While ruin, unemployment, dispossession, looting, drought, paramilitarism, criminal violence, militarization, murders, femicides, disappearances, etc. The great bourgeoisie is stopped with its electoral campaigns where more than 60 thousand 451 million pesos are waste, which could well be invested in public services, education and health for the masses.
The elections in Mexico are the most expensive in the world and it is evident that the needs of the people are not a priority for the old state of landowners and great bourgeois despite the story of the political alternation in this country where governments have already paraded of the PRI, Pan and now Morena.
Once again, none of the coalitions or parties of the great bourgeoisie, none of its representatives (without gender distinction) has the capacity or interest in solving the problems that afflict the poor people. Neither Claudia, nor Xóchitl, nor are Jorge an alternative of anything!
Moreover, the elections in our country have the characteristic of being particularly violent, since the different bourgeois factions often contend not only at the polls but also in weapons. This is clear with the current data: from the beginning of the pre-campaigns last November until March 6 of this year, there are already 23 homicides of different politicians, 13 of them sighs to some position and 10 more that served as public servants or political operators. It is clear that the figure will not remain there and the longer the fatal date of June 2 without a doubt we will know more about this. It is the usual, the bourgeois electoral farce in Mexico Chorrea blood in each of its episodes.
The people know it, so it once again challenges bourgeois legality hugging the call to the boycott against the electoral farce.
Here we share some of the first actions carried out by the town in different parts of the country.

On February 21, a group of people launched Molotov stones and cocktails against the facilities of the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation in Chiapas (IEPC). The fire managed to consume a part of the electoral stationery and the furniture inside the building. The action caused the response of the Firefighters, the State Police and the National Guard who immediately reached the flames.

On March 4, during a mobilization where around a thousand people participated, the masses withdrew electoral propaganda from various parties making a -mit stop in front of the PRI state offices. In that place they were painted by the boycott and the withdrawal propaganda was deposited by setting fire in the midst of multiple slogans such as "The elections are not the solution, the solution is the revolution!" y "Do not vote, do not vote, prepare to fight!" among other.

There in Oaxaca more than 20 agricultural communities that were affected by a forest fire and the inaction of the state and federal authorities, promoted an amparo trial against the Mexican State and agreed not to allow the installation of electoral boxes or the entry of parties or candidates for the different locations.

Within the framework of the plant held by the fathers and mothers of the 43 together with other democratic organizations, the classmates of the Federation of Socialist students of Mexico (FECSM) have accompanied the actions raising their combativity. On March 6, the normalistas took a CFE truck and after a jaloneo with the City Police and the Military Police managed to demolish part of the side door of the National Palace. The FECSM continues to increase actions for the electoral process considering that on September 26, 10 years of the forced disappearance of their peers will be completed. The normalist movement is spearhead in the call to the boycott against the bourgeois electoral farce.

While the contradiction between the popular masses and the old state is deepened, the trend is the exacerbation of the class struggle in the perspective of the New Democracy Revolution, breaking with the patrañas of the regime and its false democracy.
These initial actions will surely find echo in other latitudes of national geography reinforcing the path that various peoples have already initiated in the perspective of the liberation of territories and the exercise of embryos again, that is: self -determination, self -government and self -defense.