is only transitory
Because the interests of individual countries are different and conflicting
European imperialists, France, Germany and Italy above all, at the basis of the division of the world.
Now, also for
the approach of the European elections and the election campaign in
USA, the question of the armaments race returns to be
agitated with more strength by the political leaders of European parties and by
Masters of arms who, in these days, have presented the new guidelines of the
strategy for the defense industry through the commission
The war in
Ukraine requires a continuous flow of weapons by the
Imperialists and Zelenskj repeats him at all his visit, a continuous
need for weapons and ammunition to face the war potential
Russo who is growing as regards the ammunition,
As reported by the owners' newspapers, and for imperialist countries
Europeans The problem is not to take action for peace but
Continue to feed winds of war, create all the premise
for a new carnage in Europe, as explicitly says the
same von der Leyen: "Europe prepare for war in
Next five years because, it is unlikely, but not impossible ".
The race to
rearrange for European defense, the war economy behind which
The enormous profits of the arms industries, blessed by their business bags are hidden, are themes of the campaign
election certainly, even if the financial resources that Europe
In this case it available for the weapons industries is
unsolved but the meaning is however to give an indication for
make the profits of the industries of the
Weapons, because this infinite war certainly convenient for them.
Recently there is
State Macron, his government is representative of a Member State
of the UN Security Council and nuclear and colonial power,
who made the proposal of an deployment of troops born in
Ukraine and then continued Scholz representative of a government
who has increased the military expenditure of his country by overcoming the roof
of 2% (to be precise 2.1%) of military expenditure with respect to
Gross domestic product (GDP), the latter objective set in
Born area to increase the military power of the alliance
Atlantic, representative of a government who, together with the United Kingdom and
France - to which from his direct and indirect contribution also
Italy of the Meloni government -, is present on the field in Ukraine
not only with mercenaries but also with professional officers for
Fight and train to use long -range weapons that come back
useful in addressing them against Russia, thus feeding the escalation
Also drones,
plane-radar and electronic war of different allied air force
they often fly just outside the Ukrainian airspace to help the
Kiev forces to hit objectives in Crimea and Russia avoiding
official involvement in the conflict.
London has
another 2.5 billion for military aid to Ukraine in Ukraine
2024 (after 2.3 billion both in 2022 and in 2023), Berlin promises
8 billion only this year (has just inaugurated a new factory
of ammunition in low Saxony), France provides cannons, system
of aerial defense, missiles and pilots training.
A huge flow
of money flows to help the puppet of NATO and his government of
Nazis, to the oligarchs in power in Ukraine and recently the EU has
approved in January 50 billion on 4 years of economic aid (the
World Bank has calculated that Ukraine will need 450
billions of euros for reconstruction). Profits on profits.
But not only help
Cheap, as you know, weapons are a constant.
In the recent
Report of the European Network against the weapon trade, ENAT, from
War Lobby to War Economy, in which 536 were reconstructed
meetings between representatives of the main companies in the sector
European and members of the Commission between 2014 and 2023 and 175
Meeting with MEP between 2019 and 2023. “The pressures of the
military industry lobby also on the EU Commission are
continuous and relevant ".
The European defense
It is the appeal of the Commission aimed at the masters of weapons in
Europe to increase production and governments to increase spending
The Commission
European provides for "mobilizing 1.5 billion in the EU budget for the
period 2025-26 to continue improving competitiveness "
of industry and defense technology. In itself it is one
negligible figure, it is calculated that with 1.5 billion the EU could
finance the purchase of just 58 Leopard 2. But, he explains
Borrell, «The bottom is an incentive to invest, not for
replace states ".
A project,
According to the commissioner for the internal market and the services, Breton,
which initially needs 100 billion (in Eurobond) to arrive
to a turning point. But of that money, in the new EU plan, there is no
The weapons
they could be purchased by a consortium of European countries
sponsored by the Commission with the same model that was adopted
For anti-covid vaccines and, especially for ammunition that are the
more urgent chapter of the supplies in Kiev, they could
Use the funds of the Russian oligarchs frozen by the sanctions
after the start of the aggression to Ukraine. For the rest, at
more expenses for purchases of war material should be done
in front of the same way that the Next Generation EU was created
And to the PNRRs: the creation of European debt. Then a new war thrust downloaded on the masses, on the workers.
