For Rosa, for Concetta ... for all the companions who have left us but live in our struggles

Author: fannyhill
Description: Wednesday 20 March at 18.30 in Taranto we will remember his partner Concetta Musio who for many years has fought for a mo ...
Published Time: 2024-03-20T15:38:00+08:00
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Wednesday 20 March at 18.30 In Taranto we will remember the companion Concetta Musio who for many years has fought for a better world, e Rosa Calderazzi, political activist, of Women in Milan, but known by many in our city.

We invite all those who have known these companions, who also shared moments of struggle, mobilization ad there

Because they continue to live through all of us.

MFPR Taranto

In the 2 brochures: messages, notes, photos
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The messages that arrived and some of the many notes written by Concetta in its long activity in the MFPR, in the Slai Cobas, as in the Communist Proletarian Club to give an idea of his always enthusiastic commitment and on various land the companions and companions of MFPR/Slai Cobas /Communist proletarians

The companions of the Slai Cobas, MFPR of Taranto our partner, Concetta Musio, a lot of active, until he was able, especially in the MFPR, in the battles of the Slai Cobas, but also in communist proletarians, engaged not only in Taranto but also in national mobilizations, Concetta is gone. We are very sad but also angry, because it is this assassin reality of Taranto, the troubled life that this society gives above all to women, who have taken it away. Concetta has always had to fight in his life, both for the family and in the always precarious work, but always with rebellion, courage, strength, but also a smile; And once we joined us, this strength was his ideology, the hope of the revolution that led everywhere, to everyone. Let's give a big hug to her children and daughter, whom she loved so much and for which she did not spare sacrifices. Concetta will remain with us. And its "presence" will give more confidence that we will defeat this lousy system. The MFPR and Slai Cobas workers - Palermo Ciao Concetta, courageous our partner of the strong and determined MFPR, also active in the struggles of the Slai workers Cobas sc. A combative, sunny woman. Hello sister of our class with whom we shared many battles and struggles, always at the forefront in the double struggle in defense of our life as proletarian women, alongside migrants, against social injustices ... with a thousand problems and a difficult life, A proletarian woman who has done so many jobs to live and grow her children, also the muratora on construction sites, as you told us, but that you have also faced by transforming it into a complaint and public struggle, not least the battle for the treatments denied by this company for The sick with psychiatric problems ... you will always be with us in our struggles with your beautiful smile ... and this March 8 we will dedicate it to you too, you who in recent years have challenged the weapon of the strike of women trying to transmit it To other proletarian women by placing the need for the struggle of the majority of women aimed at a real social change ... you are and you will always be with us! The companions and companions of the Cobas Confederation of Taranto cry the disappearance of Concetta Musio, partner of the Slai Cobas of Taranto. We are fraternally close and close to the pain of his children and the companions and companions of the Slai Cobas. In our hearts they will remain his wonderful smile and his determination and firmness of militant companion always present in all the union, social, political, internationalist antagonistic initiatives, etc. Ecc. Also recently when his health was precarious, as soon as he felt better We found it by our side, and therefore, without any rhetoric, let's say you will live in our struggles! We greet you for the last time with a closed fist and that the earth is mild to you. The workers of the kindergartens - Taranto - we are very sorry! No life is wasted or lived in vain for those who believed, have fought and fought to affirm their ideas and fight to claim their rights has often been present to our garrisons, struggles, giving us support. We will miss the ex Pasquinelli workers and workers very much - Taranto - we are very sad. He also came to support our Lotte worker Tenaris Dalmine Proletari Communist - Bergamo - proletarian spirit and new humanity from his smile. His presence in the struggles will always be this. Like his hugs. A hug concept by MFPR factories L'Aquila - Hello Concetta, sweet warrior. That the earth is mild to you, like this system has not been with you at all. For this, for you too, we have to break down. For this reason, even with you, we will continue to fight, with your determination, with your anger, with your love, to free many other women from all this pain. CERMS OF BOLOGNA - We die more and worse if you are proletarian in this polluted world in every sense. I am close to you in your pain and anger. Hello concetta your determination to fight there is an example of the companions and companions of Milan The news of the loss of Concetta has shaken us a lot. In us the anger for the land that she loved so much has exploded, but that took her away too early. A special, beautiful and generous partner. A fist of closed fist.The many messages

