PC March 17 - The repression of the anti -fascist protest and against war is not simple authoritarianism, it was a police and march towards a modern fascist regime

Author: maoist
Description: A contribution by Livio Pepino to be wanted the moon the repression of dissent and protest and the violence of the police forces in Funz ...
Published Time: 2024-03-17T17:50:00+08:00

a contribution

Of Livio Pepino and Want the moon

The repression of dissent and protest and the violence of the police forces according to public order I am certainly not a novelty in our country . Just remember - as other times we have said - which, in the 30 years between rs The between 1947 and 1977, 143 demonstrators killed were counted in the streets and in the piazz e and that, of them, 109 they place themselves Between 1947 and 1954, that is, in the years of the strengthening of the devices of police and their reorganization as a ready force i ntervent o military (the so -called "quick"), even armed with machine guns. The phenomenon had an an d ament karst and periods of relative tranquility (the first center left, since 1963 to 1968, and the last two decades of the last century) took turns con moment the Particularly bloody (like 2001, first in Naples and then in Genoa): fruit, evidence, of top political choices, a he confirms of the fact - remembered by R. Canosa in the exertion of the introduction of The police in Italy from 1945 to today (Il Mulino, 1976) - that " The history of the police is always history of governments ». In parallel with the methods of police interventions have also changed the Recipients: yesterday the workers and laborers; especially today the "Antagonists", students and activists for the environment and the climate. But the violence remained and, in this early millennium, it was accentuated: Not only in Italy but throughout the planet, including the West, as revealed by the 2022-2023 ratio of Amnesty International on human rights e protests in the world , second d or which "an illegal force of the strength has been made towards protesters in 85 states".

The offices and battles of Pisa and Florence , therefore, are somehow a d It is j has vu , pur

ignored most , Also towards young girls and boys without any intentions aggressive (for an example, almost a photocopy of the Pisan one, happened to Turin on January 15, 2022 , Ruling dragons, cf. However The Tuscan facts mark a particularly relevant leap in quality . For a plurality of reasons on which, two weeks later, it is appropriate, in cold mind, reflect.

Primo . Those facts are part of a context in which L to repression - in the squares, in the courts, in prisons, in centers of detention for migrants - has become ordinary tool of government and the practice (now almost a rule) of the assignment to a prefect of the interior dicastery has been accompanied by the construction of an apparatus regulations in the name of the enemy's criminal law. In the last year e A little more, the criminal system is enriched , starting from the decree law on raves , of 22 new cases of crime; The detained people have again exceeded the 60 thousand threshold (there were 60,924 February 29); the Suicides in prison continue at the rhythm of one every two days; he comes less, with the multiplication of prevention measures applied to activists involved in disputes Summer sense policies, the reserve of jurisdiction for the limitations of freedom staff; The proposals of unexpressure for punishment for the occupation of properties, the road blocking and resistance and violence to the detriment of officers or public security agents And even the introduction of a daspo aimed at preventing participation in manifestations of the so -called "antagonists" . These are also here partially pre -existing tendencies in government of the right, but their consolidation and their extreme is imprinting the political system a markedly authoritarian curvature.

Second . The Manganellate di Pisa and Florence are - to use the words of the boss of the state - a failure of the institutions, but there is, on the sidelines, a even more serious fact . AND What happened in the following days. Instead of the admission that "Something did not work" and an self -criticism (albeit bland) or even Only of an embarrassed (how significant) silence, there were, by the government and the political majority, total coverage e acrytic of the police work, the distance (in fact and, sometimes, even explicitly) from the calls of the president of the Repubblica, the media transformation of the "beating" (evident in dozens of images and videos) In a "clash" between demonstrators and law enforcement agencies (cfr. ), the attribution of the responsibility of the incident to the left and to the demonstrators ( sic !) guilty of having taken to the streets instead of staying at home or at school Superfluous to add that no provision has been adopted against the managers of public order, except for the grotesque transfer, on the eve of the pension, of an official marginally involved in the affair and transformed into a comfortable Capro explanatory. The claim of violence against demonstrators e The ostentated impunity insured to those who have been the author is an invitation implicit to continue in the same way and recalls the dark years of the advent of fascism.

Third . A further element of restlessness and concern, connected with the one just reported, is there increasingly clear welding of the government and the political majority with sectors of law enforcement and military apparatuses . The signals are unique. The government promises the expansion of the discriminant of the so -called legitimate use of weapons e l’ authorization, for members of the State Police, the Carabinieri weapon, to the Guardia di Finanza, to the body of the penitentiary agents to bring, without license, a weapon other than that of order when they are not on duty . And to this correspond, on the one hand, the protagonism - sometimes to the limits of the subversion - of the police unions (with the only exception of the Silp), in dictating legislative choices such as the already mentioned Daspo in against the "antagonists" or to pretend to condition choices of government of institutions (such as that, contested in these days a Turin, of "legalization" of a social center) and, on the other, the assumption of a leading political role, also in view of next electoral deadlines, Of A general of the army representative of the most reactionary sectors of the armed forces. The incidence of these paths on dynamics institutional and consequent conditioning are certainly not little.

Quarto . Finally, the identification of the recipients (at least prevalent) of repression: essentially anti -fascists and the demonstrators against the war (in Ukraine and, even more, in Palestine). It is an illuminating identification e with a unique meaning , Especially when the Prime Minister goes Indeed, in the closing rally of the Sardinian election campaign, a Irreen on anti -fascism as a qualifying element of a project political and authoritative NATO exponents break the Magic spell And they openly propose the possibility of an entry into the war too with their own soldiers as well as providing weapons .

There is just enough to grasp the profound meaning of the Pisa Manganellate.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-17-marzo-la-repressione-della.html