Borrell remember
that "the European defense industry has already increased by 50%
His abilities », but" we must go further ». «In 2022 - he adds
The high represented - the investments in the defense were
58 billion euros divided between the twenty -seven. In the USA the Pentagon
He asked for investments for 215 billion euros ».
Today, 78%
of the European acquisitions in the defense sector come from
countries outside the European Union. Edis (European strategy for
The industrial defense sector) aims to encourage Europeans a
work cooperatively and to invest jointly in the
skills built in Europe. Invites Member States to buy
At least 40% of military equipment collaboratively -
that is, without weighing their feet with each other - and 50%
within the EU by 2030, reaching 60% by
2035. To do this, the Commission intends to facilitate and support
Joint programs using multiple funding and tools
regulations, which are based on the strengthening of the European industry
of the defense through the law on common contracts (Edirpa) and the
law in support of the production of ammunition (ASAP).
Mention that in the meantime, participation in European military missions
has already been underway for some time and this "common defense" is invoked
by the imperialists while they hide each of them the dagger behind
The back ready to launch it to competing imperialism.
They converge tactically but the political and economic interests there
they bring on a collision course, today they come together on Ukraine, medium
East, a peaceful nature for a power policy of imperialism
European, in reality a European imperialism that is made up of various
Imperialist countries whose strength relationships remain in balance
more and more precarious.
To push for
coordinate the skills of member countries in defense development
In particular, the governments of Estonia, France and Poland,
signatories of an appeal that relaunches the military defensive capacity
continental. Among these countries Poland is engaged in a
massive rearmament program, buy American, British weapons and
South Koreane, certainly not European. And this is already a contradiction
whose solution points the European Commission.
Two years
from the beginning of the war in Ukraine the wars and threats of
war are increased, humanity is constantly threatened
from imperialist policies.
The complex
military-industrial and ministers are one-and in Italy
Minister Crosetto represents in a too evident way
this union - and the industry of the
defense, the financial sector and the academic world, a topic
which unequivocally demonstrates that the goal of peace does not
can be reached without overturning their respective governments of
Imperialist capital, their states, which are the heart of this
system that is dragging us into a world war.
Haiti: New crisis evidences failure of imperialist missions and Brazilian generals - the new democracy
Author: João Alves
Categories: Internacional
Description: Will the Haitian Prime Minister resignation be succeeded by taking power by paramilitary groups? New crisis in Haiti, which raised levels of violence to heaven, highlights the failure of imperialist missions and Brazilian generals
Link-Section: internacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T16:35:29-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:35:27+08:00
Sections: Internacional
Tags: haiti, Minustah
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T16:35:29-03:00
Images: 000000.webp
In a state of emergency since March 9, Haiti is now being governed by a “presidential transition council” following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Heny. Henry, who was in Kenya's capital trying to close an agreement for a UN mission, failed to return to the country after successive actions promoted by paramilitary organizations.
Among the main actions of the armed groups is a joint attack on a prison that resulted in the release of 4,000 Haitian prisoners and an attempt to control the international airport that was very close. The union between different paramilitary groups is the result of a call made by Jimmy “Barbecue” Charzier. He went public to cry out for the end of the struggles between the armed groups to overthrow the Prime Minister. The newly instituted “Council” is expected to be defeated by the actions of these paramilitary organizations, which are supplied with weapons from the United States, especially from Florida. They are point 50 machine guns, rifles, snipers and even drones.
Meanwhile, the people continue to face the consequences of reactionary violence, now widespread after centuries of imperialist interference with the Haitian nation. According to doctors without borders, in the largest slum in the country - Cite Soleil - death rates are comparable to those of Syria. The organization of Yankee imperialism and mainly guilty for the current situation, UN, said the nation's health system is “close to collapse”, with scarcity of personnel, equipment, beds, medicines and blood to treat bullet injured patients.
