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March 18 - the day of solidarity with political prisoners - honor the communist and revolutionary prisoners

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Proletarians in all countries, unite!

March 18 is the international day of solidarity with political prisoners. Mopr, founded by the Comintern 1920, explained in 1923 on March 18, the date of the founding of the Paris municipality, the "International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners". On March 18, solidarity is expressed with political prisoners all over the world.

The reactionary Indian state has locked in over ten thousand communist, revolutionary and political activists, including Vao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson and Gautam Navlakha to prevent the Folk War.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been imprisoned by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been released, even though he has served his verdict. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a member of Black Panthers, has been imprisoned by US imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionaries and prisoners of oppressed people from different parts of the world have spent decades in prisons.

The fear of the ruling classes for the communist and revolutionary prisoners and the class enemy they feel towards them is so great that they recklessly prevent the communists and revolutionaries they have captured in open violation of their own laws from leaving the prisons. The murder of chairman Gonzalo 2021, leader of Peru's Communist Party, who lost his health after 29 years in isolation and whose death was caused because the necessary measures were not taken, is very important to understand the extent of the fear and class hatred felt by the imperialists and the Servila owners of the governing system. Those responsible for Chairman Gonzalo's death even burned up and destroyed his body.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners in the prisons try to meet the requirements of the class struggle and risk their lives by enduring the height of brutal prison conditions. They refuse to capitulate and do not hesitate to withstand all types of pressure, torture and insulation. We must mobilize to support the prisoners 'legitimate struggle and resistance, we must fight against all forms of aggression against the prisoners, we must be the prisoners' voice outside, we must support their struggle in the prison conditions as part of the class struggle outside.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!

Supporting the communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!

Let's make the resistance and struggle of the communist and revolutionary prisoners for our own. Let's be the prisoners' voice!

International the communist covenant

Mars 2024

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PC March 15 - Suspension of the streets for the young people of ExiziCtion Rebellion in Turin - slap at the Ministry of Defense and Interior

The TAR declares them illegitimate

The reasons of judges underline “procedural anomalies, which would not correspond to any typical act of judicial police "

TORINO – On November 29, 2023, seven EXTINSTRATION REBELLION activists were Litched from the roof of the oval Lingotto , with ropes and harnesses, hanging a large banner with the written “Here War and climatic crisis is financed ", to contest Aerospace and Defense Meeting.

In nine had been held at the police station , where the fingerprints were taken and taken signs, to then be released with complaints for six charges And four sheets of street, who forced them to leave the city within 24 hours.

Now, after the Filming of complaints In January, they were The mandatory sheets are also suspended imposed on four activists by the Quaestor of Turin.

The reasons of the judges

As they explain in a note “Exingration Rebellion he had immediately done appeal to contest the illegitimacy of the provision. An ordinance of the Administrative Court of Turin has now ordered “La suspension of the effectiveness ”of the sheets of via, the first step towards the cancellation, which will however be discussed in almost a year, in January 2025. The reasons of the judges underline “procedural anomalies, which they would not correspond to any typical act of judicial police or a a correct establishment of a contradictory ".

The via sheet, reintroduced in the Italian system pursuant to of law 159/2011 for the fight against organized crime, is provided for those who are "usually dedicated to criminal trafficking" or that "their behavior must be considered, on the basis of Elements of fact a danger to safety ". It is a provision given by the commissioner, with very large discretion, which he has Immediate and upsetting effects on the legal and personal sphere. For these reasons, careful investigation would be foreseen on elements that justify its adoption. Investigation which, according to the Turin judges, in this case it would have been missing.

The order also focuses on the merits of the provision. THE Giudici underline how “the danger is feared in terms completely abstract "and as" the democratic - constitutional system tolerates purely demonstrative manifestations, to be ascribed to the manifestation of thought where they did not lead to the risk of damage to people or things ". In short, these are not dangerous criminals, but simple citizens who, although in a very showy way, exercise one's right to demonstrate.

A right that, in the case of climatic activists, is more and more Often questioned, also in the Democratic Europe. The report of the UN, published at the end of February, asks European countries to place aim for the repression and criminalization of peaceful protests of environmentalists, defining the policies implemented so far against Climate activists a threat to democracy and human rights ".

“In recent weeks he has been very debated on the right to event. Pisa Manganellate have been read by several parties as a way to intimidate and dissuade from going to the square - He declares Exingration Rebellion - but that's only the tip of the iceberg. THE identifying hours of hours, fines, pretentious complaints, sheets in via ... they are all practical that the police regularly uses for scare, to isolate, to criminalize whoever manifests. And that bring A long time and money. To defend us from the complaints and sheets of Via of the last few months we have already spent 20 thousand euros. For accusations that They fall and street sheets that are declared illegitimate ".

“Making dissent is the salt of democracy. This is the judges they seem to have it clear, a little less the Ministry of the Interior and the Defence".

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IKB: Explanation on March 18th

We document a German translation of an explanation of the international communist federal government.

March 18 - Day of solidarity with the political prisoners - honoring the communist and revolutionary prisoners

March 18 is the international day of solidarity with the political prisoners. Founded in 1920 by the Comintern, the red help in 1923 said March 18, the date of the establishment of the Paris community, the "International Day of Solidarity with the political prisoners" and so this is devoted to the political prisoners. On March 18, solidarity will be expressed with the political prisoners all over the world.

For this reason, we must not define the communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons as victims, but we have to define and accept them on the basis of their justice.

The communists and revolutionaries are not only murdered, incorporated and tortured because they have alternative ideas about the existing exploitation systems, but also because they do something to change these ideas to organize and combine the people. It is primarily and mainly an ideological war that is embodied by two hostile and unforgettable classes. Since the objective conditions of the imperialist system maintain the contradiction between the oppressor and the oppressed, the murder and detention of communists and revolutionaries do not solve the problem for bourgeoisie.

The existing objective situation, the tightening of the contradictions, is reflected directly in the class contradictions.

The space that the detained and murdered revolutionaries and communists have left is filled out by new communists and revolutionaries.

The reactionary Indian state has imprisoned more than ten thousand communists, revolutionary and political activists, including Varavara Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson and Gautam Navlakha to hinder the Volkskrieg.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been detained by French imperialism for 40 years and has still not been released, even though he has served his punishment. Mumia Abu-Jamal

A member of Black Panthers has been detained by US imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionary and prisoners of the oppressed peoples in various parts of the world have spent decades in prisons.

The fear of the ruling classes of the communist and revolutionary prisoners and their class hostility towards them is so great that they mercilessly prevent the communists and revolutionaries, which they keep in an open violation of their own laws, prevent them from leaving the prisons . The murder of the chairman Gonzalo, leader of the KPP, in 2021, who lost his health after 29 years in prison and his death was caused by the failure to take the necessary measures, is very important to understand how far the extent of fear and the Class hatred of the imperialists and the gentlemen of the prevailing system. Those who are responsible for the death of the chairman Gonzalo even burned and destroyed his body.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons try to meet the demands of the class struggle using their life by going to the limits of the conditions of detention. They do not refuse to resist and hesitate to resist all kinds of pressure, torture and isolated.

We have to mobilize to support the legitimate struggle and resistance of the prisoners to fight against any kind of aggression against the prisoners to be outside the voice of the prisoners. We have to fight under the conditions of the detention

support as part of the class struggle outside.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!

Supporting the communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!

Let us make the resistance and struggle of the communist and revolutionary prisoners our own! Let's be the voice of the prisoners!

International Communist Confederation

March 2024

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International Women’s Day 2024: a video from India

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Prof Saibaba’s declaration after its release

Prof Saibaba spent a decade in jail being accused to have links with “Naxalites”.

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DF: Public students denounce the 'new high school' - the new democracy

The local correspondent AND From the Federal District (DF) conducted research and interviews with high school students to address the effects of the application of new high school (nor) in universities, as well as the social profile of students. The research revealed, among other data, that students suffer from dissatisfaction with the structure of the school and lack of stimulus for the study. High school high schools are in the third year of high school and study in the morning shift, most of them being students at the Gisno Educational Center, but also interviewed students from the West Sector High School and High School Center at Asa Norte - CEAN.

When asked about the structure of their school, 56% classified as “median”, 36.4% as “good” and 9.1% as “terrible”. And about the lack of teachers, Gisno students were emphatic about the lack of philosophy and physical education teachers.

The DF budget for the year 2024 was R $ 61.1 billion, which comprised the proper revenues of the DF and the transfer of the Constitutional Fund. Although it means an increase of about 5% compared to the 2023 budget, the Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) government has decided to prioritize the transfer of funds to private initiative rather than investing in the development of state public policies.

According to the article in Jornal Brasil de Fato, between 2023 and 2024 there was an increase in the number of education resources passed on to private initiative. The transfer of funds to kindergarten entities, such as the agreed day care centers, jumped from $ 20 million to $ 358 million.

When asked if they felt stimulated to study, 45.5% said there is no stimulus for the study, 36.4% claim to have stimulus for the study, while 18.2% could not give their opinion.

Among the reasons for studying, interpersonal ties are highlighted, such as family stimuli, colleagues or teachers. On the other hand, demotivation is most often justified by the quality of content or disconnecting the content with the reality of students. There were many complaints about the lack of teachers, but the most recurring complaints were about the "lack of meaning" of the elective and the changes imposed by neither.

One student stated that “what motivates me a lot is the teachers who help a lot in forming a critical sense”, helping students understand the subjects, but ”the new high school demotivates me on certain occasions, such as having important hours replaced by replaced by trails and elective. ” Another student added that “with this new high school, we students almost do not have classes. I say, really necessary classes. This demotivates anyone. ”

The removal of the scientific contents of Nem, putting in its place the technicist and “meaningless” content, as several students call it directly interferes with the access of young people from the working class to public higher education. Since they will not have a general knowledge to prepare properly for the entrance exams.

Faced with the lack of teachers and demotivation, the students were asked about the desire to enter the university and if the past content at school gives confidence to make the entrance exam. Most want to take a college degree, going from sociology, psychology, law, and T.I. but have not reported that they are not confident for the entrance exams. One student stated that "some teachers help pass preparatory content," but the other subjects do not help, they are like "matters thrown on top of each other."

63.6% of students said they do not like the subjects they need to do at school and that the current model applied in their schools have not helped to develop their critical sense. “Since the new high school, I feel that the important subjects have lost space and that now I only go to school to gain presence. It simply gives the impression that we go to school to copy bullshit all day, only shallow content, as if I didn't have time to deepen, ”said one of the students.

Students also took advantage of the questionnaire to express their desire for change. Changes in the relationship between the school board with the students; students have more active voice at school; Elective withdrawal and replacement with scientific content, because, as one of the students reported, they are “taking valuable content that could be learned.”

"We do not have our freedom of choice, we are in a situation where what was supposed to be something preparatory to our lives is being futile," said one of the students about Nem. Another also states that "the quality of education falls more and more, especially in schools that cannot reproduce the model of the" new "high school, and it turns out to be a mess."

Another third year student states that "many teachers and students are dissatisfied with the 'new' high school, as they cannot complete their content concretely and often impair other people's learning." And I concluded that “the new high school was a very poorly worked and very poorly applied system, the removal of it would be a great favor made to students and teachers.”

One student further states that “it is my last year, it is no use trying to change what was done in my life. It is irreversible. All the time and effort spent for nothing. ” This pessimism is a general feeling. One of the students in Gisno also reported to the correspondent site of AND that she feels like a laboratory rat. “They test us, and we who are as a generation without study, who can't pass the entrance exam. Then you will see that it goes wrong, cancel the neither, but our generation will still suffer from the lack of content. ”

Other students from the same school, when asked about the entrance exams, reported believing that this year's grades may have a dizzying drop due to lack of content. This situation may also get worse if ENEM is changed, also disagree, which will cause students to have to take specific content for their courses, even if they have no resemblance to those offered in the limited formative itineraries that each school Offer.

