On April 6, the rectoral period of the University of Antioquia ends, and with it one of the most disastrous and mercantilizing administrations of education that has had the Udea, the lousy rectory of John Jairo Arboleda, who has the impudence of launching again to reelection, whose electronic consultation will be held this Tuesday, March 12 between 8am and 6pm. The panorama presented to the student body and the university community in general is quite bleak, the candidates let us see who are the ones who really dispute the rectory of the Udea: on the one hand, the Antioquia bourgeoisie of the Antioquia business group (GEA) and his governor on duty, Uribista Andrés Julián Rendón; And on the other hand, the petrist bureaucracy with candidates close to the historical pact and the corrupt Daniel Quintero.
Among other candidates kneeling to the Business of Antioquia is Ramón Javier Mesa, who was Vice Chancellor of Arboleda, that is, directly responsible for the administrative disaster and the scandalous budget deficit of 345 billion pesos that the Udea has, who also holds known relations with the GEA and with institutional right -wing political sectors. Also, and the most reactionary, is Manuel Santiago Mejía, a member of the GEA, owner of the Colombian of Commerce (corvette) that agglomera companies such as AKT motorcycles, Alkosto and Ktronix stores, and former member of the board of directors of the Public Companies of Medellín, Route N and Metro; Who was the Finance Manager " La Carolina ”Where the paramilitary group was founded The twelve apostles
The influence of the historical pact, the main coalition of government of the country, also has chips and is not far behind, in a kind of measurement of forces with business and political sectors of Antioquia that represent the legacy of Uribismo, have as spears in different currents to Luquegi Gil, who was general secretary of the Udea and Vice Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science during previous administrations such as Uribe Correa, Alviar and Arboleda; And also Javier Darío Ledesma, specifically record of the disastrous former mayor of Medellín Daniel Quintero (who directly ordered the violent and brutal remembered intervention of the Esmad at the University of Antioquia on February 22, 2020), in addition to former manager and manager in EPM and EPM and Route N.
Other candidates such as Jaime Andrés Cano or Lina María Muñoz do not represent more than a recycling and verbiage of several past administrations, having occupied charges on several levels previously in the Udea and other IES.
So, as a student I call to be constantly aware of the administrative and financial reality of the University, as well as the political ties of those who direct it, also not to participate in the false university democracy that is nothing more than a competition in the That those candidates of the Antioquia bourgeoisie and the petrist bureaucracy measure forces.
A UDEA student