which relaunches the need to resume the fight in support of migrants, the right to life, to rescue and against the racist, criminal Meloni/Salvini government.
If he hadn't rescued them l a nave Ocean Viking - almost "by chance" and violating the prohibitions of the decree planted - even the 25 rescued would have died. In 7 days when the dinghy was drifting there have passed over planes, but nobody stopped.
In just 2 and a half months of 2024, 215 have already been the dead migrants, including women and children; The double compared to those recorded in the same period of 2023. These deaths take place more and more in the press and TV silence, imposed by the government, which in this way makes people die twice.
This government wants the dead at sea to stop departures!
This murderous government must be overthrown!
From Radio Onda d'Affe
The Ocean Viking ship by Sos Mediterranee rescued on Wednesday 13 March, in international waters in the central Mediterranean, 25 people drift to a dinghy. They say they started in 75 from Libya. According to the first testimonies, The boat spent at least 7 days in the open sea without receiving any rescue.
Survivors say that many people are death of hunger, thirst and burns, due to the prolonged time in the middle of the sea. If the numbers are confirmed, they are dramatic: there is talk of over 50 deaths of the 75 migrants left from Libya a week ago. "We sighted them by chance, with a binoculars, two miles from our ship," says Francesco Creazzo of Sos Mediterranee Italy. "Two people were unconscious, the few survivors who managed to speak said they started in 75".

On the deadliest migration route in the world, the rescue system is insufficient, denounces SOS Mediterranee: with the tightening of the "discriminatory policy of detention against rescue ships", most recently wanted by the Decree planted, "3 humanitarian ships are currently blocked by the Italian authorities, preventing them from saving lives in the Mediterranean".
The criminalization of rescue at sea and the criminalization of NGOs is aimed at "using the Mediterranean and The death that is produced in the Mediterranean as a deterrent to departures ", says Francesco Creazzo who adds that the Piantedosi decree, after the decrees of previous governments, is "the last of the methods to empty the Mediterranean from the annoying eyes of civil society that are ships like the Ocean Viking".
Listen to the interview with Francesco Creazzo, press officer of the ENG SOS Mediterranee Italy.