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MG: and support committee for and holds stools at Unimontes - The New Democracy

The Montes Claros New Democracy Support Committee has been conducting a series of sales stools from newspaper and revolutionary books at Unimontes (Montes Claros State University). Since February 28 there have been three, one per week, and sales have been a success. The Banquinha comprises books sold at the and Site store, such as: The Communist Party Manifesto, citations of President Mao Tsetung, works on the origin of female oppression and his participation in the revolutionary struggle, biographies of communist revolutionary, works of the great Lenin works , books on the ongoing popular war in India, among others. Also for sale are the calendars of the League of Poor Peasants in support of Heroica Palestinian National Resistance and the Agrarian Revolution.

Particularly the interest in the book Problems of the History of the Communist Party of Brazil was large, with the units running out quickly. The enthusiasm for the books was such that a study group of the Communist Party manifesto has started and already has students of at least 6 courses, demonstrating the widespread interest in the great works of Marxism and with them to go to revolutionary practice.

Banquinha has served to raise the contact of the Support Committee with the students, who has brought complaints to the brigade members. Especially as the RU line, which has been crowded since the beginning of the year, a problem that has affected the classes and the stages of many students. Moreover, it has been possible to contribute to students' recreational activities, such as collective coffees between courses and other activities. Undoubtedly, it has been quite a way to raise the political organization of students at the university.

On the 6th, there was a special stool of sales of books related to female oppression, as part of the celebration of International Proletarian Women's Day. Next to the Banquinha, a panel was placed with the heroines of the international proletariat (to check if they are from the international proletariat, because there are heroines that are not from the proletariat), which caught the attention of a large amount of students and intellectuals and allowed a discussion about The importance of the date.

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The Popular Court against Grade and Latifundium Crimes in Junco do Maranhão - The New Democracy

On March 9 and 10, the victorious Popular Court against grabbing and the landlord crimes was held in Vilela village in Junco do Maranhão. The event was attended by popular lawyers, researchers, trade unionists and journalists from other regions of the country who participated in the court's judging committee.

The Court also had the participation of different organizations, such as the Union of Communities in Fight and the Student Collective Filhos do Povo, who organized students to attend the event. The peasant leadership Luiz Vila Nova also attended the event.

Throughout the auditorium, organizations flags and tracks with consigns of the land struggle decorated the environment. Right on the access road, a track Out land grabbers of our lands! By the title of our possessions! set the tone of the event. Inside the auditorium, other ranges condemned the grabbing, the large mining and called for the union of the peasants. The signatures were from squatters from different communities, such as Gleba Campina, Vilela village, Caranandeua and Jaraquara communities and the Association of Farmers of the village of Maracacura, the municipality of Carutapera.

In one of the event's activities, the peasants organized a motorcycle caravan to visit the Gleba Campina and ascertain the crimes promoted by the land grabbers.

Court witnesses on the spot the destruction promoted by the land grabbers. Photo: Database and

As a referral from the Popular Court, the present organizations called a day of mobilization and fight against the Maranhão State Grade Law to May 1st. The note can be read in full here .

In a joint statement, the Solidarity Committee for the Fight for Land (ComSolute) and the Union of Communities in Fighting (UCL) writes: “This is a victorious event in every way: to establish and unify a political agenda for the defense of rights. of the people; in producing legal material assistant to the cause of communities; in shaking those present around solidarity with the struggle for the land. ”

The note also makes a warm greeting to the student collective Filhos do Povo, who took a bus full of students. According to present, the Popular Court was a milestone in the development of the new student movement in Maranhão.

Participants celebrate during cultural activity. Photo: Database and

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Avenging dismissal of a working student of the Technical University of Crete from a cafeteria in Chania


We denounce the revenge dismissal of a working student of the Technical University of Crete from a cafeteria in Chania because he requested to declare the real hours he works. This dismissal is not an isolated fact for workers, the revenge - noticeable redundancies are increasing and they are certainly not only those known. Last year, 3 of the 7 members of the Board of Directors of the Association of Workers in Thessaloniki, 8 employees from the multinational "Taskus" were fired. They are dragging the PENEN union to participate in a general strike, while prosecuting criminal and disciplinary teachers because they resisted the policy of hitting rights at work and life.

The laws of Hatzidakis -Georgiadis legislated the already impoverished working conditions in the private sector, liberated the "hands" of employers to dismiss whenever they want and arbitrarily against the laws that the government itself has passed on the eyes of the world. It is a common secret that gifts are either not paid or withheld with the threat of dismissal. Particularly in the food-tourist industry overflows, exhaustive work rates, reduced wages are the rule.

At the same time, most strikes come out illegal, the demonstrations are hit by the MATs, and even the propaganda of the strike in workplaces are essentially prohibited.

In the face of this situation that will get worse day by day and accuracy to "break bones", workers need not to accept the policy of poverty, poverty, redundancies as "regularity". They need to be organized and fight against his policy of "all in capital" and "all for capital". Overcoming the sold out unions coming out of the obligation, with the "mobilizations" in spectacle terms or the strikes in the air. The mass collective struggles aimed at victory are the ones who can put a brake on the anti -populist - deceitful storms. With a massive front against redundancies and persecution, the appetite for the employer will be cut!

Studently return to work student at work!



Chania, 15-03-2024

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Who are selling our struggles!

The adoption of the Pierrakakis law on March 8 revealed the real moods of the reformist left. After the magnificent nationwide student rally, the forces of reformism with the demands, the proposals they submit and their placement lead this struggle with mathematical precision to the closure, while everyone prepares the people to spend the rage on the Eurocons.

The "Coordination of the Student Associations of the PSC" in Panteion has announced the cessation of the race from the very first moment. No reason for new rounds of general assemblies, to continue the occupations or demonstrations. Indeed, at most general assemblies, their contexts for "open schools" were supported by the DAP. They are planning a nationwide day of action for student care and study requests that "will be upgraded". They have made it clear that the diverse actions that are engaged to "answer" Pierrakaki law do not include the assemblies - occupations - demonstrations, but in the midst of the system. This is the attitude of the first power to universities ...

The ESAs on the other hand want to close the student movement, but on their own terms. In the first few days after the vote, they put short occupations, but without subsequent general meetings, and it remains to be seen if they will call on subsequent mobilizations. The weight seems to be shifted from the protests of each city in the center of symbolic mobilizations such as the one that launches for the CVC offices (a company that will participate in the establishment of private medicine).

Common Place of the Placement of the KNE and the ESAK The submission to the negative correlation to the student movement, the logic of defeat and frustration that characterize them, the unmistakable of the student masses. These have led them (for years) to the demands "to keep the law on paper" and "not to apply the law", which can in no way provide answers and a way out to the student world. Because they have already accepted the adoption and implementation of the law, they deny the task of overthrow and do not finally see solutions to the massive racing movement.

All the previous time, the student movement has given a central political confrontation against the law of the government. It turned out that this central battle pressed the system and the government. The closure of these mobilizations in terms of KNE and EAKA (as they have often done in older matches) not only sows frustration and defeat once again in the students 'racing but conveying students' struggles from the focus of the controversy in Co -ordination in the next elections. Because it is more likely to be sunny that the KKE, the PCC political body, has been in the orbit of European elections rather than struggles. It is also obvious that the lots of illusions have for the big-depressing establishment not only were not justified but reinforced and will be strengthened as they will seem to try to touch these forces once again.

The student movement can and should fight until the final overturn of the law. The racing moods expressed by the student world lately, his opposition to private universities continue and exist. But they cannot be expressed on the basis of the weaknesses and deficiencies of the reformist left, which wants to close the struggles.

Student masses require the continuation of the race. Students, people and youth can win. With the continuation of their collective and organized struggle. With new general assemblies, occupations and demonstrations we can overturn Pierrakakis.

  • The race continues - down the law Pierrakakis.
  • Overturning the law on private universities.
  • Free studies for the whole people.


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Appeal of the acquittal of the 11 Turkish fighters - all in the Supreme Court on March 19

The Greek state wants to condemn the 11 militants from Turkey again as a result of its cooperation with US-EU imperialism and the Turkish state.


The Attorney General of the Supreme Court, Achilleas Zisis, has appealed against the acquittal given to the 11 fighters' Court of Appeal after 97 days of hunger strike. The appeal was notified at the same time, where the NATO summit was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, where Mitsotakis, Erdogan and Biden agreed to closely cooperation in all areas.

The date of appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal has been set for March 19, 2024. The Supreme Court's Attorney's Office calls for the appeal of the Court of Appeal and the return to the Court of First Instance, in 30 years in prison for each and every one!

At the same time, the Greek state holds 4 of the 11 fighters, Halil Demir, Ali Ercan Gökoğlu, şadi Naci Özpolat and Hazal Seçer political prisoners in Kassandreia, Chania, Trikala and Women's Thebes, respectively, for a case where they were sentenced to 3 And 9 months without suspension for misdemeanors! In a case where he was set up by the "anti" terrorist so that they would not even be notified to attend the court. The 4 comrades and the others who were convicted in this case were fully removed the right to defend. Obviously, this conviction is also currently used to imprison the fighters before the appeal.
Imperialism and cooperating states are trying to criminalize anyone who resists their policies.

In the face of legal terrorism of imperialism and Greek state, Konstantina Kartsiotis and Hussein Sunniu began a hunger strike on February 19th and for a month in front of the Supreme Court, while political prisoners Ali Ercan Gökoğlu, Hazal Seven February 26, with requests:

1) Do not be upheld to appeal the Supreme Court's Deputy Prosecutor on March 19
2) Correction of Chalkida's decision
3) against the new Criminal Code

The attacks on the militants are part of the total legal terrorism that imperialism and bourgeois states want to impose. Part of the same class attack is the new Criminal Code, where it is a harsh upgrading of the legal arsenal of the system.

From Palestine to Turkey and Greece, we know very well that terrorists are not the militants and the peoples who resist, but the imperialists and the cooperating bourgeois states. United to fight and win.


Struggling against imperialism, fascism and exploitation is not a crime! ITS A DUTY!

Make the request of the hunger strike!


Solidarity Committee for Fighters from Turkey

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GO: Education administrative workers intensify mobilization - the new democracy

Manifestação dos trabalhadores TAE da UFG em 13 de março. Foto: SintIFESgo

In Goiânia, education workers intensified their mobilization in the third week of greve . The category reaffirmed, every day, the decision to remain on strike for the Career Plan demanded for more than a year.

After the mayor claims that he is prevented by “Fiscal Responsibility Law”, “Prudential Limit of the Municipality” and other excuses, the movement led the entrance of schools and CMEIS, every day of the week, as well as protests in the Municipal Palace and In the City Council, where he exposed the farce of allegations on public accounts, precisely the week when a loan of R $ 710 million was voted with the Union for the City Hall to recap asphalt and end works before the election, without any guarantee that such debt “fits at the prudential limit”.

City hall, councilors and the opportunism of the union believe they can cover the category in some way, due to their pressing living conditions. But the strike movement has crashed into the rot of this old democracy, which does not guarantee constitutional basic rights, and is exposing its "representatives", from the mayor to the judiciary, who also served nothing to make the end of the last of the last. strike.

Teachers also performed an act in front of the Municipal Secretariat of Education, on March 8, and discussed support to administratives. At the time, they also expressed support for the heroic Palestinian people. And on Thursday, 03/14, teachers participated in a demonstration with the administratives in the Municipal Palace. The support committee to and distributed copies in this act of the weekly editorial of and.

