Author: muhabirhasan
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: We are in Frankfurt to enlarge the united struggle against fascism and celebrate Newroz on the Resistance Day ...
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Published Time: 2024-03-18T00:00:00+08:00
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We are in Frankfurt to enlarge the United Struggle against Fascism and celebrate the Resistance Day Newroz, and to celebrate the Resistance Day as the European Union of Democratic Power (ADGB), this year
We call on the center of Newroz in Frankfurt. The AKP-MHP fascist power, which spends the sweat of peoples, laborers and poor on the arms, pillages and transforms the geography of Turkey and Kurdistan into a war area and a prison with oppression, isolation and persecution, gives people hell to the peoples.
Against this, our common struggle in every field, our strength and resistance that we will provide together, has a great meaning these days when Newroz is approaching. AKP-MHP fascist block but
It can be regressed by creating a common spirit of resistance and enlarging the common network. The pressure on the peoples, political genocide operations, trustees, pressures on the laborers, deepening economic crisis can be regressed by the emergence of the will of the people at a further level. It is one of the struggle lines in which the will of the people in Newroz emerged. Newroz is one of the most peaks of the struggle for peace against the war and the most peak of the peoples. Us with different accusations
Newroz has been the day we will scream against those who try to separate. As revolutionary and socialist institutions living in Europe, we urge this year to mobilize the Newroz to further enlarge the resistance to jointization in all Newrozs that will take place in Frankfurt this year.
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The proclamation of the commune: in 1871, the proletariat made his first assault on the heavens.
"What is the commune, this sphinx that torments bourgeois spirits?" (Carlos Marx).
Today, on the occasion of the 147 -year anniversary of the Heroic Commune of Paris, and as part of the world campaign of celebration of the 200 years of the birth of Great Carlos Marx, we publish this article. In it we highlight the meaning and importance of this great historical event and the need to study, in the light of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, this imperishable document of the International Communist Movement,
Civil War in France
of the great Carlos Marx.
On March 18, 1871, the commune of Paris, the first attempt by the proletariat of assaulting the heavens, gave rise to the First Workers Republic of History. Ten days after popular insurrection, the new revolutionary government declared the independence of the commune in relation to the old bourgeois power in Versailles.
It was the heroism of the community members who, holding for 71 days, in Paris, the power in the hands of the proletarian masses, made humanity known a new form of state: the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Despite the glorious fight that Parisian workers undertook with weapons in the hands in the defense of proletarian power, facing the most brutal and bloodthirsty counterrevolution, they were defeated by the military forces at the service of the bourgeoisie, of the landowners, of the Bag speculators and all kinds of thieves gathered in Versailles, who surrounded Paris and bombarded it without mercy, with the support of Prussian troops.
The end of the Paris commune in May 1871, far from simply meaning a defeat for the working class, was a historical fact of great importance, which marked forever the struggle of the international proletariat. The Paris commune is the first great event of the process of the world proletarian revolution and therefore, around the position that is taken over it and its correct balance, Marxism and revisionism separate.
It corresponded to Marx, armed with the scientific ideology of the proletariat, dialectical historical materialism, extract the teachings and true historical meaning of that great event, exposed in its famous
Civil War in France
. Work written at the request of the General Council as a call to the members of the International Labor Association (AIT).
In the
Published in 1891, for the occasion of the 20 years of the commune of Paris, Engels states that after two decades and based on new information obtained it was necessary to "complete a bit" the exhibition made in
Civil War in France
. Next to that important
, Engels also adds the two manifestos of the General Council of the International Association of Workers -Ait, on the Franco -Prussian War. The three documents cited, available in virtually all editions, must be studied as part of the civil war in France.
A commune enthusiast
Some months before the revolution in Paris, in the fall of 1870, Marx had warned the French proletariat that it should not rise prematurely, anticipating that it would fail for not having a communist party that directs it. However, when the uprising occurred, Marx, taking firm class position, supported her unconditionally and greeted the proletariat that he had dared to "assault the skies."
“When the Paris commune took in their own hands the direction of the revolution; When, for the first time in history, simple workers dared to violate the government privilege of their "natural superiors" (...) the old world twisted in convulsions of rage before the show of the red flag, symbol of the Republic of Labor , waving on the Hôtel de Ville. "
Through letters and verbal instructions that transmitted to the members of the AIT, Marx and Engels they tried to guide the community members, giving them valuable advice. However, its indications did not always arrive in Paris, because the city was subject to an intense enemy fence.
In addition to that, the members of the commune were divided by a major Proudhon. Engels points out that it corresponds to the Proudhonians [3] the main responsibility for the economic measures of the commune, as long as Blanquistas corresponds to the main responsibility for political measures.
“And, in both cases, the irony of history wanted - as generally happens when power falls into the hands of doctrinals - that both did the opposite of what the doctrine of their respective school prescribed. (…) Therefore, the commune was the tomb of the Proudhonian School of Socialism. (…) This school has disappeared today from the French workers; In them, currently, Marx's theory predominates without discussion. ”
Civil War in France
Marx clearly defined the role of these opportunistic elements in the labor movement, demonstrating that the revolutionary labor movement in its contradictory development and as a direct result of its action, accumulates what Engels will call as "colossal garbage pile" that needs to be swept .
Internationalist character
The commune, consequently, with its proletarian class character, demarcated from the beginning its internationalist character, as the
"Flag of the commune is the flag of the World Republic" "
[6]. In the middle of the Prussian fence,
“He appointed a German labor minister (…)
He honored the heroic children of Poland, placing them at the head of the defenders of Paris (...) and, to clearly mark the new historical era that consciously inaugurated, the commune, in the eyes of the Prussian winners, on the one Bonapartist Army sent by Bonapartist Generals of another, cast that gigantic symbol of the warrior glory that was the column of Vendôme. ”
Marx thus synthesized the internationalist duty fulfilled in the commune:
The commune granted to all foreigners the honor of dying for an immortal cause
Revolutionary heroism
In a letter to Kugelmann, even when the fighting developed in Paris, Marx highlighted the role of heroism and the unwavering will of the community members,
"What a historical initiative, what the ability to sacrifice these Parisians have!"
[8], stating that they reflected
"The greatness of his cause"
[9] And that, thanks to them, the moral of the class was high:
“The Bourgeois Canals of Versailles (…) raised the alternative to the Parisians: accept the challenge or surrender without fighting. The demoralization of the working class in the latter case
It would have been a much greater misfortune than the perishability of any number of ‘leaders’ ”
With that Marx taught us that we cannot allow class moral
, no matter how many leaders fall and that a high price has to be paid. That precious lesson helps us to crush the new revisionism and its sinister policy of
peace agreements and capitulation
, teaching that to "assault the skies" and make the revolution it is necessary to be willing to
pay the fee
, that only "who is not afraid to be cut into a thousand pieces, challenges the emperor."
Continuing, Marx established the great historical role of the commune for the world revolution. He affirmed that, for having "assaulted the heavens" boldly and heroically, the commune had entered a "new phase" to the world revolution, that is, with it the proletariat begins its process of struggle for power, entering the stage of strategic defensive [11], affirms that
“Thanks to the commune of Paris, the fight of the working class against the class of the capitalists and against the State that represents the interests of it
has entered a new phase
. Whatever immediate outcome this time, a new starting point has been conquered that is important for the history of the whole world. ”
Revolutionary violence
The commune affirmed the need for the
revolutionary violence
showed the force of the civil war, establishing practical verification
of the Marxist principle according to which
"Power is born from the rifle"
"Without a popular army, the people will have nothing"
[13]. The "ghost that crossed Europe" had become a real threat.
English and SU
, taking the experience of the revolutionary struggle of the French proletariat, said that
“The disarmament of the workers was the first commandment of the bourgeois who were at the head of the State. Hence, after each revolution won by the workers, a new struggle that ended their defeat was carried out. ”
Marx demonstrated that the Court -Red Center of Thiers to conjure and defeat the revolution was to try to promote the disarmament of the masses,
“Paris armed was the only serious obstacle that stood on the path of the counterrevolutionary conspiracy. That's why we had to disarm it. "
[14], reaffirming the principle of revolutionary violence said:
"Paris armed was the armed revolution."
Lenin highlighted its importance to affirm the civil war as a way to take power, stating that
The Russian proletariat had to resort to the same method of struggle that the commune of Paris had been the first to use: the civil war (...) The French proletariat demonstrated it for the first time in the commune and the Russian proletariat gave him a brilliant confirmation ”
The dictatorship of the proletariat
In his great theoretical synthesis of the experience of the commune of Paris,
Civil War in France
Carlos Marx considered that the main merit of the community members was that they had tried, for the first time in history to create a proletarian state. All previous revolutions had not gone beyond simple reorganizations between the ruling classes.
They limited themselves to changing a form of exploitation for another and, instead of demolishing the old state machine, they were restricted to make it go from hand to another. However, the working class, Marx said, could not simply take possession of the existing state machine and put it into operation for its own objectives.
In his letter to Kugelmann of April 12, 1871, Carlos Marx highlighted what the commune of Paris had contributed again to the principles of the revolutionary struggle:
“If you look at the last chapter of my Brumario eighteen, you will see that I expose as the next attempt of the French Revolution not to make the the bureaucratic-military machine to others, as it was happening so far, but demolish it, and this is precisely the previous condition of any true popular revolution in the continent. "
The commune not only demonstrated in practice the fairness of the very important thesis made by Marx in his work
Luis Bonaparte's eighteenth
which affirms the need to previously destroy the old state machine, the old power, but raised the need to build a new power in its place, raising a new type political organization, called to replace such a machine.
Engels says, in his
, what
He had to recognize from the first moment that the working class, when he came to power, could not continue to rule with the old state machine; That, not to lose its newly conquered domination, the working class had, on the one hand, to sweep all the old repressive machine used until then against it. ”
Engels categorically synthesized the experience of the commune as the most advanced expression of the dictatorship of the proletariat until then:
"Lately, the words" dictatorship of the proletariat "have plunged into Holy Horror the social democratic philistine. Well, gentlemen, do you want to know what face this dictatorship presents? Look at the Paris commune: there is the dictatorship of the proletariat! ”
Marx and Engels considered that conclusion as important that they introduced it as the only essential modification in the programmatic document of the proletariat, the
Manifesto of the Communist Party
, through the preface of 1872.
Lenin emphasizes that in words:
"Break the state bureaucratic-military machine",
"The fundamental teaching of Marxism is enclosed in terms of the tasks of the proletariat with respect to the State during the revolution."
[16] The commune established, the need to previously destroy the old state, to build a new one, which serves its own purposes, the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Marx shows us that
“The centralized state power, with its omnipresent organs: the permanent army, the police, the bureaucracy, the clergy and the magistracy - organs created according to a plan of systematic and hierarchical division of the work -, it comes from the times of the monarchy absolute and served the nascent bourgeois society as a powerful weapon in their struggles against feudalism. (…)
On the other hand, its political character changed simultaneously with the economic changes operated in society. To the step that the progress of the modern industry developed, widened and deepened class antagonism between capital and work, (...)
of organized public force for social enslavement, class of class despotism.
After each revolution, which marks a step forward in the class struggle, the purely repressive character of the State's power is accused with increasingly prominent features. ”
When analyzing the development of the class struggle in France, especially since 1830, Marx developed the foundations of Marxist understanding of the State. Marx demonstrated that the bourgeois state as a result of its own class nature and the growing class antagonism in society, develops through a growing process of reacting, which manifests itself in the tendency to the absolutism of the Executive on the Legislative Power, as an expression of the bankruptcy of bourgeois parliamentarism (soul of bourgeois democracy):
“Before the threatening uprising of the proletariat, they served from state power, without mercy and with ostentation, as of a national war machine of capital against work. But this uninterrupted crusade against the producing masses forced them,
Not only to cover the executive branch of increasing faculties of repression, but, at the same time, to strip its own parliamentary bulwark - the National Assembly -,
of all its means of defense against the Executive Power, one by one, until it,
In the person of Luis Bonaparte, he hit them.
Marx points to us that the second empire was the
"The only possible form of government, at a time when the bourgeoisie had already lost the power to govern the nation and the working class had not yet acquired it"
, and what, therefore, the only form of opposition consistent with the second empire - as a degenerate and superior form of bourgeois democracy - was to sweep with the class domination itself and its old bureaucratic machinery,
n time to decide once every three or six years which members of the ruling class had to "represent" the people in Parliament "
, therefore
"The direct antithesis of the empire was the commune."
The commune was not to be a parliamentary body, but a corporation of work, executive and legislative at the same time. ”
Lenin said the commune was a brilliant example of how the proletariat
He knows how to fulfill democratic tasks, that the bourgeoisie only knew how to proclaim. "
[18] When analyzing the social and economic measures adopted by Parisian workers in
The civil war in France,
Marx highlighted the idea that, however shy these measures would have been, his main trend was the expropriation of the expropriators:
“The commune was formed by the municipal directors elected by universal suffrage in the various districts of the city. They were responsible and revocable at all times. Most of its members were, of course, workers or recognized representatives of the working class. The commune was not to be a parliamentary agency, but a work corporation, executive and legislative at the same time. Instead of continuing to be an instrument of the central government, the police were immediately stripped of their political attributes and turned into an instrument of the commune, responsible before it and revocable at all times. The same was done with the officials of the other branches of the administration. From the members of the commune down, all public servants had to accrue workers' salaries. The interests created and the representation expenses of the high dignitaries of the State disappeared with the high dignitaries themselves. ”
Marx stood out as the commune, despite its short duration, could take important measures: it took measures to “destroy the spiritual force of repression”, the “power of the parents”, decreeing the separation of the Church and the State and the expropriation of all churches as possessor corporations. All teaching institutions were open to the people and at the same time emancipated of all church interference. Judicial officials had to lose "that fake independence" and as well as other public officials should be elective, responsible and revocable officials. However, the commune, due to its short duration and the limitations of its direction, could not develop the way that this new form of state and government should cover, a task that could only be fulfilled with the great socialist revolution of October in Russia.
As a result of the experience of the Paris commune the scientific doctrine of the proletariat was enriched with the lesson that the state machine must be destroyed, with all its appendages and, instead, a new one erected, the dictatorship of the proletariat. And he put in the foreground the theoretical issue that it is not enough to take power, but that it is about destroying all the old bureaucratic-military machinery, erecting a new state organization corresponding to the new power and, above all, maintaining it and consolidating it.
Historical lessons for the proletariat
At the moment when the Paris commune was still fighting Marx knew how to see its historical importance, exposing its fundamental errors and taking conclusions of sum transcendence for the theory and revolutionary tactics of the proletariat.
Above all, the commune confirms the conclusion that throughout the historical experience of the struggles of the proletariat and the popular masses, for the triumph or defeat of the proletarian revolution, the decisive factor has been the Communist Party and the condition that in He prevails a correct or wrong ideological-political line.
Carlos Marx showed us that it was, especially in the absence of the Single Revolutionary Party of the proletariat and its absolute direction, as well as in the lack of understanding of the necessary revolutionary class dictatorship, in all lands, on the bourgeoisie and other classes Explorators collapsed from power, which were the main causes of their defeat.
During his correspondence exchange with Kugelmann, on April 12, 1871, Marx pointed to the fatal errors of the community members: 1) The offensive against Versailles should have been immediately undertaken, as soon as the enemy was panic and had not had time to concentrate Your strength. That opportunity was escaped; 2) The Central Committee resigned very quickly to its powers to give rise to the commune.
Marx pointed out, a decisive error of the central committee, precisely in
"His aversion to accept the civil war (...) not to march immediately about Versailles"
, which meant decisively developing the revolutionary civil war and bringing the revolution to the whole country. Instead of crowning his victory in Paris, developing a resolved offensive on Versailles the commune took time, giving time for Versailles to prepare gathering forces for the bloody offensive of May.
Engels said that the days of June 1848, when after the defeat of the proletariat the bourgeoisie had promoted an odious bloodbath against hel 1871, which led to the shooting of more than 30,000 people. That terrible bloodbath made the proletariat, which until then had only known the bourgeoisie as a revolutionary force, knew her for the first time in her reactionary hatred as part of the counterrevolution.
“The unprecedented fact that after the most tremendous war of modern times, the winning army and the defeated to fraternize in the common massacre of the proletariat, does not represent, as Bismarck believes, the definitive crushing of the new society that advances, but the complete collapse of bourgeois society. "
Lenin, synthesizing Marx, told us two fundamental errors in the balance of the commune. The first of them, of a political nature, is that the proletariat stopped "in the middle of the road", not initiating the "expropriation of the expropriators", did not appropriate institutions such as the Bank of France, which was incredibly not touched. The second of an ideological nature: the magnanimity of the proletariat before the enemy and indulgence before their criminal actions.
While Versailles promoted white terror against the commune, with the murder of members of the unarmed national guard, shooting of war prisoners and unarmed civil, the central committee hesitated to respond measured by measure, in opposing the
Red terror
White terror
This indulgence of the central committee, this magnanimity of the armed workers that contrasted so openly with the habits of the ‘party of order '.
Only on April 7, when the commune published decree ordering reprisals and declaring that
It was his duty ‘to protect Paris against Canibalescas exploits
of the bandits of Versailles, demanding an eye for an eye and tooth per tooth ’”
, that the executions of prisoners ceased temporarily. However, when Versailles found that the decree was just one
"Innocuous threat"
, and
“Life was respected even to its spy gendarmes stopped in Paris with the cost of national guards, and even the
city sergeants
Taked with incendiary pumps, then the mass executions of prisoners resumed and continued without interruption until the end. ”
With these valuable Marx teachings we gave us a lesson of great importance and transcendence for the international proletariat:
Not being magnanimous
With the class enemy,
not be indulgent with the counterrevolution.
