PC 17 March - On the events that see Anan, Ali and Mansour in prison after the sentence that declared Anan inendable, a correspondence with their lawyer

Description: From Radio Onda Rossa https://www.ondarossa.info/redational/2024/03/no-strastradition-anan-ancer-Carcere with the lawyer Flavio Rossi Albert ...
Published Time: 2024-03-17T19:13:00+08:00

From Radio Onda Rossa


With the lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini we deepen the denial of the extradition in Israel of Anan Yaeesh by the Court of Appelo of L'Aquila and the judicial proceeding that keeps him keeps him in prison and who dictated the arrest of two others Palestinian boys, Mansour Doghmosh in prison in Rossano Calabro and Ali Saji Rabhi in Ferrara.

To write to him:

  • Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
  • Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House -Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
  • Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-17-marzo-sulle-vicende-che-vedono.html