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The Communist Party of the Philippines Party The Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Guides the Dam Da Min of Sam Ba Ya Pi Li Pi No La Ban in Re Hi Meng Us-Marcos In To Dong Pa Sis Tang Pa Ni Ba Sib Throughout the ban on, you are already in you. Pu nung-pu no of the hate the mag sa sa sa ka na git na ni ka ni lang hi hi hos and gu tom, pa sis mo and ua aa gaw ng lu pa sa got of reak syu nar yong yong re hi men sa ka ni lang hi na ing.t omo lv no. 6 March 21, 2024 editorial ar ma dong pa ki ki ki you got to get to your sis re hi Meng us-marcos in the gin the la hat of la ra rang ge-ril ya ng bhb in ka ka ka ka ka ka Ta pu san ng mar -so, wa the la's hat of the nit nit nit nit ng bhb in ka ta pu san ng hun yo, and ubu sin la hat ng pan re hi yong ko te ng par ti do do Do you know the year. Puo- pu ong li Mang ha li haw sa ka na yu nan. Hundreds are the only ones who are not the only ones of the people of Marcos. Ki no control of the-ha ha ha ri ri the sun da lo the bu hay and ka bu ha yan people, bi nu You are just the ones you are. Check out Poynt and Blo - ke yo when you are in, if you don't have to go to the kid or go to the kai ngin, ar - ma dong sun da long have raks in the rak, -are we and that we are lit "su- mu ren der," nam-ba bas tos to the da la or ma ging to the people in-wa, nagi nu, nam bu bug bog and nag bu bug bu gan, still have to do it anywhere- some- some la-in des pe ra dong pag ta tang ka na "ta pu sin" ang re bo lu syo nar yong yong yong ar-ma dong pag la ban ng sam ba ya nung pi li pi no, wala lang-ha ba yon the te ro ris ta and pa sis tang na na na n ng re hi Meng US-Marcos and people dong ga la may ni to the whole ban on. Where did the hu wads of the people of Marcos and the AFP and the AFP "in Sur-gency-free" the various pru bin-sya, la long-la lo lo na In the fact that he has not been able to do it and the dams are not the ones who are not able to do it, we are planning to do it and Ener hi ya. At the command of the Im per ya lis -mong mong, the AFP also could have "ta pu sin" that the ar ma dong pa - ki ki ka sam ba ya pi li pi no so The US has not been the AFP in the AFP in the AFP in the Chi of the Chi that he has been in the same year. One to Dong Ge RA is the one who has been able to see that Marcos and the MU is the AR Med Forces of the Phi Lip Pi Nes (AFP). La yu nin diu ma-no to dong-ge ra this is the lan-
March 21, 2024 The Town T OMO LV No. 6 | March 21, 2024 Content The town is published twice a month by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines The town is released in Filipino, Bisaya, Iloco, Hiligaynon, Waray and English. The Town receives contributions in the form of articles and news. Readers are also encouraged to extend comments and recommendations on the development of our newspaper. EDITORIAL: Ar Ma can you still have to get the Got in your re hi Meng Us-Marcos 1 Give the revolutionary women 3 women's burdens half the sky 4 in other words 5 seven, wounded in violent demolition 6 Women's Day Against Chacha 7 Workers' Structures 7 Protests 7 The mass is in front of El Niño 8 imported lng, Deluge in citizen 9 US Officials, Country in the country It is in the mind of the ma can. In the git of the tag tu yot and those in ku, the more tang sun da lo are just pes and not just another one or not to be with you and my dad's. Ga mit ang ma la la kas na san da -ta, dro ne and jetfighter, he - li kop ter and ho witzer, wa just pi li in ga bi or day the pam bo bom ba te ro ris tang sun Da lo ni marcos in the bun dok and bu kid who we have pin - sa la in ya ng gu bat and lu ma la -son in ka tu bi gan, bu ma ba sag sa ka – ta hi mi kan and nag du du Du lot of ma la Lim who is worried about Ma ma yan, la l lu in the ba ta, bun tis and that you are not. La bis-la bis na pum to sa sa bu hay the du lot ni to, ta li was in la hat of prin yo and ba tas sa si bi li sa dong pa ki ki pag dig ma. Im bing la yu nin nin marcos is the one who is the one in the dib dib of toum - ba yan and pa da pa si la ha ba baaa ga wan si la ng la pa ma la la -king ka pi ta lis tang da da Yu han and you are the ones who are all of her compra to the dor and ma la la king pa ngi no -ong may lu pa. Su ba Lit sa ha lip that - he will still be in lu, la lo si - just that he is not a min dig and lu -ma ban, and bag ta sin the lan das ng ar ma dong re bo bo lu syon. In the lasses of ge ril ya throughout the ban on, it is still true to the ma la lim and ma la wak na su por ta ng ma sang mag sa sa ka yu nit of ba gong huk Bong ba - yan (BHB). The AFP's UPI SYIAL MI LI TAR is not lit and the reak-syu nar yong es ta do na ka bi la ng ka ni lang pi na tin ding to do-ge ra who has long been Years, it is still the case with you in the way you are gay for the s - por tang pam pu ti ti and ma ter yal in PU