Aparecida de Goiânia education workers approve strike and are criminalized

In Aparecida de Goiânia, educational teachers and administratives last week approved the administrative strike for the payment of late wages, and marked a new assembly of teachers for the 14th. In the meantime, even before the start of the strike, the judiciary decreed it illegal And it imposed a fine of $ 50,000 a day to the Sintego, which immediately called the administratives on the 13th to suspend the strike. The workers decided to stop schools all Tuesdays and Thursday fairs until the City Hall pays back salaries and other rights. A worker said:

“I'm really very outraged by the situation and I'm not taking it anymore. This union issue, City Hall… The city has no common sense, guys, if she had, she had already paid us. The question is as follows, to soften the situation, I'm in the strike, I'm already starting today, and I don't give up. But talking to the girls, this issue of legality, I support their speech, we make this state of strike… (when) arrives on 3, ‘Oh, they will not pay’, that's really strike, the story is over! We will not let (inaudible) deceive us, deceive with words. ”

Yesterday, 03/14, the category of teachers decided To paralyze activities on the same days in support of the administrative and fighting for the late salary floor since 2015.

Open Letter from the Aparecida de Goiânia Education Fight Command. Photo: Reproduction

Employees of the Federal University of Goiás join the national strike of the TAE

The workers of the Federal Network of Education in Goiás also triggered strike on March 11, in a fight for salary adjustment and career restructuring. UFG servers, including those of the Clinical Hospital, have been demonstrations and occupied spaces of the university. In the federal institutes of Goiás (IFG), where the category is also organized by Sinasefe, the servers approved an indication of strike for the 27/03.

Protesters hold protests in Goiânia. Photo: Database and
SISMED teacher intervention in support of the administrative strike. Video: Database and

Teachers at UEG have conquest despite criminalization

The strike of teachers at the State University of Goiás, which began on 01/03 in defense of the new career plan and the university against the policy of scrapping and closing fields By the Caiado government, it was also an illegal decreed by the Goiás Court of Justice after a week of strike, imposing a fine of R $ 100,000 on the UEG teachers association.

After 03/06, the workers continued to demonstrate in front of the state government palace and debates in the UEG campuses. The student movement took part in the mobilization on the city of Goiás, with the Commune Cultural Block that gave birth to a campus on the 9th, in support of the teachers. Despite the criminalization, the teachers made the government officially accept the career plan proposal, with the progression of salary gain by doctorate, which is not currently recognized.

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Goiás: The fight against the closure of the Prof. Niso Prego shelter begins - The New Democracy

In the first week of March, the servers of the Professor Niso Prego Residential Reception Unit, a public institution in the city of Goiânia responsible for the reception of children to adolescents, were surprised by the decision of the Child and Youth Judge - Maria do Socorro de Sousa Afonso da Silva - to provisionally interdict the unit. The judge's decision was made after the “finding of several inadequacies in the physical, administrative and staff and auxiliary staff” of the institution. As a result of this action, the 16 children between 0 and 12 years old who were welcomed in the unit were transferred abruptly to a philanthropic/religious hosting institution recently opened in Goiânia, owned by the evangelical church “vine”.

The Professor Niso Prego Residential Reception Unit is the only public shelter in the city of Goiânia, responsible for welcoming children from 0 to 12 years old victims of violations of rights and/or that have been taken from family life for judicial determination, is also the only unit which performs the reception of emergency children and adolescents, in cases resulting from emergency actions of the Guardianship Council, having the ability to welcome up to 40 children. Niso Prego (as it is known) has been under the responsibility of the Goiânia City Hall since 2015, the year it was no longer responsibility of the Goiás State Government, where it worked under the name of “Sol Nascente”.

Given this scenario, Niso Prego servers decided to unite in defense of unity, and will increase the fight against the neglect of the mayor of Goiânia, Rogério Cruz (Republicans).

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March 15 - For Anan Yaeesh, Ali Irar and Mansour Doghmosh we don't let our guard down! Sunday, March 17 Demonstration at L'Aquila prison

From Thursday afternoon we do not know where Ali Irar and Mansour Doghmosh are really, two of the three Palestinian citizens arrested on March 12 in Abruzzo.

The package with some clothes sent to the L'Aquila prison has gone back. Not even their lawyer knows if and where they were transferred. All this is shameful, towards two boys holding international protection, accused of "terrorism", subjected to an arrest " particular ", To an unbearable media bubble and with very weak accusations. Sunday 17 March, 2:30 pm, a garrison of solidarity outside the prison" Le Costarelle "of L'Aquila!


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Austria: "Mayan Train"/Mexico: A lethal mega-project at the service of imperialism

This section is designed to give voice to complaints, information and analysis of popular unions, organizations and sectors that fight against the old state. The opinions discharged here do not necessarily reflect the point of view of a mural newspaper. *

The so-called "Mayan Train" is celebrated as a prestigious project by Mexico's powerful. Behind this wonderful name is hidden a lethal mega-project of the imperialists, a waste of millions at the expense of the population and the environment. On the side of the people, there is great resistance, especially from the indigenous peoples, who completely reject and fight against the "Mayan Train" as an attack on their way of life and democratic rights.

High speed train for tourists - the population resists

At 160 km/h, the high-speed train moves like lightning on the 1,500 km railway routes through the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico. From now on, construction costs exceed 2.5 times the initial costs (from 7.4 billion to almost 20 billion), which are extracted from the pockets of the population through taxes – to increase the profits of foreign consortiums. Meanwhile, this train is not for the population, but to further increase the overflowing tourism in the region. And all this on account of the historical territories of the Maya, of the workers and peasants in the region and finally of a unique ecosystem, which is important for the survival of Mexico.

"Industrialization" of Mexico does bureaucratic capitalism?

What Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador calls part of an even larger project of the "industrialization of southeastern Mexico" is nothing more than another liquidation of the country to the imperialist monopolies, in the case of the "Mayan Train" especially the French train company Alstrom. This means the opposite of real industrialization or economic development, but a stronger subordination and exploitation of land and population by foreign capital. Mexico's powerful take on the role of lackeys for the interests of foreign monopolies. The “Periodo Mural” explains this relationship well: " This example helps to understand the phenomenon of bureaucratic capitalism in the oppressed countries because, subject to the domination of imperialism [...] science, technology, the means of production, production itself, imports and capital are the property of imperialism and for its private benefit, while export and commercialization will be the task of Mexico in a megaproject that links "Tren Maya" and the Interoceanic Corridor with a more extensive railway network throughout the country. Central America."

The "Mayan Train" is connected with another a hostile project against the town - called interoceanic corridor. This corridor should be called a “giga-project”, because it consists of 12 mega-projects de facto, which must connect the Atlantic and Pacific with a load trains railroad. In summary, these projects threaten all of southern Mexico and are based on the economic interests of imperialist monopolies. Also now leaves behind a gigantic blood trail in the country.

Despite the harsh repression, the population is not intimidated and fights valiantly against these attacks on their way of life. Numerous international solidarity activities also strengthen this struggle and show the link of the oppressed in the struggle against imperialism. So we share here the slogan "Against the mega-projects of dispossession and death, fight and resist."

*Unofficial translation of a Article by rotefahne.at

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The new revelations of the coup plan discovered from the statements of the commanders - the new democracy

Testimonials of former commanders Freire Gomes, from the Army, and Baptista Junior, from the Air Force, released today revealed details of the alleged institutional rupture plan set up by Jair Bolsonaro. The new information revealed point to the role of ministers such as Paulo Sergio Nogueira and the former Mandanician's advisors and ministers, such as Filipe Martins and Anderson Torres. The statements were released after a breach of confidentiality by the Supreme Court Minister, Alexandre de Moraes.

Freire Gomes's version

The then army commander Marco Antonio Freire Gomes detailed meetings he had with Bolsonaro and how the then president presented the plan to consummate the military coup.

Gomes admitted that he attended a meeting at the Dawn Palace on December 7, 2022. The trip was at the invitation of the then Minister of Defense, Paulo Sergio Nogueira. According to Gomes, the presidency advisor, Filipe Martins, read at the meeting "the" considerations "that would be the 'legal grounds' of the said draft of the coup."

The general also admitted that Bolsonaro presented different hypotheses for carrying out a coup, which would be consummated from the "use of legal institutes" such as the Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO), State of Defense or State of Siege. The execution of the plan would be a reaction to the result of the 2022 election.

In another meeting, on December 14, in which the three commanders participated again, General Paulo Sergio Nogueira resubmitted the draft. It contained plans for a State of Defense decree and the creation of an Electoral Regularity Commission.

In cited excerpts, the statement collected by the Federal Police states that Freire Gomes “replied that he recalls meetings at the Alvorada Palace, after the second round of the elections, in which the then President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro presented hypotheses of use of legal institutes such as GLO, state of defense and state of siege in relation to the electoral process ”.


The testimony of Freire Gomes implies a series of figures. Among them is former Justice Minister Anderson Torres. According to Gomes, the decree found in the house of the former head of the ministry had the same content as the one debated with Bolsonaro and, later, with Nogueira. For Gomes, Torres' role was to provide legal advice on the coup decree so that it would be viable.

Paulo Sérgio Nogueira was also one of those implicated, and he was on worse ground than before, since Freire Gomes' testimony is the first to reveal the participation of the minister general in meetings with members of the military leadership to discuss the draft of the coup.

The general also pointed to the then commander of the Navy, Almir Garnier. According to Gomes, he remembers the admiral putting his troops at Bolsonaro's disposal.

Finally, the former Army commander again gave versions that contradict the testimonials of the former commander of land operations, Estevam Theophilo. Theophilo was one of the participants of the Bolsonarist nucleus, and would have the function of coordinating the troops, especially the "special force" during the culmination of the coup. In his statement, Gomes said he was "uncomfortable" when he learned that Estevam met with Bolsonaro. However, Estevam told the PF that he only met Bolsonaro by determination of his own commander, which was contradicted by Gomes.

Baptista Junior's testimony

The former commander of the Air Force, Air Force Brigadier Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, also gave more details about the rupture plan moved by the extreme right, as well as the reaction of the commanders at the time.

The brigadier also confirmed that Admiral Garnier Santos made the troops available to the then-president so that he could remain in office through a military coup. According to Baptista, Almir was the only commander who placed himself in this way.

Baptista Júnior also made statements that corroborate the role of Anderson Torres as a kind of legal advisor to the rupture, to assist Bolsonaro "in relation to the legal measures that the Executive branch could adopt in the scenario discussed." According to him, the former Minister of Justice participated in a meeting with the commanders of the Forces and sought to "point out legal aspects that would support the exceptional measures (GLO and State of Defense)."

Unlike Gomes, who detailed two meetings, Baptista said he had participated, in “more than five or six times”, in meetings with the former Mandant. Some of the meetings were summoned and occurred "without minutes and immediately." The invitation was always made by the then Minister of Defense, Paulo Sérgio Nogueira.

In one of these meetings, the then Attorney General of the Union, Bruno Bianco, participated. According to the report, Bianco was asked by Bolsonaro "if there would be any act that could be done against the result of the elections." The answer was that the election would have taken place "legally, within the legal aspects".

In the same vein, the military stated that Bolsonaro knew that the Election Transparency Commission did not identify any fraud in the 2022 election, but still maintained his criticism of the electoral system.

It is now known, with evidence, that these criticisms were part of Bolsonaro's plan to, through the demoralization of the ballot box, advance the agitation of the extreme right to put the election in check and move its rupture. References to this plan were made in meetings with ministers and military personnel in July 2022, recorded by Mauro Cid and released in the press last month.

In addition, Baptista Junior insisted on the version that Gomes tried to "convince the then president not to use the aforementioned institutes [legal, the GLO, State of Defense or State of Siege]." The brigadier stated that he also informed Bolsonaro that none of the instruments chosen would serve to keep him in office after the beginning of 2023, with the inauguration of Luiz Inácio. Bolsonaro's reaction was "scared."

In one of the discussions, Freire Gomes would also have threatened to arrest Bolsonaro in case of rupture, according to Baptista.