In Brazil, Luiz Inácio stated that “it is necessary to act quickly in Haiti”, without clarifying what kind of action is talking - last September,
The agent had already announced
that the Bope of RJ will participate in the joint action headed by Kenya. Antony Blinken, in turn, talked to the Kenyian president about the Haiti crisis. Both underscored a commitment to a multinational security mission to “restore order”. It will be the beginning of a third foreign intervention. On the second of them, conducted for 12 years (2005 to 2017) by Brazilian generals such as Augusto Heleno, which was seen was military operations conducted in the objective of promoting massacres and exterminations. All this experience was used in
Repression against the people of the favelas of SP and RJ
Petrobras shareholders threaten a company with the requirement of extraordinary billionaire dividends above investments - the new democracy
Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Situação Política
Description: The Petrobras Engineers Association (AEPET) has denounced that the payment of required dividends can “compromise the future result” and that the current company's shareholder remuneration policy is “unsustainable”.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T16:54:58-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:54:56+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: imperialismo, petrobras
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T16:54:58-03:00
Images: 000000.webp
Petrobras shareholders have threatened the company with the requirement of payment of extraordinary dividends, a specific type of dividend (profit paid to shareholders of a company) paid by the state under specific conditions. The Petrobras Engineers Association (AEPET) has denounced that the payment of required dividends can “compromise the future result” and that the current company's shareholder remuneration policy is “unsustainable”.
What happened?
Last week, the Petrobras board announced that it would not pay the extraordinary dividends to shareholders, but would normally make the payment of minimum dividends. The payment was made in the amount of R $ 14.2 billion.
Even so, the tycoons who live from the dividends have risen against the board in a leech riot. Shareholders threatened to sell their shares as a way to press the company's summit, and the state -owned company lost R $ 55.3 billion in the fictitious “market value” (based on the total sum of the company's common shares).
The government, being the company's largest shareholder, was also attacked by the Magnatas and its representatives in the “intervention in the company” press monopoly, especially after denying a half-term proposal from Petrobras's board of directors to pay half of the extraordinary dividends .
‘Future Harmful’
In this scenario, Petrobras engineers organized at AEPET denounced the current compensation policy of shareholders and the possible consequences of the payment of dividends to leeches.
“In 2021 and 2022 the average ratio between paid dividends and net investment was 804%, in the consolidated result of 2023 was 232.63%, while between 2005 and 2020 it was 12.7%, in average terms. That is, the relationship between dividend payment and net investment in 2023 was 18 times higher compared to the average from 2005 to 2020, ”explains Coutinho. He concludes: “It is evident that raising the distribution of dividends over investments will compromise the future result.”
‘Unsustainable dividends’
For Coutinho, there is a problem in the shareholders' own compensation policy. Petrobras is the integrated oil company that most pays dividends to shareholders worldwide, and this is kept in times of low revenue.
“The relationship between paid dividends and liquid investments demonstrates, in a fullest way, how the policies of Petrobras' high direction are discrepant in relation to the management of large world oil companies. Petrobras' relationship was 4.2 times higher than the average oil officer, ”he says.
This remuneration policy designed to grant vampires of the nation, survivors of income resulting from the exploitation of national wealth for foreign interests, leads to an unsustainable framework in the company.
The measure is so severe that it can even compromise reserves replacement, maintenance of production and add value to Petrobras oil value. This is because it is only possible to maintain such a high payment of dividends with the very reduction in investments in activities such as oil production.
“In analyzing the history of Petrobras and the results of large international oil companies, it is evident that dividends that have been paid by the state's high direction since 2021 are performed to the detriment of liquid investments and, therefore, among other factors, are unsustainable . Under the direction of the Lula administration and the management of Prates, nothing has changed so far, ”concludes Coutinho.
India: The counter -revolution suffers one defeat after the other in Bijapur
Author: laji
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:58:19+08:00
Tags: Indien, Volkskrieg
14th of February:
According to media reports from the Indian news agency "The Print", alleged Maoists in the district of Narayanpur in the state of Chhattisgarh killed a man because he was said to have been an informant of the police.