Definitive statement of Marxism in the labor movement
The civil war in France,
Very important political document of the International, armed the international proletariat with the experience of the commune and was a brilliant demonstration of the ideological victory of Marxism over all the variants of pre-Marxist socialism. “At the end of the first period (1848-1871), period of storms and revolutions,
go dead
Socialism before Marx. " [21] That great synthesis of the commune's experience was particularly important in the fight against the ideologues of the little bourgeoisie who denied the need for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
In this regard, Lenin said in
The state and the revolution
“Marx saw in that masous revolutionary movement, although he did not achieve his objectives, a historical experience of great importance, a certain step forward of the world proletarian revolution, a more important practical step than hundreds of programs and raciocinios. Analyze this experience, get tactical teachings out of it, review her theory in her: Here's how Marx conceived her mission. "
At the London Conference of 1871, referring to the commune of Paris, Marx and Engels demonstrated which Funes would be to renounce the political struggle and made the need to form a revolutionary worker party that would be the leading force of the proletariat in their struggle for the socialism. As a result of the conference, it approved a resolution on the political struggle of the working class, highlighting that the proletariat could not act as a class against the collective power of the possessing classes if it does not organize its own political party, necessary to ensure the triumph of The social revolution and reach its goal: the suppression of classes.
Contrary to the machinations that the anarchists made to undermine the discipline of the international and to turn the General Council into a simple informative body, the conference made it clear in several resolutions that the General Council was, more than ever, the ideological center , the General Staff of the International Proletariat.
He took Marx's teachings on the commune of Paris that the Russian proletariat, under the direction of the Bolshevik Party and Lenin's Headquarters, triumphed with the great socialist revolution of October 1917, building the Soviet power, as a true continuator of the commune . The Soviets were the superior form of organization, through which the dictatorship of the proletariat was irrigated, based on the labor-champion alliance, joining the most backward and scattered working and exploited masses, with which the uninterrupted passage was secured of the democratic-bourgeois revolution towards the socialist revolution.
When the masses, guided by President Mao Tsetung and under the direction of the Communist Party they took power in China, was the experience of the commune as is synthesized by Marx and developed by Lenin, in the form of the Soviets, which served as a basis for the structuring of the new society in the People's Republic of China. In this regard, President Mao said in November 1958:
“What is the nature of the popular commune? This is the base unit of the Chinese social structure that brings together workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals and merchants. Currently constitutes the basic administrative organization. As for the militia, it is destined to face abroad, especially imperialism. The popular commune is the best form of organization for the realization of the two steps: the passage of today's socialism to the general system of the property of the entire people, and the passage of the general system of property of the entire people to communism. After these steps, the popular commune will constitute the basic structure of communist society. ”
And, later, during the great proletarian cultural revolution (GRCP), the greatest and high milestone of the world proletarian revolution, were the three revolutionary committees in one, the new bodies of power that were constituted as the continuators of the commune.
Originated from the tenacious struggle promoted and directed by President Mao Tsetung against capitalist restoration, the three revolutionary committees in one, were an essential instrument of the GRCP, through which millions of masses took in their hands the affairs of the State, the political, military, cultural problems, related to production, etc., and collapsed the representatives of the bourgeoisie that had been embedded in the party, in the popular liberation army and in the state, preventing for 10 years the capitalist restoration in China.
As Lenin said: “The cause of the commune is the cause of the social revolution, it is the cause of the complete political and economic emancipation of the workers, it is the cause of the world proletariat. And in this sense it is immortal. " [24] That is why, at the end of this article, we reaffirm Marx's prophetic words at the end
Civil War in France
“The Paris de los Obreros, with his commune, will be eternally exalted as a glorious herald of a new society. His martyrs have their sanctuary in the great heart of the working class. ”
3. Blanquistas: followers of the current of the French socialist movement directed by Louis-Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881), representative of utopian communism. Blanquistas denied class struggle and assured that "humanity would be released from wage slavery thanks to the conspiracy of a small minority of intellectuals," as it was well characterized by Lenin. They replaced the activity of the revolutionary party with that of a secret conspiratory group, they did not take into account the specific situation for the victory of the insurrection and despised the links with the masses.
4. Proudhonistas: name given to the followers of the small-bourgeois ideologist Pierre Joseph Proudhon. They did not understand the historical role and meaning of the proletariat, denied the class struggle, the proletarian revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat and, as anarchists, also denied the need of the State. The determined struggle of Carlos Marx and Federico Engels and their supporters against Proudhonism ended with the complete victory of Marxism in the International I.
5. Marx, the civil war in France, 1871.
6. Engels,
. The civil war in France, 1891.
The problem and solution of contemporary education | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: For the fulfillment of the educational process, the territorial entities will locate the teaching staff of the institutions or the educational centers, in accordance
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T12:18:31-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T01:18:21+08:00
Section: Actualidad política
Tags: Educación, educación de calidad, Educación para el pueblo, educación pública, magisterio
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
Cartagena 2020 students
In the contemporary educational sphere, criticisms of public school teachers are recurring, questioning them for their adhesion to traditional methods that seem anchored in the past. This criticism, however, must be examined in the light of a set of factors that go beyond the mere teaching update.
The roots of traditional methods in classrooms are not only due to the lack of teacher training, but to a set of structural conditions that determine the educational environment. First, there is the overcrowding of students in the classroom, regulated by the nefarious
Decree 3020
(of December 10, 2002) that in its article 11 it deals with the number of students per teacher and indicates: «For the location of the teaching staff it will be reference that the average number of students per teacher in the territorial entity is as
32 in the urban area and 22 in the rural area.
For the fulfillment of the educational process, the territorial entities will locate the teaching staff of the institutions or the educational centers, according to the following parameters: preschool and primary basic education: a teacher per group. Basic Secondary and Middle Education Academic Education: 1.36 teachers per group. Technical Secondary Education: 1.7 teachers per group ».
The fact that there are a large number of students gathered in the same space with a single teacher in charge (the minimum of classroom is 32 students, but that figure can amount to 38, 40, 45 ...) creates a series of challenges significant for individualized care and the implementation of innovative educational methodologies:
The teacher will not be able to provide personalized attention to each student, since trying to meet the varied needs and learning rhythms that exist in the classroom is overwhelming and impossible to achieve effectively.
The overcrowding in classrooms limits opportunities for interaction and work in small groups, which are fundamental for the development of social skills, collaborative learning and the construction of significant relationships between students. Thus the time and space for activities that promote active participation and meaningful learning are reduced.
The overcrowding in the classroom is a barrier for the implementation of innovative methodologies, since these require a more focused approach to the student, with personalized and differentiated activities that adapt to the individual needs and interests of each student.
And apart from the big problem that is overcrowding in classrooms, teachers face educating children and young people from the 21st century, who are immersed in a digital culture that has transformed the way they interact with the world and access information . This immersion in technology, although it offers opportunities for global learning and connection, also entails significant challenges, since excessive use of screens has resulted in fragmented attention and a decrease in the ability to concentrate students, which, which further complicates the teaching-learning process.
And this phenomenon is no accident, but is intrinsically linked to imperialist capitalism that has imposed accelerated production rhythms and superexploitation. The pressure to produce more in less time is reflected in the daily life of the students, who from an early age are exposed to a very stimulating and demanding environment, characterized by a constant search for efficiency and productivity.
In addition, the parents of our students are proletarians subject to precarious working conditions, more strenuous working hours, forced to meet many overtime to stretch the pyrric salary that does not reach the loss of life; All this limits time and economic and mental resources available for accompaniment and educational reinforcement in the home. This lack of additional support outside the school environment adds an additional layer of complexity to the teaching work, since teachers must compensate for these deficiencies and provide an enriching educational environment in which students can prosper.
But the bourgeoisie and its means of misinformation does not take into account all these variants when it comes to ranting against teachers. They criticize a school that pedagogically remained with methods of 30 or 40 years ago, but they are not just as critics of obsolete school infrastructure, designed many decades ago and that has not adapted to current needs, such as climate crisis and demands of the students of the 21st century.
This outdated school infrastructure directly affects the learning environment and the well -being of students. The lack of well -equipped classrooms, outdoor spaces, adequate ventilation systems and modern technology limits the possibilities of offering quality education that meets the needs and expectations of current students.
And these deficiencies in school infrastructure are not simply accidental carelessness, but the result of an economic and political system that prioritizes the interests of the bourgeoisie above the needs of working classes and their children. The insufficient investment in public education and the growing privatization of the education system are a direct attack of the most loved capital that the proletariat has and that defined it as such: its offspring.
In addition, to all these difficulties the Law of Inclusion in the educational field must be added, which has been a reason for debate and controversy in various contexts, because although it seeks to promote equal opportunities and the integration of students with special needs in the system Regular educational, in many cases it is nothing but a pretext to cut budget in education and avoid the creation of adequate specialized centers to serve these students. Instead of investing in resources and specialized personnel, they have chosen to integrate these students into regular schools without providing the necessary support in appointed personnel, infrastructure, materials and training, to guarantee their academic success and emotional well -being.
This lack of special quality educational centers and ideal personnel has left many teachers in a precarious situation, facing the task of attending to a large number of students with special needs in an environment little prepared for it. The pressure on teachers to adapt to this reality without adequate resources is unfair and counterproductive for the objective of an inclusive education.
Thus, criticism of traditional education cannot be disconnected from a broader analysis that considers the structural realities that condition the educational environment. Overcoming this model requires not only teacher training, but also a deep transformation of all school infrastructure.
To change the educational system in favor of the people, it is necessary to address the structural conditions that perpetuate inequality and injustice in the educational field:
Repeal the
Decree 3020
and that the student limit per teacher is 15 in transition, 20 in primary and 25 in high school; This to facilitate more personalized attention and a more significant interaction between students and teachers.
The construction of new public schools and schools, the renewal of obsolete facilities - for them to adapt to the current climatic crisis - and the incorporation of modern technology in all classrooms.
Prioritize the creation of inclusive educational spaces and adapted to the needs of students with disabilities.
The transformation of the educational system in favor of the people requires a broad mobilization and struggle. This implies strengthening and strengthening the union organizations of the Magisterium, promoting their restructuring so that its fighting platform reflects the main claims demanded by the entire educational community.
In addition, it is imperative to link all students to this struggle, who are directly affected by the overcrowding in the classrooms and the difficulties that this creates for the teaching-learning process. The University Student Movement, close to becoming a proletariat of education and that have also experienced the difficulties of the educational system in their own flesh, must be combined combatively to this struggle.
Similarly, it is crucial that parents, belonging to the proletariat and the peasantry, join this fight for quality public education. They are direct witnesses of the precarious conditions in which schools and public schools are found, and understand the importance of guaranteeing a decent education for their children.
This union of proletarian and peasant forces, which includes teachers, students and parents, is essential to press and conquer the changes that are urgent in the education of the people.
We denounce the invasion of the repressive forces in the FAI and the evacuation of the occupation of the physicist on Saturday, 16/3. In a "business" that had been seeing the AUTH for many years, MAT, OPEC and EKAM proceeded to 49 arrests, which turned into arrests and camped within the AUTH for over 5 hours. In an empty city due to the three -day period, the roads around the university were filled with all kinds of cop and security.
There were some non -existent damage to the infamous biological library. Unfair trouble for the police and its politicians to look for "reasons". The youth that has been on the streets all over Greece for 2 months understands who the attack aims. This is not the first one the first. They preceded them in the Rector, Law and Hunting of Students throughout the AUTH after the demonstration on 15/2. When students are struggling, we understand that Matatzis does not need any "excuse" to open our heads!
The invasion was the order of the Ministry of Repression! The government, seeing it has gained ground in its confrontation with the students after the law was passed, the retreat of the General Assembly, the Occupations and the demonstrations, seeks to cut every effort to continue our struggle. Repression through the reminders gives way to police bats. The regularity of the educational process must be restored. It cannot only go ahead with a semester with e -learning. He does not want to risk the resurgence of our struggle. He is trying to give the finishing blow, as he thinks, in this two -month struggle, targeting the clubs that continue the occupations.
The Government arrogantly made an orgy of arrests aimed at terrorizing the struggling student youth. There are a few times that the movement has managed to turn such attacks on boomerangs. Massed the demonstrations and general assemblies. We will not let it go unanswered. Let's make decisions to complain of the invasion. Solidarity decisions to those arrested. Let's continue the fight for the overthrow of Pierrakakis law!
March 21st has a double importance for the struggle of the Palestinian people.
Is for the Palestinian people the
Honor Day (Memory of Al-Karama Battle)
, a day that Palestinian fighters in Jordan in 1968 faced
parts of the Zionist occupation army.
At the same time as it is the World Day Against Racism, it invites us to underline the fair struggle of the Palestine people against
which has imposed the Zionist state of Israel for over seven decades. A regime that in recent years has escalated the policy of racial divisions at the expense of Palestinians and Arabs throughout historical Palestine.
More than five months have passed since the invasion of Zionist Israel's occupation troops into the witness Gaza. The dead are more than 30,000, most of them women and children, and the injured are over 72,000. The lives of the residents of the Gaza Strip is now threatened not only by the thousands of Zionist bombs but also by hunger and illness.
The Zionist state of Israel continues to threaten to invade Rafa, South Gaza, which have fled more than 1.2 million displaced Palestinians from the North. Such a move will mean an indescribable blood bath and at the same time it is a raw blackmail to the Palestinian people to make the "final solution" practice: ethnic cleansing and mass displacement of the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Israel escalates tension with both Lebanon and Syria. The same is the aggressive-war-war policy of the US-NATO-EU in the Red Sea and against Yemen, after the Hamas and Iranian executives of the Zionists. The whole area is at the risk of a broader ignition.
The ND government and all bourgeois parties (SYRIZA, PASOK, etc.) openly support the slaughter of the Palestinians by the US-Israel murderers. They turn the country into a NATO and Israeli base. They upgrade their involvement in the slaughter, sending frigate to the Red Sea, under the leadership of both the US and the EU. This policy brings us closer to the whirlpool of war, while in stark contrast to the feelings of solidarity with the people's solidarity. We for Palestine! That is why the ND government It intensifies the repression on the fighters who defend the Palestinian resistance.
Our people must demand to stop any involvement of the country in the slaughter of the Palestinian people.
To oppose the policy of equipment. This policy of equipment, drags him into the war plans of the imperialists and makes the country complicit in the Zionist slaughter. He also loads him with other unbearable burdens which, in combination with the policies of precision and austerity, immerses him in poverty and poverty. To claim with mass races in wage-pensions, and to defend his rights to health, education, social security that are brutally hit.
We continue our solidarity with the brave people of Palestine. We declare our sympathy in the struggle of the people of Palestine for a leather and independent homeland.
We call for the immediate help of Greek hospitals to care for injured Palestinian children. We contribute with all our strengths to form
mass anti -war, anti -imperialist
Front struggle that will oppose the policy of the ND government, the ruling class and the US/NATO/EU imperialist.
We call on all the associations and clubs of the city to give the present to the rally - demonstration, thereby showing their solidarity in the fair struggle of the Palestinian people!
Members of the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki
We received and published the following article by KM, a member of the Resistance Initiative in Chania
Lately, local, national and European news reports of warning reports of a critical attack on the island have been rife.
Is it not the poisonous root of the carcinogenic US-NATO bases on its territory? Their gigantic? The targeting of the country even with nuclear reprisals by hostile (for the people?) countries (controlled by bourgeois leaderships?) because of his degradation into a military arena of the most bloodthirsty vampires on the planet? An institutional cause, which is already exacerbated by the adventurism of the dreamy Psorokostina (because this remains) with the scar of Asia Minor and Cyprus on her body.
That is, those of active participation with a rifle in the front line of the Titanic Front of imperialist competitions. As well as the care of a genocide - ethnic cleansing where the inhumane lake is struggling, to exterminate more Palestinians than the Zionist fire. Or is a new landing on Chania murderous aircraft crews whose violence overcomes their porn over?
Fortunately- according to anxious journalists- the previous nightmares do not apply. On the contrary, the integration (submission) of Greece's dependent order into the "right" gang of international slaughterhouses and their fanatical framework (frigates, infantry decision to send business plans) defends security (one candidate Hiroshima) (The same as "magical" enjoy Syrianians?). So where does the fear come about?
Are earthquakes and other natural disasters foreshadowed by state infrastructure, cares unsuitable to deal with them? Is it estimated that Erdogan will attack us despite the truce dictated by Uncle (master) Sam? Will poverty and high prices escalate, sinking the majority of the population to the bottom of misery, while at the same time profiteering and enriching the capitalists? Will the suicides of those who lack financial resources to buy medicines and resort to the afternoon surgeries of devastated (the always expensive gunpowder like carnivore feeds on the prey of social welfare) be massive?
Is there a prediction of increasing the workplace "accidents" due to the frenzied intensification of malicious staff in tourist galleys? Over -echoing the tertiary sector (the heavy industry of ... serving!) Is the most distorted growth promoted? Do the Cretan -based Cretan in the Hard Present Thinking To Power the Wave of Pentecost? Are the peasantry and with the trick of forest capital protection, are local property? Wind turbines, photovoltaic parks, hydrocarbon drilling, electricity pillars, energy roads and other monstrous interventions in the environment are it calculated that they will harm it incompetent? Are they redeemed with homemade crumbs and is the island under foreign predatory giants?
