From the blog tarantocontro
The condemned, who has been part of the actions criminals at the time of Riva and subsequently, they cannot now direct Solid!
From Il Fatto Quotidiano
The Ilva of the State looks like that of the Rivas: the former director sentenced to 17 years and the manager return Found guilty of the death of a worker

The productive heart of the Ilva of Taranto is back in the hands of two Condemned For the most serious episodes that took place in the steel. In general silence, they reappear among the managers of the plant Salvatore De Felice e Ruggero Cola at the behest of the new government commissioners Gianluca Forty , he too with a conviction for events that took place in the steel John Clubs and David Tabarelli . De Felice and Cola, chosen to support the new general manager Giuseppe Cavalli , the former will help the general manager in the management of Hot Area , the one that includes altifort e Steel mills , while the second will take care of lamination e tubifici . They will substantially advise on areas they know very well, having already directed to them also in the it was Riva . And not always in the best way, according to the judges.
De Felice - retired since 2021 - was sentenced for the water poisoning and substances intended for diet At first instance in the maxi-process Sold Out Environment , whose appeal will begin in a few weeks. As head of the area altiforni, directed between 2002 and July 2012, and of
Director of the establishment in the following period, The judges of the Court of Assizes of Taranto they inflicted on him 17 years in prison and the perpetual interdiction from public offices, pronounced it was "Without a doubt" aware that Ilva's "sintering plant" "It was a source of dioxins" . The engineer - very close to the Pd Local and former city councilor in San Giorgio Jonico – is therefore back in the saddle despite, as we read in the Motivations of the condemnation, was one of the "Closer collaborators" of the shores and had a "Full involvement" in "Industrial policies" of the then owners of the steel.
Reasons why he was held responsible for the "spill of harmful substances" and of the "contamination" of the sea and land where there were several local farms. What, the judges argue, Under the Riva he transformed the Ilva into something similar to a "deposit of explosives managed by our defendants as Focchists " . The Court did not give him even the generic attenuations because De Felice had patter in other procedures, dating back to 1999 and 2007, for a manslaughter e injury . Precedents that, the judges write, describe the "Capacity to commit crimes" .
There, A career started in Ilva in 1984 and interrupted in 2021, Instead, it has been sentenced for so little time that the reasons do not They are still known. Last February 29, The judge of the Court of Taranto Federica Furio He inflicted 6 years in prison for the death of the worker Alessandro Morricella , died on June 12, 2015 due to an accident in Apa2 department occurred four days earlier . He was 35 years old. The young worker had approached the casting hole of the altoforno 2 To carry out the withdrawals aimed at checking the temperature of the cast iron , but instead of the slow escape of the material that flows in a special channel, it was suddenly hit by one blaze of liquid material. After an agony lasting four days, Morricella died because of the burns second and third degree on the 90% of the body .
It is therefore comparing with new ones Excellent returns The team that will have to operationally manage the attempt to keep the Ilva alive waiting for the new one to leave European race To assign it to Private . The Minister for Enterprise Adolfo Urso He has repeatedly assured that the relaunch will take place and thank you the risk of a Plant blockage. And that's not all. The minister also pointed out that the Selected commissioners were "judged by all to be excellent" and "have revived the production processes starting with the Plant safety , which obviously worried about the environment And the salute of citizens ". He asked the ministry if it was aware of the proceedings involving De Felice and Cola, but at the time of the Publication has not yet received any response.