International: March 8, 2024

Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Internasjonalt
Description: Our comrades in the Red Herald have reported on mobilizations and actions around the world in connection with the International Workers' Day.
Modified Time: 2024-03-20T20:43:48+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-21T04:43:46+08:00
Type: article
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By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

Our comrades in the Red Herald have reported on mobilizations and actions around the world in connection with the International Workers' Day.


There has also been a big march in the capital Mexico City, and fighting marches have been arranged in a number of cities such as Monterrey, Puebla, Jalisco, Colima and Zacatecas. The street fights have led to strong oppression on the part of the police, which has attacked the demonstrations with water cannons and tear gas.

Matches in Zacatecas:

Protesters set fire to the police barricades around the government palace in Monterrey:

I Oxaca marched the people's women's movement along with the union for teachers, shouting slogans as "proletarian feminism crushes the patriarchy". During the march, support was also expressed for the heroic national resistance in Palestine. Matches were distributed that encouraged women to join the movement. The people's women's movement held an appeal where they emphasized that it is class that separates us, not gender, and that it is the proletarian revolution that is on the agenda, not the so -called "gender ideology". Many businesses and banks had covered their windows with plywood, and the government palace and pavilion in the square were also surrounded by fences and other obstacles in an attempt to stop the protesters from holding a meeting at the end of the march. During the cry of slogans, the protesters removed the fences and took the pavilion to get their message out.


In Bogotá, a demonstration was conducted on Plaza Bolívar. Police attacked batons and used tear gas and shock grenades against the protesters.

I Medellín A tribute was held by the people's women's movement, such as honoring revolutionary and communist women, and it was applauded and shouted: "Break the links, release the rage of women, as a powerful force for the revolution." The protesters went out into the streets and demanded justice for the women's killings, the rapes and the sexual oppression for which half of the working people are exposed. On banks and large stores it was written: "Up with the oppressed, down with the oppressors" and posters were set up against imperialism and for the Palestinian people's heroic struggle.


New democracy


In Limoges, Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR), Fédération Syndical Ethudiante (FSE) and Cause you peoPLE with a portrait of Clara Zetkin and with parole of crushing capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy.

In Rennes, JR, FSE and Cause du Peuple showed support to the Palestinian people and the armed struggle of oppressed women all over the world.

I Paris marched Cause du Peuple, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR), JR, FSE and the unit campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah together. Cause you peuper, ljr and jr held a joint speech During the event. Activists wore portraits of the proletariat's female heroes Clara Zetkin, Danielle Casanova, Chiang Ching and comrade Norah.

In Lille, FSE participated with a tab for proletarian feminism and a tab in honor of Martha Desrumaux, a leader and activist from the region, who was the first female member of the Central Committee in France's Communist Party.

In Caen, revolutionary activists paid tribute to the proletariat's female heroes along with the Hérouville Palestina Committee under the People's "People's Woman, Defense Your Class" and "Living the Revolutionary March 8."

In Toulouse, LJR participated in an anti -imperialist demonstration in support of Palestinian women.

In Lyon, the People's Women's Committee had a meeting at the University of Lyon on the work of neighborhoods and anti -imperialist women's struggle. The activists then participated in the anti-imperialist demonstration with LJR and La Fosse Aux Lyons collective.

I Paris There was a major demonstration in which Partizan supporters participated with French women's organizations and immigrant organizations.

In Reims, a march was arranged in which followers of the purple-Rød collective participated and appealed.


I Bremerhaven Arranged the Red Women's Committee Bremen, as part of the Red Association, in a demonstration in Goetheviertel, one of the poorest areas in all of Germany. During Parola "Women fights and resists" participated, among other things, families, mothers and children in the march. There were slogans as "rebellion in words and action - against imperialism and patriarchy" and "Living Palestine".

I Leipzig Hundreds of people participated in a demonstration. Red Women's Committee participated with Parola "Women - Fight and Confirm you".

I Köln Participated in the Red Association with a large, young and fighting quota in the March 8 demonstration of over 1,000 protesters. The Red Women's Committee handed out flyers and shouted slogans against the double women's oppression of imperialism and patriarchy. Many of the participants expressed agreement that the support of the Palestinian people's struggle as a fight against imperialism must be brought along with the fight against the patriarchy.

In Essen, the Red Association participated in an internationalist demonstration, handed out the revolutionary newspaper "Rote Post" and flight magazines for Red Women's Committee. Afterwards, a banner was set up on a bridge in Essen-Altendorf.

I Stuttgart Partizan and the purple-red collective participated in a demonstration with about two thousand people.

Thousands of people participated in the March 8 train in Nuremberg, on the initiative of the March 8 platform in Nuremberg, of which the Lilla-Rød collective is part of. The Purple-Rød collective also handed out flyers in German and Turkish during the event.

In Ulm, women's organizations, including the purple-red collective, held a demonstration with a banner with the slogan "against fascism, environmental destruction, war, exploitation and oppression of women".

I Hamburg Arranged the Red Women's Committee an event in connection with the International Women's Fight Day. Here it was explained what proletarian feminism is, the origin of women's oppression and some aspects of women's situation in Germany were discussed.