None – fortunately again – of the above is true, as the demons (here heavily paid) of printing and electronic disinformation media assure in chord with local actors and central decision-makers. So is panic unjustified? Of course not. Already in the last quarter 1500 "raiders" (rags) disembarked on the south coast, causing the inseparability. In contrast to the spacious hospitality of almost six million visitors in summer. Oh, flows from North Africa are rapidly growing.
Ironic; Those who have not been drowned with walnuts are forced or dipped by the thousand Christian crosses on the day (Pylos) in the heartfelt for the culprits and racist for the victims of the area- of the region. From where they took off those bombers, they leveled their ancestrals.
Outraged? Because our country's increasingly bold involvement in Western war adventures will give birth to new desperate caravans. Since the Memorandum Politics of the Surprise of the Liturgy Homeland Mother with the calamity of Smyrna and persecution in the distant slaves of youth are common with those of current looting -trashing and exterminating expatriates.
A people unable to defend the refugees and immigrants, it is certainly unable to fight for their own right in bread, health, studies and peace. The progressive forces of the non -reformist left fight for the exact opposite.
Besides, no one knows what lies ahead. Already in the past (and indeed in the recent memorandums) we found ourselves in their plight. By expressing class and internationalist solidarity with tormented third parties, we are building conditions for our own bearable today and redemptive tomorrow.
But there are genuine, devastating, hateful garbage that threaten us deadly. It is not the distant runners from the hell of fire or hunger, who in their impasses seek refuge in a destination of beasts. It is those criminals who live in the bases with their domestic applause, their locks.
The waste for the consolidation of society must actually be buried in the landfills of history.
Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: (αντι)φασισμος, Αντίσταση στα Βόρεια, Δημοκρατικά
Published Time: 2024-03-18T04:47:00+08:00
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Saturday night 9/3 at the square
Aristotelous in Thessaloniki, two young people were hunted,
They were lynched by a crowd of 200-300 people, mostly young people, with only
criterion their sexual identity.
The transphobic and homophobic attack
in Thessaloniki it is not an isolated incident, but on the contrary
It captures the fascism of public life, and indeed the resonance
racist and fascist attitudes at younger ages.
phenomena we have observed in particular in the Prefecture of Heraklion, where
Fascist groups are active trying to make the presence
their felt. There has been an incident of assault on a minor with a knife
in Heraklion Square last May, after an antifascist march
in N. Heraklion. A similar case with a knife attack occurred and
after another antifascist mobilization in Kallithea last year in
February. Also, let's not forget the murderous attack on Shiraz Saftar
in Perissos in August 2023, which most likely
He was covered up so as not to appear to be racially motivated.
Are all these natural results?
When from the lips of the official political scene and its policies
"Serious right" are heard statements that wink at fascism
and suggest that young people look for enemies who "alter the
culture and values of the nation" and responsible for the
impoverishment and impoverishment of the popular strata, but supposedly
They officially condemn fascism. When on social media
Models of masculinity, cruelty, misogyny, racism are projected
and more generally hatred towards anything different.
Young people carry anger at the system. As long as the popular struggle and
The movement does not give real answers to the young generation in the face of
attacking the system, children and young people will become more susceptible
to such attitudes and ideologies, because of their need to belong
somewhere. With the logic of "us against them", they are attracted to the
fascism that offers them just all this on a plate.
Fascism in the form of the far right is no coincidence that it appears
more and more worldwide, and especially in our country. It is the
Long arm of capital and the bourgeoisie, presented as
antisystemic force, aiming to strike at the struggling people and the
minorities and repress them in the name of the system in which
supposedly opposed. Fascism is an extension of it
capitalist system when it is struggling.
It is
It is important to create strong networks of struggle based on resistance
the politics of the system that nourishes fascism but also the
solidarity and unity, opposing fascism and
racist ideas. For this reason, youth and parents must
politicize, recognize and fight fascism,
confront and respond to such attitudes and ideologies
in any place, educational or not.
Turkey: Poster for the International Maoism Symposium – The Red Herald
Author: A.R.
Categories: Asia, Featured
Description: Hereby we publish a poster we have received, and also some pictures of it being hung up in Turkey.
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T21:40:00+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T06:36:00+08:00
Sections: Asia, Featured, Chairman Mao, International Campaign, Posters, English, pll_65f76399222d6
Tags: Chairman Mao, International Campaign, Posters
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg000001.jpg000002.jpg000003.jpg000004.jpg 000005.jpg
Hereby we publish a poster we have received, and also some pictures of it being hung up in Turkey.
Italian: Statement of the ICL for the 18th of March – The Red Herald
Author: F.W.
Categories: Featured, International
Description: March 18 is the International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners. Founded by the Comintern in 1920, the Red Relief declared March 18, 1923, the date of the founding of the Paris Commune, the "International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners" and dedicated it to political prisoners.
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T21:47:43+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T06:41:00+08:00
Sections: Featured, International, ICL, Italy, English, pll_65f7659596a46
Tags: ICL, Italy
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp
Proletarian of all countries, join!
March 18 - Solidarity day with political prisoners - Honor to communist and revolutionary prisoners
correctly only under a right direction.
That's why the dominant classes want to destroy those who channel the anger and desire for change of the people and try to isolate those who cannot be annihilated by the people. The other dimension of the intolerance and aggressiveness of the dominant classes towards the revolutionary, communist and democratic-population movements is to ensure that the popular masses oppressed and do not dare to rebel. By massacring and suppressing the avant -garde of the people, the dominant classes send a message to the oppressed popular masses: "If you act against us, we will do the same with you".
Karl Marx, the great teacher of the proletariat, said: "Philosophers have devoted themselves to the interest of the proletariat."
They directly in class contradictions and the space left by the revolutionaries and imprisoned and murdered communists is filled with new communists and revolutionaries.
the prisoners
real attacks are repeated. Thousands of members of the Kurdish nation are in prison as a price to be paid for the struggle of Kurdish national liberation. In Turkish prisons, the release of prisoners imprisoned for more than 30 years is prevented on the basis of the fact that "they do not give up their ideas".
The Indian reactionary state has locked over ten thousand communists, revolutionaries and political activists, including Varavara Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson and Gautam Navlakha, to prevent popular war.
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah was imprisoned by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been
Communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons are trying to carry on the needs of the class struggle at risk of their lives, pushing up to the limits of the prison conditions. They refuse to capitulate and do not hesitate to resist any type of pressure, torture and isolation. We must mobilize to support the legitimate struggle and resistance of the prisoners, to fight against all types of aggression cont
Or of them, to be the voice of the prisoners outside, we must support their struggle in the imprisonment conditions as part of the class struggle outside.
Communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!
Supporting communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!
We make our resistance and struggle of the communist and revolutionary prisoners. We are the voice of the prisoners!
Author: G.D.
Categories: Featured, International
Description: It has been more than five months since the beginning of the recent military campaign by the State of Israel, the most direct and bloody aggression ever seen.
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T21:55:15+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T06:50:00+08:00
Sections: Featured, International, Palestine, English, pll_65f767de48edd
Tags: Palestine
Type: article
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It has been more than five months since the beginning of the recent military campaign by the State of Israel, the most direct and bloody aggression ever seen. In this time, 31,600 people have been killed by Israeli bombs, missiles, grenades and bullets, but famine and illness are spreading widely after months of blockade in all the Strip of Gaza.
In the north of Gaza, it is calculated that more than 300,000 people are on the
brink of famine
, and the most affected are the children, dying of hunger and thirst. Now, for all these people,
13 trucks has arrive
d in
Jabalia at Gaza City
. It is clear that the ‘aid’ that imperialist countries provide is only to wash their hands in the midst of the massive protests that the peoples around the world are carrying out. But the Palestinian blood on their hands, their complicity with the genocide, they cannot simply wash away with such a bogus.
The combat actions between Hezbollah and Israel continue after the large-scale rocket-launching by Hezbollah last week, as we previously
. Today, 17th of March, Israel has launched
more rocket attacks in the border of Lebanon.
There is no report of casualties.
Also, we publish the international actions done around the world:
On Saturday 17th of March, another rally took place in
to support the Palestinian Resistance.
During a massive demonstration that took place tonight in the Moroccan city of Tangier, chants were raised in support of the resistance, in solidarity with Palestine.
In Valencia,
Spanish State
, a graffiti in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people has appeared.
Source: Serve the people
In Copenhagen,
, a big demonstration took place on 16th March. Hundreds of protesters took the streets to express their support with the Palestinian people’s struggle. Also, during the mobilizations, activists have
distributed a leaflet
s with a resume of the statement of the ICL on the 18th of March and a call to an activity on Monday, the 18
Demonstration in Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialist Revolution
In Helsinki,
, a demonstration in solidarity with Palestine took place.
🇫🇮🇵🇸 A demonstration in solidarity with Gaza and denouncing the Israeli genocide in Helsinki, Finland!
In Toulouse, the Ligue de la Jeunesse Réolutionnaire together with other pro-Palestinian committees addressed the resistance of the Palestinian women against the genocide in a demonstration
The LJR was alongside Ccomite.soutien.palestine.31 and
To salute the resistance of Palestinian women against the current genocide in Gaza.
Quickly the struggle of the Palestinian people!
Against capitalism and patriarchy, join the LJR 🔥
In Paris la Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire took place in a rally in front of the Justice Ministry to demand the liberation of George Abdallah and the victory of the Palestinian Resistance struggle.
🔥The revolutionary youth league to participate in the rally before the Ministry of Justice to demand the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah the oldest political prisoner in Europe.
Palestine will defeat, Liberate Georges Abdallah! 🇵🇸
wall paint denouncing the genocide against Palestine has been done.
Large wall painting in Poitiers, France. Source: Radio France – Clement Tricot
a massive demonstration gathered 2,500 people on Saturday 16th of March. During the demonstration motos as “Gaza, Geneva is with you” or “We are all the children of Gaza” were shouted.
Demonstration in Geneva, Switzerland.
Also in Brussels,
, demonstrations have took place to support Palestine.
Brandenburg: power failure at Tesla plant in Grünheide
Author: aidr
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-18T07:59:00+08:00
Tags: Brandenburg, Tesla, Grünheide
Images: 000000.jpeg000001.jpg
On Tuesday, March 5th, production at the Tesla plant in Grünheide came to a standstill, the reason for this was a
Power failure
. The trigger for this is said to have been an arson attack on an electricity mast, to which the so -called
"Switch off the Tesla volcanic group!" known
should have. The work has been since the beginning of last week
back on the net
And the electric car manufacturer can drive up the production again. The work was paralyzed for a total of one week. According to the factory manager André, the economic damage that has arisen should be
high new digits
In the published, supposed
the so-called "volcanic group" goes into the direct consequences of the work of the Tesla plant. On the one hand, the poor working conditions in the work itself are made aware (we reported). The problem of high water consumption and pollution, which has been much discussed since the opening, is also brought up.
Hardly any other federal state is struggling as much as Brandenburg
Water shortage like Brandenburg
. The approval documents show that the plant needs up to 1.4 million cubic meters of water per year - this corresponds approximately to a city's water consumption with 30,000 inhabitants. The Tesla plant brings the region's waterworks to the limit. The provider even warned against
Problems with drinking water supply
out of 170,000 people. It was discussed that the drinking water supply had to be restricted on days with top consumption. And on the
Question of one
, why the local water supplier saga, not to have the necessary water for further expansion stages, reacted with a laugh: "This is completely wrong! Does it look like a desert?". Armin Latschet (CDU) was also infected by this laughing fit, which was still on the election campaign tour in Grünheide at the time. However, the lake wealth in Brandenburg with water wealth is wrong, however, because Brandenburg has the lowest rainfall across Germany per square meter and the sandy soils hardly manage to counter the rising temperatures and the lack of rain.
It has also been shown several times that the company has nothing to fear, even if it is responsible for serious environmental damage. An example: Just 20 days after the big opening show, at which Elon Musk was also present, to the partial exclusion of critical press, there was a
First Great Haverie
. According to the Brandenburg State Environmental Agency, 15,000 liters of chemicals leaked from the plant's paint shop on April 11, 2022. However, the liquid was completely collected in the collection container of the storage facility. Published photos
showed, however, how a pool of reddish-brown liquid had apparently also spread on the factory road in front of the paint shop. According to the environmental authority, however, a serious incident was still not to be assumed and nothing from the mud had entered the groundwater.
At the end of February 2024 there were also reports that the Tesla plant for around two years
Too much phosphorus and nitrogen
leads to the sewage system. Tesla doesn't even deny these values.
The Tesla Fabirk is not very popular among the residents of the surrounding area. At a
71 percent voted against it for the expansion of the Tesla factory site. In response to this clear rejection, various economic actors from “politics” demanded that this should ensure “more acceptance among the citizens”.
The rulers actively support the machinations of the Musk electric car pope in the Tesla plant in Grünheide, without even trying to make the negative effects on the life of the residents of the area, a role in this, as this corresponds to the plan , To make Germany attractive as a "economic and industrial location" than a means of counteracting the economic crisis of German imperialism, as is clearly evident here, at the expense of the masses.
EVERYONE at the demonstration on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 at Pl. Municipal Theatre of Piraeus
Down with trade union and political persecution – Hands off unions, struggles and strikes
After three successful meetings of Trade Unions & Movements, Collectives and Neighborhood Movements against persecution but also against the general climate of terrorism and attack of trade union and political action, we are in the final straight for the demonstration on Thursday, March 21, at 6.30 pm at the Municipal Theatre Square of Piraeus.
Our initiative is of particular importance, both after the escalation of police violence at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the arrests of dozens of students and after the fast track dismissal procedures for trade union reasons of contract worker and trade unionist. From the NCSR. But also the new case of discipline preparation in the Piraeus GRN.
The demonstration has been propagated with visits to schools and tours in neighborhoods, posters, press releases and a press conference held on Friday 15/3 at the Piraeus Bar Association. Placements were made by:
1. George Kavvadias, persecuted, teacher, writer, trade unionist in ELME Piraeus
2. Dimitris Mitropoulos, persecuted, educator, Vice-President of the Board of Directors of ELME Kallithea Nea Smyrni Moschato
3. Antonis Dalakogiorgos, President PENEN
4. Dimitris Antoniou, a contractor in the NCSR under dismissal and a member of the Board of Directors. Higher Education Administrative Personnel
5. Dimitris Hartzoulakis, educator, trade unionist of ELME Piraeus
The interview was moderated by Claire Andreou, a teacher in Piraeus.
The demonstration has so far been supported by the following unions:
ELME Kallithea – Nea Smyrni – Moschato, E' ELME Athens, ELME Ano Liosion - Zephyriou - Fylis, A' ELME West Attica (Elefsina), E' ELME East Attica, SEPE Piraeus "Proodos", SEPE "K. Sotiriou", SEPE "Aristotelis", SEPE Ano Liosion – Zephyriou Fyli "Iro Konstantopoulou", Association of Book - Paper - Digital Media Employees of Attica, PENEN, Union of Employees at the hospital "Ag. Savvas", Panhellenic Union of Retired Teachers, Association of Technical Chamber of Greece Employees, Association of Administrative Staff of NKUA, Panhellenic Association of EDIP AEI, Coordination of Substitute Unqualified Teachers.
Also the following moves:
Unity of Resistance to the Overthrow of Piraeus, municipal group "Insubordinate Korydallos", political organization Red Thread, Militant Movements of Teachers, Popular Resistance of Piraeus, Militant Intervention of the Third West Athens, Class March, Militant Movements, Educational Group Antinotebooks of Education, Militant Intervention of Nea Smyrni - Kallithea - Moschato, ORMA (Organization of Militant Antifascism), Workers' Alliance in the West, municipal movement "Mutiny in Kokkinia", municipal movement "Mutiny in Port", Class Counterattack, Constant Struggle, Initiative of Workers at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Note: Recall that an event has already been decided in April as the next step. Also, a new meeting has already been set on Tuesday 26/3 at 18:30 at the ELME Piraeus offices (3rd GEL Piraeus, Mavromichali 14), to see and organize these next steps.
EVERYONE at the demonstration on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 at the Municipal Theatre Square of Piraeus
March 18: International Day of solidarity with the political prisoners
Author: Jennifer M.
Description: On the occasion of the international day of solidarity with the political prisoners, the International Communist Bund (IKB) published a call (18th of March - Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners - Honoring the Communist and Revolutionary Prisoners), in which to support the justified resistance and struggle political prisoners are called. The IKB emphasizes the revolutionary, advanced and democratic forces: “We have to Mobi
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T11:08:09.783Z
Published Time: 2024-03-18T11:08:09+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg000001.jpg
International Communist Confederation
(IKB) published a call on the occasion of the international day of solidarity with the political prisoners (
18th of March – Day of Solidarity with political Prisoners – Honoring the communist and revolutionary Prisoners
), in which to support the justified resistance and struggle of the political prisoners. The IKB emphasizes the revolutionary, advanced and democratic forces:
“We have to mobilize in order to support the justified struggle and resistance of the prisoners to fight against any kind of aggression against the prisoners, to be out of the voice of the prisoners, we have to support their struggle under the conditions of captivity as part of the class struggle outside ".
Tens of thousands of people worldwide are put into prison, isolated, tortured and murdered by the rulers because of their efforts against oppression and exploitation. The mass resistance of the peoples is particularly evident with the tightening of the crisis of the imperialist system. Protests and movements are also answered in the so -called "democratic" countries of Europe with prohibitions, punishments and prisoners.
On March 18, demonstrations, rallies and solidarity activities will take place worldwide for those who are in prison, locked away from the imperialist system.
