(Correspondence from the company)

After protest campaigns took place in Vienna and Innsbruck a few days ago, the Vida union announced company meetings and protests after the fourth KV negotiations, which had been buried for Salzburg and Linz.
A company meeting took place in Linz. On the homepage of the Vida union, the media representatives were cordially invited to all dates. However, no access was granted because the works meeting was not public. Interviews or film and photo options had to be serviced outside.
The so -called "employers" offer ridiculous 5.8% instead of the 8.7% required by VIDA according to the rolling inflation. They also endeavored to cut the Sunday surcharges and the mileage. This was justified by the fact that work would be voluntarily worked on Sundays anyway. Obviously there is no longer negotiated for bad weather allowance, the union focuses purely on the hoped -for 8.7% wage increase. According to Roman Hebenstreit, chairman of the Vida union, the federal government allows loopholes that enable companies to steal out of the collective contracts. This reference gives the appearance that the union has no real interest in the industrial action and thus cleans up, as many examples have been showing recently.
In a conversation with a messenger, a lot was said about the working conditions at various food suppliers: At Foodora (formerly MJAM), for example, over 90 percent of the "employees" are sham and receive an average of 13.20 euros gross per hour, vacation and Christmas bonus not. To be employed, you have to be entered on a waiting list. But you only have success if you are "reliable" and rank very high in the batch system. The more points (that is, the more orders for which you get between 4 and 5.50 euros) you have acquired through this system, the better "areas" you can book - only if someone works a lot Chance of employment. The only positive thing for the drivers here is that there is the possibility to pay tips online when ordering, but this happens very rarely anyway.
At Lieferando, the drivers are all employed, but only a quarter of them full -time, half works 20 - 25 hours and the remaining 15 hours or slightly. For a full-time job you get around 1,400 euros, which is just 40 euros above the poverty line! Everyone, even those who did not take part in the works meeting, believe that the wages are far too low. There were few who took part in the works meeting, since the wages were in charge of this time.
The messengers agree: only the 8.7% wage adjustment alone are too little!
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