Weekly Editorial - Change in government balances On Pinuela
To act with dignity, as a political force Independent, workers need to free themselves from limitations ideological, according to which they must be content with the minimum. "Things don't They are fine, that is safe, but it is possible, and everything will worsen if you do not You calm down. ” Since ancient times, this has been the most effective way of Keep slaves sum.
Writing and
March 12, 2024 · 3 minutes of reading

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It turns out that seasonal improvements in the GDP index and "Employment creation" are only statistics. It is already popular wisdom that a Government of the exploiting classes lies in two ways: one is lying made, blatantly, the other is publishing statistics that, by showing it Everything hides the fundamental. The growth of 3% of GDP is a figure artificial leveraged by the record harvest of the agro -export large estate, whose Export of its production, for example, does not contribute to taxes; No They suppose no improvement for the economic situation of most of the population, that is, of the workers, as is the case with the price of the basket Basic food, which became more expensive in February (in 14 of the 17 capitals, there was a price increase). Only in Rio de Janeiro, the increase was on average 5.1%.
Luiz Inacio can't talk too much about "Agrobusiness", because it would sound strange, even more after having delivered the greater safra plan in the history of the country, far superior to Bolsonaro, while, for the “agrarian reform” of the old, in 2023 and 2024, the current Government assigned miserable 2,000 million reais, the same amount as Bolsonaro had allocated in 2021. We all said that Bolsonaro wanted the death of the "agrarian reform"; What does Luiz Inacio want, beyond his CANTAETA AS PRESIDENTIFITOR BEFORE THE POPULAR MASSES?
There is also little to say about the fragile base institutional that the country lives due to its own inevitable decomposition. The president knows that the peak of the military crisis, in November 2022, no It was only the result of bolsonarism, but of a doctrine rooted in the mentality of the high command of the armed forces that penetrates practically All areas of its structure. . This mentality is that, to conjure a Division and even a simple threat of their occurrence, the armed forces reactionary always raffle the minimum democratic freedoms and unify under the aegis of the reaction, such as the medulla that are from
The popular, country and city masses accumulate Lessons of this period. To act with dignity, as a political force Independent, workers need to free themselves from limitations ideological, according to which they must be content with the minimum. The "minimum", achieved today through the deceptive call to save the country from the hands of a scoundrel and support for a government sitting in the lap of the right and The conciliation with the hard core of the coup, is condemning them to a future. in which the "minimum" will be even worse. Thus continues to cheat the old order to masses, all guaranteed by the well -known blackmail: “Things are not Well, that sure, but it is possible, and everything will go worse if you do not settle. ” Since ancient times, this has been the most effective way to keep the slaves. It is also a signal confirmed by the story that systems such as This, regardless of the rulers' maneuvers, will collapse and will be sweeps.