"In one of the meetings of the Commanders of the Forces with the then President of the Republic, after the second round of the elections, after the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, raised the hypothesis of attacking the democratic regime, through some institutes provided for in the Constitution (GLO or State of Defense or State of Siege), the then commander of the Army, General Freire Gomes, stated that if he attempted such an act, he would have to arrest the President of the Republic," Baptista Júnior reported.

Bolsonaro was not the only one who was frightened by the unfolding situation. In his testimony, the soldier stated that Augusto Heleno was "astonished" when he heard from Baptista that the Air Force would not participate in the rupture. After the scare, Heleno would have "talked about it".

Garnier Santos supported camps to 'support Freire Gomes'

Although he chose to be silent during the testimony to the PF, the words of Admiral Garnier Santos have surfaced in recent days.

According to the CNN communication monopoly, Garnier Santos has reported nearby figures who signed the November 11th grade in 2022 in support of the camps in front of the barracks to support Freire Gomes, as part of a "agreed" between the commanders.

The admiral's justifications would be that Freire Gomes was under pressure to demobilize the camps, and then commanders Garnier Santos and Baptista Junior would have signed the document. In Garnier's words, the movement was to "support" and "prestige" Gomes.

The document called the camps "popular demonstrations" and criticized "eventual restrictions on rights by public agents." The note also described the Armed Forces as "moderators" at critical times.

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Freire Gomes's powerless threat to Bolsonaro - the new democracy

In his recent testimony, leaked to the press today, former Brazilian Air Force (FAB) commander Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior tried to relieve the image of the reactionary army. He said Marco Antônio Freire Gomes, then army commander, threatened to arrest Bolsonaro if his movements were continued for an institutional rupture during a meeting in December 2022, in which both were presented to Bolsonaro's preparations.

Let's do it by steps. Firstly, given the latest events, the brigadeiro must be invited that the nation has no reason to believe absolutely in the word of a high military officer. The credibility of the barracks, given the latest events, is not a highly valued article out there. Who assures us that this is not just a lie, to clean the image of the institution?

Secondly, although it is true, it is still a fun threat. At the moment Freire Gomes said these strong words to Bolsonaro, the country was convulsing with armed actions of various types performed by far-right groups in the Midwest (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul), North (Rondônia, Pará ) and South (Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), all with modus operandi similar and with different levels of complexity, including robberies at inspection posts on the highways.

While Freire Gomes was considering taking action to prevent an institutional rupture, all the important installations of the Brazilian Army, in all regions of the country, were being agitated by "green chickens", coordinated throughout the national territory, with modus operandi similar and with a single watchword: “federal intervention”.

When Freire Gomes gave his "terrible ultimatum" to Bolsonaro, the former president's aide-de-camp at the time, Mauro Cid, agreed with active officers of the Army's Special Forces on amounts of money to be passed on by the president to carry out demonstrations and even indications of where to hold them – indicating that everything that appeared as a mass movement for the military coup had an operational hard core that operated from within the reactionary army.

Anyway, while Freire Gomes said, Bolsonaro and his core-hard, with operating strength and political centralization, acted. If Freire Gomes would arrest Bolsonaro if something were done in the course of the rupture: what was missing to arrest him, man pale?! Has it been stupid the former commander, the type who does not see the explicit reality under his eyes? It is obvious that its great warning to Bolsonaro was innocuous: despite it, the entire coup joint occurred under his powerless eyes, and only did not result in a coup d'état because he would not have support from the United States.

It's no use. We all know what Freire Gomes' role is in history: the prevaricating general.

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Mexico: Progress on the Boycott against the Electoral Farce – The Red Herald

We publish this unofficial translation of a report from Mexico. In this report, more information is also provided on one action done on the day of struggle on 4 th of March, on which we have published earlier .

Meanwhile ruin, unemployment, dispossession, looting, drought, paramilitarism, criminal violence, militarization, murders, femicides, disappearances, etc. continue. The big bourgeoisie is at its peak with its electoral campaigns where more than 60,451 million pesos are wasted, which could well be invested in public services, education and health for the masses.

The elections in Mexico are among the most expensive in the world and it is evident that the needs of the people are not a priority for the old State of landowners and big bourgeoisie despite the story of political alternation in this country where governments have already paraded from the PRI, PAN and now Morena.

Once again, none of the coalitions or parties of the big bourgeoisie, none of its representatives (without distinction of gender) has the capacity or interest to solve the problems that afflict poor people. Neither Claudia, nor Xóchitl, nor Jorge are an alternative to anything!

Furthermore, elections in our country have the characteristic of being particularly violent, since the different bourgeois factions usually compete not only at the polls but also with weapons. This is clear with the current data: since the beginning of the pre-campaigns last November until March 6 of this year, there have already been 23 homicides of different politicians, 13 of them aspiring to some position and 10 more who served as public servants or political operators. It is clear that the figure will not stop there and the closer the fatal date of June 2 gets closer, we will undoubtedly know more about this. It is the same as always, the bourgeois electoral farce in Mexico drips blood in each of its episodes.

The people know this, which is why they once again challenge bourgeois legality by embracing the call for a boycott against the electoral farce.

Here we share some of the first actions carried out by the people in different places in the country.


On February 21, a group of people threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the facilities of the Institute of Elections and Citizen Participation in Chiapas (IEPC). The fire managed to consume part of the electoral stationery and furniture inside the building. The action prompted the response of firefighters, state police and the national guard who immediately arrived to extinguish the flames.


On March 4, during a mobilization where around a thousand people participated, the masses removed electoral propaganda from various parties by holding a stop-rally in front of the PRI state offices. In that place, graffiti was made calling for a boycott and the removed propaganda was deposited, setting it on fire amidst multiple slogans such as “Elections are not the solution, the solution is the revolution!” and “Don’t vote, don’t vote, prepare to fight!” among other.

Right there in Oaxaca, more than 20 agrarian communities that were affected by a forest fire and the inaction of state and federal authorities, promoted a protecting lawsuit against the Mexican State and agreed not to allow the installation of polling stations or the entry of political parties or candidates for different locations.

Mexico City

Within the framework of the sit-in held by the fathers and mothers of the 43 together with other democratic organizations, the comrades of the Federation of Socialist Peasant Students of Mexico (FECSM) have accompanied the actions by increasing their combativity. On March 6, the Normalists [ a movement o f rural teachers and teacher students ] took a CFE van and after a struggle with the City police and the military police they managed to knock down part of the side door of the National Palace. The FECSM continues to increase actions towards the electoral process considering that next September 26 will mark 10 years since the forced disappearance of their colleagues. The Normalist movement is the spearhead in the call for a boycott against the bourgeois electoral farce.

While the contradiction between the popular masses and the old State deepens, the trend is the sharpening of the class struggle in the perspective of the New Democratic Revolution, breaking with the regime’s lies and its false democracy.

These initial actions will surely find an echo in other latitudes of the national landscape, reinforcing the path that various peoples have already started in the perspective of the liberation of territories and the exercise of embryos of New Power, that is: self-determination, self-government and self-defense.

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Colombia: Successful day of mobilization for March 8 – The Red Herald

We publish this unofficial translation of a report on the mobilization for the 8 th of March in Colombia.

On March 8 in the city of Medellín, in the Park of Lights, women gathered at two in the afternoon, several of them working women, young people, teachers, students, to carry out the mobilization of International Women’s Day of the worker, peasant and people’s women.

This commemoration event filled the women of the people who gathered there, with politics and spirit. They applauded and shouted : Break the chains, unleash the fury of women, as a powerful force for the Revolution! The mobilization began by taking Avenida San Juan, taking to the street, demanding justice for the femicides, rapes and sexual oppression to which half of the working people are subjected.

In this first part of the mobilization, slogans were shouted against patriarchy and double exploitation. The mobilization route passed through important places, where denunciations were made. The women of the people, with their fury, boycotted the Metroplús, an unworthy transportation system, where several cases of sexual harassment have occurred. The Eastern Police Station, the repressive nature towards the people, and towards women in particular, was denounced, reaffirming with their slogans that the police does not care of me, my friends care of me . Despising the role of the armed wing of the State, denouncing how they have raped and murdered the women of the people. You could also see how a group of these women went through the D1 stores, banks, the big monopolies, writing: Up with the oppressed, down with the oppressors! In addition, several women put up posters against imperialism and for the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people.

As soon as the prosecutor’s office was reached, the people’s women with their fury shouted “justice!” They waved the signs against the prosecutor’s office fence, moved steel fences and removed a billboard from the place. There they gathered demanding justice, and they were preparing for a tribute proposed by the People’s Women’s Movement, in which the names of the women victims of feminicide were raised, while a comrade gave a few words against the State of the landowners and the big bourgeoisie, who oppress the women of the people, through submission and fear, and who promote the ideology of the dominant classes, machismo . They denounced how the bourgeois women did not have the same conditions as the women of the people, and how the sexual oppression that the women of the people experience serves the bourgeoisie for this double exploitation, subjecting half of the people to work in terrible conditions, sustained with “ deficit nature” , domestic work as a woman’s task, when this work allows the maintenance of the workforce for the bosses. Finally, a call was made for the organization of the women of the people, to be that feminine ferment that transforms the society of misery and pain, all these cases of the women of the people can only have justice in a society that is at the service of the women and men of the people.

After the tribute, comrades approached the microphone to tell how they had experienced sexual oppression, how since they were children, this society with decadent ideas oppresses them, reducing their role to sexual objects. Each of them told how they have suffered in this society due to machismo , in the midst of tears and pain, they reaffirmed the path that people’s women have in this society, that path is the people’s struggle, which guarantees that women can achieve their rights. , and advancing in the fight towards revolution, where a new society can be achieved, a society where there is justice and women have a role in social production and in the construction of a society at the service of the people.

Below we share some images from the day:

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IKB: March 18 - Day of solidarity with the political prisoners - honors the communist and revolutionary prisoners! - The Red Herald

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

March 18 - Day of solidarity with the political prisoners - honors the communist and revolutionary prisoners!

March 18 is the international day of solidarity with the political prisoners. The red help, launched in 1920, explained in 1923 March 18, the day of the foundation of the Paris community, for the "international day of solidarity with the political prisoners" and dedicated it to the political prisoner. On March 18, solidarity with political prisoners is expressed all over the world.

The reactionary Indian state has locked up over ten thousand communists, revolutionary and political activists to hold down the Volkswar, including Varavara Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson and Gautam Navlakha.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been detained by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been released, even though he has served his punishment. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a member of Black Panther, has been caught by US imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionary and prisoners of the oppressed peoples from different parts of the world have spent decades in prisons.

The ruling classes fear the communist and revolutionary prisoners, and the hostility to classes they feel against themselves is so great that they are unscrupulously prevent the communists and revolutionaries, which they keep in an open violation of their own laws leave. The murder of chairman Gonzalo 2021, the leader of the KPP, who lost his health after 29 years in insulation and caused death, because the necessary measures were not taken, is very important to understand the extent of fear and class hatred,, who feel the imperialists and the submissive servants of the prevailing system. Those responsible for the death of the chairman Gonzalo even burned and destroyed his body.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons try to meet the demands of the class struggle - risking their lives by going to the limits of prison conditions. They refuse to surrender, and do not hesitate to oppose all types of pressure, torture and isolated. We have to mobilize in order to support the justified struggle and resistance of the prisoners to fight against any kind of aggression against the prisoners, to be out of the voice of the prisoners, we have to support their struggle under the conditions of captivity as part of the class struggle outside.

The communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!

Supporting the communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!

Let us make the resistance and struggle of the communist and revolutionary prisoners our own. Let's be the voice of the prisoners!

International Communist Confederation

March 2024

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AND: Weekly Editorial – Shift government balances on tight rope – The Red Herald

Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of the Weekly Editorial of The new democracy.