just in the rig ma. Pa tu lo . Sam is still in the lab that is also the lab of Sam and then to advance the armed forces. In the midst of the fascist fan of the armed tentacles of the US-Marcos regime, and its burdens of policies further hurting them, it is more and more in mind and you can be the one who will not be able to hit you what if he didn't just ba gong huk bong ba that is not the pay ni la tang gol to you just bu hay and ka pa tan, and with them And you are that. In the years, the PIN will not be in the LA and the NPA ras to the BHB in different banks of the ban on you when you are LI and you are a hi- Do you know that and when you are in the middle of the time, he or she is not paying. In the lip he still has to lose the lan das of tu luy-tu loy that is still a wak and when you are still there, ki ki ki ka, ku mi tid the law Ma to the yu nit ge ril ya, who are passive and bul -ne rab le in the cords of the way. In the Ga Bay and Inspi ra sion of par ti do, de ter mi na do the NPA to avoid the ones you can do and su long in the das of MU ling more and more and more Lab of the Fire of Dig - is that. In the case of Ki lu sang when it was not, it was not yet the BHB was the AR - ma dong pa ki ki ka ka ka in la hat ng pa - nig ng ban sa. Participality is a broad mass movement in guerrilla warfare, use all weapons - shooting and rock, spear and sucking, spoiled and explosive - and Ilun sad the ma la la ki or ma li li it that is not open to ba You have to pay for a ban on Ma hi hi na hi hi wa lay na ba ha gi ng kaa way. Bi hin the pa sis tang tro pa kaa - way and la hat ng ga la may ni to bi just yet when you are able to ma ma ma yan ng hus ti sya and to big yang inspi ra Not just a ban. Only through the armed armed resistance map, the NPA can recover strength and long. You have a tag, you can do it, the BHB is the bhb who is the bing tu nay na huk bo ng ba yan nag su long He is not the one of the sam ba ya when he is not yet in the ban ban sang de mok ra sya. In the end that Ber sar yo ni to on Mar So 29, let's not have the gums that you have been in the 55 years, gay-gay-gay in the ha hat of the marks tir and ba -ya, and you are not even the one who is the only one who has long been the only one who is the only one, what is the case and the kit is still in the kit , you can still mit hi to rap the gum pay.
The town March 21, 2024 3hin in the right time the ran is just the bag of you bai bai han in the long you in pi li pi nas. You are still a hon of me - lon ya lis tang es pan yol, yet to copy the ame ri ka no and ja pan, in their lim ng pa sis tang dik ta du rang marcos, and ha gang nga - Well, La Bi ni ti wan waan the li just ban di l a pa la ita gu yok ang ka ga li gan ng ba bai han and mother. B i na li kat and pa- tu loy ni ni nu su ong ang ma bi bi gat na sak ri pi syo and whole tag na bi na ba li kat ang re bo lu syo nar yong tung ku lin. Ti nu tu la ran and inspi rang ng ma ka ba gong he ne ra ki lu sang ma pa la ya in ilocos la ban sa es pan ya in 1763; by co ro nacion chiva (ku-man der wa ling-wa ling), who has been to the ge ril yang an ti-ja pan in pa-nay and has yet to ban la ban sa dik ta-du rang marcos; By ma ria lo re na bar ros, we can not tag the tag ng ma ka ba - yang ki lu san ng ba gong ka ba bai - han; By Wil Ma Tiamzon, the more you know, the Par ti ti do ko - mu nis ta ng pi li pi nas; nor did he le ni ta par la dis, you are my me of my life in the eas tern vi in the yas; When he was beverly, you were the sub re hi in the north central min-da nao, and chenchen was that; By Ema Rie Pas ti dio na upi syal ng kan-yang pla tun in the BHB-NEG ROS and can be different from the other-mar tir in the la ra ng dig ma. How many hundreds do you have to do with the rig and you just don't want to do it for the sake of the dig. Do you ever know that you are just a little bit of you alone, 26 years ago, just 26 years ago (BHB) in one (NPA) In the lasses of the ge ril ya of sout hern ta ga log. "I can just say that to me that you just have to do it with you and you are a little bit of me," he said. She has been in BHB for six years. "A raw-a raw, let me know that we can do it again, and let's go," said Ka Li. Just ba ba ba ba and mu la in the PE ti bur ge- sya, si kap si yang ba ba in gin the pi lit na i ima he ng bae na ma – hi na and li mi Han. "Do you have any more and more people in my life, and you are not, and you are not," said - Ya. You are the one, who is not the only one who is the one who is not the only one who will not be able to see them. You know that the pre sen is in the huk bo if you are still with the macho -pyu dal. "If you do not know what to do with you, you are not at the bar, do you know that you have a lot to do. I don't know if I have ling li and my ling is in the world. " "When I was with you, you were not the only one who was not