On the occasion of this day, the red flag reached photo news that we would be happy to publish:
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the longest political prisoner in Europe, in custody for 40 years in France
Author: Andrea J.
Description: On the occasion of March 18, the international day for the freedom of political prisoners, we would like to publish a poem from India. The author is the political prisoner Varavara Rao, a well -known democratic and revolutionary fighter. His poem "reflections" shows the relationship between political prisoners and the revolutionary movement in a language manner. As in the case of Varavara Raos, they are often imprisoned as representatives with the aim of the
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T11:31:56.694Z
Published Time: 2024-03-18T11:31:56+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
On the occasion of March 18, the international day for the freedom of political prisoners, we would like to publish a poem from India. The author is the political prisoner Varavara Rao, a well -known democratic and revolutionary fighter. His poem "reflections" shows the relationship between political prisoners and the revolutionary movement in a language manner. As in the case of Varavara Raos, they are often imprisoned as representatives, with the aim of weakening the movement and intimidating them.
The opposite is usually the case, as is the case here using the example of India, and massive solidarity with the political prisoners is expressed. A great success was recently achieved and the Indian political prisoner Professor G.N. Saibaba was released (we reported:
). Freedom for Varavara Rao! Freedom for all political prisoners!
Russia: The masses make rebellion against the electoral
Author: socialistiskrevolution
Categories: Uncategorized
Description: While the Russian imperialists are preparing for an election campaign, the masses in several regions have condemned the election and made their opposition. Police have withheld at least eight person…
Modified Time: 2024-03-16T17:01:03+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:00:00+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.png?w=634
While the Russian imperialists are preparing for an election campaign, the masses in several regions have condemned the election and made their opposition.
Police have detained at least eight people for vandalism at the polling stations on the first day of the election. It is reported that vandalism has been committed against several polling stations, including Have people fired fireworks, poured color in, and even set fire to the polls.
Also in the remote Siberian region of Khanty-Mansi, a woman was detained for trying to burn an electoral watch with a molotov cocktail.
After many years of Vladimir Putin in power and his party's anti -political policy, which has been characterized by arrests of anti -war demonstrants and the persecution of anti -imperialist and socialist groups, the ruling bourgeoisie is now facing a clear opposition from the Russian masses. However, it is important to emphasize that the election in Russia should be sabotaged and boycotted, even if Putin and his party were not in power. No matter which party appears on the ballot, they represent the same class interest. Even a figure like Navalnyj, which the Western bourgeois media exalted to be a advocate of freedom, was in fact an Islamophobic right-wing extremist who served the interests of Yankee imperialism. Instead, it is the masses who must take power, through the reconstitution of Lenin's and Stalin's party and the introduction of the People's War.
PC 18 March - Milan event for Dax: "Fascists and police we will chase you away"
Author: maoist
Description: Milan recalled with an event, Saturday afternoon, Davide Cesare, called Dax, activist of the Orso Social Center who in 2003 F ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:07:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
Milan recalled with an event, Saturday afternoon,
Davide Cesare
said DAX, activist of the Orso Social Center who was killed in 2003
outside a pub in Milan by Federico, Mattia and Giorgio Morbi, brothers and
Dad from far -right sympathies. For what was renamed
The black night of Milan - At San Paolo, where Dax died, there were clashes
Between antagonists and law enforcement agencies - a day was organized
dedicated to the young man, who is remembered every year by the movements gathered
Under the abbreviation "Dax resists".
In hundreds, between activists of social centers and antagonistic acronyms,
they participated in the procession. The serpentone, like every year, has passed by
Via Brioschi corner of Zamenhof (Porta Ticinese), where the young man was
killed, to San Vittore. Many slogans against forces
order and the far right- "Fascists and police, from ours
neighborhoods we will chase away " - and many flags for Palestine. They are
be vandalized and smeared the windows of a supermarket and one
"Also this year we keep our fight against a capitalism alive that
It is collapse, which sees the proliferation of imperialist wars and
tightening of securitarian supported by the neo -fascist parties on the rise in everything
the European territory. In Italy, to determine the current situation
were the private policies of the Democratic Party and the previous governments,
who have expanded the social gap and placed the economic bases for the
Success of far -right populisms. In this context, the
Islamophoba propaganda with which the media distort the genocide of
Palestinian people and call his resistance 'terrorist'
to the Western Israelo employment is a subtle attempt to
discourage the construction of an antagonistic consciousness
internationalist ",
PC 18 March - Still and always Milan for Palestine last Saturday
Author: maoist
Description: "Over 12 thousand children died in Gaza and are we evaluating whether to consider it genocide?", Said one of the organizers to the megaphone, face ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:10:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
"They died beyond
12 thousand children in Gaza and we are evaluating whether to consider it
genocide? "said one of the organizers to the megaphone,
referring to "some senator or senator, without doing
names ".
Someone, they said, "still discusses on this concept of
genocide. If you don't believe and don't know, why don't you send one
Your commission in Gaza to see what has remained? They have it
On the ground, even schools, universities, mosques, churches
and hospitals ".
In the square several banners have been hung at
columns and the poles of light, with writings such as "against
Zionist colonialism "and" Free Palestine, genocide stop ".
PC 18 March - Student network for Palestine Naples: "Enough lies, enough complicity between Italy and Israel"
Author: maoist
Description: We share the word taking of the student network for Palestine - Naples on the dispute in Molinari and on the media candea that ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:12:00+08:00
Today we told our truth to journalists and journalists who wanted to listen to us.
An uncomfortable truth, because since yesterday the accusations have been many,
different, one -way: we would be the antidemocrats, we would be the
fascists and anti -Semites.
We firmly believe that we have not removed anyone the right to
Word: Maurizio Molinari is the director of La Repubblica, which all
days finds ample space to omit, cut and mend the
information and spread fake news on the genocide in Palestine.
The indisposition to listening and dialogue have been demonstrated by
Molinari and Lorito, rector of Federico II, who have decided not to
introduce oneself to the initiative, nor to show us to listen to the
Motivations of our dissent.
We would have liked to know more about the lack of expression, aside
by Maurizio Molinari with respect to the resignation of Raffaele Oriani,
Journalist of La Repubblica, who decided to leave the newspaper,
denouncing the complicity of the newspaper with the genocide in Palestine,
not only through the declaredly philosionist narration, but also
through political agreements.
The message we sent is clear: we want free knowledge, out of the dynamics of Zionist and war propaganda.
This morning I receive the press release of students and students
of Pisa, who have not known the
Violence of a quick department just to be squeezed in the square a
protest, made us think.
Why in our case, of students and students blocked by
Digos inside his university did not start the same
Solidarity mechanism?
Those who are removed from are us, receiving instead of dialogue
democratic - so evoked by the director, to whom there would be from
ask why in his newspaper systematically prohibits the grip of
Word in favor of the Palestinian people - slaps, kicks, pushes from
part of Digos, in our training places.
We know the truth and now those who read us know in turn.
We are
And we will always be alongside the Palestinian people and we will continue to
oppose us to anyone who tries to remove legitimacy from his existence e
Solidarity press release to the student network for Palestine - Naples
The Handala Ali Cultural Center, Arab Democratic Union
Palestinian, young Palestinians of Italy and student movement
Palestinians express their sharing and solidarity in
against the dispute implemented yesterday by the student network
For Palestine-Napoli by students, activists and solidarity with the cause
of the Palestinian people on the occasion of the conference "The role of
culture in the context of a disputed Mediterranean ", organized
from the Federico II University with the participation of the director of “La
Repubblica ”Maurizio Molinari, as well as with that of the rector of the
Same University, Matteo Lorito.
The protest was intended to denounce the connivance of the world
of the press and Italian academic institutions with i
carpet bombing conducted for over more than six months now
by the Israeli army on Gaza: a military campaign that, with
thirty -two thousand deaths, seventy -five thousand wounded and the almost two million
displaced people driven out of their homes and their land, has taken on to
eyes of the world, of the International Court of Justice of the Hague e
of the large part of the public opinion in the same West on the
character of a genocide - extermination, with bombs, executions
summary, by hungry or for lack of medical care.
We would have liked to speak of this and we believe it is necessary to speak
At this moment: of the daily inhumanization of the population
Palestinian, which allows you to ignore the violence that it is suffering,
to reduce them, push them 'at the bottom of the page', relativize them and
justify them.
Such is in fact the narrative that the main organs of
'Information' in this country, starting right from Repubblica and the
Other "mainstream" newspapers - and in general in the West - are
transmitting, with omissions, deformations and forcing more and more
showy, in the desperate attempt to conceal the scope and the
immense proportions of the crimes conducted by the state of Israel, of
'Remove' the colonial nature of Israeli employment and with this
The past and present crimes of which western colonialism is
It is the same one -way narration - aimed at excluding the reasons
of the oppressed - which leads to criminalizing the Palestinian resistance,
deliberately forgetting that the same international rules sanction
the right of a people to resist the occupant by any means
This is accompanied by the complicity that manifest vast sectors of the
scientific research and the Italian academic world, which continue to
Tighten cooperation agreements with Israeli institutions
directly involved with employment and extermination policies - a
starting from the shameful presence of the rectors of the Campania universities
In the Med-Or Scientific Committee, the Foundation of the Leonardo Group,
Directly engaged in refueling weapons to the Israeli army.
We would like to reiterate that, differently from what is argued by
Molinari and relaunched by the main press bodies, by exponents
government and opposition politicians to the same press release of
President of the Republic, were the same organizers
of the meeting to clearly exclude any discussion, already starting
from the formula chosen together with the University: that of a debate
fake, 'armored', closed to the free participation of the students, with
Access to the Hall manned since the morning by police officers
which once again tried to remove with thrusts and kicks
students and students who intended to express their dissent in
comparisons of the initiative.
Then, in the face of the presence of who that dissent was decided anyway
To express it, the director of Repubblica canceled the meeting e
chosen the path of journalistic criminalization, manifesting the
same intolerance to the criticism and the dispute that in others
Recent occasions has led to the beating of students and activists.
We tried to stage yet another act of a campaign of
media normalization of the ongoing genocide, what most presses to the
ruling class of this country.
Faced with all this, together with students and activists, we have
claimed a university that is a place of real confrontation and production
of a knowledge free from complicity with the Zionist occupation, with the
war and oppression policies.
Finally, reading the press release in which the Head of State
manifests his solidarity towards the director of
"Repubblica", we wonder where solidarity is towards the
Atrocious suffering of the Palestinian population; because you continue to
ignore the responsibilities of the Italian institutions, of which he is a guarantor,
in the undergoing slaughter; how it is possible, finally, not to see that the
students and students who played in Naples yesterday are the
themselves that in Pisa, Florence, Turin have challenged the repression and the
"Intolerance" of those same institutions.
PC 18 March - Anan from Terni prison: “Resistance is not terrorism
Author: maoist
Description: On March 14, the interrogation of anan Yaeesh guarantee in the district house of Terni took place. The accusatory prospect welcomes ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:15:00+08:00
Images: 000000.webp
The guarantee of the guarantee of
I live
in the district house of Terni. Accusatory prospect
accepted by the investigating judge of the L'Aquila court is relating to the organization
of a terrorist group called "Tulkarem brigade", operating in the
Tulkarem city in the West Bank, gemmation of the brigades of the martyrs
by Al-Aqsa.
Anan has released a long and articulated spontaneous declaration
pronouncing a j’ accusa towards the exquisitely character
investigation politician. In particular, he told the condition of
oppression and violence suffered by the Palestinian people subjected to the yoke
Israeli military in the indifference of the international community. Has
told his story as a young Palestinian, the killing of his
engaged to the Israeli army while they went to school, the
dirty hands of the girl's blood, the attempted murder of which it is
victim state in 2006 by soldiers
Israelis, the 11 shots of
firearm from which it was reached, the horror tried by the mother
At the sight of his injury and the consequent stroke from which he was
achieved by losing forever the cognitive abilities, his friends
killed by the army.
He claimed to refuse the stigma of the terrorist for himself and for the
his people, he recalled that all peoples have the right to fight for
their freedom against the invading army compared the struggle
Palestinian to that of Italy during resistance, and has
stressed that, rather, no western country has ever grown
in supporting Ukraine, which has also been armed by the
same West. He recalled the horror of the Gaza war and 30 thousand
Palestinian deaths of which over two thirds women and children, e
Rhetorically asked who the terrorists are.
He also recalled that the struggle for Palestine is played in the
territories employed and not elsewhere, referring to this to the articles of
newspapers that feared the danger of acts of violence in Italy. Has
concluded saying that he only wants peace and freedom for his own
Anan Yaeesh's Liberation Committee Committee
To write to him:
Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House - Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100
PC 18 March - Solidarity in Ghassen Ben Khalifa, Tunisian journalist and militant for the Palestinian cause! Joint Campaign Italy/Tunisia
Author: maoist
Description: The Sieda Tunisian police state regime continues to persecute the political militant and members through a judicial frame ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T14:58:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
Tunisian Police State regime of Sieda continues to persecute
by means of a judicial frame the political militant e
social and for the Palestinian cause, the journalist Ghassen Ben
In the summer of 2022, Ghassen had been accused of managing a
Facebook page linked to Islamist radicalism and therefore accused of
terrorism, this accusation immediately appeared as a clear frame
since Ghassen is notoriously a militant of the left
engraved, it was the first case of judicial persecution
towards a revolutionary militant since the time of the regime of Ben Ali,
Not even the governments of the post-revolution restoration, better known with
The misleading formula of "democratic transition"
(2011-2021), had pursued left militants.
five days of stop status and a great manifestation of
solidarity in Tunis in the height of summer,
Ghassen had finally been
released but the judicial proceeding was not yet
They followed
of the hearings in court in which the royal manager of the page
incriminated he declared the manager every time he was himself
of the pages and the author of the publications and not to know
The accusation of "offense of others by means of social media was also added
media "and" participation in a terrorist conspiracy "
and "offensive conduct towards the president".
Last March 14 the judge of the first instance of the Court of Ben
ARUS (area of Grande Tunis) has sentenced Ghassen to 6 months of
imprisonment, not with immediate effect pending a further
Audience that provides for the examination of the most serious accusations for the next 5
our party expresses sincere solidarity with his partner Ghassen Ben
Khalifa, denounced Sieda's reactionary regime of police state
supported by imperialism, including Italian imperialism today
represented by the neo-fascist government Meloni.
Communist proletarians/ PCM- Italy
Proletarian red- Italy
We report
Here are the unofficial translations of some press releases:
A first declaration by Ghassen Ben Khalifa through his own
Facebook page:
regarding the "moral" part of the ridiculous and invented case
against me (accusing myself of being a moderator of a page
"Islamist" called "Al-Burkan Al-Tunisi"), the Court
First degree of Ben Arous issued a decision against me yesterday:
Six months in prison (without immediate execution).
That is
Waiting for the first session of the second case, more serious
(relating to mild accusations such as "participation in an alliance
terrorist "," Commission of a brutal act against the
President of the Republic ", etc.) on April 5th.
I want
say, the judge, was not convinced by the words of the
Lawyers who presented him copies of the Lord's confessions
arrested (while I was detained and we were consulting the unit
national to investigate the terrorist crimes of the Aouina) and in
he confirmed that he was only his page and that he was the one who published
Everything about it and who did not know me at all ... in addition to what
demonstrated (from the archive of my Facebook account) that on the date e
allegedly presumed (according to a technical report by the Department of
Technical services of the General Security Administration
National) I would have contacted the page from an IP address connected to
my phone number. At that moment I was connected by my account
and I integrated and placed on my personal page from an IP address
completely different...
other words, Mr. Judge considered the report of
security of dubious authenticity (and does not explain at all how it is
arrived at this conclusion. The second accused is stronger than
Results of the research of the al-Awaina division and stronger
of the apparent contradiction of my well -known intellectual position e
political beliefs [divergent] from the inconvenstance of that page ...
conclusion is that we will appeal against this unjust sentence e
We will prepare for the April session. I assure all companions
And friends that the morale is high. Also reassure all those who
they believe that with accusations and inventions such ridiculous can make me of the
bad, intimidating me or making me an example ...
Press release of
and of
at the
With the'
For those who oppose normalization ... freedom for the
our people and for those who are at their side!
14/03/2024, the first degree court of Ben Arous sentenced to
Six months of imprisonment his partner Ghassan Ben Khalifa, one of the
founding members of the campaign and chief editor of the Inhez website,
A combatant of the joint action coordination for Palestine
and member of the Solidarity Committee with the activist George Ibrahim
Abdullah, this is the continuation of the case raised against him
After being suspended for five days in September 2022.
sentence refers to the accusation of “insult to others through
Social media "moved against Ghassan under the" moral "aspect
of the case. It is an accusation against him on the basis of
accusations contained in a report by one of the Departments of the Ministry
of the interior, according to which the page "Vulcano Tunisino" was
connected to an IP address connected to its phone number. That is
it was demonstrated false by the defense, on the basis of the archive of
his contacts on his personal page (from which he appears that al
moment of the alleged technical assessment he was connected to his
personal page with a different IP address), and confessions of the
Moderator of the page that was suspended before the release of
Ghassan Bin Khalifa in September 2022, and who denied knowing
the partner or to have any relationship with the aforementioned page, that
He confirmed that he manages alone.
of the Tunisian Boicottage and opposition to the
normalization of the Zionist entity, we condemn this sentence
unjust against our partner and we declare ours
absolute support. While we support our partner, we are
solidarity with ourselves and with those who belong to the resistance
and to those who are aligned with him.
