Haiti: riots and imperialist intervention

Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Latin-Amerika
Description: Western media whip up opinion in support of a new intervention in Haiti, but a professor of the United States states that Haiti has an "imperialism problem", not a "gang problem". Today's crisis in Haiti Un…
Modified Time: 2024-03-18T15:31:38+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-20T15:00:00+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

Picture: Archive image from previous riots in Haiti.

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

Western media whip up opinion in support of a new intervention in Haiti, but a professor of the United States states that Haiti has an "imperialism problem", not a "gang problem". Today's crisis in Haiti again emphasizes that the imperialists are unable to establish any order, and that the Haitian people will continue to fight against the imperialism and the insult to the country.

Haiti's acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced on March 12, via Guyana's president, that he was leaving. This happened after the US Foreign Ministry has asked for a "transitional government" to deal with the political chaos of the country. Other countries in the region have held a crisis meeting to formulate a framework for this transition.

Paramilitary groups and political crisis

The United States points to the "threads" of the Caribbean, saying that these armed groups create chaos. This is done at the same time as new choices are constantly being postponed in Haiti. Western media now says that the threads have taken over Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince. Henry's board will now be replaced by a "presidential council", which includes representatives from political coalitions, business, civil society and a religious leader. The authorities, which today do not even have a mandate under the old state's rotten laws, have declared a state of emergency and curfew at night.

Businessman Jovenel Moïse was elected president of Haiti in 2016, and he took over the office in February 2017. He was elected in a far -like election, where only 18.11% of voters participated. Since 2018, there has been no functioning parliament in the country, and Moïse ruled on decree until he was killed in an attack in July 2021. The leadership of the country was taken over by the "Interim Prime Minister" Claude Joseph, before Ariel Henry took over just days later. In short, Haiti has for several years been without chosen political leadership, and with Henry's departure - initiated by the United States - the regime becomes even more corporative, still without any legitimate mandate under the country's laws.

Haiti's problem is imperialism

Dr. Jemima Pierre, professor at the University of Columbia in the United States, has stated to BreakThrough News at Haiti in reality does not have a "gang problem", but an "imperialism problem". She says that the threads of Haiti were originally structured and led by members of the ruler of Haiti, and also US-imperialism. She points out, among other things, that several gangs have their bases close to the US embassy, and that the violence and kidnappings the gangs are behind, have mainly hit the masses in Haiti. Neighborhoods in the capital have seen

Furthermore, the professor states that Haiti has been under occupation since 2004, where US imperialism initiated a bargain in the country where the elected president was deposed, and that this occupation is sanctioned by the UN-that the UN acts directly as a tool for the United States to Haiti. She also says that the US imperialism through various intrigues pushes Caribbean and African countries ahead. One of their plans has been for Kenya to send police officers to Haiti to establish "law and order", although this is contrary to Kenya's own laws. Henry was in Kenya to negotiate with Kenya and the UN when the new crisis arose, and did not return to the country.

Reactionary violence, humanitarian crisis and popular resistance

Our Brazilian comrades in A Nova Democracia are asking in a case if the prime minister's departure will open up for paramilitary groups to take power directly. The comrades also write that the new crisis in Haiti, which increases the level of violence strongly, is a defeat for imperialism and the Brazilian generals. One of the most important actions of the armed groups was an attack on a prison, where they succeeded in freeing 4,000 prisoners. In another action, they almost succeeded in conquering the country's main airport.

The comrades write that the paramilitary groups have united on the basis of a call from leader Jimmy "Barbecue" Charzier, where he advocated to end the rivalry between the groups to throw the prime minister. There is now an expectation that the new "presidential council" will be defeated by the paramilitary groups, which are provided with weapons from the United States, especially from Florida - including heavy machine guns, rifles and drones.

At the same time, the people face the consequences of the reactionary violence, which now spreads even more after the centuries of imperialist interference in Haiti. The death rates of Haiti's largest slum are now on par with Syria, says Doctors Without Borders, and the UN says the country's health system is heading towards collapse.

The background of the crisis

It is the US imperialism that is mainly responsible for the situation in Haiti, a country they have exercised dominance over two centuries, after the colonial power France was thrown out of the revolution in 1804. The Haitian revolution is a magnificent historical event. For the first time after the European powers colonized large parts of the world, and forced hundreds of millions of Africans into slavery, black folklasses in a revolution resulted in a revolution that led to the creation of a new state. This aroused fierce rage from the colonial powers, and to this day, Haiti is forced to pay "substitutes" to France for the "wallpaper" of the lucrative colony and slaves they held there. The economic exploitation and a large number of bargains and attacks organized by the imperialists have kept Haiti down in deep poverty.

The heroic masses still have their struggle and resistance without stopping for over 200 years. Riots and rebellions are developed again and again. The crowds do not find themselves in the dividend and oppression, and organize and fight under the hardest conditions - even when 200,000 people died in the earthquake affected Haiti in 2010. The enormous number of deaths are due to entirely poverty and imperialism. Earthquakes of the same size have far from the same fatal consequences in California or Japan. The masses have died as a result of miserable living conditions, lack of crisis preparedness, food shortages, medicine shortages and so on, not by the natural disaster itself.

New intervention and the way to liberation

Now the Brazilian comrades write that Brazil's President Luiz Inázio states that it is "necessary to act quickly in Haiti", and that last September he wanted to send Brazilian rebel police to Haiti to operate under Kenyan leadership. The US Foreign Minister has also spoken to Kenya's president about the crisis in Haiti. Both the blink and Luiz inázio will "restore order", and this will be the third foreign intervention in Haiti - of which the previous one lasted 12 years (from 2005 to 2017). Brazilian forces participated in this, and used experiences from Haiti in their own armed suppression of the people in the favelas of São Paulo and the capital Rio de Janeiro.

The situation in Haiti also emphasizes what powdery Latin America is and what the storm center in the world revolution has moved to this continent. Land by country is shaken by constant crises, constantly immersion of the decay in the old states, and constant public rebellion. In February 2020, for example, there was a great popular rebellion in Haiti, and we have previously written up massive protests and general strikes, who have particularly targeted the US lackeys who have ruled the country. History shows that the masses in Haiti never give up, and that the people's struggle again and again will rise to release the country. There is a burning need to reconstitute Haiti's Communist Party as a Maoist party, to put the proletariat in the leadership of the people's struggle, for folk war and newly democratic revolution, which is the only thing that can secure the masses over imperialism and their lackeys.

Watch videos about the situation here:

Also read:

Gjengar taken over the capital - the prime minister is leaving - NRK Urix
Haiti: New crisis evidences failure of imperialist missions and Brazilian generals
Haiti declares the state of emergency - latest news - NRK
Steering for drastic deterioration on Haiti
Haiti as Empire’s Laboratory | NACLA
The Kenyan-led ‘multilateral’ invasion of Haiti is a smokescreen for US imperialism
Haiti: 20 Years After the Coup | Black Agenda Report
Haiti and Kenya establish diplomatic ties as UNSC mulls deployment of controversial
“security support mission” : Peoples Dispatch
Haiti updates: PM Ariel Henry tenders resignation amid crisis
Haiti – Wikipedia
Politics of Haiti – Wikipedia
Jovenile Moïse - Wikipedia
November 2016 Haitian presidential election – Wikipedia

Source: https://tjen-folket.no/2024/03/20/haiti-opptoyer-og-imperialistisk-intervensjon/