For objective reasons, it is necessary to view opinion polls, conducted by certain organizations that pay for them, with some suspicious, including due to certain methods; however, the last three surveys made public that evaluate the performance of the current government, with similar results, allow us to observe trends. The growth of popular rejection to the current government, recorded in the three surveys, has its main motivation in the conduct of the national economy and its consequences in the lives of the popular masses. In the Atlas Intel survey, dated on 7 th of March, 40% of respondents disapprove the government, two percentage points above those who approve. As for the economy, 53% believe it is doing badly (an increase of 5% compared to the previous survey, in January); it is the first time in this government that the negative evaluation of the economy exceeds 50%. The Quaest survey, dated on 27 th of February, points out that the perception of 73% of those interviewed is that prices have risen – the same topic, in the previous survey, was 48%.

As it turns out, seasonal improvements in the GDP index and “job creation” are just statistics. It is already popular wisdom that a government of the exploiting classes lies in two ways: one is by actually lying, blatantly, the other is by publishing statistics that, by showing everything, hide what is fundamental. The 3% GDP growth is an artificial number led by the record harvest of the agro-export latifundium, which exports of their production, for example, do not contribute to taxes income; they do not bring any improvement to the economic situation of the majority of the population, that is, workers, as is the case with the price of the basic food basket, which became more expensive again in February (in 14 of the 17 capitals, there was an increase in prices). Just in Rio de Janeiro, the increase was an average of 5.1%.

Luiz Inácio cannot talk too much about “agribusiness” either, as it would sound strange, even more so after having given him the biggest Harvest Plan in the country’s history, much superior to Bolsonaro’s, while, for the “agrarian reform” of the old State , in 2023 and 2024, the current government allocated a miserable R$2 billion, the same amount that Bolsonaro had allocated in 2021. We all said that Bolsonaro wanted the death of “agrarian reform”; What does Luiz Inácio want, beyond his old story as a tricker in front of the popular masses?

th of March, the reactionary president said that “the Armed Forces have always interfered in politics”. The observation shows that the president is not ignorant, and not innocent either: his policy of conciliation and appeasement with the coup generals is a conscious attitude typical of the pusillanimous, and this in politics is worse than ignorance or inability. Due to his stance and conduct in the face of the country’s situation, Luiz Inácio is entirely incapable of stopping the coup. He is, at most, postponing it without caring if it breaks down, in the lap of any other next president, really just wanting to rewrite the end of his already dirty biography.

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Bicycle messengers: industrial action or cleaned?

(Correspondence from the company)

After protest campaigns took place in Vienna and Innsbruck a few days ago, the Vida union announced company meetings and protests after the fourth KV negotiations, which had been buried for Salzburg and Linz.

A company meeting took place in Linz. On the homepage of the Vida union, the media representatives were cordially invited to all dates. However, no access was granted because the works meeting was not public. Interviews or film and photo options had to be serviced outside.

The so -called "employers" offer ridiculous 5.8% instead of the 8.7% required by VIDA according to the rolling inflation. They also endeavored to cut the Sunday surcharges and the mileage. This was justified by the fact that work would be voluntarily worked on Sundays anyway. Obviously there is no longer negotiated for bad weather allowance, the union focuses purely on the hoped -for 8.7% wage increase. According to Roman Hebenstreit, chairman of the Vida union, the federal government allows loopholes that enable companies to steal out of the collective contracts. This reference gives the appearance that the union has no real interest in the industrial action and thus cleans up, as many examples have been showing recently.

In a conversation with a messenger, a lot was said about the working conditions at various food suppliers: At Foodora (formerly MJAM), for example, over 90 percent of the "employees" are sham and receive an average of 13.20 euros gross per hour, vacation and Christmas bonus not. To be employed, you have to be entered on a waiting list. But you only have success if you are "reliable" and rank very high in the batch system. The more points (that is, the more orders for which you get between 4 and 5.50 euros) you have acquired through this system, the better "areas" you can book - only if someone works a lot Chance of employment. The only positive thing for the drivers here is that there is the possibility to pay tips online when ordering, but this happens very rarely anyway.

At Lieferando, the drivers are all employed, but only a quarter of them full -time, half works 20 - 25 hours and the remaining 15 hours or slightly. For a full-time job you get around 1,400 euros, which is just 40 euros above the poverty line! Everyone, even those who did not take part in the works meeting, believe that the wages are far too low. There were few who took part in the works meeting, since the wages were in charge of this time.

The messengers agree: only the 8.7% wage adjustment alone are too little!


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Letter to the editor: March 8th not entirely "international"

(Letter to the editor)

I took part in this year's March 8th in Linz and I have to address you angrily.

The focus of the demo, I thought, is the poverty in women and also violence against women. I wonder if the war in Palestine is not an expression of violence against women. I was at the demo and noticed that the demo folder asked a person to remove the Palestine flag because "The organizers do not want national flags" . I am a bit surprised about it, because at first it is constantly trying to prevent the Palestine Inlay in Austria from the police and now it is already done by organizers on demos ... and that also on March 8th?!

This is a cheek! I was very pleased that a few people did not like it and called at the demo "Freedom for Palestine!" Because what else should "high international solidarity" mean, if not the support and solidarity with the fight of the Palestinians at the same time?

In the newspapers I read that it was the largest March 8th in Linz since the 70s. In the 1970s, however, the Palestine Inasolidarity was not a reason for exclusion or reason for discussion in the women's movement. It is time for it to change quickly! But that is not possible on its own, but only when more people show solidarity and energetic and defend this solidarity - also on March 8th!


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Thursday 14/3: Mobilization in Piraeus against the country's involvement in the Red Sea war plans

The mobilization in Piraeus was held on Thursday 14/3 against the depth of our country's involvement in the US -EU -Israel war plans. At the same time that the slaughter of the Palestinian people continues by the fascist -Zionist state of Israel, the Greek shipowners decided to cross their ships by the Red Sea. This move has the full support of the government, which entangles the country and the people in the bloody and war plans of the imperialist murderers. Already, the first signs are obvious with a tragic account of two dead seamen, after a bombing on a merchant ship of Greek interests.

The mobilization was called by the Piraeus Labor Center, at the initiative of PENEN. The call was responded to unions, organizations and colleges, including the Piraeus Popular Resistance, where it participated with banners and distributed its announcement to the people of Piraeus.
Such initiatives, not only should be taken, but the struggle against the slaughter of the Palestinian people and the immediate involvement of our country must be strengthened. In this direction the labor and popular movement must fight against the illusions and rationales that can undermine the struggle.

At least challenging one would characterize the presence of the new Left in the concentration of this form by the SYRIZA viscera, by what it means! It is at least provocative and hypocritical, considering the attitude they had all the time, either in government positions or as an "opposition". Their clear positions for Israel's "right" to self -defense, the common axes with the Zionist killers, the service of dependence and slavery to the American murderers, and the policy that gave the country, from side to side, to NATO, turning to NATO, turning to NATO. The base for the slaughter of the peoples of the wider area makes them at least unwanted and hypocritical!

The decision to gather at this point, with the symbolic nature, reaching the offices of the Greek Shipowners' Union, did not allow the people of the area to be massively involved. The mobilizations must continue and get more massive characteristics because the government and capital are ready to sacrifice us for the interests of the imperialists! Piraeus Popular Resistance in this direction is struggling and will continue to do so with all its might.

Here you will find the announcement she shared: https://laikiantistasipeiraia.blogspot.com/

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They want to offer our blood too! Massive struggle for the removal of the imperialists' war plans!

Her at the same time that the world of work works with poverty wages and endless hours, which is forced to pay golden to have the his health, telling him to write down that he is related to public and free education...

... the country's involvement in the war plans of Imperialists in Ukraine and the Middle East escalate. Are the Results of the same policy that, on one hand, is populating folk Rights and conquests and on the other hand gives the country and the people Sacrifice for the aspirations of imperialists.

Integration of Frigate Hydra in US-Britain-EU warfare in the Red Sea is another serious step in an active front that at all times It can light fire throughout the Middle East. The imperialists with Drinking the US support their mantro dog, the state-state Israel in the genocide that commits in Gaza. The fleets and the Their aircraft carriers that local media advertise us about as cruise ships, actually support the slaughter of the heroic Palestinian people who insist on resisting.

They have already turned the whole country into a NATO prison from Crete to Evros. THE Base of Souda, a symbol of country dependence on the US, It is constantly expanding while the city of Chania is increasing more and more often From NATO Marines that are out of the heterosexuality!

THE Local ruling class is burning that slavery to imperialists is The right side of the story. The government with SYRIZA support, PASOK et al. does not hesitate as suggested by the US to send heavy weapons to Ukraine (he has already sent tanks), to call Nazi Azov to the House, to tighten Zelenski in Odessa. Last achievement or signature Memorandum of Understanding with the US for direct participation of Greeks military in US military operations in Europe and elsewhere! They want to offer our blood to the aspirations of imperialists! After all, it does it again!

The only sure thing about the Mitsotakis' imminent visit to April to the US is that it will bring new commitments to even greater involvement. NATO's good kid bets will be rewarded for services of roles in the area at the expense of competing Turkish urban order. In any case, they give the sack of the sack for military equipment, at the same time that for the world of work they declare cynically how we "scratched the bottom of the barrel".

Its chains imperialist dependency, the policy that gives the trouble and blood of People in the local and foreign capital are on the contrary of their Interests of the Great Popular majority! We don't have to win Nothing from sending warships to the Red, by conversion of the country on a NATO basis, from the new equipment race. Contrary to all of this undermine our lives, poisoning friendship relationships with neighboring peoples and put us in great dangers!

We have every interest to resist In the policy that drags our country to the war of imperialists! This is, after all, the most important solidarity in the fighter Palestinian people who are struggling for freedom and independence!

To We refuse to sacrifice our lives and our future! To contribute to the construction of anti-war-anti-imperialist movement that will fight For the country's disengagement from imperialist war plans, for to leave the bases of death, which will set up solidarity bridges and A common struggle with the Palestinians and all the neighboring peoples!

  • Front of the people against war and imperialism

Resistance Initiative (Chania)


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Meeting of the US Ambassador with the Administration of the University of Thessaly!

Did not prevent the Pierrakakis law be passed on Establishment of non -state foreign university branches in the country through bypassing Article 16 and with more brutality met the Rector and in general the administration of the University of Thessaly with US Ambassador to Greece, George Tsouni. In the midst of the fair fight of Student masses against private universities and law-lack Pierrakaki, discussed the "opening" of the PH in the "world environment Education "and" Expanding the Cooperation capabilities of PH with American universities, research institutes. "

Of course, behind these lines we know very well what they have in their minds the Americans and their local minions, which are no more by the dependent Greek bourgeoisie. With these words do not prepare anything other than the depths of the country's dependency, the Further sale - economic and political - to imperialists and Chronic pursuit of harmonizing education in American "standards". Especially after the Pierrakakis law is passed, they plow the ground for the establishment of foreign university branches in Greece, such as The establishment of the announced private medical school in Athens by American fund holding 6 private clinics in the country and the Sold 10% of PPC. They want to intensify the 'brain drain' phenomenon transferring workers' potential from interior abroad, where They will staff the great imperialist metropolises.

The peoples of the peoples and their embassy - which at the moment bloodshed Ukraine and Palestine, who have made the Thessaly and Greece in general a vast death base with the Their American bases - they don't stop there! Years now they want to intervene and exploit the education of the country (see Letter from the US Embassy to the Ministry of Education in 2009). Their annoys that students here still study free and still have Rights that the student movement won with its struggle! They constantly hit public-dimensional education, they want to get tuition, Deletions and Limits of study, want dissolved diplomas, one education for Few and chosen, a university without student associations, Games and free progressive views. It is known that the Pierrakaki bills were promoted to cover these Aspirations of the foreign "prostate" of the domestic bourgeoisie!

And in the midst of it all, they want higher education at the service of armaments. The construction of a military drone by schools of the University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Hellenic Air Force, it is recent! They prepare to develop further war research and give Clear message that the urban university will only work for their interests and the service of the sharpened inter-imperialists their controversies. And the Administration of UTH "first and best" opens the way to the murderers of the peoples to achieve the most bloodthirsty plans their!