February 15:
In the Indian state of Odisha in the Boudh district, there was an explosion of a land mine in which two security forces were seriously injured. The two injuries were part of an anti-Maoist search operation of the so-called "special operational group" in the Nalikumpha-Wald. The two fighters of this reactionary elite unit were injured on the head and eyes and had to be evacuated using air transport.
February 24:
In the West Singhbhum district in the state of Jharkhand, a police informant was liquidated by revolutionary.
February 25:
Exactly one week after a commander of the "armed forces of Chhattisgarh" with an ax, there was once again a fatal attack on a member of the "armed forces of Chhattisgarh" by the revolutionary guerrillas in the Bijapur district. This time it hit a main tread of the 19th battalion of the paramilitary police unit as it should secure a main street in an antimaoist exploration campaign as part of a reconnaissance unit to keep the rest of the reactionary troop from possible back. However, the main tread on the street came up with an explosive device and was killed by the subsequent explosion on the spot. In this case, too, it should be emphasized that the explosive device was placed near the police agent of the 19th battalion.
This allows the conclusion that, even if the media of the Indian large bourgeoisie and large landowners would like to suggest other, the reactionary paramilitary units in the Bijapur district and elsewhere are not those that have the initiative in hand and carry out operations from their camps which the revolutionaries put under pressure. Rather, it seems, so that the units of the old Indian state as soon as they open a warehouse are in a defensive and defensive spiral and if the warehouse is left, risk of running and falling the guerrillas immediately.
And a spokesman for the unit also confirmed in an interview that the Bechapal policätagen, which has existed for a year
The development in Bijapur and Chhattisgarh as a whole can be seen on one side the old Indian state The goal pursues the revolutionary base areas, especially in regions such as Bijapur To make the immediate surroundings to smash the new power. On the other hand, the old Indian state does not seem to be able to protect its counter -revolutionary armed forces and maintain the offensive character of the actual mission. Instead, you can see in Bijapur how the initiative is on the side of the revolutionary army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoistic). Examples of this are among other things in January in Bijapur
Greatly taking up a circular and extermination surgery of a police unit with at least 35 dead police officers
and the killing of
Three members of the paramilitary special unit Cobra in a fire battle in Bijapur February
this year. The fact that members of the militia are now said to have killed a battalion leader as a relatively inpatient and lower unit confirms that the assessment that the new and red power is consolidated in Bijapur. Overall, there is a picture in which the old armed forces of the Indian state in Bijapur and other regions are more like a vanguard without a main force and are in a backward movement, while the revolutionaries successfully trigger the attempts at attack on the new power and develop strong counter -offensive.
March 01:
A party member of the fascist BJP party of the Indian Prime Minister Modi was killed with stab weapons in the bio-bio-cable district in Chhattisgarh.
March 6th:
Four days later, the local head of the fascist BJP party in Bijapur was ambushed and killed by revolutionary guerrillas. According to media reports, it is the overall eighth killing campaign against members of the fascist party in the last year.
March 9th:
Two police informants were killed in the Kandhamal of the state of Odisha.
March 11:
In Bijapur, a police informant was killed near the village of Telipetha. The police then carried out an antimaoist search operation without finding one of the attackers.