Let's ask
Also to all companions, men and women, to all individuals in
struggle and the progressive forces to join around the Ghassan case e
to put pressure and mobilize in front of the first instance court a
Tunis on April 5, coinciding with the first relative session
to the second part of the case in which he has to face invented accusations
as "participation in a terrorist conspiracy" and “Having
committed an offense to the President of the Republic ".
arbitrary sentences will only make us more united and resolved. Freedom
For those who oppose normalization.
- press release of the coordination of the joint action for the
Palestine in Tunisia
On Thursday, 14 March 2024, the Ben Arous Court of First Instance
sentenced to six months' imprisonment in a sub-case against the
comrade Ghassan Ben Khalifa, journalist, editor-in-chief of the site
Inhivez, activist of the Coordination of Joint Action movement
for Palestine, a member of the Tunisian boycott and
opposition to the normalization of the Zionist entity and member of the
Committee of the Tunisian Committee of Solidarity with the Fighter for
George Ibrahim Abdullah.
important that the coordination of the common action for Palestine
clarify the public opinion that this sentence is based on a
safety report that included the name of the activist of
left Ghassan Bin Khalifa in one case relating to the management of a
Page on the social network Facebook with "Islamist" content.
The main defendant is arrested and admits that he is the
owner and the manager of the page, to be responsible for
all his posts and not to have any relationship or knowledge with the
Coordination of common action for Palestine, while considering that
this unjust sentence and everything that plots against his
activist, is in the context of his struggle activity
linked to the support of resistance and against normalization,
confirms that targeting its activists with invented accusations
He will not discourage them from carrying out his struggle actions. The
security apparatuses lurking against activists will do nothing else
that increase their firmness.
coordination also invites all political organizations
national, progressive and revolutionary, groups and institutions
of civil society to support the Palestinian cause and all
Tunisini to attend in large numbers on April 5, 2024 in front of the
Tunisian first instance court to support the activist of
left Ghassan Ben Khalifa in the first hearing of the original case
in which it is accused of "participation in a criminal agreement" e
of “having committed a despicable act against the president of the
Repubblica ”and other accusations invented.
Anan Yaeesh - from Terni's prison /Italy - 'Resistance is not terrorism!
Author: maoist
Description: On March 14, the interrogation of anan Yaeesh guarantee in the district house of Terni took place. The accusatory prospecting is ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T15:39:00+08:00
Images: 000000.webp
On March 14, the guarantee interrogation of
I live
in the district house of Terni. Accusatory prospect
accepted by the investigating judge of the L'Aquila court is relating to the organization
of a terrorist group called "Tulkarem brigade", operating in the
Tulkarem city in the West Bank, gemmation of the brigades of the martyrs
by Al-Aqsa.
Anan has released a long and articulated spontaneous declaration
pronouncing a j’ accusa towards the exquisitely character
investigation politician. In particular, he told the condition of
oppression and violence suffered by the Palestinian people subjected to the yoke
Israeli military in the indifference of the international community. Has
told his story as a young Palestinian, the killing of his
engaged to the Israeli army while they went to school, the
dirty hands of the girl's blood, the attempted murder of which it is
victim state in 2006 by Israeli soldiers, the 11 shots of
firearm from which it was reached, the horror tried by the mother
At the sight of his injury and the consequent stroke from which he was
achieved by losing forever the cognitive abilities, his friends
killed by the army.
He claimed to refuse the stigma of the terrorist for himself and for the
his people, he recalled that all peoples have the right to fight for
their freedom against the invading army compared the struggle
Palestinian to that of Italy during resistance, and has
stressed that, rather, no western country has ever grown
in supporting Ukraine, which has also been armed by the
same West. He recalled the horror of the Gaza war and 30 thousand
Palestinian deaths of which over two thirds women and children, e
Rhetorically asked who the terrorists are.
He also recalled that the struggle for Palestine is played in the
territories employed and not elsewhere, referring to this to the articles of
newspapers that feared the danger of acts of violence in Italy. Has
concluded saying that he only wants peace and freedom for his own
The lawyer Flavio Rossi Albertini we deepen the negation
of the extraction in Israel of Anan Yaeesh by the Court
of the L'Aquila and the judicial proceeding that holds him keeps him
however in prison and who dictated the arrest of two other boys
Palestinians, Mansour Doghmosh in prison in Rossano Calabro and Ali Saji
Rabs in Ferrara.
To write to him:
Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House -Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100
To write to him:
Anan Yaeesh, District House of Terni - Strada delle Campore, 32, Terni Cap 05100
Mansour Doghmosh, Rossano District House - Ciminata Contrada, Rossano (CS) CAP 87068
Ali Saji Rabhi, Ferrara District House - Via Arginone, 327, Ferrara Cap 44100
PC 18 March - Meloni government, the front of the internal war is advanced: the Aosta Brigade is trained in the repression of protests
Author: baronerosso
Description: by Observatory truly disturbing images those released by the press office of the Italian Army General Staff. The military d ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T17:19:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
Truly disturbing images those widespread
by the press office of the Italian Army General Staff.
The soldiers of the 62nd "Sicily" infantry regiment of the brigade
"Aosta" that trained on the "control techniques of the
crowd ”, simulating the armed attack against a group of
Antonio Mazzeo
It happened in recent days in the polygon
military of Piazza Armerina (EN) where the Sicilian regiment is
“Family with the Crowd and Riot Control techniques
(literally anti -Somamossa control of the crowd, NDA) ".
"The activity, structured in theoretical lessons
and practices, allowed the staff of the regiment companies
to acquire basic knowledge relating to techniques and
procedures to be adopted in case of disorders, of dangerous situations
and threat to public order, with the aim of strengthening
further the ability to intervention are also a
support of the police, alongside the army
often works,
such as, for example, the "Safe Roads" operation, ",
Explain the Army General Staff. “The training module
ended with a final exercise in opposing parties
which made it possible to test the acquired techniques and the ability to
reaction in contexts of "crowd and riot control" ".
Here is still a test, unfortunately, of the growing
and very dangerous presence of the armed forces on the internal front in
function of control of public order and repression of each
form of dissent.
It must also be reported as precisely at 62 °
"Sicily" infantry regiment of Catania were activated by
A couple of years traveled PCTO (the notorious alternation
School-Word-Corner) for Sicilian school students
secondary. Students are employed in the "repairs of
telecommunications and vehicles apparatuses, in the management of warehouses e
deposits; in the maintenance of green and in the management of the service
Kitchen and food distribution ". (Source: the school goes to war.
Investigation on the militarization of education in Italy.
PC 18 March - In Ukraine, 33 Italian mercenaries killed. Silence by the government. Italian imperialism today has its mercenaries on the field tomorrow ..... its troops in line with the positions of France and Germany
Author: baronerosso
Description: by Federico Rucco The Russian Ministry of Defense, in a report released by the Tass agency, has updated the accounting of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Published Time: 2024-03-18T17:27:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg000001.jpg
The Russian Ministry of Defense in a
Report made known by the Agency
has updated the accounting of foreign mercenaries who fight
together with the troops of Kiev and who were killed in the conflict
in Ukraine.
According to this relationship, the armed forces
Russian killed 5 .962 foreign mercenaries on 13,287 arrived in
Of these, 90 are Italian and 33 are Italian.
of them have been killed. But there is no record on this
comments o
communications or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor of the
Interior, nor defense. Absolutely not too dissimilar silence
from embarrassment for a decidedly relevant news.
A table that summarizes an updated public balance made
by the Russian agency
, The
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation would have killed 1,497 mercenaries
Poles out of 2,960, the largest contingent of soldiers
foreigners. The Georgians follow with 561 fallen out of 1,042, 491
US of 1,113, 422 of 1,005 Canadians, 360 of 822
British, 147 of the 356 French.
From Romania they arrived in Ukraine 784
Mercenaries. of which 349 have been killed so far; from Croatia 335
Arrived and 152 killed, from Germany 88 fallen out of 235, by
Colombia 217 deaths out of 430, while 268 came from Brazil, of
which 136 fell.
The specialized site
believes it is
emphasize that these numbers are not verifiable by neutral sources
and almost no western nation has provided information about the
own 'volunteers' who went to fight in Ukraine
According to the site, they sporadically reported sources in Poland and
Czech Republic, as well as no official data has ever emerged in
West about the fallen in the ranks of the mercenaries.
The theme has never been treated
officially not even in Italy, if not at the journalistic level with
rare interviews with some volunteers.
Among the African countries, the greatest number of
Mercenaries comes from Nigeria: 97 (47 of which killed), followed
from the Algeria (28 deaths si 60 enrolled), while 25 Australians are
been killed on 60 joints in Ukraine, together with 6 of 7
New Zealanders.
The latest news circulated on the death of
foreign mercenaries in Ukraine is January 16 of this year,
When, according to what the
Russia had declared that a day before its forces had
carried out a precision attack against a building that
it housed "foreign fighters" in the second city
of Ukraine, Kharkiv.
The Russian Ministry of Defense had
declared that the fighters were mostly French mercenaries and
that the building had been destroyed, with over 60 deaths. That
Evidently they don't even care about countries of origin ...
PC 18 March - 18 March 1971/2024 - 153rd anniversary of the Municipality of Paris - The struggle for worker power is more current than ever
Author: maoist
Description: Tomorrow Tuesday 19 March at 12 noon counter -information Rossusoia - Special Municipality of Paris
Published Time: 2024-03-18T19:00:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg
Tomorrow Tuesday 19 March a
12 noon counter -information Rossusoia - Special Municipality of Paris
Electoral advance in Catalonia: Reject illusions and prepare for the fight. Boycott of the election farce!
Author: Servir al pueblo
Description: The Catalan proletariat will be freely free not only when its national rights are respected, but when it is released as a social class. And this involves the destruction of the state and ...
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T13:56:58+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T20:27:54+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.png
Item sent by a collaborator
Explanation of the vignette: Maoism, embodied in Lenin, sweep Catalonia of bourgeois politicians (Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras, Salvador Illa, Miquel Iceta, Ada Colau) and reactionaries of all kinds (Civil Guard, riot, fascists). The destruction of the old world carries the flags of tomorrow: the socialist Catalonia federated in the Spanish Socialist Republic with the red flag of communism in the center.
The President of the Generalitat Pere Aragonès announced, on Wednesday, March 13, that the autonomous elections were advanced on May 12. What should be the opinion of the revolutionaries on this subject? With this opinion article we aim to clarify some fundamental issues.
The parties of the Catalan bourgeoisie have betrayed time and again the proletariat and Catalan people
The Mobilization and Fury Torrent of the Catalan National Liberation Movement, whose qualitative leap we saw on October 1, 2017 with the conduct of the referendum declared illegal by Spain -and its subsequent repression - , he has led nothing.
Still fortunate that we govern ours and not the PP and Vox
"They say in TV3 social gatherings. The reality is that ERC, Together and PSC govern exactly the same as PSOE, PP and Vox. Catalan bourgeois politicians are class enemies of the proletariat and enemies of the people. They seek independence only for their economic interests, they do not hesitate to crush the proletariat and it is absolutely the same as the Catalan language and culture.
The national liberation movement in front of the junction:
Follow the bourgeois path or the proletarian path?
There are two paths in the Catalan national liberation movement: the bourgeois path and the proletarian path. Both roads are completely different in class interests, in method and goals.
The bourgeois path serves the Catalan bourgeoisie, which seeks the independence of Catalonia in Spain to become itself an imperialist, to continue oppressing its own people and make the leap to oppress other peoples of the world. The bourgeois road maintains the proletariat and the people in poverty, as has been done for centuries. Rise in prices and increase of the CPI, labor exploitation, rise in rents, evictions and police violence, etc. Catalan bourgeois politicians in Barcelona have governed in the same way as Spanish bourgeois politicians in Madrid. The bourgeois road urges the masses to participate in the electoral farce, seek to turn off the longing of the people for democratic rights and freedoms, and disseminates racism and chauvinism against the peoples (both the Spanish people and the oppressed nations of Latin America, Africa and Asia).
Boicot to the electoral farce!
In recent years, revisionists and opportunists of all kinds have called on the masses to participate in the electoral farce, to turn their political demands into parliament and to continue on the bourgeois path. The bourgeois road only serves the bourgeoisie. You cannot change the bourgeois state from within, you cannot change a machine of oppression from within. Much less independence can be achieved by participating within the institutions of the Spanish State (Generalitat, Provincial Councils, City Councils...) and being part of it.
In an article published in
Serve the people
It was explained, in a summarized way, why apply the boycott. We reproduce it in full:
1. Why boycott the election?
Because we choose the path of revolution and socialism, from the power of the proletarian class against the bourgeoisie. Participation in elections, directly or indirectly, has nothing to do with the path to socialism (the proletarian revolution).
Because elections within a bourgeois state are a farce. That is why we call it electoral farce or electoral farce of the bourgeoisie. They are not a farce because they are misrepresented, but because it doesn't matter what you vote for: there is no real democracy at all. All really important decisions, absolutely all of them, are made through other means than parliamentary ones.
Because with the election we choose to government, but not the state or the class that directs it. The turn government is only the manager of the interests of the financial oligarchy, the imperialist bourgeoisie, which is the leader of Spain. There is no difference, in all the governments of bourgeois democracy in recent history (since 1975, about it).
2. Why is it not good to vote for fascism?
Because the growing fascization of the State (greater presence on the streets and in the media and/or fascist parties, increasing influence of reactionary ideas, etc ...) is the logical consequence of the militarization of the state Spanish. Since 1980, as the approximate date, the states have begun to militarize. Within the Spanish state militarization plan, fascization is a consequence of it. Therefore, a greater presence of fascism is not caused by an election success. It is the other way around: the electoral success of reactionary and fascist forces is caused by the fact that fascism and reaction is more present in society, as a result of this militarization and fascization of states (and in this case, Spain)
There will be no more or less repression in the labor movement based on the turn government, or at least, by express decision of the governing party. That is, the greater or lesser repression responds to the plans of the financial oligarchy, and not to the plans of the bourgeois leader of turn. During the last years of PSOE progressive rule and united Podem we have suffered repression in the strike of the metal of Cádiz and Vigo; the imprisonment of political prisoner Pablo Hasel; They have not repealed the gag law; They have committed the genocide against the African masses in Melilla; They have committed thousands and thousands of eviction; They have infiltrated national police in social and political movements, etc.
3. Why is it not useful to vote for the least bad option?
Because the least bad option is no choice. Voting on the PP, PSOE, Vox or Summar does not change, they are all managers of financial capital. None of the parties in Parliament question bourgeois order or Spanish imperialism. During the last years of progressive government of the PSOE and United Podem we have worsened the living conditions of the proletariat in every way. Will we reward the financial capital managers by voting again with the excuse of "slowing up to fascism", so that they can get our lives again in the coming years?
Because voting on the least bad option does not protect civil, social or union rights. What rights have we recovered with the progressive government of coalition between PSOE and United Podemos? They have disassembled the union movement and have repressed combative mass movements. The CPI has climbed much more than wages. The supposed gain of rights for proletarian women and the LGBT collective is a ghost embodied in a role, while hate crimes do not stop climbing. What has the government done for the proletariat? ”
The Catalan proletariat must fight arm with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat
The Catalan proletariat will be freely free not only when its national rights are respected, but when it is released as a social class. And this involves the destruction of the Spanish imperialist state, the old bourgeois state, and generating a new power, the new proletarian state. The Catalan proletariat cannot fight only against the Spanish imperialist state. He must fight arm with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat as class brothers against the common enemy: Spanish state, Spanish imperialism.
This titanic work involves the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Spain as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, mainly Maoist with the contributions of universal validity of President Gonzalo. A militarized party prepared for political power with popular war and with the perspective of capturing the dictatorship of the proletariat as a federal socialist republic where the proletariat of all nations fight, as class brothers and ultimately, until the Communism.
Thus, and only in this way, will the Catalan proletariat be free. And the first step cannot be another than delegitimizing the electoral farce, rejecting illusions in bourgeois democracy and preparing for the fighting that will come in the fight against Spain.
No bourgeois politician will liberate Catalonia!
They have ruled, governed and governed against the Catalan proletariat and people!
Against all chauvinism and national narrowness!
For the class fraternity between the Catalan proletariat with the Spanish, Basque and Galician!
For the federal socialist republic where the proletariat of the different nations will fight side by side to communism!
Do not vote on May 12, boycott in the election farce!
Electoral advance in Catalonia: discard illusions and prepare for the fight. Boicot to the electoral farce!
Author: Servir al pueblo
Description: The Catalan proletariat will be completely free not only when their national rights are respected, but when it is released as a social class. And that goes through the destruction of the imperialist state ...
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T13:56:14+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T20:29:57+08:00
Type: article
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Article sent by a collaborator
Explanation of the vignette: Maoism, embodied in Lenin, Barre Catalunya of bourgeois politicians (Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras, Salvador Illa, Miquel Iceta, Ada Colau) and reactionaries of all kinds (civil guard, riot, fascists). The Old Mundo Garporate brings the flags of tomorrow: the federated socialist Catalonia in the Spanish Socialist Republic with the red flag of communism in the center.
The president of the Generalitat Pere Aragonès announced last Wednesday, March 13 that the regional elections were ahead of May 12. What should be the opinion of the revolutionaries about it? With this opinion article we intend to clarify some fundamental issues.
The matches of the Catalan bourgeoisie have betrayed the proletariat and Catalan people again and again
The Torrent of Mobilization and Fury of the Catalan National Liberation Movement, whose qualitative leap we saw on October 1, 2017 with the realization of the referendum declared illegal by the Spanish State -and its subsequent repression -has not led to anything. We must get lesson from what happened.