We have nothing to expect anything good from this system exploitation and oppression, taking part in the mackene whole peoples. To oppose this black reality. To We resist the depth of the country's dependency. Along with the people and the labor, to build anti-war-anti-imperialist front, which will put a brake on their war operations and its involvement our country on the war fronts, which are constantly open against peoples of the world!

Not let the imperialists take command in studies us. To defend public-free education. To continue the Our struggle for the overthrow of Pierrakakis Law. Against reformist left (MSc-EAKA), which puts a brake on the occupations, the Assemblies and in the mobilizations in general, trapped in deadlocked logic "not to apply the voted law", which leads the Struggling student masses in frustration and submission to Urban legitimacy of the system.

We make our schools resistance! We continue with Assemblies-Services-Divisions until we throw the voted law For private universities!

  • NO to US-NATO-EU dependence


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CPI (Maoist) Cadre Killed During Skirmish With Security Personnel In Kanker District - Redspark

Kanker District, March 16, 2024: A cadre of the CPI (Maoist) was killed in a skirmish with security forces in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district on Saturday, a police official announced to the press today.

The firefight occurred in the forest near Chilparas village under the Koyalibeda police station area, where a joint team of security personnel was out on an anti-Maoist operation, Kanker Superintendent of Police Indira Kalyan Elesela declared.

The District Reserve Guard (DRG) and Border Security Force (BSF) were involved in the operation, the police official remarked. Following the encounter, the body of a Maoist, along with a weapon and explosive materials, were recovered from the site of the gun battle, the police official stated.

The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained, and a search operation is underway in the area, the police official commented.

Meanwhile, the police have established the identity of two CPI (Maoist) cadres killed in an encounter with the police in Bijapur district on Friday, a different police official said.

The deceased Maoists, Suresh Muhanda (30) and Sannu Muhanda (20), were residents of Hingmeta village where the gunfight occurred, the police official said. Suresh worked with the Indravati area committee of Maoists for 10 years and was active as a militia commander, while Sannu had joined the Maoist party five years ago and was a militia member, the police official declared.

Source : https://www.news18.com/india/naxalite-killed-in-encounter-with-security-forces-in-chhattisgarhs-kanker-8818264.html

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TRIKALA Another dead worker, "sacrifice" on the altar of capitalist profit

Her Thursday 14/3 lost his life falling from a high height of 54 years of our fellow citizen, a painter, In a newly -built building in the center of Trikala. We denounce the deadly work "accident" added to the long list of workers 'sacrifices for employers' profits. The builders with the Great unemployment that plagues the industry and by increasing boundaries Age for retirement, in their attempt to complete the stamps, are forced to work at an early age, in a job with Great physical fatigue, non -existent means of protection and huge intensification. Everything to get the "job" out. The result of all of them It is the high frequency of 'accidents' that leaves crumpled and Dead, as in this case. Within a year in Trikala we had 3 Death of workers.

Increasingly and more often, the working class and workers give blood tax on the altar of capital profits. The inhumane and exterminating conditions, endless hours of work, constant pressure and terrorism of employers and the lack of security measures, the increase in times for retirement are shaping the ground for the country's employees to They are constantly counting and more dead and crushed. ELPE, Everest, construction sites, deliberates, subway, employees of local OTAs, Milk industries…. And the bloody list grows everyday.

THE voting and implementing a series of anti-labor laws- culminating in Hatzidakis Law (8 -hour abolition, extension of the abolition of Sunday holiday, criminalization of trade unionism and hitting the right to strike) and the subsequent burst of the employer, but also chronic disintegration of unions have led to a new Middle Ages.

Abreast the policy of high prices and constant price increases in foodstuffs, Fuel and energy wipe out people's income, pushing them workers looking for second and third jobs to make ends meet past.

Across In this situation, workers are not enough to get angry. Is Need to resist, organize and claim the Our interests. Interests contrary to those of employers. To We reply collectively and fighter to the barbarism of the system that evolves at the expense of our rights at work and in the same Zoe.

Why the human life, the life of the worker, the unemployed, the immigrant, the Refugees, its exploiters will not defend it. Will We defend ourselves: the workers, the unemployed, the immigrants, the refugees.

Call workers and unemployed to denounce the overall a regime of blackmail and insecurity prevailing in the workplace, where more and more workers are forced to work with the their lives in constant danger, with inadequate or no safety measures, succumbing under the fear of redundancy and unemployment. To organize their struggle, and enter massively into the struggle for the defending their right to work with rights, decent wages and human conditions. To reverse its policy barbarism and the working middle ages!

Mass struggle for human living and work conditions!

• No tolerance for daily work barbarism!

• No one at work without the necessary safety measures!

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PC March 16 - The Meloni government runs, still and always, to help the masters also approving the "capital bill" ...

... For "interventions to support the competitiveness of the capital" and put your hands on the appointment of the boards of directors -the opposition ... approves!

If any master had accidentally distracted, Meloni repeats it loudly to him with determination from "We don't want to disturb the producer." And it is clear that for the fascist Meloni "those who produce" are precisely the masters! And it also says that "paying taxes isn't beautiful" winking nicely at those masters, large, small and medium-sized enterprises that do not pay taxes (remember that tax evasion in the in the last ten years it has reached almost 1000 billion according to Il Sole 24 Ore); Of course, all politicians, as representatives of the bourgeoisie, help the bosses, industrialists or big finance – and they are lavishly reciprocated - but Meloni really expresses a brazen licking.

The comments also remind us of whom this law, the so -called capital bill, approved on February 27th e containing "interventions to support the competitiveness of capital", the He wanted at all costs like Casiraghi, president of Illimity Bank: "The element essential of this package lies in the fact that The government listened to the market ... », and other comments say it is a law That investors

and SMEs have been waiting for a long time Why the national market of capital "struggles to grow" . Indeed in recent years there has been a real and own escape of large groups listed by the Italian stock exchange (delisting) with Losses for billions, of which the best known is that of Stellantis.

Meloni "listen to the market", that is, the masters who always complain, and consistently Who not yes limits to the chatter, passes to the facts: from the "tax reform", in fact, to This thinner, and almost invisible in the eyes of the masses: the so -called Law on small and medium -sized enterprises called, as was said, "DDL capital", to "attract capital".

In the Senate definitively: "The classroom approved the rules with 80 votes in favor, the abstention of Oppositions (47) and no vote against. " As you can see, and how it happened in other occasions, for example the approval of the budget law, the so -called opposition continues to actually support the government.

It is actually about need stringent of Italian capitalism-imperialism for competition also in Finance field worldwide which Meloni obeys but seeking to cloak with the phrases usually on the "interests of the nation", on the capital "Nostrano", "patriot" ... all impossible in the era of imperialism.

This new law, therefore, facilitates the Italian capitalists of small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs) in the stock exchange quotation, simplifying “the rules of governance, modifying the Administrative charges for businesses , reviewing the control system by the bodies in charge such as Consob: “The capital bill must be appreciated For 'An obsession with simplification and rationalisation' He says In fact, a manager of the Italian stock exchange.

In short, the "obsession" of government to save the masters also in the hope of returning Some Italian groups and brands that have transferred their headquarters abroad.

Controls are abolished , Therefore, to give the owners free hand on operations considered at all transparent, see "the repeal of the rule that imposed on subjects with the most of 10% of shares to communicate operations made for Consob also for interposed person ".

And there is also the most thing important, the modification of the criteria for the vote of members of the Board of Directors of these companies through which Meloni try to get your hands on the appointments, and in fact for you the Capitals bill serves to "limit the mechanism by which, in some cases, they are perpetuated the boards of directors ad infinitum, regardless of the shareholders" and for this reason more weight is given to the vote of so-called minority investors to facilitate a group instead of a such as the Mediobanca and Generali deals, in the hope of Promote "members" who are loyal and stable Italians.

This possibility of "attempting to the adventure on the stock exchange at lower costs" for SMEs for which " You edit The Definition raising the maximum capitalization threshold of € 500 millions to € 1 billion, in order to allow the possibility of benefit from the greater flexibility of the discipline applicable to SMEs ”, It also serves to bring the money that the rich hold in the current accounts ( about 1,800 billion ) or in investment funds, in the system industrial-financial: «There are 18.5 billion of PIR funds that on SMEs does not They arrived. The drama concerns the collection, "says the President of ASSONEXT. And another "expert" adds “We have pension funds e Pension speakers that manage over 300 million euros ".

To facilitate this collection There is also the push to popular banks to get busy if they want transform into joint stock companies "for which the minimum asset threshold For the transformation into SPA it goes from 8 to 16 billion ".

According to a financial newspaper This DDL “It would also attribute large powers to the Italian government for reform the consolidated text of finance and the discipline on the companies of capital contained in the Italian civil code ".

All Queto is part of the "Vision for Italy" (fascist) by Meloni who proceeds "360 °" like the I like to say. A "vision" that propaganda every day from every pulpit ... in this sense is also to be seen in this new law of education financial in schools !

To this "vision" of strengthening of Italian capitalism-imperialism within the process of transformation of the country in a modern fascist sense, workers and masses popular can and must oppose their vision of radical reversal of This government and this system.

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TKP/ML - YDK: Newroz is a rebellion celebration!

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INDIA: State's Job is to Serve People, not to Punish them: GN Saibaba

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INDIA: State's Job is to Serve People, not to Punish them: GN Saibaba

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Thessaloniki 26th Documentary Festival. Complaint of Silence for Palestine

A massive protest was made on the afternoon of Friday, March 15th, organizations and colleges along with members of the Palestinian community in front of Olympio in Aristotelous Square, denouncing the complete absence of Palestine from the 26th Palestinian screening list.

The presence of police forces in the surrounding area, indicative of the hatred of the government and local regime -ranks for solidarity in Palestine, was intense and provocative.


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PC 16 March - Milan for Palestine and for the freedom of the Palestinian prisoners

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PC 16 March - Florence mobilizes not to forget the worker massacre of February 16th

Today 3 pm garrison in via husbands
23 March event

A useful initiative to keep the spotlight on the workers' massacres but which must be part of the necessary social political battle against the structural conditions (precariousness, low wages, contracts ...) which cause accidents and the lack of safety on jobs
A national battle that needs a national network of safety on jobs and the territory, an operational and adequate tool to unite committees, workers, technicians, lawyers, doctors and all those who fight for safety every day, in a Common front to question this capitalist system based on profit and worker death.

Clearly in addition to the Meloni government consultant of the owners also politicians such as the mayor of Florence of the Democratic Party who thank Esselunga are part of the problem and not the solution are part of the barely business of the bosses


by the press release of the Assembly 16 February

Mayor Nardella ... without shame and shameless!

In a press release of a few lines Nardella returns a level of servility that we would never have thought possible to so a few days from the workers' massacre in via Carti. The press release dates back to February 29, two weeks after that cursed February 16.

“I thank Esselunga for quickly accepting our request. The public works envisaged in

This part of the city have been awaited by citizens for a long time and will make the neighborhood more livable and functional. "

After 5 deaths, 3 serious injuries, subcontracting, illegal hiring, entrusting the work to a company already responsible for other serious accidents at work, this city does not really owe any thanks to Esselunga! Under no circumstances! "Thanks" for what, then, exactly?

"Esselunga - reads the press release - undertakes to continue the processing also with the construction of the garden located in via Ponte di Mezzo, whose management and maintenance will also be accepted". In order to clean up Esselunga from the blood shed by the workers, the management of the garden is also entrusted to him in via Ponte di Mezzo. It is evident that Nardella is trying to exploit and use the popular feeling that emerged in these weeks for the benefit of Esselunga, who is loudly asking for the creation of a park. However, it does so in a clumsy and broken way.

