The Tunisian Police State regime of Sieda continues to persecute by means of a judicial frame the political militant e social and for the Palestinian cause, the journalist Ghassen Ben Khalifa.
Already In the summer of 2022, Ghassen had been accused of managing a Facebook page linked to Islamist radicalism and therefore accused of terrorism, this accusation immediately appeared as a clear frame since Ghassen is notoriously a militant of the left revolutionary.
For engraved, it was the first case of judicial persecution towards a revolutionary militant since the time of the regime of Ben Ali, Not even the governments of the post-revolution restoration, better known with The misleading formula of "democratic transition" (2011-2021), had pursued left militants.
After five days of stop status and a great manifestation of solidarity in Tunis in the height of summer, Ghassen had finally been released but the judicial proceeding was not yet Filed.
They followed of the hearings in court in which the royal manager of the page incriminated he declared the manager every time he was himself of the pages and the author of the publications and not to know Ghassen.
Meanwhile The accusation of "offense of others by means of social media was also added media "and" participation in a terrorist conspiracy " and "offensive conduct towards the president".
The Last March 14 the judge of the first instance of the Court of Ben ARUS (area of Grande Tunis) has sentenced Ghassen to 6 months of imprisonment, not with immediate effect pending a further Audience that provides for the examination of the most serious accusations for the next 5 April.
The our party expresses sincere solidarity with his partner Ghassen Ben Khalifa, denounced Sieda's reactionary regime of police state supported by imperialism, including Italian imperialism today represented by the neo-fascist government Meloni.
Communist proletarians/ PCM- Italy
Rescue Proletarian red- Italy 16/03/2024
We report Here are the unofficial translations of some press releases:
- A first declaration by Ghassen Ben Khalifa through his own Facebook page:
Gap Personal/political/absurd:
For regarding the "moral" part of the ridiculous and invented case against me (accusing myself of being a moderator of a page "Islamist" called "Al-Burkan Al-Tunisi"), the Court
First degree of Ben Arous issued a decision against me yesterday: Six months in prison (without immediate execution).
That is Waiting for the first session of the second case, more serious (relating to mild accusations such as "participation in an alliance terrorist "," Commission of a brutal act against the President of the Republic ", etc.) on April 5th.
I want say, the judge, was not convinced by the words of the Lawyers who presented him copies of the Lord's confessions arrested (while I was detained and we were consulting the unit national to investigate the terrorist crimes of the Aouina) and in he confirmed that he was only his page and that he was the one who published Everything about it and who did not know me at all ... in addition to what demonstrated (from the archive of my Facebook account) that on the date e allegedly presumed (according to a technical report by the Department of Technical services of the General Security Administration National) I would have contacted the page from an IP address connected to my phone number. At that moment I was connected by my account and I integrated and placed on my personal page from an IP address completely different...
In other words, Mr. Judge considered the report of security of dubious authenticity (and does not explain at all how it is arrived at this conclusion. The second accused is stronger than Results of the research of the al-Awaina division and stronger of the apparent contradiction of my well -known intellectual position e political beliefs [divergent] from the inconvenstance of that page ...
There conclusion is that we will appeal against this unjust sentence e We will prepare for the April session. I assure all companions And friends that the morale is high. Also reassure all those who they believe that with accusations and inventions such ridiculous can make me of the bad, intimidating me or making me an example ...
- Press release of a C Ampagna T UNISINA of B oicottage and of O piping at the N hormalization With the' E nittity S ionist
Freedom For those who oppose normalization ... freedom for the our people and for those who are at their side!
Yesterday, 14/03/2024, the first degree court of Ben Arous sentenced to Six months of imprisonment his partner Ghassan Ben Khalifa, one of the founding members of the campaign and chief editor of the Inhez website, A combatant of the joint action coordination for Palestine and member of the Solidarity Committee with the activist George Ibrahim Abdullah, this is the continuation of the case raised against him After being suspended for five days in September 2022.
There sentence refers to the accusation of “insult to others through Social media "moved against Ghassan under the" moral "aspect of the case. It is an accusation against him on the basis of accusations contained in a report by one of the Departments of the Ministry of the interior, according to which the page "Vulcano Tunisino" was connected to an IP address connected to its phone number. That is it was demonstrated false by the defense, on the basis of the archive of his contacts on his personal page (from which he appears that al moment of the alleged technical assessment he was connected to his personal page with a different IP address), and confessions of the Moderator of the page that was suspended before the release of Ghassan Bin Khalifa in September 2022, and who denied knowing the partner or to have any relationship with the aforementioned page, that He confirmed that he manages alone.
We, of the Tunisian Boicottage and opposition to the normalization of the Zionist entity, we condemn this sentence unjust against our partner and we declare ours absolute support. While we support our partner, we are solidarity with ourselves and with those who belong to the resistance and to those who are aligned with him.
Let's ask Also to all companions, men and women, to all individuals in struggle and the progressive forces to join around the Ghassan case e to put pressure and mobilize in front of the first instance court a Tunis on April 5, coinciding with the first relative session to the second part of the case in which he has to face invented accusations as "participation in a terrorist conspiracy" and “Having committed an offense to the President of the Republic ".
The arbitrary sentences will only make us more united and resolved. Freedom For those who oppose normalization.
- press release of the coordination of the joint action for the Palestine in Tunisia
Tunisia March 15, 2024
Yesterday On Thursday, 14 March 2024, the Ben Arous Court of First Instance sentenced to six months' imprisonment in a sub-case against the comrade Ghassan Ben Khalifa, journalist, editor-in-chief of the site Inhivez, activist of the Coordination of Joint Action movement for Palestine, a member of the Tunisian boycott and opposition to the normalization of the Zionist entity and member of the Committee of the Tunisian Committee of Solidarity with the Fighter for George Ibrahim Abdullah.
AND important that the coordination of the common action for Palestine clarify the public opinion that this sentence is based on a safety report that included the name of the activist of left Ghassan Bin Khalifa in one case relating to the management of a Page on the social network Facebook with "Islamist" content. The main defendant is arrested and admits that he is the owner and the manager of the page, to be responsible for all his posts and not to have any relationship or knowledge with the company.
The Coordination of common action for Palestine, while considering that this unjust sentence and everything that plots against his activist, is in the context of his struggle activity linked to the support of resistance and against normalization, confirms that targeting its activists with invented accusations He will not discourage them from carrying out his struggle actions. The security apparatuses lurking against activists will do nothing else that increase their firmness.
The coordination also invites all political organizations national, progressive and revolutionary, groups and institutions of civil society to support the Palestinian cause and all Tunisini to attend in large numbers on April 5, 2024 in front of the Tunisian first instance court to support the activist of left Ghassan Ben Khalifa in the first hearing of the original case in which it is accused of "participation in a criminal agreement" e of “having committed a despicable act against the president of the Repubblica ”and other accusations invented.