"Luckily ours govern and not the PP and Vox," they say in the TV3 gatherings. The reality is that ERC, Junts and PSC govern exactly the same as PSOE, PP and VOX. Catalan bourgeois politicians are class enemies of the proletariat and enemies of the people. They seek independence only for their economic interests, do not hesitate to crush the proletariat and give them absolutely the same the Catalan language and culture.
The National Liberation Movement before the crossroads:
Follow the bourgeois path or proletarian road?
There are two paths in the Catalan National Liberation Movement: the bourgeois road and the proletarian road. The two paths are completely different in class interests, in method and objectives.
The bourgeois road serves the Catalan bourgeoisie, who seeks the independence of Catalonia of the Spanish State to become imperialist, continue oppressing her own people and make the leap to oppress other peoples of the world. The bourgeois path keeps the proletariat and the people in poverty, as they have done for centuries. Price rise and IPC increase, labor exploitation, rise in rentals, evictions and police violence, etc. Catalan bourgeois politicians in Barcelona have ruled in the same way as Spanish bourgeois politicians in Madrid. The bourgeois road urges the masses to participate in the electoral farce, seek to turn off the desire of the people of democratic rights and freedoms and spread racism and chauvinism against peoples (both the Spanish people and the oppressed nations of Latin America, Africa and Asia ).
Boicot to the electoral farce!
In recent years, revisionists and opportunists of all kinds have called for the masses to participate in the electoral farce, to turn their political claims in Parliament and continue along the bourgeois path. The bourgeois road only serves the bourgeoisie. You cannot change the bourgeois state from the inside, you cannot change a machine of oppression from within. Much less, independence can be achieved by participating within the institutions of the Spanish State (Generalitat, Diputations, Town Halls ...) and being part of it.
An article published in Serve the People explained, in a summarized way, why the boycott should be applied. We reproduce it in full:
"1. Why boycott the elections?
- Because we chose the path of revolution and socialism, of the power of the proletarian class against the bourgeoisie. Participation in the elections, directly or indirectly, has nothing to do with the path to socialism (the proletarian revolution).
- Because the elections within a bourgeois state are a farce. That is why we call him electoral or electoral farce of the bourgeoisie. They are not a farce because they are rigged, but because it does not matter what you vote: there is no real democracy. All really important decisions, absolutely all, are taken through other roads that are not parliamentarians.
- Because with the elections we chose the government, but not the State or the class that directs it. The government on duty is only the manager of the interests of the financial oligarchy, the imperialist bourgeoisie, which is the leader of the Spanish State. There is no difference, in the background, in all the governments of bourgeois democracy in recent history (approximately 1975).
2. Why is it worth voting to stop fascism?
- Because the growing fascistization of the State (greater presence in the streets and in the media of fascist parties and/or organizations, increasing influence of reactionary ideas, etc ...) is the logical consequence of the militarization of the Spanish State. Since 1980, as an approximate date, states begin to militarize. Within the militarization plan of the Spanish State, fascistization is a consequence of this. Therefore, a greater presence of fascism is not caused by electoral success. It is conversely: the electoral success of reactionary and fascist forces is caused because fascism and reaction is more present in society, a consequence of this militarization and fascistization of states (and in this case, of the Spanish State)
- There will be no more or less repression of the labor movement based on the government on duty, or at least, by express decision of the party that governs. That is, the greater or lesser repression responds to the plans of the financial oligarchy, and not to the plans of the bourgeois leader on duty. During the last years of PSOE and Unidas Podemos we have suffered repression in the Metal strike of Cádiz and Vigo; the imprisonment of the political prisoner Pablo Hasel; They have not repealed the Gag Law; They have committed the genocide against the African masses in Melilla; They have committed thousands and thousands of evictions; They have infiltrated national police in social and political movements, etc.
3. Why is it worth voting the least bad option?
- Because the less bad option is no option. Voting the PP, PSOE, Vox or Sumar does not change anything, they are all managers of financial capital. None of Parliament's parties question bourgeois order or Spanish imperialism. During the last years of PSOE and Unidos Podemos Podemos have worsened the living conditions of the proletariat in every way. Are we going to reward the managers of financial capital by voting again with the excuse of "stopping fascism", so that our lives get worse again?
- Because voting the less bad option does not protect civil, social or union rights. What rights have we recovered with the progressive coalition government between PSOE and Unidas Podemos? They have disarticulated the union movement and have repressed the combative mass movements. The CPI has risen much more than salaries. The alleged rights gain for proletarian women and the LGTB collective is a ghost embedded in a role, while hate crimes do not stop up. What has the government done for the proletariat? ”
The Catalan proletariat must fight elbow with the Spanish proletariat, Basque and Gallego
The Catalan proletariat will be completely free not only when their national rights are respected, but when it is released as a social class. And that goes through the destruction of the Spanish imperialist state, the old bourgeois state, and for generating a new power, the new proletarian state. The Catalan proletariat cannot fight only against the Spanish imperialist state. He must fight side by side with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat as class brothers against the common enemy: the Spanish State, Spanish imperialism.
This titanic task goes through the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Spain as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party, mainly Maoist with the universal validity contributions of President Gonzalo. A militarized party prepared to take political power with popular war and with the perspective of capturing the dictatorship of the proletariat as Federal Socialist Republic where the proletariat of all nations fights, as class brothers and ultimately, to communism.
Thus, and only, the Catalan proletariat will be free. And the first step cannot be another to delegitimize the electoral farce, discard illusions in bourgeois democracy and prepare for the fighting that will come in the fight against the Spanish State
No bourgeois politician will release Catalonia!
They have governed, govern and rule against the proletariat and Catalan people!
Against all national chauvinism and narrowness!
For class brotherhood between the Catalan proletariat with Spanish, Basque and Galician!
For the Federal Socialist Republic where the proletariat of the different nations fights elbow to communism!
Don't vote on May 12, boycott the election farce!
Discard illusions and prepare for the fight!
Workers clash with the police in Gazipur and Ashulia in Bangladesh – The Red Herald
Author: T.I.
Categories: Asia, Featured
Description: Workers of a yarn factory AA Yarn Limited clashed with the police on the 9th of March in Sreepur, Gazipur district of Bangladesh, demanding higher wages.
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T15:50:36+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T21:00:00+08:00
Sections: Asia, Featured, Bangladesh, Protests, English, pll_65f768831e73a
Tags: Bangladesh, Protests
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp
Featured image: Workers in a protest in Gazipur, Bangladesh. Source: Dhaka Tribune
Workers of a yarn factory AA Yarn Limited
with the police on the 9
of March in Sreepur, Gazipur district of Bangladesh, demanding higher wages. The workers blocked the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway, denouncing that the factory bosses had ignored the demands of the workers for better pay despite multiple efforts from the workers to negotiate. The police repressed the workers with tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades, and the workers as a response defended the protest by throwing bricks at the police. It is reported that there was some injured among the workers as well as passers-by due to the police brutality.
The yarn workers of the factory earn around 6,000 Tk (around 55 US Dollars) a month, and the protesters denounced that they are not able to live with this wage and that the wages had not been raised even to the new minimum set in November. In November, there were
large protests
of garment workers, who demanded that the minimum wage of the garment workers are raised from 8,000 Tk to 23,000 Tk. The government refused to raise the wage to the demanded level, and set 12,500 Tk (114 US Dollars) as the new monthly minimum wage. In November, these protests were also met with severe repression and police brutality, with hundreds arrested and at least two workers murdered by the police shooting at the protesters with live ammunition.
On the 11
of March workers of Sterling Styles Ltd
in Jamgora, Ashulia, demanding overtime pay and paid holidays among other things. The factory boss said the factory operates according to the labor laws of Bangladesh and commented that “For the last three days our workers have been agitated with unreasonable demands, including payment of 11 days of annual leave as well as day-offs on every public holiday.” He said that they already give days off during Ramadan and that it is unreasonable to demand get paid also for these days. According to the boss, the workers had attacked six low level bosses and injured them. The workers had also thrown bricks at the police, who repressed the protest with tear gas. According to the media, a representative of the trade union Garments Sramik Oikya League said that the demands of the workers have “no legal justification” and that the union would not get involved.
These statements calling the demands unreasonable reflect on the conditions of the garment workers in Bangladesh, which is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country with a large garments industry and where many clothes for imperialist monopolies, such as H&M, Zara, Lidl and Primark are produced. We wrote in November: “This struggle of the Bangladeshi proletariat against garment monopolies of the bureaucratic capital is part of the struggle of the people against semi-feudality and semi-colonialism and the bureaucratic-big-landlord-dictatorship. Its not just a struggle for an increasing of the wage, but it is for national liberation, against the oppression and subjugation of the country to the imperialists…” These local clashes show that the situation continues as prone to explosion.
Brazil: The People’s Court against land grabbing and land-based crimes held in Junco do Maranhão – The Red Herald
Author: A.R.
Categories: Featured, The Americas
Description: On the 9th and 10th of March, the victorious People's Court against land grabbing and land-based crimes was held in the village of Vilela, in Junco do Maranhão.
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T22:10:13+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T21:02:00+08:00
Sections: Featured, The Americas, Brazil, Struggle for land, English, pll_65f76a36634e6
Tags: Brazil, Struggle for land
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp000001.jpg000002.jpg000003.jpg000004.webp 000005.webp000006.webp000007.webp
Hereby we publish an unofficial translation of
an article published
in A Nova Democracia (AND).
On the 9
and 10
of March, the victorious People’s Court against land grabbing and land-based crimes was held in the village of Vilela, in Junco do Maranhão. The event was attended by people’s lawyers, researchers, trade unionists and State journalists from other regions of the country who participated in the Court’s judging committee.
The court also had the participation of different organizations, such as the União das Comunidades em Luta and the Coletivo Estudantil Filhos do Povo, which organized students to participate in the event. Peasant leader
Luiz Vila Nova
also participated in the event.
Throughout the auditorium, flags of organizations and banners with slogans of the struggle for land decorated the environment. Right on the access road, a banner “
with the
land grabbers! For the titling of our possessions!”
set the tone for the event. Inside the auditorium, other banners condemned land grabbing, large-scale mining and called for peasant unity. The signatures were from squatters from different communities, such as Gleba Campina, Povoado Vilela, the Caranandeua and Jaraquara Communities and the Farmers Association of the Povoado de Maracacuera, in the municipality of Carutapera.
In one of the event’s activities, the peasants organized a motorbike caravan to visit Gleba Campina and investigate the crimes committed by land grabbers there.
As directed by the Popular Court, the organizations present called for a day of mobilization and struggle against the Land Grabbing Law of the State of Maranhão for May 1
. The note can be read
in full here
In A Joint Note, The Solidarity Solidarity Committee for the Fight for the Land and the Union of Communities in Fighting (UCL) Writes:
“This is a victorious event in every sense: in establishing and unifying a political agenda to defend human rights of the people; in producing legal material to support the communities’ cause; in stirring those present around solidarity with the struggle for land”.
The note also gives a warm greeting to the Coletivo Estudantil Filhos do Povo, which prepared a bus full of students. According to those present, the Popular Court was a milestone in the development of the new student movement in Maranhão.
Myanmar: New Blows against the Military Regime – The Red Herald
Author: G.D.
Categories: Asia, Featured
Description: The crisis of the military regime in Myanmar, who is accelerating the recruitment of civilians to try to prevent their inevitable fall, is sharpening.
Modified Time: 2024-03-17T22:12:08+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T21:10:00+08:00
Sections: Asia, Featured, Myanmar, English, pll_65f76ae545700
Tags: Myanmar
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpeg
Featured image: Me-ei bridge (left) and Kyaukkyi bridge (right) after being blown up by the military regime’s army. Source: CJ
The crisis of the military regime in Myanmar, who is accelerating the recruitment of civilians to try to prevent their inevitable fall, is sharpening. The regime’s armed forces nowadays suffer a very low moral and great defections of troops. In this occasion
it is reported
that 177 soldiers have fled from Rakhine to Bangladesh. Recently
the regime
has started the
of information
on the population that can be recruited, which has led to an increase in migration to bordering countries to prevent being recruited. In turn, many families negotiate with the military so that their relatives are not sent to the front. Especially there is a huge number of Burmes who are fleeing to
. In something of the largegt Cities, such as Yangon and naypyitaw,
the recruitment has begun
This acceleration of recruitment occurs in a very complicated context for the Myanmar’s military regime, in which they see how they suffer a defeat after another at several points of their territory. The situation especially continues to worsen in the state of Rakhine and its surroundings, also in the south of the state of Chin.
In Rakhine, in the last four months of offensive
of the Arakan Army, nine towns and 16 military bases of the military regime have been taken, in addition to hundreds of military and police outposts. In total it is estimated that 1,200 regime soldiers have fled to India and Bangladesh, nine military ships have been destroyed, seven high rank officers have been eliminated and another six have been captured, and a helicopter has been taken down. The military regime applies the scorched land tactic and
blows up
the bridges
of the territories that it knows that it will lose in Rakhine during its withdrawal.
We have already reported
on the blows that the military regime is suffering in Rakhine.
To the serious crisis suffered by the military regime in Rakhine, it is added an escalation of the conflict in the state of Kachin, bordering with China. There the
Kachin Independence Army (KIA)
has simultaneously attacked more than 10 military positions along the border with China. The attack includes the
in Momauk, Bhamo’s district.
The regime tries to respond to these constant blows as a dying beast and continues portraying attacks against the people and
committing crimes such as the indiscriminate murder of civilians
. It also tries to
cuts communications
in dozens of villages throughout the Burmese territory, as in the states of Shan, Chin, Kachin, Mon, and in the regions of Tanintharyi, Magwe, Bago and Ayeyarwady. But everything it is trying has been in vain, since the resistance against the military regime has only grown since the beginning of its offensives, and each attack carried out by the old State is another spark that makes the fire grow in the prairie.
18. Mars: The day of solidarity with political prisoners
Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Uttalelser
Description: Our comrades in the Red Herald and Communist International have published a statement on the occasion of March 18, which is the day of the foundation of the Paris municipality and the international day of solidarity Me…
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T15:13:28+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-18T23:13:27+08:00
Type: article
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Our comrades in the Red Herald and Communist International have published a statement on the occasion of March 18, which is the day of the foundation of the Paris municipality and the international day of solidarity with political prisoners.
Vi oppfordrer våre lesere til å studere og spre uttalelsen.
Proletarer i alle land, foren dere!
March 18 - the day of solidarity with political prisoners - in honor of the communist and revolutionary prisoners - to honor the communist and revolutionary prisoners
March 18 is the international day of solidarity with political prisoners. Red help was founded by the Comintern in 1920, and declared in 1923 on March 18, the date of the founding of the parish municipality, as "the international day of solidarity with political prisoners" and devoted it to the political prisoners. On March 18, solidarity is expressed with political prisoners around the world.
"The philosophers have only
the world different; But what it depends on is to
Den reaksjonære indiske staten har sperret inne over ti tusen kommunistiske, revolusjonære og politiske aktivister, deriblant Varavara Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson og Gautam Navlakha, for å forhindre folkekrigen.
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been imprisoned by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been released, even though he has sentenced his punishment. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a member of Black Panthers, has been imprisoned by American imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionaries and prisoners of oppressed people from different parts of the world have spent decades in prisons.
The fears of the ruling classes of the communist and revolutionary prisoners and the class hatred they feel against them are so great that they ruthlessly prevent the communists and revolutionaries they hold trapped in open violations of their own laws from leaving the prisons. The murder of chairman Gonzalo in 2021, the head of PCP, who lost health after 29 years in isolation and whose death was caused because the necessary health measures were not implemented, is very important to understand the extent of the fear and class hatred as the imperialists and the servile owners of The ruling system feels. Those responsible for chairman Gonzalo's death burned and even destroyed his body.
The communist and revolutionary prisoners in the prisons strive to meet the requirements of the Class Fight, with the risk of their own lives by challenging the boundaries of the conditions in the prisons. They refuse to capitulate and hesitate to resist all kinds of pressure, torture and isolation. We must mobilize to support the legitimate struggle and resistance of the prisoners, to fight against any form of aggression against the prisoners, in order to be the prisoners' voice outside the walls, we must support their struggle during the detention conditions as part of the class struggle.
The communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!
Supporting the communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!
Let's make the communist and revolutionary prisoners 'resistance and struggle for our own, let's be the prisoners' voice!
PC March 18 - The Aosta Brigade is trained in the repression of protests - the bourgeois state and the Meloni government are preparing for the G7 of Puglia?
Author: maoist
Description: ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T23:29:00+08:00
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really disturbing those released by the State Press Office
greater than the Italian army. The soldiers of the 62nd infantry regiment
"Sicily" of the "Aosta" Brigade that trained on the "techniques of
control of the crowd ", simulating the armed attack against a group of
Antonio Mazzeo
It happened in recent days in the
military shooting range in Piazza Armerina (EN) where the Sicilian Regiment
has "familiarized himself with the techniques of Crowd and Riot Control
(literally crowd riot control, ed.)".
"The activity, structured in lessons
theoretical and practical aspects, has enabled the staff of the companies in the
regiment to acquire the basic knowledge related to the techniques and
the procedures to be adopted in the event of disturbances, situations of
danger and threat to public order, with the aim of strengthening the
the ability to further combat riot intervention also in support of
law enforcement, alongside which the Army often works,
such as, for example, the 'Safe Roads' operation," the State explains
Major in the Army. "The training module ended with a
final exercise with opposing parties that made it possible to test
the techniques acquired and the ability to react in "Crowd" contexts
and Riot Control"".
