PC March 15 - Turin no to the militarization of the popular neighborhoods - via the Milan barrier army

Author: maoist
Description: Info I sell the Turin pretext and "Safe Roads": even at night the army will carry out checks in the barrier and San Salvario ...
Published Time: 2024-03-15T20:14:00+08:00


I am selling the pretext

Turin and "Safe Roads": even at night the army will carry out checks in the barrier and San Salvario

The decision after the summit with the Prefect. In recent months, drug seizures and arrests have increased - The Army soldiers they will also be present at the night in Turin, in particular in Barbergia di Milano and San Salvario neighborhoods. At the beginning of January it was state given the green light to the operation " Safe roads " army: the military can carry out checks and principals in the areas deemed more at risk of drug dealing, especially Corso Palermo e Corso Giulio Cesare; However, the military were of service only from 7 to 19 .

The meeting with the Prefect - The decision to extend the checks even at night is the the result of the meeting in Turin in recent days, to which they have several representatives of the institutions participated: the prefect Donato Cafagna, the prosecutor Vicaria Enrica Gabetta, the prosecutor Adding Coordinator Patrizia Caputo, Quaestor Vincenzo Ciarambino, the provincial commander of the carabinieri, general Roberto De Cinti e That of the Guardia di Finanza, General Carmine Virno.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-15-marzo-torino-no-alla.html