But we don't make fun of ourselves. Our request is clear: a public park named after the 5 workers who died in the construction site instead of the shopping center. It is not enough to use the word "park" or "garden" to silence the neighborhood and the entire city. Nardella plays with pain, with anger, with the strikes and with the square ... a serious mistake, a few weeks after the vote, but evidently the need to serve the powerful shift also exceeds the enhanced balances and promises to which they have us accustomed in the election campaign!

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PC March 16 - Naples just dispute by Molinari at the Federico II University

Enough with the supporters of Israel in universities

press release of the students of the university self -regisser collective:

Today, In the engineering pole in Piazzale Tecchio, we students and students We contested a conference organized together with the Director de 'La Repubblica' Maurizio Molinari, the same that pushes on 7 October a Zionist and distorted propaganda of what is actually a genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people.

This morning we are here to denounce the censorship of media and newspapers Italians, who obscure the

Israel extermination policy, his brutal violence and persist not to disseminate images and stories of a International movement that is being opposed to the genocide.

But also to shout our dissent towards the rector of the Federico II, who once again proves to take sides on the side of a murderer, supporting him on a cultural and economic level through agreements that systematically and actively contribute in the Ethnic cleaning of the Palestinian people.

Not We accept this position of submission to the strategies imperialists and warfondaias of the USA and NATO, in support of a state killer in the name of profit.

It is necessary to break any type of agreement with Israel and boycott any form of support for genocide.

The We will do starting from the universities, we want the resignation of the rector Lorito by the Med-OR Foundation (founded by Leonardo S.p.A.) and that the University are not place where to foment the ideology of war.

In each square, in every university and where it will be necessary, we will contest those who endorse and use this death market.

We will not leave room for Zionists and their propaganda.

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PC March 16 - Modena, cops, cowards and violent in the shade of the Meloni/planted beam/police government/police government

Modena: the violent carabiniere already investigated for the death of Taissir Sakka

One of the two carabinieri resumed in the violent arrest against the detriment of
Idresa Diallo on March 13 in Largo Garibaldi in Modena is already investigated for the Death of Taissir Sakka that took place on October 19, 2023 in Modena

and Repression Observatory

One of the two carabinieri resumed in the violent arrest against Idrissa Diallo , The 23 -year -old Guinean struck with his face during a check Wednesday morning 13 March in Largo Garibaldi, it already appears to be investigated for the death of Taissir Sakka the 30 -year -old Tunisian, found without life on the street, a

Modena, in front of the 7b cinema last October. The boy that evening, together with his brother, had been the protagonist of one quarrel in front of the Arci Circle of Ravarino. On the spot the carabinieri who had brought the two brothers to the barracks in Modena for A denunciation of molesty intoxication. The boys had then left the command of via Pico della Mirandola about midnight, while the body was was found only the next morning, in the parking lot with a wound to head.

Following a complaint filed by his brother, represented by the lawyer Fabio Anselmo (former defender of Stefano's family Cucchi, now candidate for mayor in Ferrara), where he referred to An alleged beating immediately from both of them in the barracks, the six soldiers they had been reached by a warranty notice. There search He then ordered a medical and medical assessment that had excluded injuries caused by trauma.

For those facts are still under investigation five soldiers accused of the alleged injuries to his brother and one for Taissir's death. Among the suspects for injuries there is precisely the patrol military filmed in the video (not what you see striking The Guinean, but the patrol colleague).

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Arundhati Roy - With Genocide in Gaza, the Word 'Never' Has Been Stripped From 'Never Again'

The Palestinians, facing down the most powerful countries in the world, left virtually alone even by their allies, have suffered immeasurably. But they have won this war.

The following is a statement written by Arundhati Roy and delivered on her behalf at the meeting of Working People Against Apartheid and Genocide in Gaza , at the Press Club, New Delhi, on Thursday March 7, 2024. The remarks were first published by Scroll, an independent media outlet in India.

The richest, most powerful countries in the Western world, those who believe themselves to be the keepers of the flame of the modern world’s commitment to democracy and human rights, are openly financing and applauding Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Gaza strip has been turned into a concentration camp. Those who have not already been killed are being starved to death. Almost the entire population of Gaza has been displaced. Their homes, hospitals, universities, museums, and infrastructure of every kind has been reduced to rubble. Their children have been murdered. Their past has been vaporized. Their future is hard to see.

Even though the highest court in the world believes that almost every indicator seems to meet the legal definition of genocide, IDF soldiers continue to put out their mocking “victory videos” celebrating what almost looks like fiendish rituals. They believe that there is no power in the world that will hold them to account. But they are wrong. They and their children’s children will be haunted by what they have done. They will have to live with the loathing and the abhorrence the world feels for them. And hopefully one day everybody – on all sides of this conflict – who has committed war crimes will be tried and punished for them, keeping in mind that there is no equivalence between crimes committed while resisting Apartheid and Occupation, and crimes committed while enforcing them.

They and their children’s children will be haunted by what they have done. They will have to live with the loathing and the abhorrence the world feels for them.

Racism is of course the keystone of any act of genocide. The rhetoric of the highest officials of the Israeli state has, ever since Israel came into existence, dehumanized Palestinians and likened them to vermin and insects, just like the Nazis once dehumanized Jews. It is as though that evil serum never went away and is now only being recirculated. The “Never” has been excised from that powerful slogan “Never Again”. And we are left only with “Again”.

Never Again.

President Joe Biden, head of state of the richest, most powerful country in the world, is helpless before Israel, even though Israel would not exist without US funding. It’s as though the dependent has taken over the benefactor. The optics say so. Like a geriatric child, Joe Biden appears on camera licking an ice-cream cone and vaguely mumbling about a ceasefire, while Israeli government and military officials openly defy him and vow to finish what they have started. To try and stop the hemorrhaging of the votes of millions of young Americans who will not stand for this slaughter in their name, Kamala Harris, US vice-president, has been tasked with the job of calling for a ceasefire, while billions of US dollars continue to flow to enable the genocide.

And what of our country?

It is well known that our prime minister is an intimate friend of Benjamin Netanyahu and there is no doubt where his sympathies lie. India is no longer a friend of Palestine . When the bombing began, thousands of Modi’s supporters put up the Israeli flag as their DP on social media. They helped spread the vilest disinformation on behalf of Israel and the IDF. Even though the Indian government has now stepped back into a more neutral position – our foreign policy triumph is that we manage to be on all sides at once, we can be pro- as well as anti-genocide – the government has clearly indicated that it will act decisively against any pro-Palestine protestors.

President Joe Biden, head of state of the richest, most powerful country in the world, is helpless before Israel, even though Israel would not exist without US funding. It’s as though the dependent has taken over the benefactor.

And now, while the US exports what it has in abundant surplus – weapons and money to aid Israel’s genocide – India too is exporting what our country has in abundant surplus: the unemployed poor to replace the Palestinian workers who will no longer be given work permits to enter Israel. (I’m guessing there will be no Muslims among the new recruits.) People who are desperate enough to risk their lives in a war zone. People desperate enough to tolerate overt Israeli racism against Indians. You can see it expressed on social media, if you care to look. US money and Indian poverty combine to oil Israel’s genocidal war machine. What a terrible, unthinkable, shame.

The Palestinians, facing down the most powerful countries in the world, left virtually alone even by their allies, have suffered immeasurably. But they have won this war. They, their journalists, their doctors, their rescue teams their poets, academics, spokespeople, and even their children have conducted themselves with a courage and dignity that has inspired the rest of the world. The young generation in the Western world, particularly the new generation of young Jewish people in the US, have seen through the brainwashing and propaganda and have recognized apartheid and genocide for what it is. The governments of the most powerful countries in the Western world have lost their dignity, and any respect they might have had. Yet again. But the millions of protestors on the streets of Europe and the US are the hope for the future of the world.

Palestine will be free.

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From Ang Bayan: Filipinos Protest Marcos’ Visit To Germany

The country

March 14, 2024

Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s visit to Berlin on March 13 was met with protests by Filipino migrants.

ALPAS Pilipinas and GABRIELA-Germany led the protests. It was also attended by allied organizations, such as Solidarity International, ARARAT Armenian Collective, MLPD, German Filipino Friendship, Kurdish Women, Resbak, Philippine Buro and Interburo.

According to BAYAN-Europe, Marcos Jr’s visit to Germany and other European countries from March 11-15 should serve as an occasion for all Filipino migrants and human rights defenders to condemn the brutal regime that commit gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL).

“It is wrong to welcome this Marcos junket, the main purpose of which is to deodorize the stinking image of Marcos and his family in the international community,” according to the BAYAN-Europe statement.

Historically, the allied organizations in Germany have been among the most committed supporters of the movement against the Marcos fascist dictatorship in the 70s and 80s.

Marcos Jr’s visit is expected to seal negotiations for Germany to supply drones to the Philippines supposedly for maritime security against China. This Military aid will be awarded amid the gross violations of international humanitarian law and heavy militarization and indiscriminate bombing of the countryside perpetrated by the Marcos regime.

The protesters also called on the European Union to stop supporting the Marcos Jr regime by ending military aid. Germany and the EU are both signatories to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) which supplies military aid, weapons and other military equipment to the Philippines.

It can be recalled that during the Duterte regime, the EU strongly condemned the war on drugs and human rights violations. In February 2022, the EU Parliament issued a resolution that threatened to withdraw the Philippines’ GSP+ and other incentives, such as the benefit of zero tariff (no layer tax) on goods from the EU, if the Duterte regime did not stop the violations. Germany is the largest trading partner of the Philippines in Europe.

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[Saint-Etienne]: On March 23, the commune of Paris commemorate! - New era

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Announcement: March 18, 1971/2024 - 153rd anniversary of the Municipality of Paris - The struggle for worker power is more current than ever - at 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia Tuesday 19 March

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PC March 16 - The new massacre of migrants and the responsibilities of European and Italian imperialist governments

The monsters to the racist government, fascists rub their hands when migrants die

For Meloni - and his "snack companion" the reactionary Ursula von der Leyen - The deaths at sea of dozens and dozens, hundreds of migrants, women, children become a useful opportunity to reaffirm and strengthen their anti-immigrant push-back policy.

Migrants who manage to arrive on our coasts are a large mange for the government; The migrants who do not arrive, who die in the Mediterranean are ... an opportunity.

To the 60 deaths of three days ago, to the survivors by chance, who will perhaps have serious consequences for the physical and mind for all their lives, to the others who are returning to fill the seabed of the sea with their bodies,

The Meloni government responds not by ending the immense suffering of migrants, but:

With cynicism, assigning to the ships of NGOs - the only ships that save migrants - the most distant ports to dock - thousands of other kilometers to people in great suffering, at risk of life, for "punishment", because this too is a signal that " We do not want you "and whoever helps them must stop;

Starting them on the Galere of the CPR, where they will find abuses, repression of all rights, up to torture, even psychological - and the "lace" to the state returns - despite rejected by the European Court and by serious Italian judges - who does not want to go to the CPR must pay 5 thousand euros - planted "We are thinking for a re -edition of the 'Cutro' decree, providing (His goodness) a gradation of the amount, evaluating on a case -by -case basis ";

extend the agreements, such as Tunisia, with Egypt to stop the boats directed towards Italy and Europe - in

Change Meloni and Ursula von der Leyen will deliver to the dictator to the Sisi 7.4 billion euros + 3 patrol boats to be used for the surveillance of the maritime border - the price to remain in the country - considered by the European parliament "systematic violet of human rights - Men, women, children who run away from wars, misery, repression. " The EU - declared the MEP of the Verdi Satouri - It is being transformed into the World Bank of authoritarian dictatorships and regimes ".

But for Meloni, for the EU these funding is worth the purpose well. "Egypt borders on the Gaza strip - writes the manifesto today - and with Libya and European funding would also serve to increase controls along these areas"!

