The On March 8 in the city of Oaxaca, the Popular Women's Movement We join the workers' march called by the heroic Section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE in the framework of the International Day of Working Women. Comrades of the people, cooperative members, housewives, workers and women consciously we made the streets our own to the cry of Proletarian feminism destroys the patriarchy! together with the democratic magisterium, and once again We take this opportunity to take a stand in favor of the heroic Resistance Palestine National Liberation Fighters and the brave national liberation fighters who They are fighting to drive out the Zionist invader. From the river to the sea, Palestine Expire!

From the Mother's Monument to the capital's Zócalo, in our
A leaflet was made to call on all women to
join this movement, explaining the differences between feminism and
and bourgeois and petty-bourgeois feminism.
Also We participate with a speaker in the sound of the march. Our partner set position emphasizing that "to women The genre unites us, but the class separates us. We are working class women and we do our historical program of the revolutionary proletariat. Our agenda is not the so -called gender ideology, but the revolution proletarian " . When we pass we realized that many businesses and Banks had already closed their doors and windows with wood or triplay; arriving Al Zocalo around noon was no surprise that the palace of the Ignominia (Government Palace), as well as the kiosk were "armored" with sheets, woods and fences to prevent us from performing the rally March term. It is evident that this action speaks a lot about what in Reality is the Morenista government of Solomon Jara and his false "spring." The closing with which he has acted in more than a year of government, repression and lack of interest to solve the various problems of the teaching and Democratic organizations speak for themselves.

The response of the comrades was to recover and liberate this space
removing the metal fence from our kiosk, which is part of the heritage of the
and the people of Oaxaca, so that the message we were carrying would be heard throughout the country.
and width of the square. So it was that once the kiosk was regained in the middle of the
The working women were able to continue with the activities where they were
called for us to continue the struggle for the defense of our rights and
Above all, for the liberation of all humanity from the yoke
Once the rally was completed, the anthem was sung we will win to continue with the forum
"The woman in section XXII in the century
where various presentations were made exposing the different
problems facing education workers.
We make
emphasis on the importance of popular movement resuming meaning
original of this day, whose origin is without a doubt of labor struggle and that is
The working class the only one that can free humanity from capitalism-imperialism,
that the patriarchy does not end with the patrañas that call "deconstruct" or
"Resignify" things, or end the male sex. All that is
Patmodernism talk that wants to hide the division of society into
classes and the need for class struggle.
To the
Patriarchy is only possible to finish it when we muddy with private property
of the means of production and humanity all transits to the brilliant and golden
A call to all the women of the people and the comrades of the democratic movement
to learn about proletarian feminism and to join the MFF.
Join the People's Women's Movement!
Proletarian Feminism destroys the patriarchy!