and Observatory
Truly disturbing images those widespread by the press office of the Italian Army General Staff. The soldiers of the 62nd "Sicily" infantry regiment of the brigade "Aosta" that trained on the "control techniques of the crowd ”, simulating the armed attack against a group of demonstrators.

Of Antonio Mazzeo
It happened in recent days in the polygon military of Piazza Armerina (EN) where the Sicilian regiment is “Family with the Crowd and Riot Control techniques (literally anti -Somamossa control of the crowd, NDA) ".
"The activity, structured in theoretical lessons and practices, allowed the staff of the regiment companies to acquire basic knowledge relating to techniques and procedures to be adopted in case of disorders, of dangerous situations and threat to public order, with the aim of strengthening further the ability to intervention are also a support of the police, alongside the army often works,
such as, for example, the "Safe Roads" operation, ", Explain the Army General Staff. “The training module ended with a final exercise in opposing parties which made it possible to test the acquired techniques and the ability to reaction in contexts of "crowd and riot control" ".
Here is still a test, unfortunately, of the growing and very dangerous presence of the armed forces on the internal front in function of control of public order and repression of each form of dissent.
It must also be reported as precisely at 62 ° "Sicily" infantry regiment of Catania were activated by A couple of years traveled PCTO (the notorious alternation School-Word-Corner) for Sicilian school students secondary. Students are employed in the "repairs of telecommunications and vehicles apparatuses, in the management of warehouses e deposits; in the maintenance of green and in the management of the service Kitchen and food distribution ". (Source: the school goes to war. Investigation on the militarization of education in Italy. Manifestolibri).