there, but I didn't even know how to do it," I said, "said . "I have never been to you and that you have not been able to do it." We have been raped by the way you have not been able to do that, just a PU, just a BHB-North Central Min Da-Nao, Ka Hong Hong that you have a way. La bing-tat long days ago you have been in the same way that he is still here, and you have not been able to do that to you and you will be in the same way and can you do that in the NIT of the NPA who is the ki na bi bi la ngan. Su sing upi syal si Ka Re ma sa isang pan la bang yu nit ng BHB. Ka re ma is still in the middle of the mixture of Mi Li tar ha bang na os pi tal ma ta pos ni ya na na na nak. I think that he is in the same way that I have been in the same way and that I have a counter-re-re Bo-lu here and "Mi Syon." In that case, - the one who got the people of the upi syal mi li tar and the yak that you just hit what to go and just have to go to the gay gay This. They are still in the same way and they are the ones who are still in the same way that he is still in the same way. By Min San, you have never been able to let you know that you are in the world, the ma and the re bo lu sion. Yang Pi is a little bit of PI if you have a foot when you have no more than you have. When you are when you are here, it is not the case. Did he go to the house, when he was the only 9-year-old son and the only Gol. "Gu ro, Maiin tin in the same way that he is in the hi ha rap," Ka re Ma thought. That day, you were just like Ka re Ma in the same way. La king is still in the matta ni ya to you in ma and in ma sang tu mu long in kan kasa kas. "In La Mat and have you ever been to my TU nay na ta ha nan!" ma dam da min ni yang ba ba ti ka ka ma.da ki la in ang ka ya ya ni han ng re bo lu syo nar yong ka ba bai han
March 21, 2024 The town 4nas of PIN in LA and to ras the NPA in different banks of the ban on the dilings when you are LI and you are the one of your tis and your tis and when you are in the da ti ti ni tong bot na ta - gum pay. In the lip he still has to lose the lan das of tu luy-tu loy that is still a wak and when you are still there, ki ki ki ka, ku mi tid the law Ma to the yu nit ge ril ya, who are passive and bul -ne rab le in the cords of the way. In the Ga Bay and Inspi ra sion of par ti do, de ter mi na do the NPA to avoid the ones you can do and su long in the das of MU ling more and more and more Lab of the Fire of Dig - is that. In the case of Ki lu sang when it was not, it was not yet the BHB was the AR - ma dong pa ki ki ka ka ka in la hat ng pa - nig ng ban sa. Participality is a broad mass movement in guerrilla warfare, use all weapons - shooting and rock, spear and sucking, spoiled and explosive - and Ilun sad the ma la la ki or ma li li it that is not open to ba You have to pay for a ban on Ma hi hi na hi hi wa lay na ba ha gi ng kaa way. Bi hin is still the only tro tro of the way and the hat of the ga la may ni to bi just when you are able to do it To big that inspi is just the one who just banned it. Only through the armed armed resistance map, the NPA can recover strength and long. You have a tag, you can do it, the BHB is the bhb who is the bing tu nay na huk bo ng ba yan nag su long He is not the one of the sam ba ya when he is not yet in the ban ban sang de mok ra sya. In the end that Ber sar yo ni to on Mar So 29, let's not have the gums that you have been in the 55 years, gay-gay-gay in the ha hat of the marks tir and ba -ya, and you are not even the one who is the only one who has long been the only one who is the only one, what is the case and the kit is still in the kit , you can still mit hi to rap the gum pay. This is not the case with you ba bai hang pi li pi no the pi you are in the Hol that is still the one who is not the neo li be ral na ipi na taw ng im per ya lis you and yet pet na es — let's do this to you. Du lo t ng pa pa ka ka ran ng li be – ra li sa syon, de re gu la syon and pri ba ti syo n, la lo si lang tutu lak in lay la yan ng li pu nan, where that pi pi li tan just you have to go to the tras in the tray hong im-por mal, di lig bag and ma la-a li pin the hod. Ma yor ya sa ka bai han is that you are still in the pi that you are in the man ta la -han and appingly sek tor ng li pu nan— Bo, ma ra li ta sa ka na yu nan and ka lun su ran. In that you are the one, you can do it with you, the age of 15, the age of 15, the only one who has not been to the PWER in the case The trains are still the ones who are still in LA. You just have the MIL yun-mil yong who has the most The baby is not the only one who has children and children. In 2022, you only have 20 mil to do you have to hang out with a lot of money, just don't even go to me and just go. Pi to sa ba wat sam pung ka ba bai - hang iti nu tu ring with tras ba ho is already in secret of ser bi syo. Are the trains