Although at first glance the march of the International Women's Day seems to be dominated by bourgeois feminism, it is necessary and very important to mention that a part of the 8M mobilization in Bogotá was attended by a differentiating factor. Combativity and belligerence cannot be denied, the challenging attitude in their voices and the numerous assistance of women who left from the Ministry of Labor to the Plaza de Bolívar, however, the limitations that to this movement that to this movement cannot be denied It imposes bourgeois feminism.
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During the march of March 8 in Bogotá, a small but significant block of women and men could be seen manifesting with a combative and revolutionary character, in which activists of the workers' revolution also participated. With slogans that go beyond the just demands in general against patriarchy, against violence, femicides, abuse, beyond the demands of equality and some choirs against men; The speech of this block recalled that the capitalist system is the cause of oppression to women and made the call for women's claims to aim against the double exploitation suffered by workers, economic freedom, the recognition of their work Also at home, the political participation of women independently and especially for the organization of their struggle in a revolutionary female movement.
From the independent block convened by activists of the Revolutionary Women Palestinian women killed by Zionism and Imperialism, as well as that of important revolutionary such as Betsabé Espinal and Clara Zetkin, among others. At the same time he delivered a considerable amount of written propaganda, almost the only one that was seen in the march, which includes the MFR struggle platform, as a proposal for the basis of unity for the organization of the women's committees.
Another of the elements that highlighted this block was the participation of men; The men who share in practice the struggle of women from their position of husbands, children, parents, couples, fighting companions and mainly, like their class brothers. This participation, until now vetoed by feminism, also highlights the importance of the fight must be elbow between men and women, while demarcating a new trend in these mobilizations.
Undoubtedly, the participation of this red component in the march of the city, is a great advance in the construction of another type of female movement and demonstrates the need for a revolutionary direction for it. The call is to form women's committees in all regions and in all sectors, the flag of women's emancipation must be lifted and directed by the labor movement, remembering that it is precisely in this movement where it has the origins this commemoration. So, this task is raised to proletarian women, but also to students, peasants and all women in the popular sectors.
We greet from here those workers who welcomed the call and set out to organize participation in the march and motivate them to continue this work, because we know that very soon, this embryo of the new revolutionary female movement demonstrated in Bogotá, will grow in the main Cities and villages of the country, we can see red blocks in all marches and both slogans, as the flags will become a flow of flows of thousands of women for their emancipation of oppression and exploitation of capital and against imperialist capitalism.
A distributor reporter from Bogotá