The activity in the MFPR March 8 The day of March 8 must not be an end in itself. We need to do more, perhaps the need to make strong actions that make our voices really heard and that give a truly revolutionary turning point. while we parade on the streets Imperialism, capitalism with the use of a modern patriarchism, lashes its increasingly consistent attacks towards women with lucid determination, and these last years there have been shown it. It is up to us feminists, workers, unemployed, migrants to fight and be the avant-garde of the movement of the free women. We must strike and invade the squares to claim denied rights. The discrimination have not been swept away in the world of work where women remain an oppressed majority with disparities, injustices, harassment and violence both on jobs and in the home. We know well that the road is uphill, but determined as we are, combatives as we are we will certainly not give up. 8.3.2022 The march of the M.F.P.R was exciting. That day I saw our group as a small army, determined and enthusiastic. At the Sata di Melfi I noticed from the workers' diffidence, but then talking to us and explaining what we are and what we want them they softened, we talked, and some have left their contact. In Melfi I relived the situation of another company, farm, where I often go. Just two days before the march, two girls crying had exposed to me their concern, which perhaps will seem trivial, but in fact it is not. The problem is that these two rays want to train their own family, but engaged to Torre from work, take a shower, clumsy and go out. They (and next of the workers) this do not do it-, because when they arrive at home there is only time to wash, eat and bed. This 7 out of seven days. In the company they cannot even communicate with each other. During the march and the stage in Natro at the former O.P.G Occupied, a partner said that when this psychiatric hospital was open, you entered the mind and came out (if you could get out) that you were crazy. Well, the situation of these workers is no different. Since we are at the beginning of the new year, I would like to wish everyone a 2016 of struggle and indictment and collective liberation, also because it is worth fighting for things without which it is not worth living and you have to be hard without ever in order to tenderness. I believe these things should be, indeed they must be practiced every day in order not to live life by amorphous beings. Today there are all the reasons for which it is worth fighting, from real wars to economic and social, from environmental devastation, to the migrations of the oppressed peoples, to the violence against women and against all the victims of repressive systems, etc. So there is no reason not to fight and we have to do it with the heart and the passion that we are capable of, while having at the same time that hardness to clash with this putrefied system. 9.1.2016 Various Concetta and its business

