PRWC »armed struggle The US-Marcos regime's fascism response

Author: admin
Categories: Ang Bayan, Articles, Editorials
Description: The Filipino people burning against the US-Marcos regime in the fascist attacks throughout the country, especially in the countryside. The rage of the peasant masses are extremely angry and hunger, fascism and gutter with the reactionary regime's response to their request. In desperate attempt to "close" the revolutionary armed resist [...]
Modified Time: 2024-03-21T07:32:45+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-21T10:30:06+08:00
Type: article
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The Filipino people burning against the US-Marcos regime in the fascist attacks throughout the country, especially in the countryside. The rage of the peasant masses are extremely angry and hunger, fascism and gutter with the reactionary regime's response to their request.

In the desperate attempt to "end" the revolutionary armed resistance of the Filipino people, now the terrorist and fascist suppression of the US-Marcos regime and its armed gatherers throughout the country. Marcos and the AFP's mini-free declarations are in the "insurgency-free", especially provinces that are supplied and united in foreign companies, plantations and energy. In the US imperialism command, the AFP also hurried to "end" the armed struggle with the Filipino people to fully use the US military the AFP to the intensity of this year.

Recently, a subsub of war was ordered by Marcos and the armed forces of the Philippines (AFP). These todies are supposed to hear all of the NPA guerrilla fronts at the end of March, will break all NPA units at the end of June, and all the regional party committees will be the end of the year. You are collected thousands of military troops, the police and thousands of paramilitars are invited to the AFP, the Gideployer to get rid of the countryside.

Hundreds of villages were Gurarison in Marcos' fascist gatherings. The ruling soldier controlled the life and livelihoods of men, placing their mouths, and took their rights and freedom. Checkpoints and food blacks, ban farming farms, armed withes, armed soldiers in village, housing and pretending to "surrender," houses, gainum-drinks, Scramble and scandal, gunfire is a gun somewhere - only a few of the rotten deeds that are mentally ill. Among the drought and dangers, fascist soldiers were pested by no other side of communities.

With strong weapons, drones and jetfighters, helicopters and howitzers, evening, the bombing of the terrorist soldiers of Marcos in the mountains of the wealth and dim on the waters of the wealth Silence and resulted in the depths of the people, especially children, pregnant and ancestors. It produces severe degradation of life, contrary to all principles and laws of civilized warfare.

Marcos is evil to push the fear of the people's breasts and overwhelm them as the land of large capitalist and conspiratory bourgeoisers and large landlords. But instead of bowing, they aroused more and more, and resisted, and the road to the armed revolution.

In guerrilla fronts nationwide, the units of the new People's Peasant (NPA) can continue to enjoy the peasantry. The military officials at the AFP and the reactionary state behind their exalted Todo-Gyera have already lasted for almost seven years, the masses continued to provide material and political support to red fighters. You are also constantly filing with the people's people's army, including students, workers and even professionals.

The people's desire to serve the armed struggle continues to burn. Among the fascist attacks of the US-Marcos' regime's armed regime, and its policies more intimidate them, more clearly to the mind and mood of the peasantry without their new People's Army They have been able to protect their lives and rights, and with their struggle for land and livelihood.

Behaved years, the NPA has been injured and withdrawal in different parts of the country because of the mistakes and weaknesses of conservatism and contentment of the former victory. Instead of daring the road to the steady expansion and refreshment of the armed struggle, the masses and bases of the guerrilla units, became passive and vulnerable to the enemy. In the guidance and inspiration of the Party, the NPA is determined to correct errors and advance the path of studying and burning fire in the people's war.

In the sense of correction movement, the NPA must resist the armed struggle in all parts of the country. Consistent Mass Wide Gervae, Use All Firearms and Rocks, Spears and Tours, Debabba and Fire - And Launching The Tactical Offensive and Divided Part . The fascist troops of the enemy's fascist troops and all of them are as a means of achieving justice and inspire people's resistance. Only through the wide armed resistance will be strengthened, the NPA can improve and advance.

Ever since established, five and a half years ago, the NPA served as a true army of people who advanced the revolutionary desire of the Filipino people for national democracy. In its future anniversary on March 29, we will respond to victories achieved over 55 years, honor all martyrs and heroes, and repeat the determination for the sanctified warship, unless sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice. Adversity is needed, in order to achieve victory.
