Necessary presentation:
Comrades of the International Communist Movement, we put to its consideration the thesis of Comrade Aureliano S., co -founder of the journal contradiction and of the Communist Workers Union (MLM). These thesis correspond to the comrade's vision on the world situation, the world proletarian revolution and the way that the new international must now acquire to respond to the demands of these times.
The comrade's position does not compromise the organization of the Union; However, at its maximum democratic event in the XV Assembly "Comrade Jaime Rangel", he decided to undertake his study to promote the discussion and take a position in this regard; That is why we advertise them so that the comrades of the different countries also pronounce.
As in advance it is known that the thesis will cause a stir, the comrade is willing to support them from the questions and questions that inevitably arise. Therefore we encourage organizations, parties and comrades, cadres and militants of the different countries, to participate in this debate that will surely contribute to raise the level of understanding of the current situation, the perspective of the world proletarian revolution and the tasks that it to it correspond to the revolutionary proletariat of all countries.
Our Blog International Debate will publish your questions, concerns, questions and positions.
Executive Committee - Communist Obrera Union (MLM)
Thesis on the World Association of the Proletariat
- This requires an international revolution of the proletariat, which understands the totality or the majority, at least, of land countries. The triumph of the socialist revolution in a single country is no longer possible. In other words, the current situation of humanity tends to a world revolution against capitalism and only socialism can save humanity. Since capitalism in its agony is the reaction throughout the line and has shown that it is willing to the wildest repression and to commit the greatest crimes in order to maintain the privileges of the bourgeoisie and its profits, at the expense of plundering the working class And nature, now, more than ever, rebellion is justified. Revolutionary violence is justified.
- Such a situation requires rethinking the construction tactics of the international organization of the proletariat. An international type of new type is necessary: a world association of proletarians, based on the fraternal solidarity of all land workers. Its joint struggle is the only guarantee to raise consciousness and prepare the conditions for the final assault on the imperialist strength and fulfill its historical mission to end all forms of oppression and exploitation and bring humanity to a production of its material goods without plundering nature. And the main condition of such assault is the constitution of the Revolutionary Party of the proletariat.
- The association must admit in its bosom all organizations and individuals, of all the trends of the labor movement, in the manner of a melting that through the fire of the fight acrisole the true proletarian movement. Only in this way can the alliances of the labor movement with other movements be established and with all those who are willing to fight against capitalism and prevent the destruction of civilization and life on earth.
- The association must be governed by democratic centralism and have a single world management center and sectional organizations in each country or nation.
- The communists, as part of the labor movement, must contribute with all energy to the construction of such association, without pretending to be the owners of it. Of course, Marxist communists Leninists Maoist must continue to strive to build MLM communist parties as part of the association and to achieve their unity worldwide and thus be able to contribute more force to the formation of the World Workers Association.
- Proletarians of the world units.
Aureliano S.
May 1 to December 2023