March 18 Solidarity Day Rally with Political Prisoner in Innsbruck

Author: muhabirhasan
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Innsbruck | 20.03.2024 | Innsbruck was organized on March 18 with Political Prisoner on Solidarity Day ...
Link-Section: haberler
Published Time: 2024-03-20T00:00:00+08:00
Type: article
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Innsbruck | 20.03.2024 | The rally was organized on the Solidarity Day of 18 March on March 18 at Innsbruck. In the rally, it was organized by various democratic mass organizations, including the Atik Committee. After the opening speech at the rally started at 18:00, a speech was made on behalf of the iWW Fraction. In the speech, he touched upon attacks on the shelf members of the German state in Berlin.

Behind Atik was given a speech. In the speech, he touched upon the political prisoners around the world and explained the situation of Ecevit Piroğlu in concrete and the importance of solidarity was mentioned. Later, the paper was read by Komintern. In the statement, attacks on the class, unionists around the world were imprisoned by false trials. After the speech of nature activists, the action was terminated.