On the day of 9 March in Milan with a shares of reporting and solidarity, also challenging the prohibitions, at the Israeli consulate and in a popular neighborhood and with the participation in the 22nd event below Saturday of the Palestinian associations we still wanted to express force
Our unconditional support for Palestinian women who transform deep pain into force
In the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people against the criminal state of Israel Nazisionist
And the need for us women, workers, proletarian, companions ... of fighting wide -ranging against the fascist and warflower government to hunt him, a government fully and actively complicit in the genocide of the people of Israel, of the atrocious massacre of more than 30 Milan Palestinians, mostly women and children, the need to fight against "our" imperialism that shakes the stuffed hands of Netanyahu by sending weapons that enrich the Italian assassins on the blood of the innocent children, of women, young people, of the Palestinian people
To the Israeli consulate
In the popular district of via Padova Fershelliginage and strong denunciation and and counter -information to the megaphone crossing the roads, also finding sharing between proletarians and immigrants
We participated in the afternoon event of March 9 of the Palestinian associations from Piazza San Babila where one of the beautiful and characteristic aspects of the procession
It was to affirm the great courage of Palestinian women who suffer atrocious suffering but who resist and who on the international day of women are the symbol of the struggle of oppressed women,
Starting from the interventions of the Palestinian organizers at concentration, through
The presence of many young Palestinians who always enliven these manifestations very combatively, with the flash mob eventually representing the massacred children ... within all this the intervention of an MFPR partner from the truck that first of all greeted the event with emotion
Weekly editorial - shift government balances in Pinguela - The New Democracy
Author: Redação de AND
Categories: Editorial
Description: To act with dignity, as independent political force, workers need to break free from ideological strings, according to which, they must be content with the minimum. "Things are not good, that's right, but it's possible, and everything will be even worse if you are not content." Since ancient times, this is the most efficient way to keep slaves submissive.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T18:06:09-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T04:24:05+08:00
Sections: Editorial
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T18:06:09-03:00
Images: 000000.png
As it turns out, seasonal improvements in the GDP index and “job creation” are just statistics. It is already from popular wisdom that a government of the exploiting classes lies in two ways: one is even lying, blatantly, the other is publishing statistics that, showing everything, hide what is fundamental. The 3% GDP growth is an artificial number leveraged by the record crop of the agro -export landowner, whose export of its production, for example, do not contribute to taxes; They do not bring any improvement to the economic situation of the majority of the population, that is, the workers, as with the price of the basic basket, which became again in February (in 14 of the 17 capitals, there was high prices). In Rio de Janeiro alone, the increase was on average 5.1%.
The discharge in rejection was therefore not the result of an alleged reaction to the statement of the country's agent abroad in condemning the Zionist genocide in Gaza. After all, Luiz Inácio only remains to condemn the absurdities in the international level, where his word, at most, causes diplomatic discomfort without important repercussions. (The words of condemnation of Israel, by the way, are always preceded by harsh convictions to the Palestinian National Resistance, choir with the reactionary scream of “Hamas Terrorism”). Already at the national level, Luiz Inacio cannot make their arrice of posing as a “progressive”, as the economy is delivered to the international financial oligarchy and political governance is delivered to the president of fact, the colonel yesterday pocket arthurist Arthur Lira, who, who, In addition to controlling the country's political agenda (controlling what is voted or not voted in the National Congress), it also exercises control over the most important part of the Union budget. It is the government.
Luiz Inácio can not talk too much about “agribusiness” because it would sound strange, especially after giving him the largest crop in the country's history, far superior to Bolsonaro, while for the “agrarian reform” of the old state , in 2023 and 2024, the shift government allocated R $ 2 billion, the same amount that Bolsonaro had allocated in 2021. We all said that Bolsonaro wanted the death of “agrarian reform”; What do you want to want Luiz Inácio, in addition to your canteenna of prestidigator before the popular masses?
The popular masses of the countryside and the city accumulate lessons from this period. To act with dignity, as independent political force, workers need to break free from ideological strings, according to which, they must be content with the minimum. The “minimum”, achieved today through the misleading appeal of saving the country from the hands of a celebrated and supporting a shift government sitting on the right lap and conciliation with the hard core of coup, is condemning them to a future in which the "minimum" will be even worse. This is how the old order continues to deceive the masses, all guaranteed through the well -known blackmail: "Things are not good, that's right, but it is possible, and everything will be even worse if it is not content." Since ancient times, this is the most efficient way to keep slaves submissive. It is also a sign sacred by the story that systems like this no matter what the maneuvers of rulers, will crumble and will be swept!
Brazilian governors go to Israel at the invitation of Netanyahu in the midst of Palestinian genocide in Ramadan - the new democracy
Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Plantão Palestina
Description: The visit of the reactionaries to the Palestinians occupied by Israel, therefore, tends to reinforce all relationships of Zionism with Brazil, in general, and with the agents of Zionism in Brazilian lands, in particular.