of LA di to "low-skil led" or are you really like that-in that and in that and in the lar. In this case it is not the case that you have the bag of EDU ka ka ba ba bai han. In the scene of the fact that you can do it, 90% of the ones are the ones who are "di re gu -lar" and you are still (2.7%) you are still in those unto those. You can do it for me to do the same in the PAs of the La La La La Da yu to hang out in the export proces-Sing zo ne, where is it GI LA NG IN -TER NA SYU NAL NA AS SEMBLY LI NE (TI NA TA - WAG NG IM PER YA LIS TA NA GLO BAL VA - LUE CHA IN). Si na in the "more gus to" of the people yu han ang ka ba bai hang manga wa wa wa da hil sa ka ni lang pa gi ging ki - mi, hu say sa tra ba hong ma de tal ye tu - lad In the sem bol of se micon-ductors or yet hi, and bi li dad in the ober taym. To Too, you guys are here in the world, if you don't have the sod of the des pe rang da la la la la gi the kri sis at the employee, who is in Man ta la ka ka pi ta lis ta and he and he doesn't want to. Hi git ri to, you are more than you - la ha tan is now in the hod in you, kum pa sa la la ki han. In Dustri-ya of da mit, ha lim ba, can it be more than 17% -25% in the same way that you are the only one in the hod. Literal coins are also being paid by the manufacturing companies in the poor communities that they have that who who wholesalers who wholesale to do some parts of the assembly work. They are the name of international labor orga-nization workers who are in-dustrial "home-based." Some of their trains include small sewing, embroidery, assembly of small household items, eating tasks, making handicrafts and decorating Ta Ta and more. In the tras of the free lance, is it more than 18.4% on the hod of you ba bai hangs on the tra ba hong di gi tal, kum pa ka la la ki han. This is the "trad di syu nal nal na na na na na" which is more appropriate for you bai han ti po ng tra ba hong "di gaa nong completi - ka do" "You are more complicated" and there is a lot more than a gang tray ba ba ho tu-lad of the in the tal de sign that it is not "more appropriate" in you la la ki han. In the aged ri kul tu, is it more than 8% -15% that we have a gap at the hod of you bai hang out of the ga-wang bu kids, kuma ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ram pot nang at the hod of Ka la ki han. . In the meantime, you have not been able to do that.) he is not the only one ”is the one who is still in the pro duk. I can still have you in the miles, and you can do it, you just want the children, you just have a ban on the ban on it You have long, ya and other tras are not in the sadness of you in the same way when you are in the man, you are a pi, ka ra ha san, and not only Ta on, you just know that. In 2022, 1.10 miles are you bai han (60.2%) that is why, at 726,000 ka la la la- ki han (39.8%). In this case, is it more like the annual Abe Reyds that have reached you bai bai hang mig ran - teng mang ga wa wa (₱ 61,000) kum - pa sa ka la la ki han (₱ 126,000 ). You are in that way, this is not the case with you. You still have it (6.3%) have so much to do so. Yet the prob le ma is still in the premage of the farm in puts, can i just prey bi li han of the harvest and if you are still in the same way. Ma la king ma yor ya is a little bit when you are in the middle of us and the microfi-nance, just in the pro-duk sion, if it's not a day-to-day raw Laan ng ka ni lang pa mil ya. Do you still know how much you are
The town March 21, 2024 5pa Ka ba bai han ang ka la ha ti ng im per ya lis tang ka la ngi tan
March 21, 2024 The town 6pi tong re si den te sit yo ba lu bad sa ba ng ay nas, an ge les city in pam pa na su ga tan on mar so 12 sa wa l ang-pa tu tu Mang gang pa - ma ma ril of pu lis. The PUSER PWER PWER PAN SE GU RI DAD THE PUS LISS IN DE MO LI TI ON TEAM OF Clark Den te. We only have 500 pi to be in the middle of the purs and ma ton. Apek ta do ng pla nong de mo li so ma hi hi git 500 ka ba yan in 72-ek tar yang lu pan g ki na kam kam ng kum pan ya. Ti ta ta 2,000 re den te ang bik ti ma ng p ang-aa gaw ng la pa. Can he just have the butt in the es ta do and he'll be the only one who can see you and the pi - li tang pi that the bar of the bar is. In the rap of the Gol of the re -DE, Den te, the ba ril is still the ones who have been gat in the pi -tong re si den te sa ka ni lang dib -dib and hi ta ta ta . Ti na kot ni la also the da - la wang ma ma ma yag na ba ba - li ta ka ra ha san. In the day of the day, you have a lot of people to sit down and do you have to do with the bins? Pam bo bom ba. Isn't it 22 BOM is the AFP MU LA log in the air of my dad and my dad at the AB ra mu, And the sun is like the sun and the sun is not able to see the people of the people, the people and the people of Den te. To do this to the hang of the ba bazar, sal la pa and ba ra ngay bul bu la la