Against feminicides and rape by forcing a little what can be the suffering of a mother whose daughter (Federica) was murdered, I wrote a letter to express our emotion for the thanks that they sent us for our solidarity and participation in the torchlight procession of July 7 in memory of Federica and Andrea. These thanks have given us new energies to continue to fight against femicides, rapes, abuse against women, as well as on denied rights. In this regard, in the name of Federica and many other women victims of the male -dominated arrogance and arrogance, we of the MFPRs, together with workers, precarious, unemployed, we will go to the event in Rome on November 25, because as the workers of Palermo say: "Not You stopped us and you won't stop! ". 5.11.2016 the garrison under the Court of L'Aquila where the trial against the rapist is taking place but also almost a murderer of "Rosa", the former military Tuccia, the participation in the garrison is important and significant, beyond the women of L'Aquila came companions, workers, unemployed by many cities, including Bologna, Milan, Taranto, Teramo, Rome, Viterbo, also making long hours of travel, to tell "Rosa", and to his parents, who is not alone, and to weigh with their presence on the sentence that must be hard, even if it will never be able to give justice to "pink" and to all women. Before entering the tribute, the mother of "Rosa" wanted to thank everyone with emotion, equally excited. At a certain point in the morning, to make the "pink" in the strong classroom the voice of the donors, and why the garrison was not of simple testimony, the companions of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement, with a partner of Bologna , they moved from the main entertainment of the court to arrive under the window of the classroom in which the prison was underway, and here they did various interventions with the megaphone. It was an important and touching moment. A partner from Taranto has tied this process At the other significant trial also this is still underway in Taranto against the rapists of Carmela Cirella of 13 years suicide, that is, "killed" in April 2007; Carmela after 6 years still does not get truth and justice, with judges too compliant with rapists and their lawyers. Another unemployed partner of Taranto always spoke of the unemployed struggle not only for work but against all attacks on the life of women that this system, governments, masters, the state do every day and that create the best humus because there are more and more "men who hate women" - as was written in their sign; And speaking of the condition increasingly from "modern Middle Ages" that touches all women, in Italy, as in every country in the world, has recalled the recent atrocious rapes and killings in India but also the imposing events that have followed - on this the companions Of the MFPR are distributing a sheet to L'Aquila which with various articles testifies to the "bridge" that from India to Italy to the whole world must be built to unleash the fury of women as a powerful force for the revolution. Other interventions have followed. At a certain point the judge of the "Rosa" trial sent to say that if they did not stop with the megaphone, he would have interrupted the trial ... 31.1.2013 Investigation between the laborers in recent days I went around in some farms To personally verify the working conditions of the workers, mostly women. I got to talk to some of them at the end of the day. Before confiding, they made me swear that everything will remain in anonymity, for fear of losing their jobs, the only resource of sustenance. These workers are women who in most cases are widows, separate; Who with unemployed husband, those who have their own loved ones to be cured with very expensive specialist visits and visits. Regarding their state of health, each of them is suffering from pathologies, those suffering from arthrosis, some of varicose veins, some of hernia, some of cervical. The hours of work are infinite, (from 12 hours, but more frequently at 14 hours), they do not have a social life, their life takes place: work-bed bed-work, you work 7 days out of 7. Inhuman! Holidays do not exist, going to the bathroom is a luxury, you don't have to stop more than two minutes. Finance and police headquarters go almost every day for checks and the workers rightly feel indignant because they know very well that companies will never be affected firsthand, but at most they will pay some fine. In addition, companies besides working conditions, some workers must also undergo verbal harassment and bullying from older workers. 7.9.2015 for the political prisoners - Nadia Lioce this capitalist system and its political class beautifully steal, rape, rape and kill dignity in the body and soul of the people and poor people. To sanction their overwhelmingness and their right to care about all human beings, and in spite of democracy and respect for the human being, they abuse those people, such as Nadia Lioce, who have tried to change this society with the armed revolution . She indomitable, she continued not to bend even in that cell where the signs of violence unfortunately on the body are not read but in the most intimate part of our being there are, and for which certainly in other people it would have led to madness. Perhaps, for those who just are only to solidarize, they must not be used, we must arm themselves with anger and respect for those who have faced and still deals with the fight against the oppression of this infamous state today. 8.7.2017

