On March 14, the guarantee interrogation of I live in the district house of Terni. Accusatory prospect accepted by the investigating judge of the L'Aquila court is relating to the organization of a terrorist group called "Tulkarem brigade", operating in the Tulkarem city in the West Bank, gemmation of the brigades of the martyrs by Al-Aqsa.
Anan has released a long and articulated spontaneous declaration pronouncing a j’ accusa towards the exquisitely character investigation politician. In particular, he told the condition of oppression and violence suffered by the Palestinian people subjected to the yoke Israeli military in the indifference of the international community. Has told his story as a young Palestinian, the killing of his engaged to the Israeli army while they went to school, the dirty hands of the girl's blood, the attempted murder of which it is victim state in 2006 by Israeli soldiers, the 11 shots of firearm from which it was reached, the horror tried by the mother At the sight of his injury and the consequent stroke from which he was achieved by losing forever the cognitive abilities, his friends killed by the army.
He claimed to refuse the stigma of the terrorist for himself and for the his people, he recalled that all peoples have the right to fight for their freedom against the invading army compared the struggle Palestinian to that of Italy during resistance, and has stressed that, rather, no western country has ever grown in supporting Ukraine, which has also been armed by the same West. He recalled the horror of the Gaza war and 30 thousand Palestinian deaths of which over two thirds women and children, e Rhetorically asked who the terrorists are.
He also recalled that the struggle for Palestine is played in the territories employed and not elsewhere, referring to this to the articles of newspapers that feared the danger of acts of violence in Italy. Has concluded saying that he only wants peace and freedom for his own people.
Anan Yaeesh's Liberation Committee Committee
From Radio Onda Rossa
With The lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini we deepen the negation of the extraction in Israel of Anan Yaeesh by the Court of the L'Aquila and the judicial proceeding that holds him keeps him however in prison and who dictated the arrest of two other boys Palestinians, Mansour Doghmosh in prison in Rossano Calabro and Ali Saji Rabs in Ferrara.
To write to him:
- Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
- Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House -Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
- Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100
To write to him:
- Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
- Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House - Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
- Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100