la, licuan-baa. In the kid non, the 10th ID TROs were taken by the 10th ID at VA-Lencia City on Mar So 10, 10 o'clock at 2 o'clock at 2 o'clock. Didn't you have 18 Be ses when did the AFP's bom bom in the 105 ho witzers who were kap wes to sit yo bu la kaw, ba ngay Concepcion in that Rang syu dad. Pa ma ma ril. It is not possible to have the 2nd IB in the Sit yo ca yang, ba rangay liong, ca tai ngan, is it more on mar so 11 and pi na la -la bas is a "english" - Gong huk bong ba yan (NPA) is the one. The Great and Pi ni lit more of Mi Li Tar are the ups of the people who have been able to do this to the serge of Ka Ka Syon who is still there to Ong May Na Na La La Gar. Ili gal na de ten sion and de por -ta sion. Ar bit rar yong iT and in the pi - li tang pi ba ba ba ba ba na the net her lands the pi li pi nong ak ti bis ta na ma ri - kit sa tu ray when bu mi si si ya sa pi li pi nas on Mar so 7 pa just du - ma lo sa kaa ra wan ng yang lo la. Tat long ga bi si yang ipi ni it ng bu - reau of im mig ra ti on (bi) sa ni ni ni noy aqui no in ter na tio nal air port ba go to pi tang pi na ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba na na ga li — That's a ban on. According to BI, the "Blacklist or Der" is in the "Blacklist or Der" of the "Ti-gub yer of those who are not here." Pang gi gi pit. Walawan-ti gil na in ti mi da sion and ha ras ment the gi-na na na pawer sa es ta do in pa mil ya of only PU no-na na na na na mar t Lar, Bo Hol on Febru go pa ra pi li tin just iat ras ang pla nong iwa top si ya the la bi of the biki ti ma. Nu hu lan ng pu lis is still his to ria and he has been able to borrow it when he does not have the gap. When you have a bag in the world. Mu ling gi ni gi pit the li der of technol eight phi lip pi nes wor kers uni on (tep wu) -o la lia-kmu na ma rio fer nan dez on mar so 9. ni ni wa la ang ang ang ang The other way is that it has been a lot of people to go to her when she is still in the same way as the Gong Col Lective Bar - Gai of the Ag ree ment (CBA). He didn't even have a rare in 2022. In Man Ta la, bi na le wa la ng kum - pan yang profood in ter na tio nal cor Ro ro sell, 62, when Den te was in the man daue plant at the same time, Man Daue City, CE bu. La bing wa wa long years ago when ro sell in kam pan - ya. Den te si ya ya before peb re 20 when he was log in a truck that ki kar did not have cocos - hells that he was ha ko ka ka at pa pa pa ka ka. It has a BLO OD clot in the brain. Tu ma tang gi ang kuman ya na big ya ya ya of tu long.pi to, na su ga tan sa ma ra has na de mo li sion in an ge les citywan kum pa sa sa hod of manga ga – ga Wa sa ser bi bi syo and in dustri ya, that you have never been to the pat on the more you are still in the middle of it.) Do you know what to do with you (and the people) and that it is not the "extent that he has not" the GI is still in the pro duk. I can still have you in the miles, and you can do it, you just want the children, you just have a ban on the ban on it You have long, ya and other tras are not in the sadness of you in the same way when you are in the man, you are a pi, ka ra ha san, and not only Ta on, you just know that. In 2022, 1.10 miles are you bai han (60.2%) that is why, at 726,000 ka la la la- ki han (39.8%). In this case, is it more like the annual Abe Reyds that have reached you bai bai hang mig ran - teng mang ga wa wa (₱ 61,000) kum - pa sa ka la la ki han (₱ 126,000 ). You are in that way, this is not the case with you. You still have it (6.3%) have so much to do so. Yet the prob le ma is still in the premage of the farm in puts, can i just prey bi li han of the harvest and if you are still in the same way. Ma la king ma yor ya is a little bit when you are in the middle of us and the microfi-nance, just in the pro-duk sion, if it's not a day-to-day raw Laan ng ka ni lang pa mil ya. Day of Ka bai han la ban on char ter cha nge marched on the day of ka bai han, mar so 8, an g gru po ba bai han in the pa nung na na ng Gab rie la, and ib a ' Different de mok ra ti kong or - ga ni sa ni, pa pa yag they have their reliance on the char ter cha nge (chacha) of re hi Meng Marcos, and the Pa is not yet Tan, ka - bu ha yan and ka sa rin lan. La Mu la la la in es paña ave nue pa tu ngo sa na men dio la nun nit hi na rang ng pu li s sa kal yeng mo ray ta pa la -mang. LA has not been in prog ra ma in the Rap of the Far Eas Tern univer sity. In the prog ra, the Gab Rie la has one of the OB ras that you can see in the "re ga lo" of re hi Meng Marcos in Ka Bai Han with TAK na chacha. Inside the hon are snakes that Sim bo lo of 1 00% of the Da yu han, the US se mi li tar in the ban on, and more wig wig That's when it comes to the UPI SULTS OF ES TA DO. Ka hon is wrapped around the US ban. This is the case with the guys of the Dads of Ba Guio, Ca -lam, that, CE BU, ILOI LO, BACO LOD AND DAVAO.
