From the first moment, the case of rape and coercion in the prostitution of the 12 -year -old by Sepolia is not convenient. What else is the dirt and stench is the vulgarity with which, from the beginning, the media have tried to highlight Elias Michou's patriotic and Christian profile while he himself was "when God was not looking" was a brutal rapist and a fan of minor girls! What other than '' strong backs '' and management '' soft '' are his photos with politicians and other prominent rotten devotees!
Who can forget that Domna Michailidou's "address" of the child '' escaped 'her so that they can threaten and intimidate it in the disclosure of evidence? Who are they afraid of?
The attempt to blame the 12 -year -old victim and her family from the outset is messing with a concealment! The 12 -year -old's testimonies, the rapists he recognizes and increasingly are growing, the elements that emerge show a large circuit. A large circuit, including high -ranking faces. A circuit that civil justice will do everything to protect!
The heinous prosecution proposes the acquittal of St. Elias Michou for rape due to doubts, for mastics in detention centers and for coercion and porn revenue. For the '' monster mother '', of course, it is proposed to guilty for lashing in the form of unbearable pressures, emotional blackmail and prompts to her minor daughter to be published.
Once again, the revelation of the "law" of civil justice is vomiting! The '' right '' of violence, exploitation, oppression, defense of the social middle ages, legalization of each side of our lives once again triumphs!
But there is still a dangerous side in the prosecution's proposal!
The prosecutor was the prosecutor.
The popular feminist view that has been circulating in recent years and presents the presence and conquest of rights in the presence of women in positions of responsibility such as PDP, prosecutors and judges, directors and administrators, in essence hides, legitimizes, co -exist Regardless of sex, they are called upon to serve those who take these positions.
It is a view that does not recognize the real enemy and traps the female movement in the impasse that proposes the system of oppression and exploitation as a one -way street. Distorts the words "right" and "conquest". It is the view that closes its eyes on the double oppression of the woman and does not recognize that the way for emancipation and release is the path of the relentless struggle to overthrow this system.
As such, a female prosecutor conquered the right to acquit the "unjust" and "in love" Micho who did not rapist, did not issue but "it made it easier for a child to be issued".