We denounce the Medicine PC, where once again with its attitude it proves that it does not want to massive collective processes and the establishment of student associations in their organs.
Specifically, after an attempt at the General Assembly on Monday 11/03 that failed to gather quorum, he proposed to be called upon a postponement in eight days (!), While a student demonstration on Thursday against the prefecture of Pierrakakis, for which we would like The Association to make a decision to participate.
Of course, such an attitude does not impress us, as the moods were already shown by her attitude in writing a common framework. The PSC decided to break the frameworks with which we have descended for weeks (racing moves, ESAK and PSC) and to lower its own framework in which not only did it not even propose occupation but not even a demonstration (!!!). How much more clearly to say that he decides to close the struggle he has opened for two months against the law - abortion that crushes the right to studies. How much more submissive and defeatable attitude can he adopt when the moods of the world have emerged from the enormous mass of the nationwide demonstration on the day of the vote, and now sends this world?
She did not come to whistle for the end of the races, and she is also opening an open sabotage of the efforts of the forces that continue to have racing moods and seek to keep the club in the racing trajectory in which he has entered, putting the prospect of continuing to overthrow him. Thus, he not only voted against our proposal for postponement on Wednesday 13/03 to make a decision and participation in the rally, but refuses to accept the signatures collected as defined by the statutes as an alternative way of calling a meeting.
More specifically, they invoke the Articles of Association so as not to validate the signatures by saying that they need 300 - when the quorum for GM is 160 people (!). They adopt "two meters and two weights" as for the queries, they claim that the voters' vote of students need 1/10 of all students (!). For this reason, the statutes stipulate in both cases that they relate to the members of the Student Association, which it re -defines as the "cash" members. So, selectively defining what is advantageous to us who are considered members of the Association on a case -by -case basis is but degenerative. Still, their refusal to attend the BoD for ratification of the signatures while their members were in the School confirms that they did what they are going through in order not to thrive in the attempt to thrive.
The attempt to conceal that they are sabotaging the General Assembly does not pass with ridiculous excuses that bureaucratically invoke the statutes as a shield in their policy in the otherwise choice to close the struggles. Because a force with reference to the struggles cannot put tricks with tricks and tricks if he is really interested in the massive processes. He cannot deal with the efforts of two forces of the club to collect signatures worse and from the DAP which did not even hesitate to challenge the validity of the signatures. However, such an attitude is awaited by forces that have supported the whole of the law and all the policy of the government in the schools and are clearly against student struggles. But when such attitudes stem from forces with reference (theoretically always) to the movement, only hypocritical can be seen by their "concern" to continue the struggles.
This attitude is only worthy of complaint and must be answered in the following way: by the massive of the General Assembly, with the marginalization of such rationales that "hangs" the struggles and by adopting a racing direction with the prospect of overthrowing the law and continuing. of the races. Submission will not pass, we will defend our struggles through our collective processes against the forces of government youth but also the forces that disorient and frustrate students.