Trøndelag: Om den såkalte enigheten i Fosen-saken

Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Innenriks
Description: 6. mars aksepterte reineierne i Nord-Fosen siida et endelig forlik utarbeidet av staten og energiselskapet Roan Vind. Omsider har de månedslange forhandlingene i den omstridte Fosen-saken tatt slut…
Modified Time: 2024-03-19T19:34:10+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-20T03:34:01+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

This is a debate article. Analysis and standpoint are the writer's own.

On March 6, the reindeer owners in the North Fosen Siida accepted a final settlement prepared by the state and energy company Roan Vind . Eventually, the month-long negotiations in the disputed Fosen case have ended.

Kort oppsummert gikk denne avtalen ut på at de ulovlig oppsatte vindturbinene får stå ut konsesjonsperioden til 2043 i bytte mot nye beitemarker og en årlig kompensasjon på til sammen rundt 9 millioner kroner. Dermed slutter de seg til Sør-Fosen siida som gjorde en lignende avtale i desember i fjor.

As the saying says, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. The Fosen case again demonstrates that the bourgeois state, with its monopoly capitalists, can freely ignore its own laws and international obligations. All in 2018, the UN announced that the human rights of the reindeer husbandry were in danger of being broken and asking the Norwegian state to stop the development until the case was completed. Their concerns were eventually confirmed by the unanimous Supreme Court judgment of 2021.

Men med unntak av at det har vært svært pinlig politisk for statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre og hans regjering, har de og utbygger alt i alt fått det slik de ønsket. Til NRK uttalte Støre blant annet: «Mekling har vært en bedre måte å ta hensyn til begge parter, som har ønsket å frem med [sic], på en god måte. Det har vi oppnådd her.»

That there is any equality between the parties is ridiculous. The state and Roan Vind went out the negotiations until they finally managed to break down the resistance and buy away the affected reindeer owners. In addition to this, the activists who at all dared to fight this injustice were exposed to depression and legal for Ølvation .

Although the Sami Parliament has reported that they want an independent investigation into the Fosen case, it is naive to believe that it will have some further consequences. The Sami Parliament is nothing but combadoric entity if the main task is to legitimize the dominance of the Norwegian state over Sápmi [1] And facilitates further re -development of these lands. We see an example of their comradoric character in the commentary on Sami president Silje Karine Muotka. She welcomes the "compromise" and also tells NRK that she is pleased that the parties have reached an agreement and further that it will lay the foundation for this breach of human rights to be "repaired".

The fact that this case is now a laid back chapter is the well -known artist and activist Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen disagree with: "This is no victory, and I know many people had wanted to asth [sic] There would be a happy ending to it here." She is one of several tens of shareholders who have been tried after refusing to pay fines for occupying government buildings and the Storting - actions that the police first praised! She goes on to NRK that there must be an error in the system when the state can start the development without a final legal decision and that they can subsequently impose negotiations.

Som kommunister vet vi at Fosensaken og andre lignende overtramp ikke er noe form for «systemfeil» men rett og slett er vanlig praksis i kapitalismen. Behovet er derfor større enn noen gang for å bygge virkelig uavhengige organisasjoner som beskytter folkets rettigheter og som konsekvent bryter med legalisme og borgerlig parlamentarisme. Bare da kan blant annet samenes kamp for rettferdighet og nasjonalt selvråderett bli realisert.

Also read:


[1] The traditional habitats of the Sami
