Supported by popular movements, the residents of the Luiz Gomes occupation in Campina Grande made, on March 16, a brigade to finish the work to implant water pipes and thus enable quality access to water for all.
On the night of the same day there was also a victorious celebration of the International Day of Proletarian Women with Speech, Gived and a great tribute to the companion Perla Albuquerque Lima, resident of the deceased occupation just over a month ago, naming the popular school with its name.
Last year, residents of the Luiz Gomes occupation, with the support of CDP-CG (Campina Grande Popular Defense Comment), the Metropolis Observatory and the Green Campina Collective, were able to approve a project to implement the sewage and water through from the NGO Habitat to Humanity Brazil.
The NGO provided a project based on the purchase of materials and hiring some essential services for the progress of the work, but since the main direction of the money was the purchase of materials, it was necessary that the residents and supporters of Occupation unite forces, working together to improve their housing conditions. Thus, the work that began in September/2023, is expected to end the month of March/2024.
Celebrations and honors
Uniting collectives, supporters and residents, the brigade was held on March 9 in order to accelerate the work in force. In addition to the work in the work itself, a collective feijoada was also prepared in the popular school kitchen, activities with children and sweepstakes for those present.
There was also a moment of celebration and honors to emphasize the importance of International Proletarian Women's Day, with women of the occupation present, when a pamphlet was published by the Popular Women's Movement.

Finally, but not least, the tribute to the companion Perla. Perla was a woman in the fight, despite her serious health problems (fought lupus), was present in this fight for housing since the beginning, in 2020, when she raised her small canvas shack. Perla has always been present in the school activities, participating in training courses, ensuring the organization and preservation of the school and also showing interest in teaching reinforcement classes for children.
Last January, the partner Perla passed away after contracted Covid, a picture that complicated her health problem already affected by Lupus. Mother of 4 children, Perla left her small shack, who over these years, with a lot of effort, turned into a masonry house, but, more than that, left the example for so many other women who are in the fight for the fight for home. Therefore, to remember this great companion, the school was named “Popular School Perla Albuquerque Lima”.

And the mayor?
While residents build their housing infrastructure and struggle more and more for dignity, the mayor, in an election year, promised to have the electricity poles install in the occupation, which currently still has very precarious lighting. The promise was made last year, on the first day of the exhaustion works, giving it a period of 15 days, but, as expected, the people are still without the promised posts.
The mayor doubts the intelligence and capacity of the organized people: while promising worlds and funds in the hope of getting votes, it maintains in court a process of repossession of the land where the occupation Luiz Gomes was established.