The Town March 21, 2024 7 Passing RBH7 to Congress, opposed. Democratic organizations at a people's rally on March 20 were playing in front of Congress to oppose the RBH7, the proposal for charter change (ChaCha). After only a few hours that day, Congress passed the proposal to 288 vote, eight opposition and two abstain. Among the eight objections were the Congressmen of the National Block. In conjunction with the protest in Congress, students also protested on Katipunan Avenue, in front of Ateneo de Manila University. Epek to El Niño, tu gu nan. I had a lot of people, and you had a lot of people in the world, in UPI Si Na of a partment of ag Ricul Tu re in Quezon City on Mar so 7 The re hi - Meng Marcos is not the only one who has been to the El Niño to the Mag Sa sa sa ka. LA insists Marcos and the states of the state are bi g yan si la of and you are alib yo and tu long, la lu na na na ng t a nim da hil in tag tu yot. De mo li sion in Navo tas city, ti nu tu lan. The people of the world are not in the pi of the pi of the banan of the ki lu when you can ma la la ka ya ng pi li pi nas (pa ma la ka ya) in bay ba yin in n avo tas city On the 15th day the Lo Kal Gub yer no was the order of the Lo Kal and the Navo Tas Bay Recla Ma ti on the project. The 650-ek tar yang rek la ma sion is a nu tu lak ng lo kal na na gub yer no and ka so syo ni tong ar gon bay construc ti on com pany, sub-sid yar yo ng san mi gu el cor po ra Ti on na aa a ri ni ra mon ang. As you do not know how to do it, the people of the Kum pan and the Coast Guard are not the one of the people on the 18th. The gru po gru po ban ban ban nor nor ya and ta ga pag tang gol ng ka ka ka ka ka na sa upi si na na de partment of envi ron ment and na tu ral re so urces (denr) in vi in - Yas Ave Nue, Quezon City on Mar so 14 is still the only one who has a La La King dam in a ban on the ban on the rivers. It is not possible to have the pro tes in the bay of TA's entire Mun Do in Tio Nal Nal Day of ACTI on Rivers and Aga Inst Lar Ge Da Ms. Marcos in Ger Many, Na Lu Bong of Pro Tes Ta. Si na lu bong ng pro tes - ta ng mig ran tengi pi li pi no ang bi ba ni fer di nand marcos jr sa ber lin, ger many on mar so 13. pi nun na han ng al pi li Pi-nas and Gab rie la-ger many are the ones who are pro ts t a and no more than the gang gang ger or ga ni ni sion. LA said that TA was a Marcos in Ger MANY and other banks in the EU ro pe Mu la Mar so 11- 15 were da pat ga wing oka sion of la hat of mig ran tengi pi li pi no and they are not even the only one who is still the only one who has the bru tal tal na re hi Meng nag ha ha sik ng ma sa in Hol na la bag sa ka pa tang-human and in ter na tio nal hu ma ni ta ri an law (ihl). LGBTQIA+ in ea rist, which is not a ban on diskri mi na s yon. The LGBTQIA+ has been able to do so in the same way that the ba hag ha ri-ea-rist in the pus ni to san ta me sa, ma ni la on mar so 15 in the rap of ba ba ba wa in transwo man That is not the case that you can turn to the Rol and don't even have a bit of a hok. You are a nod of pro tes ta, pan in - the school has just suspended the policy. In Nexpe Ria. Ki nun de na ng nexpe ria wor kers Phi Lip Pi Nes Inc. Wor kers uni-on (nwpi wu) -naflu-kmu ang pa-ni ba gong ser ye of tang ga lan na na tu-tu pad of nexpe ria phi lip pi nes mu la ab ril hang gang set September. Do you want to have a lot in the un at the 4 so you can go to the ha los da la wang ling gong shut down to an er ya ni to and mag tang gal of 53 ga ga wa wa wa. Let's go, it's just the first time in the serge of the year. The only thing you have to do is not the pad of the nexpe ria is to be the ones who are in the ad or not to the cba of this. You are in the NE go to the CBA 2024-2026. Be ne pi syo of Tor's pup's dya, it is. Tor and Ka Ka and Ka Ka Pi in the Pi in Ma han ng ja ni to ri al (sj), are you in the pi of that child and those es - tud yan te in polytechnic univer sity of the phi lip pi nes (pup) in san ta me sa, ma ni la on Mar so 13 is still the only one who has been to the dies of tor mu la at the starcom man and wer agency. The pro tes ta sa ki - ki ya da ya lo go ng manga ga wa wa in ki na ta wan ng ann syren. During the year it was the first year that Tor's dyes were in the first place and the PUP and the PUP and the PUP and the PUP was still in Sen Ti Bo, 13th month pay , Ret roactive pay, and you have not been to the transpa rency in the Hod in LA. It is the day of the day of the Mig ran te. You guys have been on the mig ran tea in the partment of mig rant wor kers (DMW) on Mar so 17 just ba ha gi ng ka ni lang ni ni ni ta in the ban on the day la in mig ran te. In any case, the over se as fi no wor kers mu la sau di ara bia pa pa ka ni ka ni - just pi nag hi ra pa sa hod and be ne pi syo na hin yet That was your gap when he was in 2016 in that he was banned. In the DMW la la, the boot is only 9,000 to the only ones.
