Belfiore: in the night searches and kidnappings against 3 unionists from Si Cobas.

In the late evening of yesterday, various patrols of the Carabinieri Radiomobile Operational Unit carried out home searches at the home of three Si Cobas unionists, active in the front row in the fight against the Maxi of Belfiore: Asmerom Zemenfia and Abbas Mohsan of the national executive and Florina Ghiorghita of the national coordination.
All three companions were seized by cell phones and their respective SIMs, considered "body of the crime", relating to the strikes started from June last year to claim the actual and integral application of the CCNL freight and logistics transport in the warehouse of the GDO of Belfiore, and which in recent weeks has produced 17 days of strike and garrisons outside the gates following the will of the new supplier (the Manhandwork Cooperative) not to recognize the SI Cobas, largely majority among the workers.
The main charges, needless to say, are the usual: private violence, resistance to public officials and road blocking as well as "revised and corrected" by the new security decree of the Meloni government.
Evidently the Prosecutor of Verona, who issued the search mandate, intends to use the seizures of the personal goods of our companions as an intimidation tool in order to stop
The strikes outside the Maxidi warehouses and the protests of the workers who have developed in recent weeks also on the-sales points, reaching the point of expressing assessments of merit on the rightness or otherwise of the strikes: an all political judgment that should exhate from the role and by the Duties of a prosecutor ...
Indeed, the investigation deeds accuse the strikers of having turned on fires to warm up during the garrison at night, and even justify the imminent aggression of a company vigilante that last month, as well as widely documented by us, He came to point the gun in the face of workers !!!
As far as we are concerned, we strongly report this yet another repressive and intimidating act towards our organization, and we reiterate once again that the legitimacy of the strikes decide are not the courts nor the owners, but the workers: those workers who in the Strike put their wages and their jobs at stake in order to eliminate exploitation, hunger wages and anti -union reprisals.
If the masters and the prosecutors believe that these intimidation can stop our battles for the rights and dignity of the workers, they will soon realize once again that they have hurt the accounts.
Alongside the workers in the fight of the Maxidi of Belfiore!
Solidarity with Asmeron, Abbas and Florina!
They touch everyone!
Si Cobas Nazionale