Serving the People Revolutionary Newspaper in the Spanish State: Early elections in Catalonia: discarding illusions and preparing for the struggle. Boycott the electoral farce!

Author: Verein der Neuen Demokratie
Description: 18/03/2024 Article submitted by a contributor Cartoon explained: Maoism, embodied in Lenin, sweeps Catalonia of burgundian politicians...
Published Time: 2024-03-20T22:10:00+08:00
Images: 000000.png?w=778


Explanation of the vignette: Maoism, embodied in Lenin, Barre Catalunya of bourgeois politicians (Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras, Salvador Illa, Miquel Iceta, Ada Colau) and reactionaries of all kinds (civil guard, riot, fascists). The Old Mundo Garporate brings the flags of tomorrow: the federated socialist Catalonia in the Spanish Socialist Republic with the red flag of communism in the center.