Socialist Revolution Has shared reports from March 8. In Aalborg, anti -imperialist collective with passwords against militarization participated and handed out flyers in solidarity with the fighting women in Palestine and in the folk wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines.

In Copenhagen, hundreds of people marched with torches that symbolized women's struggle and demands. There were banners with the text "Women, Fight and Making Resist" and "against imperialism and patriarchy".


Anti Imperialist Action (AIA) arranged a marking of the International Workers' Day.


In Charlotte, Charlotte Revolutions Study Group organized a mark of March 8.

A meeting was held in New York and posters in Portland.


In the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Rwanda, women in a number of refugee camps have been at the forefront of mobilizations for their rights and demanded an end to the genocide of the people Tutsi, Hema and Banyamulenge.


I Helsinki More than 100 people gathered for a demonstration with the main parole "Tell the Women's hostile government". A banner with the paroles "Down with Imperialism", "Down with the Patriarchate" and "Proletary Feminism for Communism" can be viewed in images from the demonstration.

I Tampere Women's demonstration went under the main paroles "down with the government" and "" for a revolutionary women's movement ". The solidarity with Palestine was also marked with posters and slogans.


I Albacete Collected thousands of people for demonstration. A group of revolutionarys marched under the flags of the International Communist Federation in Spanish and Arabic, and with a picture of comrade Norah. They distributed hundreds of flyers with demands for politicization, organization and mobilization of proletarian women, and sold newspaper Servir Al Pueblo.


I Oslo Started the day with a demonstration in Greenland square. In slogans and appeals, the patriarchy and violence against women were condemned, and support was expressed for the Palestinian resistance movement. The demonstration marched to Youngstorget. At least 6,000 people must have participated in the demonstration. A small group of Zionists had also gathered there, planning to spend the day conducting a propaganda campaign to legitimize Israel's genocide and the delegitimize the solidarity movement for Palestine. This was not accepted by many of the participants, who remained to prevent the Zionists from participating in the march.

I Bergen The match committee participated with hundreds of people in the Palestine section of the March 8 train. Afterwards, several anti -imperialist organizations gathered for a mark under the paroles "Fight violence against women" and "Support the Palestinian women's resistance struggle".

I Trondheim Collecting activists from the combat committee and Somali Welfare Association in the city's pedestrian street with banners with the slogans "Fighting violence against women" and "Support the Palestinian resistance - free Palestine". Appeals were held and handed out flyers. The activists then went to the square and joined the March 8 train. During the march, slogans were shouted for Palestine, against imperialism and patriarchy, against the United States, Russia and Israel and to fight violence against women.

I Kristiansand The match committee helped to arrange an event with appeals on international solidarity, liberation struggle and women's struggle, the situation for women in Gaza and violence against women. After the event, activists mobilized for a weekly demonstration against violence against women, who were kept out of the police station. After the demonstration, the match committee participated in the March 8 train with Parola "Fritt Palestine". On March 9, the Eritrean Women's Association organized a mark to honor women who have fought for liberation.


I Zürich Hundreds of women, including the purple-Rød collective and Partizan, participated in a March 9 March on the occasion of the International Workers' Day. During the march, militants covered TKP/ml the walls with graffiti with the text "TKP/ML Tikko" and "From Meral to Asmin - the match continues". At the end of the demonstration, an F-16 model aircraft was set on fire in protest of the Turkish Army attack. Throughout the demonstration, the police exercised intense blockade, harassment and provocation. After the march, two women from the purple-red collective were stopped on the street and exposed to police violence, while people around protested with slogans.

In Innsbruck, thousands of people marked the International Working Women's Day. The day started with stand, workshop and appeals, and later in the day there was a march. The purple-red collective had an active role in the event.

In Neunkirchen, the workers' youth culture center and the purple-Rød collective organized an event with around 150 participants. The event started with an opening speech, before a film was shown about the history of the women's struggle and it was concluded with cultural elements.

In Linz, a large and enthusiastic demonstration was arranged in which Ati̇gf and the Purple-Rød collective participated.

In Vienna, around 7,000 people went by train. The Purple-Rød collective, Ati̇gf and Partizan participated with organizations and individuals from Latin America to Asia and from Palestine to Europe.

I Mariahilferstrasse In Vienna, Vienna arranged the Women's Center and Red Women's Committee in which around 100 people participated. Appeals were held and songs performed.

I Linz Went around 2500 in trains. Rote Fahne was also represented with an information table.


I Liège A march was arranged with over a thousand participants. It was the women's platform, which the purple-red collective is part of, which took the initiative to the march.


I Aten participated tens of thousands of people in the demonstration. Kke (ml), TKP/ml and Patrizan participated in the protests, who also gathered university students from many Greek cities. The crowd protested in front of parliament against a bill on the opening of private universities. The protest was attacked by the police, and the masses responded with resistance.

Mobilizations and actions for the 8th of March
More actions and mobilizations for the 8th of March
NRW, Germany: Demonstrations and action on March 8
AGEB: Massive celebration of the International Working Women’s Day in Europe
March 8 in Austria: For a revolutionary women’s movement!
More Actions for the 8th of March
Colombia: Successful day of mobilization for March 8
More actions for the 8th of March
