We have found this article in El Heraldo Rojo (Heraldorojo.org)

Here are an unofficial translation of a statement that we have found here .
The act of rebellion of the blacksmith Kawa against Dehaq was the way in which people realized the existence of enslaving chains. The Kawa blacksmith's rebellion against the cruel ofhaq is not only an affirmation of fairness, but also an expression of historical consciousness that represents the truth. What the spirit of Newroz gave, which is part of the thousands of years of history of the struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed, and its symbol, the fire, was the justice and the fairness of the oppressed against the oppressors. Newroz is a fire of rebellion for those who are right.
Newroz is an act of awakening, resurrection and awareness of the chains themselves. Undoubtedly, Newroz is a celebration for those who tried to be enslaved, assimilated, whose culture was destroyed and whose language was prohibited by Turkish rulers due to their national identity. It is a struggle for awakening, resistance and liberation of all these oppressions of the Kurdish nation, which is tried to maintain under national oppression. This struggle for liberation was repressed by the fascist dictatorship with massacres, destruction, prohibitions and denials. Newroz was prohibited by fascism as well as being Kurdo.
However, today it has been demonstrated once again that the unfair and cruel cannot achieve their objective against fairness. Newroz also went down in history as Mazlum Doğan's motto of not giving up his body into a fireball against the imposition of "The Kurds are destined for slavery", under the most despicable torture. The fire of the rebellion, which exploded again, grew irreversibly in the mountains and cities under the leadership of the Kurdish national movement. While the guerrillas intensified the rebellion with the awareness that "salvation comes from the mouth of the rifle", the Kurdish people, risking massive massacres, Newroz turned into a day of resistance with the Serhıldons [Translator Note: Word that refers to the Kurdish revolts against national oppression made by the old Turkish state].
Newroz is no longer just a holiday or celebration for the peoples of the Middle East, but is also the fire of uninterrupted struggle built by those who oppose historical injustice with their historical resistance. Newroz; It has become a celebration of oppressed peoples, beliefs and nations to challenge injustice.
The imperialist capitalist system and its servants are pointing to oppressed peoples and nations through the use of their war machines and all means of oppression. As the conflict between imperialists exacerbates, regional wars become more common, chauvinism intensifies throughout the world and hostilities between nations are fed. Palestine and Kurdish nations are subject to destruction attacks by Zionism and fascism, imperialism servers, for the freedom they demand. The imperialist system and its lackeys carry out constant and strong attacks, carrying the people with the economic crisis they live.
More fight against fascism, stronger organizations and a stronger unit of revolutionary forces is required. However, it is not possible to go back and defeat fascism through the polls, parliaments, municipalities and the now completely limited legal field work. It is vital to convert places, streets and all areas in battlefields against fascism and create stronger organizations. The fascist dictatorship acts armed from head to toe with the force device. The fight against force, with weapons against weapons, is essential.
Newroz's spirit It is the organized armed rebellion of the people.
Newroz It is a call to break the chains in order to achieve salvation.
Newroz Try to face the struggle with a revolutionary spirit, not with a liberal spirit.
Newroz It is a call to organize us to win the future and expand the struggle with the guerrilla struggle, which is the jugular vein of the popular war.
-Happy new year!
-Viva the fire of Newroz's rebellion!
-Viva our TKP/ml party, leader JUST NOW y TMLGB!
Marzo of 2024
Take/ml - your hand
Communist Party of Türkiye/Marxist-Leninista-Committee of the outside