March 21, 2024 The town 8uma bots at ₱ 78.45 mil that you have a pin of a pin in the lan t a sek tor of ag ri kul tu ra du lot of tag tu yot in neg ros occi den tal and part of wes tern Vi to yas, you are so pi that you are in El Niño. La bing-i in (Tat long syu dad and wa long Is that) in the Buang 3 2 MU by Pa Li Dad's to the pi - you are a tag yot tag. Li bu-li bong pa mi l ya the du ma na na na yon ng ka gu tu man and ka sa la tan ng maii nom na tu big. In the Rap of Ka pa ba ya of lo kal gub yer no and re hi Meng Us- Marcos, ka kam bal ang wa lang ti gil na mi the only thing you can do is when I can't even do it to my bong ha-ra pin the lan of the tag tu yot. Ni ni ni niil to the gub yer no koor di na do and an tas-an tas the pla no of the ones to hang out with you when it comes El Niño is a pin. Mu lan na ni la na ni las sul ta ta sion, pu pu pu long and kam pan yang yang ral sa tas ba ngay, and tar get ni lang pa sa-win hang gang an tas ba yan and Distri - to. This is a lot of people who have been able to do that to the Gub Pro duk syon. Ki na ha ha rap yon ng ma sang mag sa ka sa pru bin sya when you are ra ng ka ni lang nim nim. Only 41,140 ek tar ya la mang of the 94,297 ek tar with irrigation targets with irrigation, which is also a tag. You have to go to you, "You haven't been to the 3rd crop ping of the lap and just when you are in the rain in the rain yet." This is a lot of it, others do not want to get some corn and don't pay for it when you are in. Anyway, it's still not possible for you to be - you don't even have to rain in the rain. Others, however, did the GU lay and that was the case that he had been to the Big Big in Ma la la yong ba lon pa pa "It's been a while since I've been hit, you hit the river and the river is not big," said another. Nationwide, only 67% of the government's target has been implemented that irrigation has implemented in recent years. Many canals are no longer profitable, they are used and broken down. Irrigation for irrigation from dams is also reduced as it is provided to in -dustry and turning services. Ma ging the gang ha yop by la is apek ta do well. It is not possible for you to know that you are, and you are not, and other than that of you and that you are not in. There are those who have been able to do so in the heat. You don't know that, but you don't like the ones that Den te is a couple of El Niño. The sob of the heat that has been the epi of the epi dema, you are not coughing, Pon, Pon and the rest of the kit. We have also been to some ER ya so you are the stro ke, when it comes to BLO od pres su re, and you will be there. In the Rap's, La Bis is just a nain - you have a ram pot of ₱ 2,500 and I don't have to go to the Lo Kal gub La yan. La, hu-ling-hu li and still wang pa bas la mang also ₱ 15 mil yong pon do still want to bali bi of pumps and you don't even have a big big. Still ni ni la gan ni la, if not La bi Big yan ng ma ka ka bu lu hang tu-long, han da si lang ku mi los nung sa-ma ma pa sa da ya lo go and compron He was in the Lo Kal and he was. Dag yaw-a la yun pa pa pa pay sa pro duk syon, bi nu hay ng mag sa sa ka ang dag yaw-a la yon, the trad di syu nal na pag pag tu tu - You are in that. In the mog ba ba ha gi ng neg ros occi den tal, i don't know how much we have to do with an er ya in the bung ka and you have to pay a gum in a kam pan ya. When you have a sunny one to be the corn we have to do. "It's as good as it is in Koo pe ra - sion ... Nu su nod na min is the only one" work points, "if he does not have mag sa sa sa ka la hok. Bi, if you have a sun, the gru po ba bai han is not in the mood. Daddy's daddy is here. La, ma la king tu long the ho se sea ni lang na ku hang su por ta. na and ma la yo ang pi ku ku nan ng tu big. " well the tras of the kams po - Yong tag tu yot. In the not yet, that is still the one who is in the mood, "it's just not different from the fact that we don't know." -bi sig the ma sa in ha rap of el niño
The Town March 21, 2024 9 Following on page 10ka Pit-Bi Sig the Ma in the E El Niño's Rap of El Niño Ine I'm not sure what to do with my life, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm not sure what to do with my life. gulf & Pacific com pany (AG&P) bay bay ng ba ra ngay Ijan, ba ta Ngas City. Ralco po we r, aboi tiz po ‐ Wer (SMGP) Pa Ra Bil 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2 Bil yon (₱184 bil yon). 700 met ro ka tu bi gan mu ‐ la sa bay bay pa ra I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. lng (liquified na ‐ tu ral gas ). “Re ga sifica ti on” (Pro se so ng pagtranspor ma ng lng mu la sa an ‐ Yong li ki do tu NGO sa ori is a nal ni tong an yong gas. Mag su sup lay ang na ‐ Tu rang pa si li dad ng na tu Ral Gas Sa iti na ta Yong Dam bu ha lang plan tang Pang-e ner is a very nice guy. ti on (SMC). 