Here is still a test, unfortunately, of the
growing and very dangerous presence of the armed forces on the front
interior according to the control of public order and repression of
any form of dissent.
It must also be reported as precisely at
The 62nd "Sicily" infantry regiment of Catania were activated by
A couple of years traveled PCTO (the notorious alternation
School-Word-Corner) for Sicilian school students
secondary. Students are employed in the “repairs of devices
Telecommunications and vehicles, in the management of warehouses and deposits;
in the maintenance of green and in the management of the kitchen service e
food distribution ". (Source: the school goes to the war. Investigation on
militarization of education in Italy. Manifestolibri).
18 March - Palermo - Against the recruitment of students and young people to the imperialist war
Author: maoist
Description: Against the "International Forum for Peace, Security and Prosperity" organized in Palermo from 17 to 20 March 2024, addressed Principal ...
Published Time: 2024-03-18T23:32:00+08:00
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Against the "International Forum for Peace, Security and Prosperity"
Organized in Palermo from 17 to 20 March 2024, aimed mainly at students and students of high schools and university, which planned many and varied events that have war as their object but which are covered by the attractive name of "peace".
The use of "captivating", "neutral" names is now the norm: the imperialist countries headed by the United States (always flanked by Italian imperialism) have called the "Peace Missions" wars, "International Police Operations" , "Humanitarian war"! "Dursing freedom" (Enduring Freedom) ...
To deny their words are the organizers of the Forum themselves when they declare that they aim to involve "representatives of the judiciary, public order and the profession of arms" who want to explore "collaboratively the role of the armed forces, institutions of public order and justice in creating the basis for a thriving global community based on peace and prosperity".
Other than "peace and prosperity"! This initiative is part of a context that already sees students
engaged, also through the so-called school-work alternation, in the "flag-raising", in the meetings in schools with the "law enforcement", in guided tours in the barracks, in the bases such as Sigonella, in military airports to learn to pilot planes from War ... and in fact it aims to push students, students and young people to enlist in the various army bodies.
A "Forum" for the indoctrination, therefore, of "conquering the hearts and minds" of young people, as per the war textbook, precisely to make imperialist war an acceptable fact, no longer just the "piecemeal world war" as the pope calls it, but also total and even explicitly nuclear war.
The Italian government has in fact already dragged the country into the ongoing war with money and weapons like the one fought in Ukraine, between the different imperialisms, through an intermediary! or in the war against the Palestinian people with their support for the Nazi state of Israel which is carrying out genocide; but also with the sending of warships to the Red Sea against Yemen, or the aircraft carrier Cavour together with 5 other military ships in the South China Sea... and the dead, the wounded and the destruction that all this causes is there for all to see on a daily basis!
Is it a coincidence that these initiatives are held in Sicily? whereas it is already an 'aircraft carrier in the middle of the Mediterranean' crammed with military bases; this warmongering "Forum", to which many institutions have given their support, such as the Region of Sicily and the Regional School Office, must first of all be unmasked as open propaganda for war, also because it once again makes waste paper of Article 11 of the Constitution which is very clear: "Italy repudiates war as a means of resolving international disputes", and Article 11 makes waste paper of all the law that regulates international relations between States.
The need to unmask the initiatives of the government and the army goes hand in hand with the mobilizations against the imperialist war, which must be continued, expanded and strengthened.
PC March 18 - International red rescue what was and what will have to return to being
Author: maoist
Description: The International Red Rescue, also known by the acronym MOPR from its original name (Russian: Международная организация помо...
Published Time: 2024-03-19T00:27:00+08:00
International Red Rescue
, also known with the abbreviation
from the original name (in
International Organization of Assistance to Revolution Fighters
, "
International red rescue for the fighters of the Revolution
"), it was an international organization connected to
International Communist
founded in
The organization led some campaigns of social solidarity to support prisoners
and material and humanitarian support in particular situations. It was led by
Clara Zetkin
Elena Stasova
Tina Modotti
International red rescue declared on March 18, 1923 on the anniversary of the Municipality of Paris 'International Solidarity Day with political prisoners'
pc 18 March - Taranto event Saturday 23 March at 6 pm Piazza immacolata
Author: maoist
Description: IsraeLecriminal/Palestinimmortale cease the fire - Stop massacres and genocide - International/contingent delegation ...
Published Time: 2024-03-19T01:41:00+08:00
Havingecriminale / Palestinaimmortale
cease the fire - stop
massacres and genocide - International delegation/contingent
internationalist to the Court of Justice of Hague and in
occupied territories
Away with the imperialist troops
from the Red Sea / on the side of the Houthi rebels
Luiz Inácio should worry about the 'legalistic generals' - the new democracy
Author: Jaílson de Souza
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Would Tomás Ribeiro Paiva and his "legalist" peers consider the hypothesis of dismissing a military coup now if the masses were undergravation and if he had the consent of the US State Department?
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T18:19:45-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T03:27:11+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: 60 anos de 1964
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-18T18:19:45-03:00
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At a ministerial meeting, today, the country's agent, Luiz Inacio, fired against Jair Bolsonaro: “If three months ago when we talked about coup it seemed only insinuation, today we are sure that this country was in serious danger of having a blow due to From the 2022 elections. And there was no blow not only because some people who were in charge of the Armed Forces did not want to do, they did not accept the president's idea, but also because the president is a cowardly. He did not have the courage to execute what he planned, he was in the house crying almost a month and preferred to escape to the US than to do what he had promised, in the expectation that abroad the blow could happen because they funded people in Gate of the quarters to try to stimulate the blow. ”
Although it is exactly his description of Bolsonaro, Luiz Inácio Claudio consciously in the fight against coup. Although it does not save on the rank of the high military mandates who opened openly for the institutional rupture, the truth is that Luiz Inacio Apazigue views thick and conciliates with those for whom the armed forces should be spun of “democracy” - and therefore spun from its restriction or suspension.
Let's look at the current commander, Tomás Ribeiro Paiva, treated by Luiz Inacio as noble democratic figure. On January 18, 2023, ten days after the fateful January 8 - when hundreds of “green chickens” promoted invasion in the Praça dos Três Powers - the general was caught “analysis of the political situation” in a meeting with his subordinates. At the time, Thomas was a military commander of the Southeast.
In his exhibition, the general begins by evaluating the outcome of the elections: "Unfortunately it was the result that, for most of us, was unwanted but happened." Thomas argues that, despite this, we need to follow life.
Later, referring to January 8, he said: “Here the deplorable and unfortunate scenes. We gave the guy a tool to call a terrorist. ” The "guy" was Alexandre de Moraes, elected Archirrival for Bolsonaro himself. “This is vandal, this is crazy, it is expensive that has come into a fanatic spiral that does not support itself. What did you produce? Anything. The guy shit in the Supreme Chair. What does that change? Changes no fucking. ” Outraged, the general continues: “What a childish thing, dumb, they [the 'green chickens']
have delivered a huge saved to a narrative that we are seeing that it is being established now
”. Later, he concludes: “On the 8th, we had an unacceptable event under any circumstances. Vandalism. Projected the negative image of Brazil in the world and, from a strategic point of view,
Strengthens the opponent
. Then it gave problem. ”
As it turns out, General Tomás Paiva, who won the notorious title of General Democrat by arguing that politics and barracks should not mix, does just that in his lecture. Why did you reveal your frustration with the fact that the "green chickens" have discredited the cause of military intervention, now called "terrorism" by this "huge narrative that is being established now"? Doesn't that look like an explicit political position of an active high officer - being a crime according to the military regulation? And after all, who is the opponent favored strategically? It would be the left - or what the general identifies as “left”? Now, but wouldn't the army be a "state institution", "apartisan"?
The current army commander goes further and complains about those who intended to occur military intervention at that time. “Impossible to do. We saw the consequences of this. You saw the worldwide repercussion. Imagine if we had taken it for an adventure? We would not survive as a country; The
currency would explode
. We were going to take a
Economic blockade never seen
. You were going to be an outcast, and our people were going to suffer the consequences. Would have
blood on the street
Or you think the people were going to stay at home
. It wasn't going to happen. We would dive the country into chaos. ” As can be noted, what moves its objection is not the defense of the noble cause of “democracy”, so loved by Tomás Ribeiro Paiva, but the lack of international support (
The US State Department had pronounced itself in April that it would not accept scam and would impose economic sanctions
) and justification in the face of internal public opinion, or more exactly, fear of raising revolutionary resistance to total military intervention.
It remains to ask: What if these variables did not exist? Would Tomás Ribeiro Paiva and his "legalist" peers consider the hypothesis of dismissing a military coup now if the masses were undergravation and if he had the consent of the US State Department? Or would Tomás Ribeiro Paiva staged the role of Castelo Branco, the liberal ultrarectionary general who, in a week, swore loyalty to the government of Jango and, in the other, headed the first military government following the 1964 coup, which would later be swallowed by far right?
Luiz Inácio, committed to electorally polarizing Bolsonaro, is forgetting to take care of his own rear. More dangerous than Bolsonaro, they are the generals of the high command.
Even if expected, Putin's electoral victory strengthens him on the international scene - the new democracy
Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Internacional
Description: Regardless of the contradictions that surrounded the process, the result is proof of the growing stability of the Putin government even in the scenario of intense tensions with USA and other European imperialist powers.
Link-Section: internacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T18:55:58-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:03:28+08:00
Sections: Internacional
Tags: russia, ucrânia
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-18T18:55:58-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg
After three days of elections, Vladimir Putin was reelected president of Russia, in a process marked by a strong military presence on the outskirts of the electoral sections and protests and arrests of anti-Putin protesters. Despite the demonstrations, the fifth electoral victory followed by Putin, is still a proof of strength from the Russian agent, both in the national scenario and in the international scene. The picture can aggravate tensions with the United States (USA), which has fostered world conflicts and tensions in its race for establishing itself as unique hegemonic superpower and containing more antagonistic imperialist superpowers and powers, such as Russia or China.
According to data from the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Putin was elected with 87% in a claim that had 74.22% attendance. In the streets of Russia, and other countries around the world, many protests by Putin opponents, from leaders aligned with the science interests of Yankee imperialism to young activists with aspirations for more democratic freedoms in the country, condemned the claim and its result. The mobilizations were recorded in countries such as Brazil, France, Australia, Japan, Armenia, Germany, Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom. In Russia, hundreds of people were arrested on the morning of March 15 for attacks on electoral colleges.
Regardless of the contradictions that surrounded the process, the result is proof of the growing stability of the Putin government even in the scenario of intense tensions with USA and other European imperialist powers. The American Magazine
The Economist
, of editorial aligned with the interests of the White House, analyzed that "unlike collapsing, the Russian regime has proven resilient."
This conclusion is even more solid if the electoral victory is analyzed in conjunction with other aspects of the Russian government. Economically, Putin follows without major problems despite two years of the war of aggression against Ukraine. State coffers are full, and oil records to countries like India have helped keep the economy stable. Relations with China also help the country not to collapse economically. The Asian social-imperialist giant has replaced the voids created in the Russian economy with the departure of companies such as BMW and H&M. m. Militarily, Russia continues to advance against Ukraine. In recent months alone, Putin has advanced on Avdiika, one of his greatest achievements in Ukraine since the Bakhmut conquest, and the Wagner group has announced that it would merge their troops with the Russian National Guard, a clear resolution of contradictions with the grocery band they had culminated in. In the riot of former chief, Prighozhin. Since
September of last year
, when Putin offered a position at the Ministry of Defense for the then commander of the group, Andrei Troshev, that the Russian agent sought to consolidate the group's submission to his control. Finally, the physical or political settlement of Putin opponents also solidify the leadership of the current president in the political sphere. It was like this with the death of Alexei Navalny, under conditions not yet explained, and the prohibition of opponents such as Boris Nadezhdin to participate in the election.
Tensions should get worse
In short, Russian imperialism is strong, and this inevitably reflects on the international scene.
It is expected that current tensions around the Ukraine War, for example, to sharpen. As soon as he won the election, Putin announced that "there are conditions to advance more, so that Russia is stronger, stronger and more effective."
Specifically about the war of aggression, he said that busy Ukrainian territories belong to “entirely to the Russian military” and that it is necessary to “solve the problems of the special operation [the term the government uses to refer to war], strengthen defense capacities and the Armed Forces ”.
In other words, the war will not cease for now, and Russia will continue to invest in aggression to consolidate dominion for its minimum conflict goals - almost all already achieved - and advance at other points.
The news is a displeasure for other countries, such as USA, which expected from Russia a larger economic and military wear and tear throughout the war to finally fulfill its plan to consolidate around atomic superpower an antimysis belt.
Currently, as much as the USA is still close to this goal (with the entry of countries such as Sweden and Finland in NATO), the excessive extension of the war is still a problem for the Yankee. The debate on spending on Ukraine and NATO was the subject of controversy in the US Congress more than once in 2023, and tends to be one of the hot topics in the end of the year's presidential elections.
On the other side, French President Emmanuel Macron continues with threats against the atomic superpower. On March 16, in the midst of the elections in Russia, the French president said in an interview with the newspaper
The Parisian
That "perhaps at some point-I do not wish and I will not take the initiative-it is necessary to perform operations on the ground, whatever, to counterattack the Russian forces."
Threats have been made since late February. Putin has responded to them more than once. With the new victory, however expected, the greatest chances are the aggravation of tensions. In his victory speech, Putin even mentioned "peace negotiations with Ukraine."
The agreement, which will surely seal Russian rule in the territories won so far, does not seem like the most likely development in the short term. If it occurs, it will not mean the appeasement of world tensions among the imperialist powers. The only certainty today is that the general crisis of imperialism and its concrete expressions only tend to get worse.
SP: Public servants in Caieiras mobilize general strike in defense of salaries - A Nova Democracia
Author: Comitê de Apoio — São Paulo (SP)
Categories: Nacional
Description: Servers will perform general stoppage and demonstration on March 20.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T17:13:50-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:13:48+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: Luta Classista
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-18T17:13:50-03:00
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On March 20, public servants in the municipality of Caieiras will carry out a general stoppage against salary reduction that reaches up to 20%. The mobilized servers will also perform a demonstration to the Caieiras City Hall, requiring improvements to the category.
With a many -year salary lag, Caieiras public servants at the end of February suffered another attack with the withdrawal of qualification bonus, which guaranteed an increase of 10% in the salaries of professionals with technical level and 20% to professionals with level higher. In response to the attacks, public servants mobilize to recover their rights.
As in Caieiras Public Servants of São Paulo also started their journey to fight the constant attacks, on strike since 13/03, public servants have held protests in front of the city that brought together thousands of workers. The tendency is for more municipalities to unify in strikes in defense of their salaries.
Paper on the 153th anniversary of the Paris commune.
Author: Periódico Mural
Description: Paper on the 153th anniversary of the commune of Paris.1 The commune of Paris has conquered immortality as one of the most glorious pages of the international working class, being the first test ...
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T20:38:13+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:19:24+08:00
Type: article
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Paper on the 153th anniversary of the Paris commune.
The Paris commune has conquered immortality as one of the most glorious pages of the international working class, being the first essay of the proletarian revolution and the taking of the political power of the State.
On March 18, 1871, the working class and the Paris workers took arms abandoned by the Monarchical Army of Napoleon III, which had recently been defeated in the Franco-Prussian War. The second French empire, bastion of European reaction and obscurantism, was then the weakest link in the chain of domination of the oppressive classes against the proletariat. Here are some general notes that allow us to understand why.
The second French empire formed after a coup d'etat of the monarchical army in the midst of the French political crisis. This is important because it tells us how the power of the bourgeoisie arose in the midst of restorations and counter-reclaimes amid hard class struggle between monarchy and bourgeoisie.
The monarchical -absolutist state was increasingly in a deeper structural crisis in the midst of its military defeats and the development of capitalism in Europe and the United States.
Within these military defeats, the people of Mexico can proudly count the copy of the National Liberation Fight against the Second French intervention, devised by Napoleon III who sought to strengthen politically and militarily the self -proclaimed “2nd Mexican empire” by Maximiliano de Habsburg with the support and money from European monarchies. The exemplary defense of the Peoples of Anahuac fighting in guerrilla columns next to the Republican Army of Juárez, Díaz, Zaragoza, Colonel Máximo Pineda and other outstanding characters in national history, managed to expel the invader in June 1867 after great battles such as the of May 5, 1862 in Puebla and on September 5, 1866 in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca.
The Franco-Prussian war fought between two monarchical and warrior empires (France and Prussia, today Germany) between July 19, 1870 and May 10, 1871 deepened the crisis of the second French empire; The French bourgeoisie took power and restored the third republic in command of Adolfo Thiers, who continued the war without hearing the feeling of the soldiers emerged mostly from the working classes. The French army was defeated by the Germans in March 1871.
This was the unequivocal call that summoned the proletariat and the Parisian workers to take in their hands the torch of the proletarian revolution, expropriating the weapons abandoned by the French National Guard and recruiting for their cause the children of the working class dressed in military uniforms with military uniforms that aspired to peace, bread and freedom.
Terrified European monarchies and bourgeoisie understood that the Paris commune enclosed in itself the germ of the destruction of private property over the means of production. Something that even coincided with the Prussian Empire. All, without exception, lent financial and military help to the French monarchy and bourgeoisie to reorganize a white army with own and borrowed troops to crush the commune. They did so, on May 21, 1871, the reactionary military counteroffensive began with more than 150 thousand mercenary soldiers against a proud and challenging proletariat, which promptly erected barricades to peel street by street.
