Enough with the supporters of Israel in universities

Today, In the engineering pole in Piazzale Tecchio, we students and students We contested a conference organized together with the Director de 'La Repubblica' Maurizio Molinari, the same that pushes on 7 October a Zionist and distorted propaganda of what is actually a genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people.
This morning we are here to denounce the censorship of media and newspapers Italians, who obscure the
Israel extermination policy, his brutal violence and persist not to disseminate images and stories of a International movement that is being opposed to the genocide.
But also to shout our dissent towards the rector of the Federico II, who once again proves to take sides on the side of a murderer, supporting him on a cultural and economic level through agreements that systematically and actively contribute in the Ethnic cleaning of the Palestinian people.
Not We accept this position of submission to the strategies imperialists and warfondaias of the USA and NATO, in support of a state killer in the name of profit.
It is necessary to break any type of agreement with Israel and boycott any form of support for genocide.
The We will do starting from the universities, we want the resignation of the rector Lorito by the Med-OR Foundation (founded by Leonardo S.p.A.) and that the University are not place where to foment the ideology of war.
In each square, in every university and where it will be necessary, we will contest those who endorse and use this death market.
We will not leave room for Zionists and their propaganda.