10 penitentiary agents arrested
Ten prison police officers were arrested on charges of torture, abuse of office and abuse of authorities on two prisoners in prison of Foggia
Two prisoners would have been pounded On 11 August 2023 in the prison of Foggia. After the beatings, according to what emerged from the investigations of the prosecutor, the arrested agents would have predisposed and signed deeds
false aimed at hiding the violence carried out and to prevent hospital diagnosis from being issued for the injuries reported by the two prisoners. For this reason, the ten agents in question are also accused of omission of office deeds, damage, bribery, ideological falsehood committed by an audience official in public documents, suppression, destruction and concealment of real acts.
During the investigations they would also have been accepted too threats and promises of retaliation through which the suspects they would have forced the victims to sign false minutes of declarations in which they provided a very different version of the facts from the one then ascertained by the investigations. The arrested agents would have done so that the two victims, despite having reported obvious injuries after the violence, they attest to having injured themselves in other ways and that there is no had been no aggression by the authorities within the Prison of Foggia.
The ten arrested agents are currently in precautionary custody in prison and everyone must answer, in various capacities, torture, abuse of authority, abuse of office and omission of office deeds, as well as of suppression, concealment and destruction of real acts.