We publish this unofficial translation of a report on the mobilization for the 8 th of March in Colombia.
On March 8 in the city of Medellín, in the Park of Lights, women gathered at two in the afternoon, several of them working women, young people, teachers, students, to carry out the mobilization of International Women’s Day of the worker, peasant and people’s women.
This commemoration event filled the women of the people who gathered there, with politics and spirit. They applauded and shouted : Break the chains, unleash the fury of women, as a powerful force for the Revolution! The mobilization began by taking Avenida San Juan, taking to the street, demanding justice for the femicides, rapes and sexual oppression to which half of the working people are subjected.
In this first part of the mobilization, slogans were shouted against patriarchy and double exploitation. The mobilization route passed through important places, where denunciations were made. The women of the people, with their fury, boycotted the Metroplús, an unworthy transportation system, where several cases of sexual harassment have occurred. The Eastern Police Station, the repressive nature towards the people, and towards women in particular, was denounced, reaffirming with their slogans that the police does not care of me, my friends care of me . Despising the role of the armed wing of the State, denouncing how they have raped and murdered the women of the people. You could also see how a group of these women went through the D1 stores, banks, the big monopolies, writing: Up with the oppressed, down with the oppressors! In addition, several women put up posters against imperialism and for the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people.
As soon as the prosecutor’s office was reached, the people’s women with their fury shouted “justice!” They waved the signs against the prosecutor’s office fence, moved steel fences and removed a billboard from the place. There they gathered demanding justice, and they were preparing for a tribute proposed by the People’s Women’s Movement, in which the names of the women victims of feminicide were raised, while a comrade gave a few words against the State of the landowners and the big bourgeoisie, who oppress the women of the people, through submission and fear, and who promote the ideology of the dominant classes, machismo . They denounced how the bourgeois women did not have the same conditions as the women of the people, and how the sexual oppression that the women of the people experience serves the bourgeoisie for this double exploitation, subjecting half of the people to work in terrible conditions, sustained with “ deficit nature” , domestic work as a woman’s task, when this work allows the maintenance of the workforce for the bosses. Finally, a call was made for the organization of the women of the people, to be that feminine ferment that transforms the society of misery and pain, all these cases of the women of the people can only have justice in a society that is at the service of the women and men of the people.
After the tribute, comrades approached the microphone to tell how they had experienced sexual oppression, how since they were children, this society with decadent ideas oppresses them, reducing their role to sexual objects. Each of them told how they have suffered in this society due to machismo , in the midst of tears and pain, they reaffirmed the path that people’s women have in this society, that path is the people’s struggle, which guarantees that women can achieve their rights. , and advancing in the fight towards revolution, where a new society can be achieved, a society where there is justice and women have a role in social production and in the construction of a society at the service of the people.
Below we share some images from the day: