The Montes Claros New Democracy Support Committee has been conducting a series of sales stools from newspaper and revolutionary books at Unimontes (Montes Claros State University). Since February 28 there have been three, one per week, and sales have been a success. The Banquinha comprises books sold at the and Site store, such as: The Communist Party Manifesto, citations of President Mao Tsetung, works on the origin of female oppression and his participation in the revolutionary struggle, biographies of communist revolutionary, works of the great Lenin works , books on the ongoing popular war in India, among others. Also for sale are the calendars of the League of Poor Peasants in support of Heroica Palestinian National Resistance and the Agrarian Revolution.
Particularly the interest in the book Problems of the History of the Communist Party of Brazil was large, with the units running out quickly. The enthusiasm for the books was such that a study group of the Communist Party manifesto has started and already has students of at least 6 courses, demonstrating the widespread interest in the great works of Marxism and with them to go to revolutionary practice.

Banquinha has served to raise the contact of the Support Committee with the students, who has brought complaints to the brigade members. Especially as the RU line, which has been crowded since the beginning of the year, a problem that has affected the classes and the stages of many students. Moreover, it has been possible to contribute to students' recreational activities, such as collective coffees between courses and other activities. Undoubtedly, it has been quite a way to raise the political organization of students at the university.
On the 6th, there was a special stool of sales of books related to female oppression, as part of the celebration of International Proletarian Women's Day. Next to the Banquinha, a panel was placed with the heroines of the international proletariat (to check if they are from the international proletariat, because there are heroines that are not from the proletariat), which caught the attention of a large amount of students and intellectuals and allowed a discussion about The importance of the date.