Men, women, children, young and old, the entire proletariat rose up heroically and bravely like a veritable Red Army, striking back every blow and inflicting severe casualties on the White Army until the last barricade that managed to stand until May 28, 1871. It is estimated that the number of massacred is around 30,000 comrades, many of whose names have been lost to history. In his memory, and paying homage to 147 people shot in that place, the wall of the comuneros was built in the Pere-Lachaise Cemetery.
From the Paris Commune it is important to remember the great heroes of the proletariat, many of them members of the workers' government who were shot in the cemetery while shouting Long live the Commune!
Today we want to highlight the fellow Eugene Pottier, worker poet, author of the most beautiful of the works of the literature entitled: La Internacional, which has been musicalized by another worker, Pierre Degeyter, and has become the hymn of war of the proletariat and oppressed peoples around the world.
The Great Lenin tells us:
“This song has been translated into all the languages of Europe, and not just from Europe. Whatever the country in which a worker with class consciousness is, whatever the fate that fate will hold, no matter how much a stranger, without a language, without friends, far from his home country, can find comrades and friends, can find comrades and friends with the family chorus of the international ”.
The peoples of Mexico must proudly know that our great national liberation struggle against the second French intervention is historically linked to the heroic struggle of the French proletariat, serving as an external factor for its triumph in March 1871. The example of the commune of Paris It has also marked us as we could see in the popular rebellion from June 14 to November 25, 2006 with the heroic popular assembly of the peoples of Oaxaca and its commune, erected precisely in this historic square.
The working class and the peoples of the world must remember the great history of the commune of Paris, we must resume its historical legacy as the Great Federico Engels teaches:
“They have been filled with terror when listening to the words: dictatorship of the proletariat. Do you want to know what this dictatorship is like? Look at the Paris commune. That was the dictatorship of the proletariat "
Long live the 153th anniversary of the Paris commune!
Paper of the Cultural Center and Science Studies for the proletarian revolution on the occasion of the 153th anniversary of the Paris commune. Presented at the plant of the
Fighting Day in Defense of People's Rights
, in Oaxaca, on March 4, 2023.
In reference to the main square of Oaxaca City, from where the APPO launched its first government factions, the first of them decreeing the disappearance of powers (executive, legislative and judicial), concentrating all of them in the Council of the APPO.
AM: Peasant Leadership is arrested after denouncing Latifundium crimes - the new democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio – Manaus (AM)
Categories: Luta Pela Terra
Description: Paulo was arrested after denouncing kidnappings and torture of peasants at the behest of local landowners. The peasant also denounced the participation of one of the landowners in illegal wood extraction scheme.
Link-Section: luta-pela-terra
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T17:21:45-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:19:34+08:00
Sections: Luta Pela Terra
Tags: perseguição política, Pistolagem
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-18T17:21:45-03:00
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In a clearly persecuting process, peasant leader Paulo Sérgio Costa de Araújo, one of the Marielle Franco community leaders was arrested on March 5, accused of joining a “criminal organization” after denouncing torture against the peasants and pointing out police calls Civil and military with the landowner Sidnei Sanches Zamora who, according to the peasants, have intensified the attacks against the land that workers reside.
Community peasants, which reside in southern Amazonas, say the agrarian conflict has intensified in the region in recent months, having suffered several attacks by gunmen together with civil and military police forces. The community houses about 200 families, which began occupation of the area in 2015.
Following the last offensive of the estate, where community leaders were kidnapped and tortured, Paulo Sérgio would have denounced to journalists not only torture and kidnapping, but also that the peasants would have caught Zamora in an illegal wood extraction scheme in the region.
A few days after the coward attack, Paulo was arrested by determination of Judge Danny Rodrigues Moraes, from the 1st Court of the District of Labrea, accused of commanding a "criminal organization". In the text of the court decision that led to the arrest of the activist, the judge even stated, to justify the urgent character of the arrest that: “(…) Paul not only prepares for the invasion of the farm posts, but also in the possibility of that there is a possible slaughter against its employees. (…) Paulo Sérgio is known to be 'Peimudo', 'dangerous' and "would have the courage to suckle in jaguar and leave the facts [sic] hungry."
Prior to prison, however, in an interview with the Amazon Portal Real, the peasant leader states that Zamora would have great influence among local authorities: “He [Sidnei Zamora] has an area of 10,400 hectares of pasture, but he doesn't want to give up from the forest area. There, the farmer has a very large influence trafficking with the Boca do Acre police [municipality of Amazonas], with the Acre police, ”said the activist.
Zamora and Zamora Filho trying to intimidate the squatters of the region. Photo: Reproduction
Sidnei Zamora Filho practices shot and with his father on the farm. Photo: Playback Instagram/Sidnei Sanches Zamora Filho
About the community built by the peasants, the leader states: “He has the support of the authorities. And he has the greatest hatred for the name of our community to be Marielle Franco. There he is the owner of the situation. To register a complaint against him, no one can. ”
Paulo Sérgio still complements, reiterating his commitment to the righteous struggle for land: “Here is a city without law. Send who has money, obeys who does not have. Only I don't have [money] and I don't even want to obey. I will not obey the law of terror, ”he says.
According to CPT lawyer, Afonso Chagas, who accompanied the custody hearing where the indefinite prison was maintained: “We will be prepared for everything, including a negative in court, we immediately resort to the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Paulo is arrested for leading a criminal organization, that is, the people who fight for the right to land is criminalized, and the land is public, ”concludes Afonso.
Incra's superintendent in Amazonas, Denis da Silva Pereira, reiterates that the area, in fact, belongs to the Union. According to him, after a cartographic study, Incra identified that the area, which has about 48 thousand hectares, is Inside the New Christmas Gleba and is Révoluta Land.
The landowner in question, Zamora, who claims to be the owner of the land, would never have proven with any title the authorities in question, even being asked several times on the issue. The man, of São Paulo origin, would have declared in 2010, to have at least 3 farms in the Acre region and at least 30,000 heads of cattle, and even composed a landowner who traveled to China to increase the export of his “Green/ecosustainable meat” for the country.
AM: Brigade members sell newspapers at Ufam - The New Democracy
Author: Comitê de Apoio – Manaus (AM)
Categories: Nacional
Description: During the interventions, the activists stressed not only the defense of the Heroic Palestinian National Resistance, but also the accomplice role that the press monopoly has faced the ongoing genocide.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T17:25:58-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:25:56+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: agitação e propaganda
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-18T17:25:58-03:00
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On March 15, activists of the New Democracy - Manaus support committee, held a victorious brigade, during which they sold the Edition 254 of the and.
During the interventions, the activists stressed not only the defense of the Heroic Palestinian National Resistance, but also the accomplice role that the press monopoly has faced the ongoing genocide.
Brigadist sells and at Ufam. Photo: Database and
Brigade members exalted the Palestinian National Resistance. Photo: Database and
The activists were very well received by the masses, who heard their explanations enthusiastically. Students who were unable to buy the edition at the moment photographed the cover of the newspaper so they could look on the internet later.
The "ninis" and the need for the revolutionary organization of youth | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: But before this panorama, what to do? First, it is necessary for youth to think about political organization as the basis and principle of the
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T15:55:58-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T04:55:48+08:00
Section: Juventud
Tags: jóvenes, Juventud, Juventud revolucionaria, mujeres jóvenes, ninis, organización de la juventud
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg
Young people, especially women, are being victims of a derogatory and stigmatizing label: "the ninis" (young people who neither study nor work); With this remote we are characterized by lazy, lazy, lazy ...
This narrative that persecutes us and points out is one of the many crimes of capital and, although it is not new, today is more frequent in family dinners, on social networks and in the media.
At the same time, this is an issue that young people do not speak, for two reasons: it is not well understood why our aspirations in this society fail; And because recognizing this failure is not easy and is painful. The ability to understand why capitalism frustrates our aspirations will acquire it after overcoming narcissistic subjectivism, which prevents us from studying reality.
According to a study by the University of the Rosario "approximately 3 out of 10 young Colombians between 18 and 29 years are in the Ninis group" this study also reveals that in the departments where unemployment, underemployment and reactionary war abound: Atlantic: Atlantic , Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Córdoba, Huila, Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Risaralda and Sucre The percentage of women who do not study or work exceeds 75 % compared to men; which further aggravates your condition of submission, and increases or creates greater risks over their lives.
Among the main reasons why young people do not access formal work or education, are: the low wages, the precarious working conditions, temporary or hours, the lousy school education that we receive the poorest overcrowded in Public schools or schools, the absence or little offer of public university and university institutions, the lack of the necessary products to sustain a student, the mental illnesses generated by capital crises, among others.
And this occurs throughout the world, but it is exacerbated in oppressed countries such as ours, since capital needs an industrial reserve army, because thanks to this army they can fire workers if they organize or stop production, since They have thousands of hands willing to take the abandoned place; In addition to this, and it is something recurring, you can start fighting for the same position, weakening the strength of our class.
In addition, this reserve army can link it to the armed forces that are at their service or criminal gangs, strengthening capitalist and imperialist businesses that benefit from drug trafficking.
All these conditions give oxygen to the overproduction of capital, increase oppression over us, giving imperialists and the national bourgeoisie magnanimous profits without the need to make large investments in education or technological development; In addition, promoting that young people who do study seek to migrate to another country that can guarantee a better lifestyle, placing their knowledge and work force at the service of imperialism, building the rope with which they oppress their classmates .
And this is so, because the modern causes of unemployment in young people are related to the overproduction and automation of work that displaces work force and displaces the young people of the working class towards misery, since the intensity of our work increases, and at the same time closes jobs.
But this does not mean, in any sense, that technological advances are guilty; No, the main problem is that this technology is not at the service of our class, much less - as some nationalists would say - it is because of the link to the productive sector of poor migrants, which displaces the local workforce. No, these migrants are our classmates and the enemy is the capital that uses them against our interests.
Imperialism, in alliance with the Colombian bourgeoisie, imposes policies that have turned our country into an industrial complex in which only cheap labor is bought, mainly young; In which, in the division of international labor, it is the production of psychotropics, the extracted of natural resources, where education only seeks speech and submission, leaving us few options. All these policies only benefit the bourgeoisie.
But before this panorama, what to do? In the first place, it is necessary that youth be thought of political organization as the basis and the principle of the transformation of its reality, to go to collective action from revolutionary youth organizations, to the party organization. Fundamental then for this, it is to know at what stage the revolution is in Colombia, and this begins to accept that there is no truly revolutionary party that organizes the people in search of popular power, so the young people who are affected must be added to the efforts of the Communist Workers Union (MLM) for the creation of the Revolutionary Party in Colombia.
Secondly, understanding that the armed struggle is not the struggle of a small group of men and women who decide to make small blows. No, it is the people's fight in arms, led by their party. The party sends to weapons, and the interests of the masses monitor, press, compose and finance the party.
And the armed struggle is not a whim, it responds to the awareness that the only possible way to defeat our enemies is by non -peaceful means. Therefore it is essential that young people begin to seriously investigate the reason for the failure of the guerrillas of our country, the experiences of the popular survey of 2021 and the subsequent overflow of the revolutionary struggle, and mainly requires that we study the
Program for the revolution in Colombia, the military line for the revolution in Colombia and the mass line
of the Communist Workers Union (MLM).
We must create cells and those cells must be disciplined in the study, which is the one that guides the practice, and the practice is the one that complements the study. Time is short and the strongest, skillful and great minds of our class are needed to deepen the successes and correct errors.
Young people must organize the revolution, and that is only achieved by concentrating all the forces against the main enemies of the people, learning from the revolution next to the masses, checking the heat of the struggle who accompanies us in this hard and just way of the transformation of society and the construction of a new tomorrow.
Young companions to promote criticism in the assemblies, to promote true popular assemblies, to build our party!
Communism is not a ghost, it is alive and is fighting for the construction of the party! Young aim at the revolution begins by creating the game!
The 8M in Bogotá did have a red component | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: Although at first glance the march of International Women's Day seems to be dominated by bourgeois feminism, it is necessary and very important to mention
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T18:05:22-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T06:04:53+08:00
Section: Emancipación de la mujer
Tags: 8 de marzo, Bogotá, Mujer
Type: article
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Although at first glance the march of the International Women's Day seems to be dominated by bourgeois feminism, it is necessary and very important to mention that a part of the 8M mobilization in Bogotá was attended by a differentiating factor. Combativity and belligerence cannot be denied, the challenging attitude in their voices and the numerous assistance of women who left from the Ministry of Labor to the Plaza de Bolívar, however, the limitations that to this movement that to this movement cannot be denied It imposes bourgeois feminism.
During the march of March 8 in Bogotá, a small but significant block of women and men could be seen manifesting with a combative and revolutionary character, in which activists of the workers' revolution also participated. With slogans that go beyond the just demands in general against patriarchy, against violence, femicides, abuse, beyond the demands of equality and some choirs against men; The speech of this block recalled that the capitalist system is the cause of oppression to women and made the call for women's claims to aim against the double exploitation suffered by workers, economic freedom, the recognition of their work Also at home, the political participation of women independently and especially for the organization of their struggle in a revolutionary female movement.
From the independent block convened by activists of the Revolutionary Women Palestinian women killed by Zionism and Imperialism, as well as that of important revolutionary such as Betsabé Espinal and Clara Zetkin, among others. At the same time he delivered a considerable amount of written propaganda, almost the only one that was seen in the march, which includes the MFR struggle platform, as a proposal for the basis of unity for the organization of the women's committees.
Another of the elements that highlighted this block was the participation of men; The men who share in practice the struggle of women from their position of husbands, children, parents, couples, fighting companions and mainly, like their class brothers. This participation, until now vetoed by feminism, also highlights the importance of the fight must be elbow between men and women, while demarcating a new trend in these mobilizations.
Undoubtedly, the participation of this red component in the march of the city, is a great advance in the construction of another type of female movement and demonstrates the need for a revolutionary direction for it. The call is to form women's committees in all regions and in all sectors, the flag of women's emancipation must be lifted and directed by the labor movement, remembering that it is precisely in this movement where it has the origins this commemoration. So, this task is raised to proletarian women, but also to students, peasants and all women in the popular sectors.
We greet from here those workers who welcomed the call and set out to organize participation in the march and motivate them to continue this work, because we know that very soon, this embryo of the new revolutionary female movement demonstrated in Bogotá, will grow in the main Cities and villages of the country, we can see red blocks in all marches and both slogans, as the flags will become a flow of flows of thousands of women for their emancipation of oppression and exploitation of capital and against imperialist capitalism.
The revolutionary legacy of the commune of Paris | Workers Revolution
Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: The commune of Paris proclaimed on March 18, 1871, represents a significant chapter in the history of the labor movement. It was the first social essay
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T18:38:50-05:00
Published Time: 2024-03-19T07:38:35+08:00
Section: Efemérides
Tags: Comuna, Comuna de Paris, Estado, revolución
Type: article
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The commune of Paris proclaimed on March 18, 1871, represents a significant chapter in the history of the labor movement. It was the first social essay of the revolutionary proletariat to take political power, unleashing a civil war against exploiters, establishing an embryonic form of direct working democracy. Not only was it a significant revolutionary action in itself, but also provided a practical model for the future of the proletarian struggle.
This government emerged spontaneously during the Franco-Prussian war, as a response to general discontent against the bourgeoisie, which had triggered war and exercised a mediocre defense of the homeland. The commune was chosen on March 26 and proclaimed two days later, implementing policies to meet the immediate needs of the laborious masses and dissolving the old state of the exploiters.
The measures adopted by the commune included the abolition of the permanent army and the police, the democratic and revocable election of the officials with workers' salaries, and the separation of the Church and the State. These acts demonstrated how the masses solved in practice the problem of the dictatorship of the proletariat, a dictatorship for the oppressive classes, with the democratic exercise of the exploited and oppressed masses.
The commune type is characterized by being a new type of state that denies the bourgeois state. Its power comes from the direct initiative of the masses from below, replacing repressive institutions with the general weapons of the people and replacing bureaucracy with eligible and removable officials. It serves the proletariat as a ruling class to exercise its dictatorship about the ancient oppressors and exploiters, but at the same time, it is the beginning of the denial of every state.
The women, since the beginning of the revolution on March 18, were fundamental in the defense of the city, facing government troops and demonstrating their firmness not only in support work, but with weapons in the barricades; especially during the last week. The women of the commune were not limited to a traditional "feminist movement", but were actively involved as workers and this could be seen in the organization of committees, clubs, cooperatives, such as the Union of Women for the defense of Paris founded by Louise Michel.
The military defeat of the commune occurred thanks to the alliance of the Prussian forces that helped to fence the city and the forces of Thiers that were nourished by the liberation of the prisoners in the hands of Prussia, defeat helped by the naive benevolence of the leaders workers who did not take the rapid and urgent measures to “expropriate the expropriators” as was the Bank of France, measures that gave the necessary time and the resources for the reaction to be lifted and joined internationally.
Despite its fall on May 28, 1871, the commune of Paris left historical teachings that still guide the praxis of the revolutionary detachments of the working class and its real parties. The lessons of the commune are mandatory and their understanding and application is decisive for the communists in the world, especially after the experiences of the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia and China and its temporary defeat.
“The commune has died! Long live the commune! The working class did not expect any miracle from the commune. The workers do not have any utopia ready to implement it for recret du peuple (by decree of the people). They know that, to conquer their own emancipation, and with it that superior form of life to which current society tends irremissibly for their own economic development, will have to go through long struggles, for a whole series of historical processes, which will completely transform the completely the circumstances and men. They do not have to perform any ideals, but simply give free rein to the elements of the new society that the old agonizing bourgeois society carries in its bosom. ”
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