India: The counter -revolution suffers one defeat after the other in Bijapur

Author: laji
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-13T03:58:19+08:00
Tags: Indien, Volkskrieg

14th of February:
According to media reports from the Indian news agency "The Print", alleged Maoists in the district of Narayanpur in the state of Chhattisgarh killed a man because he was said to have been an informant of the police.

February 15:
In the Indian state of Odisha in the Boudh district, there was an explosion of a land mine in which two security forces were seriously injured. The two injuries were part of an anti-Maoist search operation of the so-called "special operational group" in the Nalikumpha-Wald. The two fighters of this reactionary elite unit were injured on the head and eyes and had to be evacuated using air transport.

February 18:

February 24:
In the West Singhbhum district in the state of Jharkhand, a police informant was liquidated by revolutionary.

February 25:
Exactly one week after a commander of the "armed forces of Chhattisgarh" with an ax, there was once again a fatal attack on a member of the "armed forces of Chhattisgarh" by the revolutionary guerrillas in the Bijapur district. This time it hit a main tread of the 19th battalion of the paramilitary police unit as it should secure a main street in an antimaoist exploration campaign as part of a reconnaissance unit to keep the rest of the reactionary troop from possible back. However, the main tread on the street came up with an explosive device and was killed by the subsequent explosion on the spot. In this case, too, it should be emphasized that the explosive device was placed near the police agent of the 19th battalion.

This allows the conclusion that, even if the media of the Indian large bourgeoisie and large landowners would like to suggest other, the reactionary paramilitary units in the Bijapur district and elsewhere are not those that have the initiative in hand and carry out operations from their camps which the revolutionaries put under pressure. Rather, it seems, so that the units of the old Indian state as soon as they open a warehouse are in a defensive and defensive spiral and if the warehouse is left, risk of running and falling the guerrillas immediately. And a spokesman for the unit also confirmed in an interview that the Bechapal policätagen, which has existed for a year .

The development in Bijapur and Chhattisgarh as a whole can be seen on one side the old Indian state The goal pursues the revolutionary base areas, especially in regions such as Bijapur To make the immediate surroundings to smash the new power. On the other hand, the old Indian state does not seem to be able to protect its counter -revolutionary armed forces and maintain the offensive character of the actual mission. Instead, you can see in Bijapur how the initiative is on the side of the revolutionary army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoistic). Examples of this are among other things in January in Bijapur Greatly taking up a circular and extermination surgery of a police unit with at least 35 dead police officers and the killing of Three members of the paramilitary special unit Cobra in a fire battle in Bijapur February this year. The fact that members of the militia are now said to have killed a battalion leader as a relatively inpatient and lower unit confirms that the assessment that the new and red power is consolidated in Bijapur. Overall, there is a picture in which the old armed forces of the Indian state in Bijapur and other regions are more like a vanguard without a main force and are in a backward movement, while the revolutionaries successfully trigger the attempts at attack on the new power and develop strong counter -offensive.

March 01:

A party member of the fascist BJP party of the Indian Prime Minister Modi was killed with stab weapons in the bio-bio-cable district in Chhattisgarh.

March 6th:
Four days later, the local head of the fascist BJP party in Bijapur was ambushed and killed by revolutionary guerrillas. According to media reports, it is the overall eighth killing campaign against members of the fascist party in the last year.

March 9th:
Two police informants were killed in the Kandhamal of the state of Odisha.

March 11:
In Bijapur, a police informant was killed near the village of Telipetha. The police then carried out an antimaoist search operation without finding one of the attackers.

Cover picture shows an incomplete map of the activity areas of the Communist Party of India (Maoist):
