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The President of the Generalitat Pere Aragonès announced, on Wednesday, March 13, that the autonomous elections were advanced on May 12. What should be the opinion of the revolutionaries on this subject? With this opinion article we aim to clarify some fundamental issues.
The parties of the Catalan bourgeoisie have betrayed time and again the proletariat and Catalan people
The Mobilization and Fury Torrent of the Catalan National Liberation Movement, whose qualitative leap we saw on October 1, 2017 with the conduct of the referendum declared illegal by Spain -and its subsequent repression - , he has led nothing.
“ Still fortunate that we govern ours and not the PP and Vox "They say in TV3 social gatherings. The reality is that ERC, Together and PSC govern exactly the same as PSOE, PP and Vox. Catalan bourgeois politicians are class enemies of the proletariat and enemies of the people. They seek independence only for their economic interests, they do not hesitate to crush the proletariat and it is absolutely the same as the Catalan language and culture.
The national liberation movement in front of the junction:
Follow the bourgeois path or the proletarian path?
There are two paths in the Catalan national liberation movement: the bourgeois path and the proletarian path. Both roads are completely different in class interests, in method and goals.
The bourgeois path serves the Catalan bourgeoisie, which seeks the independence of Catalonia in Spain to become itself an imperialist, to continue oppressing its own people and make the leap to oppress other peoples of the world. The bourgeois road maintains the proletariat and the people in poverty, as has been done for centuries. Rise in prices and increase of the CPI, labor exploitation, rise in rents, evictions and police violence, etc. Catalan bourgeois politicians in Barcelona have governed in the same way as Spanish bourgeois politicians in Madrid. The bourgeois road urges the masses to participate in the electoral farce, seek to turn off the longing of the people for democratic rights and freedoms, and disseminates racism and chauvinism against the peoples (both the Spanish people and the oppressed nations of Latin America, Africa and Asia).
Boicot to the electoral farce!
In recent years, revisionists and opportunists of all kinds have called on the masses to participate in the electoral farce, to turn their political demands into parliament and to continue on the bourgeois path. The bourgeois road only serves the bourgeoisie. You cannot change the bourgeois state from within, you cannot change a machine of oppression from within. Much less independence can be achieved by participating within the institutions of the Spanish State (Generalitat, Provincial Councils, City Councils...) and being part of it.
In an article published in Serve the people It was explained, in a summarized way, why apply the boycott. We reproduce it in full:
“ 1. Why boycott the election?
– Because we choose the path of revolution and socialism, from the power of the proletarian class against the bourgeoisie. Participation in elections, directly or indirectly, has nothing to do with the path to socialism (the proletarian revolution).
– Because elections within a bourgeois state are a farce. That is why we call it electoral farce or electoral farce of the bourgeoisie. They are not a farce because they are misrepresented, but because it doesn't matter what you vote for: there is no real democracy at all. All really important decisions, absolutely all of them, are made through other means than parliamentary ones.
– Because with the election we choose to government, but not the state or the class that directs it. The turn government is only the manager of the interests of the financial oligarchy, the imperialist bourgeoisie, which is the leader of Spain. There is no difference, in all the governments of bourgeois democracy in recent history (since 1975, about it).
2. Why is it not good to vote for fascism?
– Because the growing fascization of the State (greater presence on the streets and in the media and/or fascist parties, increasing influence of reactionary ideas, etc ...) is the logical consequence of the militarization of the state Spanish. Since 1980, as the approximate date, the states have begun to militarize. Within the Spanish state militarization plan, fascization is a consequence of it. Therefore, a greater presence of fascism is not caused by an election success. It is the other way around: the electoral success of reactionary and fascist forces is caused by the fact that fascism and reaction is more present in society, as a result of this militarization and fascization of states (and in this case, Spain)
– There will be no more or less repression in the labor movement based on the turn government, or at least, by express decision of the governing party. That is, the greater or lesser repression responds to the plans of the financial oligarchy, and not to the plans of the bourgeois leader of turn. During the last years of PSOE progressive rule and united Podem we have suffered repression in the strike of the metal of Cádiz and Vigo; the imprisonment of political prisoner Pablo Hasel; They have not repealed the gag law; They have committed the genocide against the African masses in Melilla; They have committed thousands and thousands of eviction; They have infiltrated national police in social and political movements, etc.
3. Why is it not useful to vote for the least bad option?
– Because the least bad option is no choice. Voting on the PP, PSOE, Vox or Summar does not change, they are all managers of financial capital. None of the parties in Parliament question bourgeois order or Spanish imperialism. During the last years of progressive government of the PSOE and United Podem we have worsened the living conditions of the proletariat in every way. Will we reward the financial capital managers by voting again with the excuse of "slowing up to fascism", so that they can get our lives again in the coming years?
– Because voting on the least bad option does not protect civil, social or union rights. What rights have we recovered with the progressive government of coalition between PSOE and United Podemos? They have disassembled the union movement and have repressed combative mass movements. The CPI has climbed much more than wages. The supposed gain of rights for proletarian women and the LGBT collective is a ghost embodied in a role, while hate crimes do not stop climbing. What has the government done for the proletariat? ”
The Catalan proletariat must fight arm with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat
The Catalan proletariat will be freely free not only when its national rights are respected, but when it is released as a social class. And this involves the destruction of the Spanish imperialist state, the old bourgeois state, and generating a new power, the new proletarian state. The Catalan proletariat cannot fight only against the Spanish imperialist state. He must fight arm with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat as class brothers against the common enemy: Spanish state, Spanish imperialism.
This titanic work involves the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Spain as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, mainly Maoist with the contributions of universal validity of President Gonzalo. A militarized party prepared for political power with popular war and with the perspective of capturing the dictatorship of the proletariat as a federal socialist republic where the proletariat of all nations fight, as class brothers and ultimately, until the Communism.
Thus, and only in this way, will the Catalan proletariat be free. And the first step cannot be another than delegitimizing the electoral farce, rejecting illusions in bourgeois democracy and preparing for the fighting that will come in the fight against Spain.
No bourgeois politician will liberate Catalonia!
They have ruled, governed and governed against the Catalan proletariat and people!
Against all chauvinism and national narrowness!
For the class fraternity between the Catalan proletariat with the Spanish, Basque and Galician!
For the federal socialist republic where the proletariat of the different nations will fight side by side to communism!
Do not vote on May 12, boycott in the election farce!
Reject illusions and prepare for the fight!