We have found this article in the Association of New Democracy - Germany.

President Gonzalo gives us that In the process of the World Revolution of Imperialism Barbic and the reaction of the Earth's face there are three moments
V. I. Lenin in memory of the commune
First edition: In Rabóchaia newspaper , No. 4-5, April 15 (28).
Forty years have passed since the proclamation of the commune of Paris. According to the established custom, the French proletariat honored with rallies and demonstrations the memory of the men of the revolution of March 18, 1871. At the end of May it will return to flow crowns of flowers to the tombs of the combined communards, victims of the terrible "May week", and before them he will swear again that he will fight tirelessly until the total triumph of his ideas, until he fulfilled the work they read.
Why the proletariat, not only French, but that of the whole world, honors the men of the commune of Paris as their predecessors? What is the inheritance of the commune?
The commune arose spontaneously, no one prepared it consciously and systemically. The unfortunate war with Germany, deprivations during the site, the unemployment between the proletariat and the ruin of the little bourgeoisie, the outrage of the masses against the upper classes and the authorities, which had demonstrated an absolute inability, the deaf effervescence in the working class, unhappy of his situation and anxious to a new social regime; The reactionary composition of the National Assembly, which made fear for the fate of the Republic, all and many other causes were combined to boost the population of Paris to the March 18 revolution, which unexpectedly put power in the hands of the National Guard, in the hands of the working class and the little bourgeoisie, who had joined her.
It was an unprecedented historical event. Until then, the power had been, as a rule, in the hands of the landowners and the capitalists, that is, of their proxies, which constituted the so -called government. After the revolution of March 18, when the government of Mr. Thiers fled from Paris with his troops, his police and his officials, the people owned the situation and the power passed to the proletariat. But in Modern Society, the proletariat, economicly overwhelmed by capital, cannot dominate politically if it does not break the chains that tied it to capital. Hence, the movement of the commune should inevitably acquire a socialist dye, that is, it should tend to overthrow the domain of the bourgeoisie, the domination of capital, to the destruction of the very basis of the contemporary social regime.
At first it was a very heterogeneous and confusing movement. The patriots adhered to him, hoping that the commune would resume the war against the Germans, leading it to a venturous outcome. They were also supported by the little tenders, in danger of ruin if the payment of the defeated debts of the rentals (postponement that the government denied them, but that the commune granted them) was not postponed). Finally, in the beginning they also sympathized with him with him the bourgeois Republicans, fearful that the National Assembly reactionary (the "rural", the wild landwives) restored the monarchy. But the fundamental role in this movement was naturally performed by the workers (especially the artisans of Paris), among which in the last years of the second empire an intense socialist propaganda, and that even many of them were International affiliates.
Only the workers remained faithful to the commune until the end. The Republican bourgeois and the little bourgeoisie soon departed from her very: some scared the revolutionary socialist character of the movement, because of their proletarian character; Others departed from her to see that she was condemned to an inevitable defeat. Only the French proletarians supported their government, without fear or fainting, only they fought and died for it, that is, for the emancipation of the working class, for a better future for the workers.
In order for a social revolution to succeed, it needs at least two conditions: a high development of the productive forces and a proletariat prepared for it. But in 1871 it was lacked both conditions. French capitalism was still poorly developed, and France was then, fundamentally, a country of little bourgeoisie (artisans, peasants, shopkeepers, etc.). On the other hand, there was no labor party, and the working class was not prepared or had a long training, and mostly even clearly understood what their ends were or how it could reach them. There was no serious political organization of the proletariat, or strong unions, or cooperative societies ...
But what lacked the commune was, mainly time, the possibility of realizing the situation and undertaking the realization of its program. He had not had time to start the task when the government, entrenched in Versailles and supported throughout the bourgeoisie, began military operations against Paris. The commune had to think first of all about its own defense. And until the end, which came in the week of May 21 to 28, he could not think seriously in anything else.
All these measures eloquently showed that the commune was a deadly threat to the old world, based on oppression and exploitation. That was the reason that the bourgeois society could not sleep peacefully while in the Paris City Council the Red Flag of the proletariat waved. And when the organized government force could finally dominate the poorly organized force of the revolution, the Bonapartist Generals, those generals beaten by the Germans and brave before their defeated compatriots, those Rénnenkampf and Meller-Zakomielski French, made a massacre As Paris had never seen. About 30,000 Parisians were killed by unbridled soldiers; Some 45,000 were arrested and many of them subsequently executed; Thousands were the banished or convicted to work forced. In total, Paris lost about 100,000 of their children, including the best workers of all trades.
The bourgeoisie was happy. "Now the socialism has ended for a long time!", Said his boss, the bloodthirsty Dwarf Thiers, when he and his generals drowned in blood the uprising of the proletariat of Paris. But those bourgeois crows grazed in vain. After six years of having crushed the commune, when many of their fighters were still in prison or in exile, a new labor movement began in France. The new socialist generation, enriched with the experience of its predecessors, whose defeat had not discouraged it at all, picked up the flag that had fallen from the hands of the fighters of the commune and carried it forward with firmness and boldness, to the cry of “ Long live the social revolution, live the commune! ” And three or four years later, a new labor party and the agitation raised by it in the country forced the ruling classes to release the communards that the Government still kept imprisoned.
The cause of the commune is the cause of the social revolution, it is the cause of the complete political and economic emancipation of the workers, it is the cause of the world proletariat. And in this sense it is immortal.