Referring to those made to the Palestinian flags, the pennants of the YDG and the Union of Struggle, and especially the hate attacks revealed by the Lubuni, YDG said, “Determining an attitude on the Istanbul Newrozu held in Yenikapı, and the necessary criticisms on our experiences and direct experiences It is a necessity in the dimension of events to do and take a self -critical attitude. ”
The continuation of YDG's statement titled iz Our evaluation of what happened in Istanbul Yenikapı Newrozu ”is as follows:
‘The day full of enthusiasm and hope was wanted to be overshadowed by provocations’
“It is necessary to discuss a number of important issues from the Palestinian flags to the flams of our institution and the Union of Struggle, and especially the hate attacks that are revealed to the lubunias. We will try to summarize all of them by setting up the issues in place.
All of the statements made so far, including the statement of the Newroz Organizing Committee, regarding this process, which started with hate attacks against LGBTI+s and did not stop until almost the end of the rally, are inadequate and have a content that is limited to each institution's own place and experiences, and does not see its own responsibilities. The issue boils down to the provocations of a group calling themselves National Kurds, a very small minority in the rally. However, the problem is much more rooted ideologically and practically than this, despite the fact that this group has engaged in endless provocations wherever they go.
Newroz on the day of resistance of the oppressed with the broadest participation and enthusiasm compared to the past years has been the target of direct and indirect attacks of the system. This enthusiastic and hopeful day was wanted to be overshadowed by provocations.
‘Inadequacy has opened a historical wound in all of us’
The aggression of the rally in the area of the LGBTI+s in the area with the rainbow and trance flags of the national Kurds initiated hate attacks on LGBTI+s, and these attacks in the rally by taking into consideration many Kurdish young people independent of this group, the crime grew. As soon as the attacks begin, few officials from the Organizing Committee, YDG, Partizan, SMF, Halkevleri, BDSP, EKA, December feminist collective activists and young people from young to older people developed a hundreds of patriotic, ownership attitudes and attackers. tried to prevent. However, the fact that hundreds of people were barricaded against aggressive groups during the process was not enough to keep LGBTI+safely in the field and could not end psychological and physical attacks. As a matter of fact, the fact that LGBTI +'s had to abandon their own Newroz areas in this way, such a helpless and insufficiency of those who advocate LGBTI+has opened a historical wound in all of us.
‘The Passing Committee and the Patriotic Movement of the Patriotic Movement’
The fact that the Organizing Committee and the patriotic movement did not address the problem in an organized manner despite the hate attacks that came to light and that they passed over as quietly as possible is the source of the failure to prevent these attacks and to create a safe space.
While LGBTI ’+lasa hate attitude continued on one side, those who carry Palestinian flags in many points in the rally faced the threatening discourses of small small groups, and the Palestinian flags were tried to be downloaded. In this chaotic and tense environment, the pennants of the Union of Struggle in the Turkish Revolutionary Movement leaders of the Turkish Revolutionary Movement of Deniz Gezmiş, which is supposedly burned on the hostility of Kemalism and the so -called cases of “Kurdishness” on the same fire, this Turkish state collaborator group by the group of trans and rainbow flags by the group side by side For our Kurdish name on which our name was written on it.
‘Collaborative Group Provocations Responsible’
It is responsible for the provocations that the collaborative group of M. Kemal, who should call them national Kurds with their actions and collaborative attitudes, but should call them the Unionist Kurds in the region in which they are located in the region where they are located. In these provocations, those who actually involve the accounts are among the ones that will be accountable, but there is a order that they should wait at the moment. Our anger, hatred, hands and eyes are on our primary enemy that organizes these hostile attacks. Every other hostility towards the public has to wait for the order of formation from the Turkish judge classes to a fundamental way, changing this order depends on the activities of these collaborative groups.
‘We are a problem that we are trying to give, but we cannot, but we will give self -criticism’
‘We have to grow up with every social subject and create opportunities for organizing’
The choice here is not simply whether or not to create spaces, but the future is everywhere being built by those who raise the line of resistance of today. LGBTI+s are escalating the struggle to establish their existence and identity, and the future will inevitably result in the acceptance of this, everyone will have to renew themselves by adapting to it. The question now is whether to be on the side of what is to come, to fight against the dominant system, its status quo and its building blocks, and to grow and renew with it. It is full of examples of the decline of the Turkish revolutionary movement, and especially of our organization, by not being able to overcome the blockage experienced by those who have conservatively stepped on the same memorization with its historical past. If we want to move forward and achieve our goals, we have to grow with every social subject that meets resistance and create opportunities for organization.
As in the case of Yenikapi Newroz, reconciling with the back offers a massive ground to provocation attacks, which cannot be prevented from the attacks. When the work reaches this point, it does not even need to be at that point of the Turkish state itself.
Although all this and the attacks have not been prevented, the fact that the provocations come across the self -reaction of the mass wherever they go and the mass reaction, the strongest grounds of the struggle against the system are, and how large the tendency of the mass is to the right. The place and hope we need to return to our direction are here.
‘We invite the Kurdish National Freedom Movement and the Organization Committee to give a more consistent self -criticism’
Unfortunately, we did not succeed in preventing the provocational attacks in this Newroz, but we are aware that the state will not stop in this regard, and as long as we succeed in educating and advancing the ideological struggle, ourselves and the masses, through possible contradictions, beyond simply demanding violent accountability, its provocations, whatever their form, will result in an attempt. Otherwise, the masses, who are instrumental in the crimes of sworn collaborators, whose numbers are very, very few, will not be able to be drawn from the wrong path they are in. Regardless of ideological and political progress, only violence and attempts to prevent it at the time of the incident are instrumental in tightening and interlocking the provocative line holders. For this reason, in order to distinguish between those who build the wrong path and those who enter it by mistake, we need to put before us a long-term and multifaceted ideological struggle, and other means of struggle must be added to it.
At all these points, it gives our self -criticism in terms of our responsibilities, especially LGBTI+'s target of the attack, which has become the target of the attack in every field, expressing that we will continue to be with the Kurdish National Freedom Movement and the Organizing Committee in terms of its own responsibilities We invite you to give. "