The local correspondent AND From the Federal District (DF) conducted research and interviews with high school students to address the effects of the application of new high school (nor) in universities, as well as the social profile of students. The research revealed, among other data, that students suffer from dissatisfaction with the structure of the school and lack of stimulus for the study. High school high schools are in the third year of high school and study in the morning shift, most of them being students at the Gisno Educational Center, but also interviewed students from the West Sector High School and High School Center at Asa Norte - CEAN.
When asked about the structure of their school, 56% classified as “median”, 36.4% as “good” and 9.1% as “terrible”. And about the lack of teachers, Gisno students were emphatic about the lack of philosophy and physical education teachers.
The DF budget for the year 2024 was R $ 61.1 billion, which comprised the proper revenues of the DF and the transfer of the Constitutional Fund. Although it means an increase of about 5% compared to the 2023 budget, the Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) government has decided to prioritize the transfer of funds to private initiative rather than investing in the development of state public policies.
According to the article in Jornal Brasil de Fato, between 2023 and 2024 there was an increase in the number of education resources passed on to private initiative. The transfer of funds to kindergarten entities, such as the agreed day care centers, jumped from $ 20 million to $ 358 million.
When asked if they felt stimulated to study, 45.5% said there is no stimulus for the study, 36.4% claim to have stimulus for the study, while 18.2% could not give their opinion.
Among the reasons for studying, interpersonal ties are highlighted, such as family stimuli, colleagues or teachers. On the other hand, demotivation is most often justified by the quality of content or disconnecting the content with the reality of students. There were many complaints about the lack of teachers, but the most recurring complaints were about the "lack of meaning" of the elective and the changes imposed by neither.
One student stated that “what motivates me a lot is the teachers who help a lot in forming a critical sense”, helping students understand the subjects, but ”the new high school demotivates me on certain occasions, such as having important hours replaced by replaced by trails and elective. ” Another student added that “with this new high school, we students almost do not have classes. I say, really necessary classes. This demotivates anyone. ”
The removal of the scientific contents of Nem, putting in its place the technicist and “meaningless” content, as several students call it directly interferes with the access of young people from the working class to public higher education. Since they will not have a general knowledge to prepare properly for the entrance exams.
Faced with the lack of teachers and demotivation, the students were asked about the desire to enter the university and if the past content at school gives confidence to make the entrance exam. Most want to take a college degree, going from sociology, psychology, law, and T.I. but have not reported that they are not confident for the entrance exams. One student stated that "some teachers help pass preparatory content," but the other subjects do not help, they are like "matters thrown on top of each other."
63.6% of students said they do not like the subjects they need to do at school and that the current model applied in their schools have not helped to develop their critical sense. “Since the new high school, I feel that the important subjects have lost space and that now I only go to school to gain presence. It simply gives the impression that we go to school to copy bullshit all day, only shallow content, as if I didn't have time to deepen, ”said one of the students.
Students also took advantage of the questionnaire to express their desire for change. Changes in the relationship between the school board with the students; students have more active voice at school; Elective withdrawal and replacement with scientific content, because, as one of the students reported, they are “taking valuable content that could be learned.”
"We do not have our freedom of choice, we are in a situation where what was supposed to be something preparatory to our lives is being futile," said one of the students about Nem. Another also states that "the quality of education falls more and more, especially in schools that cannot reproduce the model of the" new "high school, and it turns out to be a mess."
Another third year student states that "many teachers and students are dissatisfied with the 'new' high school, as they cannot complete their content concretely and often impair other people's learning." And I concluded that “the new high school was a very poorly worked and very poorly applied system, the removal of it would be a great favor made to students and teachers.”
One student further states that “it is my last year, it is no use trying to change what was done in my life. It is irreversible. All the time and effort spent for nothing. ” This pessimism is a general feeling. One of the students in Gisno also reported to the correspondent site of AND that she feels like a laboratory rat. “They test us, and we who are as a generation without study, who can't pass the entrance exam. Then you will see that it goes wrong, cancel the neither, but our generation will still suffer from the lack of content. ”
Other students from the same school, when asked about the entrance exams, reported believing that this year's grades may have a dizzying drop due to lack of content. This situation may also get worse if ENEM is changed, also disagree, which will cause students to have to take specific content for their courses, even if they have no resemblance to those offered in the limited formative itineraries that each school Offer.