The Slai Cobas activity to the workers 2015 must be the year of the workers, workers, of the popular masses, because 2014 was instead the year of the masters and the Renzi government. In 2014, we must admit that we have lost, we only resisted. The Slai Cobas is not the union of the "lament", but of the counter-offensive to the "lament", the workers must lead that we are in war, masters and government against the workers, so that the workers must be Organize, as is also necessary that there is an effective recovery of the class union. With the fall of the Go, the workers' movement has to earn because the initial clash would reopen. So workers are obliged to move to conquer the things they have lost, defend what they have and recognize what they don't have. We must build the scio- pero general from below. To make the general strike, there is a need for accumulation of forces, of creating quantity, being as unitary as possible but also critical. The objective are: the fall of the government, the defense of work, wages, rights, and salary guaranteed to the unemployed. 23.1.2015 Open letter-appeal from Talsano: they are not the alms that resolve the situation there are many of us who now pour into Desperate conditions, ultra -seven -year -olds alone and without help, without income, those who have families with children who have so far lived of expedients working even black now ask for help from relatives, who sell gold or go to the burning from Caritas. We must report the alms that the government is giving (shopping bonuses ...), which do not solve the problem for the indigent families that were there many before there are too many. But the same children themselves who first tried to maintain their waiters, dishwashers, laborers etc., are now closed in the house; As if to say, beyond the damage, the mockery, because not working, not socializing very often fall into depression or and then you have to buy medicines; And how can you when you don't have the money even to eat!? Not to mention the prices of basic necessities that continue to grow. This question cannot be resolved by buffering the moment of crisis, general income for everyone would be necessary. But for this it is necessary that we join, we organize ourselves. Let's do it, especially as women. Contact us, send us reports, because gradually we will make initiatives to confront the Municipality and the Prefecture, because you do not have to be at risk "health-harm", we cannot passively accept all that is happening. 11.4,2020 moms fighting against Mala Sanità are the mother of a boy who suffers from panic and depression attacks, sometimes slight but many others very deep. I went for all the ASL not only of my neighborhood but also in all the neighboring areas, I called the center several times but they replied that there were other emergencies. Not happy I went to the Cim, I don't know how many times, so much so that the vigilante kicked me up considering me a "dangerous" subject. I received derisions, humiliations and anything else, but I didn't give up. This lasted almost 2 years, except for 6 days ago I was so indignant, disappointed, desperate that I took my son and I went for the umpteenth time to the Cim- we get to the triage and I present myself and I say that I had to make an urgent booking for one Psychiatric visit and the assignment of the same, the nurse with a bold air tells me: "I'm sorry but here we do not make urgent visits". Then trying to keep my calm I also showed her the request, but she undaunted and with a smile on my lips repeats myself: "I'm sorry but here we do not make urgent visits, it can also go home". I haven't seen it anymore from anger! The "beast" that was in me came out, and with the mouth I replied: "Listen. I go home, take the tent and place here, I chain myself and take the mega and they spit on you. The girl looked at me stunned, then suddenly it ran I don't know where, if from a doctor, if I don't know from the director, the fact is that after about 15 minutes she returned to sorriri and tells me: "On 21 to 11 the Boy can come not only for the visit, has been assigned the best doctor in the center, is it happy? ". Had he never said it ... "happy with what, that you made my son aggravate? This was supposed to do it 2 years ago, it was his right, you instigate the boys to suicide, vertorous !! ". Now I am more relaxed, I have won my battle thanks to my determination, strength, stubbornness, all characteristics that only we mothers, we women, as we often say, the extra march ". 18.10.2021

Among the immigrants - The mothers of PalaRicciardi on 3 July for the second time a delegation of the Slai Cobas SC went to PalaRicciardi, where migrants reside and while the manager spoke with some of them, I detached myself and went to the structure for Talk to the volunteers, managers and migrants. The show that presented itself before my eyes was to say the least squalid, the structure was dilapidated, many mattresses aligned on the ground between the dirt, sad faces and tired, but then at the bottom of the gym someone distracted me from all this. This someone is Victor, a plump and very lively child; I instinctively approached and I took it in my arms, it seemed that he would not wait more, but a volunteer arrived that politely told me that it was forbidden to take the children in my arms, I placed it down but as soon as the volunteer is Removed Victor, he squeezed his hand and raised the feet making me understand that he wanted to return to his arms to play with my earrings, then one of the mothers made use and put Victor in my arms, but not only, he also took me Three photos and then embraced me. I moved away an act to go to congratulate the mother of the creature but I found myself in front of a exhausted and sore woman, sore because she hurt her belly very badly, but there is no health care in that structure, these people They are abandoned to themselves, I checked it by striving to make her understand that we were there for help, she appreciated, she embraced and kissed me, seeing this too Other mothers approached and did the same thing. I greet them with a goodbye and I moved away with so much sadness inside and still now I can't take away the face and those huge eyes of Victor before my eyes. 4.7.2015 Fighting together, migrants and proletarians, the real enemies ... For many years now, that imperialist capitalism attacking and exploiting some countries, grafts the mechanism of migration and not by chance! Because by moving entire populations to the West with this bitter exploitation, it produces a considered economy, as well as those who remain first as "guests" and then in an permanent way, for an excess of demand due to the increase in workforce, generates an inversely proportional remuneration At the expense of resident workers thus fomenting the war between the poor. To complete this framework in itself already serious, the information or disinformation channels that take all the opportunities to discredit the presence of migrants with fascist and xenophobic attitudes are added. Migrants, in truth, contrary to what the racist commercials say, are welcomed mainly in a very approximate way, are often piled up or better picked in the CIE or in centers made available which, by virtue of the logic of exploitation and speculation, do Often heads to also famous characters who make in an disproportionate way, also making available mostly dilapidated buildings and at the limit of livability. Could we add some reflection on the associations!? Here too there is often the presence of ambiguous characters belonging to underworld organs, worthy heirs of the army of salvation, which with the sole purpose of doing business, deal with migrants as objects or as animals to which it is enough to give a hot dish e A garment to cover yourself, absolutely ignoring the coming and truly gruesome stories from which they ran away !! And that the responses go far beyond the dish and the garment, but they are answers of dignity, for a job, for a home. The solution or one of the solutions would be to combine the struggles as the immigrant is nothing more than a proletarian equal to the proletarians who live in our country, ghettoized in the suburbs of our cities. Together you can identify and fight the real enemies trying to overturn, to overthrow their plans for the exploitation of the people and the proletariat. 10.11.2015 Migrant women weak ring or strong ring? Migrants flee from an outdoor prison, to end up in cages where they are branded, counted, selected. Often then he sent back to his country, or worse, in places that are real concentration camps. Among these migrants more and more there are women. These women are often the main sacrificial victims of the paths on land or at sea. For those who reach the coasts, a hypocritical and capitalist society awaits it, which apparently gives a humanitarian image, but immediately active of the channels in which there is a general exploitation of migrants, but in particular of the woman in the areas on which is already abundantly there is a supersfrustation of women: agriculture, very humble social areas and above all prostitution. Where instead a serious reception policy has been implemented, it has been shown how useful the contribution of these women is, stimulating to an intercultural exchange of great use for the host society and for the emigrated themselves. But it is obvious that one or some positive situation is not the solution of the problems of emigrants or women in general. I remain strongly of the idea that, as Marx says "revolutionary violence is the midwife of history", and it is not only men's prerogative, but is prerogative of women. On this I was reminded of me since my young age the image of the French Revolution where in front of everyone there was a woman with a pitchfork in hand. 8.6.2016 Working training on wage and capital work, waged work is the lifeblood for the profits of capitalism, but it is clear that if there is no capital that exploits the workforce, wage work has no reason to exist. Obviously the capital can have growth that affects the increase in wagens, therefore the possibility of exploiting a