Link-Section: category/plantao-palestina/
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T18:35:06-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T04:38:24+08:00
Sections: Plantão Palestina
Tags: israel, palestina
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T18:35:06-03:00
Images: 000000.webp
The governors Tarcisio de Freitas (Republicans), from São Paulo (SP), and Ronaldo Caiado (União Brasil), from Goiás (GO), will board next week on an invitation to the invitation of Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The tour will feature a script marked by the Zionist counter -propropaganda of the recent events in Palestine, including a passage through the place where Rave Supernova took place on October 7th. Both parties should also take the opportunity to discuss agreements related to agreements between Brazil and Israel, as diplomatic, economic and military relations between the two states are in force.
The trip will take place between 18 and 22 March. In addition to the Protionist Freitas and Caiado, the Minas Gerais reactionary governor Romeu Zema (Novo) was invited, but denied the invitation for having other commitments in the period. During the week of travel, the governors will meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
There is no official justification for the visit. According to Brazilian Zionists living in Israel, the visit is to offer a view on the effects of October 7. Already Tarcísio de Freitas listed that the two states have "important partnerships, purchase of equipment" and a "excellent relationship". "We are accepting an invitation and point," he concluded.
It is quite possible that military agreements are discussed. The Press Monopoly
He reported that the script may include a visit to an intelligence and strategy center of the Zionist Armed Forces. In recent weeks, Governor Goiano has closed two new agreements with Israel during the inauguration of a pro-action park in Goiás.
This is possible because, despite the various manifestations of the Brazilian popular masses through Brazil's diplomatic, economic and military breakup with Israel, Luiz Inacio's government insists on the maintenance of relations with the Zionist state.
Ideological visit
Cinically, Tarcisio de Freitas stated that the trip will be "without ideology and without politics." The statement is incongruous with the travel script itself and the general context of its surroundings.
On the same day Caiado signed the agreements with Israel, the Goian Governor inaugurated a park in honor of the victims of October 7. The Pro-Nionist Monument did not mention the Palestinians, classified Hamas as “terrorist” and ignored the complaints of the Israeli press that many of the civilians were killed by the military of Israel, not by the Palestinian combatants.
In January of this year, Tarcisio also stood out for his proximity to Zionist entities by attending an event organized by the Israeli Congregation Paulista (CIP). Supposedly performed to honor the victims of the Holocaust, the ceremony was marked by political discourses that sought, among other elements, to equate the "anti -Semitism" to "anti -joining".
The visit to the Palestinian lands occupied by Israel, therefore, tends to reinforce all relationships of Zionism with Brazil, in general, and with the ultrarectionary agents of Zionism in Brazilian lands, in particular.
PC 12 March - Presidium in L'Aquila for Anan Yaeesh and against the persecution of Palestinian refugees. Anan is not extradable therefore the Meloni government keeps him in prison and 2 other Palestinian refugees for 270 bis
Description: The defense had presented the release of release 15 days ago, while today's hearing was set with extreme delay. The defence ...
Published Time: 2024-03-13T04:54:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
The defense had presented the release of release 15 days ago, while today's hearing was set with extreme delay. Anan's defense had raised several profiles according to which Anan's extradition would never have been possible. Too serious violations of human rights in Israel, too practiced torture, too many associations for recognized and reliable human rights that confirm it: Anan is not extradable.
But our criminal procedure code also provides for the impossibility of extracting a subject when that person, for the same fact for which extradition is required, is subjected to a criminal affair in the resident country. And today Italy makes the first of the class, the most servile ally of Israel, because it does nothing but submit to criminal trial those who oppose Israeli employment, do nothing but repress the Palestinian resistance. And he can say "no to entry", without imbalanced in humanitarian issues. It can say "we don't give it to you simply because we are processing it".
Those who follow are some Valutration of Anan's defense at the end of today's Council Chamber, which as such was held closed and with Anan by videoconference because they are accused of "terrorism".
A garrison of solidarity with more than 100 people from, as well as from L'Aquila, from various cities of Abruzzo, from Rome from Umbria, for the freedom of Anan, Ali, Mansour, in support of the resistance, was held outside the court. Palestinian, against genocide, for the freedom of Palestine and of all the Palestinian people
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