Although I know about the importance of denouncing the oppression and violence that women and girls face in this society, I consider that - given the proletarian origin of International Women's Day - the workers must go beyond the complaints and fury Against domain and subjugation, which shelters all women regardless of whether they are explorators or exploited, and resume the flags of the struggles that gave rise to 8m.
To my regret, within this day it was not possible the speeches and the proposals that make the entire female movement to move forward in the fight. The difficulty in organizing a revolutionary female block underwent us to feel our voices before empty proposal slogans.
As a proletarian woman I consider that we cannot continue allowing the 8M to remain blurred, it is essential «March of the 20,000», a work strike in the New York shirt industry, declared on November 23, 1909 and that lasted 11 weeks, being the first largest strike of women in the US. The proletarian and peasant women must recover the ardor of the Russian women of 1917, when an 8m street went to the slogans "bread and peace", "below the tsar and down the war."
Women below we must go beyond the slogans against oppression; To those we must add our own slogans against the hell of exploitation, because as women of the working class we fight against economic and class relations imposed by the bloodthirsty capitalist system.
That in the 8M he did not get to one of our famous women: Comrade Clara Zetkin, who always urged our entire class to understand the situation of working women and, in that sense, not to put aside the true struggles and slogans of proletarian women, who do not focus exclusively on the consequences and manifestations of the power of capital over women: macho oppression, but also address the real causes of the daily suffering of all proletarians and our deepest desires: the economic exploitation and destruction of the entire bourgeois order.
And it cannot be otherwise, when in Colombia, capitalism is a conviction for 39.1 % of women over 15 who are not studying or have their own income, while that only happens to 16, 7 % of men. That the powerful voice of proletarian women claims in the streets, 8m and every day, that ends the obstacles that women must face to access their own income and conquer economic independence.
That the powerful voice of proletarian women denounced in the streets, 8m and every day, that lazy capital and swells with unpaid work that remains a disproportionate burden for women in Colombia and the world. According to statistics, the global working charge of women in the country is 14 hours and 49 minutes per day, and 49 % of this burden corresponds to unpaid work, which includes domestic and care work. This situation, which is part of the double exploitation faced by women in this society, shone by their absence in the slogans and songs of bourgeois feminism east 8m.
It is essential to transcend the slogans that only emphasize the oppression of women in relationships, family and society and recognize double exploitation; Proletarian women demand concrete claims that address salary inequality, precarious working conditions and poorly paid or unpaid work, as well as subsidies and economic support for victims of gender violence.
I had never attended an 8M march, for the reasons stated above, but attending the last revealed the need for a more inclusive and truly combative female movement, which recognizes and represents the fair struggles of working women. A female movement that understands that only through a true economic and social emancipation we can achieve gender equality and justice for women.
A comrade