Silvio Almeida accepts order from Luiz Inacio and cancels condemnatory event of the military regime in the 60th anniversary of the coup - the new democracy

Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Situação Política
Description: With the submission assumed to the barracks, Luiz Inacio will achieve nothing but feed the coup today.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-12T18:53:01-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:07:26+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: 60 anos golpe militar, Governo Lula, militares
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-12T18:53:01-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

The head of the Human Rights Folder, Silvio Almeida, accepted the order of Luiz Inacio to cancel the condemnatory events of the government compared to the 60th anniversary of the military coup. Last year, the folder held a series of critical events to the regime, which will no longer be done this year. In addition to Silvio Almeida, other ministers were also directly and personally oriented by Luiz Inacio not to hold such events, according to Folha de São Paulo.

The event of the Ministry of Human Rights would take place on April 1 at the Museum of the Republic, and would have a speech by Silvio Almeida himself. According to information from the Folha Press Monopoly, the act would seek to extol "the struggle of militants persecuted by the regime."

Days before Luiz Inacio's order to the ministers, the federal government agent had already widened that he would seek to avoid the matter. "I, honestly, I will deal with as quietly as possible," he said, before stating that "this [the regime] is already part of the past" and that he did not want to be "always brooding", in a set of statements vehemently rejected by A wide range of progressive and democratic activists. Family members and researchers interviewed by the program By the way , of AND , like Mario Alves's grandson, Leo Alves , and the teacher of Eco-UFRJ, Ana Paula Goulart Ribeiro , condemned the president's speech.

This is not the first time that Silvio Almeida has acted orders from Luiz Inacio so as not to generate friction with the reactionary armed forces. Last year, Almeida's portfolio had the decree to reopen the special committee on the dead and missing politicians in hand, but did not refer the measure by guidance of the presidential team.

While the government gives up any movement to condemn the 60th anniversary of the military regime, it was announced today that the Military Club will hold a lunch to celebrate the date on March 27 at the Lagoa Sports headquarters, in the area southern river.

‘Break the story’ of living crimes and coup

With the submission assumed to the barracks, Luiz Inacio will achieve nothing but feed the coup today. Although the military who were involved in an attempt to culminate the institutional rupture in 2022 being investigated, the other loud-command green they knew of the whole contract, but did nothing, follow unpunished, as former commander Freire Gomes. They follow the same way despite all the illegal interference, in the national political life that has been expanded since 2015, and continues to perform these days, such as the current commander Tomás Miguel Miné Paiva.

Avoid “brooding on history”, therefore, is actually choosing the way of appeasing with today's coup. Maintain the old tradition of the country, already at the level of general law of Brazilian history, of alternation between military and civil governments protected by the barracks, without any confrontation to the coup and crimes of the military regime.

The aforementioned interviewees defend similar points. “I think it is a very important perception the role of memory. Unlike what some have been talking about, memory has nothing to do with the past. If we do not resolve to our authoritarian past, authoritarianism will be knocking on our door all the time, and we lived it in the very recent history of our country, ”said Professor Ana Paula Goulart Ribeiro in an interview with By the way .

The same is true of the crimes of the military who follow alive. On March 20, 21 and 22 and April 2, the Amnesty Commission will judge different regime processes. Two of them are collective reparation processes for indigenous peoples Krenak and Guyraroka, brutally affected by the fascist military dictatorship.

In times of appeasement so severe with the military and such wide impunity to the military for yesterday and today's crimes, as proven in the judgments of cases such as the 257 shots fired at a black family, which occurred in 2019, or forced disappearance From Luiz Eduardo Merlino, from the time of the regime, it is difficult to expect a hard penalty. It is already clear which rule to follow.

International Walking, National Submission

The hypocrisy of the government has been openly open in the international level. Six months ago, the government sent a commission to a political act in Chile of conviction at the 50th anniversary of the military coup. In a similar period, Luiz Inacio visited the mothers of Praça de Maio, also in a political maneuver.

Here in the country, silence orders the regime, refuses to open commissions for the crimes of the barracks and even avoids receiving relatives from the victims of the facist military dictatorship.

It remains the doubt of what more can be given to the military as part of the appeasement. Last year, Luiz Inácio accepted the protection of the barracks on procedures such as the CPMI of 8/1 closed -mouth and filled the dacked people with reactionary military personnel for fear of having his government defenered. This year, he threw away all his speech of "dictatorship never again", propagated in the campaign months, also for cowardice. What more Luiz Inacio and his team are willing to accept to keep the well -known cemetery peace?

Also read: and summons political act to April 25: ‘Neither forget nor appease: condemn the blow yesterday and today’ ’

It is the lesson that the fight against the crimes of the military of yesterday and today, among which is the veiled or wide -open coup, will be a task for the popular masses in struggle.