Not only that, together, there are the fatal economic reasons "Egypt can become not only a reliable gas supplier, but also a reliable source of renewable energy ... ", explained the EU Commissioner. And Meloni adds: "There is a bilateral cooperation work that will be formalized on Sunday concerning the Mattei plan in the agricultural and training fields. We will also sign a number of understandings and collaborations in the areas of health, small and medium-sized enterprises and investments."

What can hundreds and hundreds of deaths of migrants weigh, in the face of these profits?

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"Progg" in schweden

At the end of the 1960s, a mass movement developed in Sweden to a cultural flow borne by the people, which was referred to as "progg" in the musical. In contrast to other countries, the advanced music was not heard from one or more "target groups" mainly from the small bourgeoisie, but achieved the broad masses and, partly led by communists, a not insignificant danger.

The members of the Hoola Bandoola Band, who were active between 1970 and 1976, were the most famous representatives of the progg.

(Translatable texts on the songs can be found on the Internet)

In 1975 it was mobilized throughout the movement to drive a tennis game of the Swedes in the Davis Cup against Chile - which was then under the military dictatorship of Pinochets - to drive the holiday resort of Båstad to sabotage the game in front of the eyes of all the bon aus. The Hoola Bandoola Band delivered the right fighting song with "Stopa match" ("Stop the game!").

After the band was dissolved, some members continued individually. Guitarist and singer Björn Afzelius wrote some beautiful songs such as "Under Sions Kalla Stjärna" ("Under the cold star of the Zion") in the 80s, which tells of a rescue operation of hundreds of refugee Palestinians across the Mediterranean, because Mossad agents Bleins the ship into the air.

The movement slowly went down from the mid -1970s. Swedish imperialism aimed at suppressing the development of the culture of the people, and particularly took advantage of the Schnulzig, apolitical and English -speaking love songs of the pop group Abba, which made its way back in Sweden through their international success of bourgeois commercial music.

(Lyrics to the latter: https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Nynningen/F%C3%B6r-full-hals/translation/english )

Image: Poster for the sabotage of the tennis match against Chile in 1975 (Those: Baffischerna.se)

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Brazil criticizes war, but sells oil to Israel - the new democracy

We republished matter from Climate Observatory written by Priscila Pacheco and Leila Salim.

Enemies, enemies, oil apart. Despite the recurring statements of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) against Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip and in defense of the Palestinian civilian population, Brazilian oil is among the most used by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu to supply its airplanes and tanks Since the beginning of guerra On October 7 last year, after the Hamas terrorist attack.

One analysis of the organization Oil Change International revealed on Thursday (14) that Brazil is one of the five largest suppliers of crude oil to Israel, along with the United States, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Gabon and Russia. The number of Palestinians massacred in Gaza now exceeds 31,000, 13,000 of them children. Tens of thousands more are injured or missing under the rubble, possibly dead, and survivors face starvation as Israel has blocked the delivery of humanitarian aid. On the Israeli side, 1,388 people were murdered.

Brazil, one of the ten largest oil producers in the world, has sent 260,000 tons of oil to Israel since December, when Lula had already done first Reviews the war. In January this year, the International Court of Justice of Hague determined that Israel must ensure that its forces do not commit genocide in Palestine, in a sentence resulting from the lawsuit filed by South Africa accusing the country of the practice. Lula, who on more than one occasion gave a speech endorsing the accusation From the African country, it has dodged the pressures of social movements for economic sanctions to the country.

“The dynamics of the oil industry is so cruel that, even while President Lula is considered Persona non grateful by the Israeli far-right government, Brazil feeds the Benjamin Netanyahu war machine with Brazilian oil,” says Claudio Angelo, coordinator of International Policy of the Climate Observatory. "This is a problem, but it can also be an instrument of pressure from the Brazilian government for a ceasefire."

The material sent by Brazil in two loads - one in December 2023 and one last month - comes from Campos in the Sea of British Shell and French Total Energies in partnership with Petrobras. According to analysis As an important oil supplier for Israel, Brazil has the opportunity to press for a ceasefire through a fossil fuels, used to supply the country's military fleet.

The maintenance of trade relations with Israel is criticized by Palestinian advocates. "States and companies that continue to provide fuel to Israel to their military forces are directly complicit in supporting their ongoing genocide," said Mahmoud Nawaja, general coordinator of the Palestinian National Committee. In this scenario, the embargo is seen as a opposition to the military power of Israel. "We appeal to nations to take advantage of oil supply as a way to demand an immediate ceasefire and the end of the occupation," said Allie Rosenbluth, program manager of Oil Change International us United States.

Historical Allies of Israel, the United States sent three fuel navies to military jet. The last of them was seen at the Israeli Port of Ashkelon on March 6. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iraq carry crude oil through the Sumed oil. Israel receives from this small, but constant oil remittances. These countries have also criticized Israel's stance in war.

The Climate Observatory questioned the Brazilian government about the sale of oil to the Netanyahu government, but did not get a return until the publication of this report.

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HERAKLION | For the student rally on Thursday 14/3

A few hundred people participated in Thursday's rally against Pierrakakis. Youth has shown that it is willing to continue the struggle against this law.

On the other hand, it was once again the scrap of the reformist left. PCs and ESAK, with their demands ("the law to stay on the cards"), but also with the absence of racing mobilizations and assemblies for the next few days, made it clear that for them the rally was simply the "closing ceremony" of the last race. two months.

At the rally, he shared a proclamation of the racing moves, highlighting the need to continue the fight, to overthrow the law. The next time is to highlight this perspective, against the line of retreat and defeat.

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India: the old State against Sanjoy Deepak Rao – The Red Herald

Featured image: Sanjoy Deepak Rao. Source: The South First

On Monday 11 th of March , the National Investigation Agency (NIA) of the old Indian State presented formal accusations against Sanjoy Deepak Rao in front of a special court for the NIA in Hyderabad. Sanjoy Deepak Rao, a progressive intellectual from Jammu and Kashmir, was already arrested several times for his activism. Last September he was arrested again, in Telangana, this time accused of being a leader of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), a party which leads the People’s War against the old Indian State. We have reported on this arrest.

The accusation includes infractions to the Indian Penal Code in several of its sections, but especially numerous sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) are included, specifically sections 17, 18, 18-B, 20, 38, 39 and 40. This infamous law has been characterized as “draconian” by media around the world and especially by the progressive Indian media. Among other alleged materials that would incriminate him according to repressive forces, Sanjoy Deepak Rao’s accessories, such as the laptop and alleged literature linked to Maoism, is said to be confiscated, as is usual in the raids of the UAPA. Rao was on his way to medical treatment when he was arrested, and the CPI (Maoist) has declared that Rao has been erroneously linked to the party.

Numerous activists and organizations for democratic rights have denounced on many occasions the abuse and repression committed by the old Indian State, using among other repressive mechanisms, the UAPA to imprison those who disagree with the policy of the Indian ruling classes and imperialism in India. Among those who denounce this use of UAPA, are the Campaign Against State Repression ( CASR ) and the Forum Against Corporatization And Militarization ( FACAM ), of which we have reproduced and translated many statements and press releases.

Between 2015 and 2020, more than 8,000 people have been prosecuted using the UAPA , 97.2 percent of them being imprisoned for a long time, and finally acquitted. It is very common that these accusations are without proof, and this law acts as a threat and punishment against activists from the whole country. They are usually labeled as Maoists even though they are only activists for democratic rights, against repression or in defense of oppressed sectors of the people. This was the case of Professor Saibaba, recently acquitted and released , after being accused without evidence, this being recognized by the Indian courts.

What many medias are hiding is that the UAPA is not an invention of the government led by Modi and the BJP, but that it is a repressive tool of the Indian ruling classes and imperialism, set up in 1967 , when there was an intense people’s struggle against the old Indian State. Since this year the successive old Indian State’s governments had the capacity, under UAPA’s section 3, to prohibit and pursue organizations and associations, without the need for evidence, judgments or other possible defenses by the repressed. Since this year, progressive media denounces that there has been a serious attack against democratic rights and freedoms, and in recent years what the Indian government has done is to use a tool that it already had.

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More actions for the 8th of March – The Red Herald

Featured image: Demonstration in Oaxaca, Mexico. Source: Sol Rojo Mx

We publish a compilation of further reports on actions for the 8 th of March.

In the city of Oaxaca, Mexico , the People’s Women’s Movement joined the march called by the heroic section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE. Women of the people, cooperative members, housewives, women workers and democratic teachers took the streets shouting “Proletarian feminism destroys the patriarchy!” During the march, support was also expressed to the heroic national resistance of Palestine.

The march progressed from the mother’s monument to the central square of the city. Flyers calling women to join the movement and explaining the difference between proletarian feminism and bourgeois and petty-bourgeois feminism were distributed. The People’s Women’s Movement held speeches during the march, emphasizing that class is what separates us, not gender, and that the agenda is proletarian revolution, not the so-called “gender-ideology”.

As the march advanced towards the central square, it was seen that many businesses and banks had covered their windows with plywood, and the governmental palace, as well as the pavilion at the central square were also surrounded with fences and other obstacles, in an attempt to prevent the protesters from holding their rally in the end of the march. Shouting slogans, the protesters removed the fences and took over the pavilion to make their message to be heard.

After the rally, presentations were made in the forum “The Women of the Section XXII in the 21 st Century”, discussing problems faced by education workers.

In Hamburg, Germany , the Red Women’s Committee organized an event regarding the International Women’s Day of Struggle. In the event, proletarian feminism was explained and the origins of the oppression of women and some aspects of the situation of women in the Federal Republic of Germany were discussed. After the presentation, the audience made questions and there was discussion.

An event was organized by the Red Women’s Committee in Hamburg. Source: Dem Volke Dienen

In addition, on the 13 th of March an event titled “What is proletarian feminism?” was organized in Helsinki , Finland . In the event, a lively discussion followed a presentation.

An Event is Proletariian Feminism in Helsinki, Finland. Source: Red Flag

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Finnish: Statement of the ICL on the 18th of March – The Red Herald

Proletars of all countries, join together!

March 18 - Solidarity Day for political prisoners - respecting communist and revolutionary prisoners

March 18 is an international solidarity day for political prisoners. Founded by Komintern in 1920, Red-Apu declared in 1923 March 18, the date of the establishment of the Paris Commune, "International Solidarity Day for Political Prisoners" and owned it to political prisoners. On March 18, solidarity with political prisoners is demonstrated worldwide.

The Indian recreational state has captured more than ten thousand communists, revolutionary and political activists such as Vice -Reserve Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilsom and Gautam Navlakha, to stop the Folk War.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been captured by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been released even though he has suffered his sentence. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a member of the Black Panthers, has been captured by US imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionary and oppressed nations in the world have spent decades in prisons.

The fear and classroom of the dominant classes towards communist and revolutionary prisoners is so great that they prevent their own laws, contrary to their own laws, and the revolutionary from leaving prisons. In order to understand the fear and hate of imperialists and the prevailing system, the assassination of Chairman Gonzalo in 2021 is very important; The PKP leader, who lost his health after 29 years of insulation and whose death was caused by not taking the necessary health measures. Those responsible for the death of the chairman Gonzalo even burned and destroyed his body.

Communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons try to meet the demands of class struggle with the threat of their lives, by trying the boundaries of prison. They refuse to capture and do not hesitate to resist all kinds of pressure, torture and insulation. We need to mobilize the prisoners' legitimate fighting and resistance to fight all kinds of aggression against prisoners, be the voice of the prisoners, we must support their struggle in imprisonment as part of a class struggle.

Communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!

Supporting communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary battle!

Let us make our communist and revolutionary prisoners resistance and fight for ours. Let us be the voice of the prisoners!

International Communist Association

March 2024

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Announcement Down the hands of struggling students!

Outside the police from the University Schools!

To release 49

Terrorism will not pass!

Thessaloniki 16/03/2024

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