PC March 16 - The Meloni government runs, still and always, to help the masters also approving the "capital bill" ...

Author: prolcompal
Description: ... for "interventions to support the competitiveness of the capital" and put your hands on the appointment of the boards of directors -the Oppos ...
Published Time: 2024-03-16T16:26:00+08:00
Images: 000000.png

... For "interventions to support the competitiveness of the capital" and put your hands on the appointment of the boards of directors -the opposition ... approves!

If any master had accidentally distracted, Meloni repeats it loudly to him with determination from "We don't want to disturb the producer." And it is clear that for the fascist Meloni "those who produce" are precisely the masters! And it also says that "paying taxes isn't beautiful" winking nicely at those masters, large, small and medium-sized enterprises that do not pay taxes (remember that tax evasion in the in the last ten years it has reached almost 1000 billion according to Il Sole 24 Ore); Of course, all politicians, as representatives of the bourgeoisie, help the bosses, industrialists or big finance – and they are lavishly reciprocated - but Meloni really expresses a brazen licking.

The comments also remind us of whom this law, the so -called capital bill, approved on February 27th e containing "interventions to support the competitiveness of capital", the He wanted at all costs like Casiraghi, president of Illimity Bank: "The element essential of this package lies in the fact that The government listened to the market ... », and other comments say it is a law That investors

and SMEs have been waiting for a long time Why the national market of capital "struggles to grow" . Indeed in recent years there has been a real and own escape of large groups listed by the Italian stock exchange (delisting) with Losses for billions, of which the best known is that of Stellantis.

Meloni "listen to the market", that is, the masters who always complain, and consistently Who not yes limits to the chatter, passes to the facts: from the "tax reform", in fact, to This thinner, and almost invisible in the eyes of the masses: the so -called Law on small and medium -sized enterprises called, as was said, "DDL capital", to "attract capital".

In the Senate definitively: "The classroom approved the rules with 80 votes in favor, the abstention of Oppositions (47) and no vote against. " As you can see, and how it happened in other occasions, for example the approval of the budget law, the so -called opposition continues to actually support the government.

It is actually about need stringent of Italian capitalism-imperialism for competition also in Finance field worldwide which Meloni obeys but seeking to cloak with the phrases usually on the "interests of the nation", on the capital "Nostrano", "patriot" ... all impossible in the era of imperialism.

This new law, therefore, facilitates the Italian capitalists of small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs) in the stock exchange quotation, simplifying “the rules of governance, modifying the Administrative charges for businesses , reviewing the control system by the bodies in charge such as Consob: “The capital bill must be appreciated For 'An obsession with simplification and rationalisation' He says In fact, a manager of the Italian stock exchange.

In short, the "obsession" of government to save the masters also in the hope of returning Some Italian groups and brands that have transferred their headquarters abroad.

Controls are abolished , Therefore, to give the owners free hand on operations considered at all transparent, see "the repeal of the rule that imposed on subjects with the most of 10% of shares to communicate operations made for Consob also for interposed person ".

And there is also the most thing important, the modification of the criteria for the vote of members of the Board of Directors of these companies through which Meloni try to get your hands on the appointments, and in fact for you the Capitals bill serves to "limit the mechanism by which, in some cases, they are perpetuated the boards of directors ad infinitum, regardless of the shareholders" and for this reason more weight is given to the vote of so-called minority investors to facilitate a group instead of a such as the Mediobanca and Generali deals, in the hope of Promote "members" who are loyal and stable Italians.

This possibility of "attempting to the adventure on the stock exchange at lower costs" for SMEs for which " You edit The Definition raising the maximum capitalization threshold of € 500 millions to € 1 billion, in order to allow the possibility of benefit from the greater flexibility of the discipline applicable to SMEs ”, It also serves to bring the money that the rich hold in the current accounts ( about 1,800 billion ) or in investment funds, in the system industrial-financial: «There are 18.5 billion of PIR funds that on SMEs does not They arrived. The drama concerns the collection, "says the President of ASSONEXT. And another "expert" adds “We have pension funds e Pension speakers that manage over 300 million euros ".

To facilitate this collection There is also the push to popular banks to get busy if they want transform into joint stock companies "for which the minimum asset threshold For the transformation into SPA it goes from 8 to 16 billion ".

According to a financial newspaper This DDL “It would also attribute large powers to the Italian government for reform the consolidated text of finance and the discipline on the companies of capital contained in the Italian civil code ".

All Queto is part of the "Vision for Italy" (fascist) by Meloni who proceeds "360 °" like the I like to say. A "vision" that propaganda every day from every pulpit ... in this sense is also to be seen in this new law of education financial in schools !

To this "vision" of strengthening of Italian capitalism-imperialism within the process of transformation of the country in a modern fascist sense, workers and masses popular can and must oppose their vision of radical reversal of This government and this system.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-il-governo-meloni-corre.html