Inflation grows again: 7 of the 9 groups measured by IPCA were discharged in February - the new democracy

Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Nacional
Description: Many of the groups that were discharged are part of the daily life of the most basic accounts of the people. They are food and beverages (0.95%), transportation (0.72%), housing (0.27%), communication (1.56%) and education (4.89%).
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-14T16:48:47-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-15T02:14:55+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: Governo Lula, inflação
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-14T16:48:47-03:00
Images: 000000.webp

The country's inflation grew again and recorded a 0.83% increase in February. In it, seven of the nine groups measured by IBGE's National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) recorded discharge. In January, the IPCA had closed at 0.42%. The numbers are worrying for the government, which had bad results in assessments of the economy and high prices in research recently released by Quaest. The new results, especially if they endure, can contribute to the government's popular disapproval rate to grow.

Many of the groups that were discharged are part of the daily life of the most basic accounts of the people. They are food and beverages (0.95%), transportation (0.72%), housing (0.27%), communication (1.56%) and education (4.89%). In addition, there were high health and personal care groups (0.65%), personal expenses (0.05%).

In education, it is likely that the increase has been moved by discharge in the costs of tuition fees of regular courses of all tracks. High high school (8.51%), elementary school (8.24%), preschool (8.51%), day care (6.03%), technical course 96.14%) had high school (8.24%), 96.14%), Higher education (3.81%) and postgraduate (2.76%).

In transport, all fuels increased, in addition to transport rates such as taxi (0.64%) and buses (1.91%). Ethanol rose 4.52%, 0.22%vehicle gas, 0.14%diesel oil and gasoline 2.93%. At the beginning of the year, several cities recorded protests against the increase in the price of tickets, such as Belo Horizonte (MG), São Paulo (SP) and Londrina (PR).

Already in food, the increase was also felt by the people in a general way. The most basic items, such as onion (7.37%), potatoes (6.79%), fruits (3.74%), rice (3.69%) and long life milk (3, 3, were high 49%).

Another research, conducted by the Dieese, revealed that of the 17 capitals where the department conducts the national survey of the basic food basket, 14 recorded an increase in basic foods. In cities such as Rio de Janeiro, the increase even beaten 5.18%.

Bad omen to the government

There are terrible news for the government of Luiz Inacio, which was recently poorly evaluated by the people in research conducted by institutes such as Atlas Intel and Quaest.

In the results released by Atlas Intel, 53% consider that the economy goes ill, while 49% find the same in January. Already in the Queest survey, 73% of respondents realized that prices increased. That is, they felt the impact of inflation on personal economies.

The data are still contrasting to those celebrated by the government when it comes to both the “discharge of GDP” or “trade balance record”. Nevertheless, the discrepancy is not surprising, as it is well known that an increase in GDP does not mean improvement in the living conditions of the people, especially when the increase is pulled by a branch as far from the nation's interests as agribusiness. Products cultivated in the estate are intended for export, and do not lower the price of food internally. Profits are absorbed by landowners, not reversed to the country. And taxes are relieved through billionaire exemptions.

What the people feel, therefore, is the real economy. And this is far from doing well. It is a bad omen to the government, which tends to see the rates of disapproval grow as the people realize, little by little, that the distant campaign promises, which were no longer there, but the basics, remain distant. Thus it is also realized that the way to guarantee and achieve basic rights is not that I await the promises of the government, but another: to break the strings and to fight, as independent and combatively political force.