More number of people, this may make there an increase in the offer and temporarily also of the salary. In order to obtain a greater profit, capital creates the conditions so that the labor market can go down and implements it by mechanizing the production as much as possible, while obviously preserving what we have considered its lifeblood "the waged work". Salariato work that no longer needs to be excessively qualified, but with a training, anyone can do it. This creates the competition between the workers, who in an attempt to keep their work offer their workforce more and more downwards, By increasing working hours and decreasing the salary. Thus making the worker addresses the competition against himself; Consequently, the capital can decide at its own pleasure, having the large mass of workers available, arranged to everything for the salary, and also implement mass layoffs, providing more and more fresh meat to be underpaid and exploited. Here the inverse formula is born, that is, the profit rises the more the salary descends, and decreases if the salary rises, but as far as it can decrease it will always be disproportionate to wage growth. We could conclude by saying that the general impoverishment and the working class in particular enriches the capital. 22.2.2015 on Gramsci Gramsci represented and represents the Revolutionary Communist Party, translating and embodying Marxist and Leninist thought. This does it at the beginning by developing the struggle in factories, building the factory advice in a city like Turin that was the most industrialized in Italy. With the political struggle of the party he manages to wipe out the reformist thought, and make an acute struggle in the squares against the reactionaries and the warfondai. It creates an indissoluble red thread with Lenin and Russia in which the proletarians had concluded power in the meantime; So he makes a tough fight against Bordiga, the last obstacle to the birth of the Communist Party in Italy. 10.5.2017 On the October Revolution, even today a revolution is needed as in October in Russia a hundred years later of the October Revolution, the wind still whistles. This desire to revolutionize is growing. Because of parties and political and pseudopolitical groups, populists and fascists people are deviated and consequently the class consciousness does not grow, which in my opinion is the point to determine a revolutionary path. This (to grow consciousness) is a necessary work to be done in the stranes, in the squares, in factories, in all jobs. Objectively it cannot be hidden that the needs are different from the revolution of October where war, hunger and misery spontaneously led the people to go towards the revolution, but no less today where hunger is shaved. It is necessary and possible a serious change in society, as we have seen in the years 68-70, a period of social, economic and cultural revolution that imperialism and capitalism have suffered over the years with pressure and political changes. For this reason, a revolutionary party is needed that organizes the masses also and above all to make an armed struggle that reverses this power of the masters and builds the power of the workers. 31.10.2017 The contradictions of imperialism The first contradiction, main also in the world today, is that between work and capital. Thanks to the complete hegemony of capitalism in its various forms and facets (from trusts to monopolistic consortia, to monopolies banks, to financial oligarchy), capitalism becomes imperialism, at this stage the contradictions of capitalism reach the culmination. What does it mean? A big power of few who manage the whole world economy. In the face of this omnipotence of capital, the usual means of struggle, in the form of parliamentary parties, unions, cooperatives, have a little effect, and either the proletariat abandoned to capitalism falling lower and lower or is equipped with a new weapon that it The same capitalism involuntarily offers him "the revolution". The second contradiction is between the various financial groups and the different imperialist powers, in the bloody struggle to be of new territories and take possession of the raw materials that exist on the same territories. But it is also a struggle between old and new groups to recover pieces of already score territories, removing them from the other powers. All this is worthy of attention because it is the prelude to the imperialist war, which consequently tends to weaken the same imperialism, thus making it possible to revolution. The third contradiction is the inhuman exploitation of millions of living beings in oppressed and colonized countries by a group of "civil" imperialist nations. But to exploit these nations, they must build infrastructures and factories, shopping centers and industrial centers that allow the birth of the working class and movements for independence, the growth always increasing in indigenous intellectuals and national consciousness. All this thus transforms these countries and these colonies into a decisive force for the proletarian revolution. 27.11.2014 Political battles with Communist proletarians held, in the Communist Proletarian Club, the meeting for the 45th anniversary of the massacre of Piazza Fontana, the most heinous massacre of state carried out by the fascists, not to forget and to keep alive historical memory. A bomb was put in Piazza Fontana in the bank Agriculture, all this to stop a great movement that was forming in 1969, in the great factories full of southern workers, followed by the red wind of '68 in schools and universities, which triggered a revolutionary condition.

