We have received information that anti -imperialist collective in Copenhagen will mark on March 18 - International Solidarity Day with political prisoners - in the people's café. The comrades therefore write about the event:
Come to anti -imperialist Monday night in the people's café. Here we mark on March 18, which is the International Solidarity Day with political prisoners. Come and mark the day with us and show your solidarity with revolutionary fighters and catches all over the world, like those in Palestine and the People's Wars in Peru, Turkey, India and the Philippines. This year, we would like to particularly highlight Georges Ibrahim Abdallah's struggle as well as a battle that is not particularly elucidated in Denmark yet: namely the fight against imperialist mega projects in Mexico such as the Interocean Corridor (CIIT) that destroys local communities and poor farmers and native life in the name of profits . The old Mexican state, in leading with local reactionary landlords' death patrols, terrorizes the people of the state of Oaxaca in Mexico. Many struggle to defend the rights of the people such as Corrient Del Pueblo - Sol Rojo and other people's fighters and many have sacrificed their lives and freedom for the matter.
Dr. Ernesto Sernas Garcia, a popular lawyer, has been disappeared by the Mexican state for up to several years now because he has actively fought for and got many people's fighters acquitted in litigation. His disappearance is therefore undoubtedly politically motivated because his work directly challenges the interests of the imperialists and the Mexican reaction.
Come and have a talk, a cheap cup of coffee or tea, and learn about the political situation and the fight against imperialism in Mexico and the rest of the world, as well as the campaign for Dr. Ernesto Sernas Garcia.
Freedom of all political prisoners!
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