The massacre of P.zza Fontana, the first of the many who followed in the 70s, shows the young people and workers that the state is the power of the bourgeois dominant class, and which uses the strength when with the struggles of the proletarians, young people are put The dominant structure is under discussion. Popular masses acquire consciousness, the state uses violence, and even today the state stands with violence. The state has the monopoly of violence. 12.12.2014 Anti-fascism The seventeen October in Barletta took place the anti-fascist event in solidarity with the student partner attacked on 9 October by a fascist team. The event was very felt, the present about two hundred shouted many slogans and then continuously "Bella Ciao". All the streets of the city have been traveled. It has been in various interventions with force that fascism is horror, sowing death and hatred; Fascism hopes to instill hatred towards the different, the immigrant, the homosexual. The fascists are served and used to sabotage social struggles, it cannot be hoped that the state will take measures because it is colluded with fascist organizations. You should not give space to these sognament mice and you need to fight fascism in all ways and in all ways, be determined and remove any space from their physical violence and ideology. "Attentive fascist, the wind still blows." 19.10.2015 because not voting ... but it is not enough by now it is clear that the elections are a farce and a stage to externalize handling and sproloquy that do not guarantee anything for the proletariat and popular masses. In fact, the leaders of these parties are looked at well from being clear about their projects and programs and although they are later they find the system to disregard the expectations of the people. The only thing to do for the people and the workers is the non -vote. The non-voting, too much does not change the result, we are aware of it, for this reason it would be to produce something concrete that gives a political sense and that goes beyond not feeling represented by this political class completely subjected to the capital. But above all, it is now necessary to join to overturn this anti -democratic and increasingly fascist and capitalist system that continues to re -propose the same people for the same armchairs and who leave no way out to the weakest, workers and proletarians. People who have to manage the production system (common goods, work, health) should be democratically elected in the squares and should not have time to heat the armchairs because it is the system that must work not subjectivity. Instead they force us to vote lists (determined in closed rooms) of people who very often know nothing about politics but are very capable to adapt to the partition of public money. For this reason I do not vote is not enough, but it is necessary to organize and fight. 17.2.2018