12 “Ter mi nal” at 35 BA ‐ Ong Plan is a 2013-12-16 10:00:0 at Die Sel Pi to sa mga ter mi nal at wa lo sa ba gong mga plan ta ay na I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Ay pla nong ita yo sa LEy, Navo ‐ Tas City at Zam Boa nga. Isa sa mga plan tag lng, na la lak ita yo sa bay ng tañon stra it sa san car ‐ los, neg ros oCci den tal, ay pan sa mga re si den te, taong-sim ‐ba han at mga gru pong ma ka-ka li ka ‐ san. Ma ra mi sa mga pro yek tong LNG ay iti nu tu lak ng SMC, ka tu ‐ wang ang mul ti na syu nal na mga insti tu syon at bang kong Ja pa ne se, Ame ri ka no at Bri tish. Sa ka sa lu Ku yan, anim na Plan ‐ Tang Lng lng lng lng lng lng lng lng lng ang May oppe ra syon sa ban sa, at li ma ni to ay na sa bay bay ng ba ta ngas. Tam ba kan ng sarplas na lng ng Us ibi nu kas ng Pi Li Pi Nas ang pag- im port 2021 I'm not sure what to do with my life. ‐ Id ng re ser bang na tu Mag-import ng lng 2027. I'm not sure what to do with my life. 2011. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Ka ta on noong di syembre 2023. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. du ma da loy sa mga mga mga mga mga. syon kontra sa pag bi li ng lng sa pag bi li ng lng syon kontra, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you. Di ma can pag pus lit ng lng. I'm not sure what to do with you, but I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. ‐ da idang mil yong bish ther mal noong 2022. ga yun ‐ pa man , Dahil sa sob rang pro duk ‐ syon ng Us ng lng, I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. as ang de mand at pre syo is to. Pi Na ka-in te ra sa dong mag-import ng lng mga kum ‐ pan yang ame ri I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Bu ma ba man ang Pre syo ng lng sa pan da ig di gang me, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you. Pi Li Pi Nas. Noong 2023, Mas mas as you don't know why, $3/mmbtu ang imgbtu ang im por ted Alin su nod sa ta Y ng insti tu te for Energy Eco No Mics and Finaal Analysis, ₱9 I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. mu la sa im por ted na lng. Pre syo ng Ener hi ya mu la sa I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. na so lar po wer I'll be there for you, gi na wa pang re ki to imported, mga pasilidad at Planta nito, de lub yo sa kapaligiran at ma ma ma yan
Marso 21, 2024 I'm not sure what to do. ‐ sul to sa ka ‐ sul to sa ka ₱2,500 na ayu dang ipa ma ma mag sa ka kang May tat ‐ Long Ek Tar Yang la yan. ‐ ling-hu li at pa wang pa la bas la man The ₱ 15 miles do not even have the pumps and the pumps and you are not yet big. Still ni ni la gan ni la, if not La bi Big yan ng ma ka ka bu lu hang tu-long, han da si lang ku mi los nung sa-ma ma pa sa da ya lo go and compron He was in the Lo Kal and he was. Dag yaw-a la yun pa pa pa pay sa pro duk syon, bi nu hay ng mag sa sa ka ang dag yaw-a la yon, the trad di syu nal na pag pag tu tu - You are in that. In the mog ba ba ha gi ng neg ros occi den tal, i don't know how much we have to do with an er ya in the bung ka and you have to pay a gum in a kam pan ya. When you have a sunny one to be the corn we have to do. "It's as good as it is in Koo pe ra - sion ... Nu su nod na min is the only one" work points, "if he does not have mag sa sa sa ka la hok. Bi, if you have a sun, the gru po ba bai han is not in the mood. Daddy's daddy is here. La, ma la king tu long the ho se sea ni lang na ku hang su por ta. na and ma la yo ang pi ku ku nan ng tu big. " well the tras of the kams po - yong tag tu PARTMENT OF ENERGY THE DISCUSSION OF LA HAT OF DISTRIBLE YU TOR NG KUR - YEN TE MU LA LA LA PLAN PLAN POP RO SO SO SO NG I M POR TED NA LNG. Which is the "e nergy map" of the re hi Meng Marcos, it is a pi of the pi pi nas nas the presence of im por ted na lng and the energy hi yang "re ne wab le" mu la 29% (where 13% are) 35% of the pit of 2 030 and 50% in 2050. Ban Ta in VIP and you are the ones who can do it and I know that I am just a "tran si ti on fuel ”d a hil more ma li nis di no this is still kar bon and die sel. Anyway, it is still the grease of the greens of the greens of the greens of the greens, car bon you noxi de and car bon dioxi de. You know that, lu mi Gal that I had long heat at and mos pe ra kum pa sa car bon dioxi de. MU LAN LAN IN KA SAG IN GANG PAN DEM YA (2021) and that in 2023 the construction of the Ilijan lng ter mi nal. This is the AG&P, a kum pan that you have been to the uni ted Arab Emi ra tes, you are the OSA Ka Gas and JA Pan Bank for in Tio Tio Nal coo pe ra ti on. At the same time, Li by the American company Ne B la Energy was not the AG&P of the AG&P that you were on the lng. You tam bal of the ilijan lng ter mi nal nal the ba ta ngas com bi ne cycle po wer plant you are in lu ku yan na ta yo ng smgp sa s ta. Ri ta, ba ta ngas. Do you want to do it, so you can rug, and you can still rug with Li Dad and you have a rap in the VIP. According to the rally of the world you are in the gru po, B an is the da la wang pa pa si Li Dad, and the rest of you, in the eco s is a VIP Ring syen tis ta bi just "pi ka ka ya na ha b i tat pan da gat" throughout the mun do. In the construction of this, we will have to do the same and the LI DAD is in the law. The Const Ruk did not have the Tor Bo Bo the Sik Lo and Pi ni ni ni - ra han ng are da and other bu hay ma ri no hin di laga sa kag yat na saki ni to, or not throughout the VIP. Do you have to do it to Hi Git is it like you are the co -ral reefs and bags from the hu li of the people. Li ban sa pin in la sa ka ra ga tan, na ha ha rap d in ag & p in ka ka soi of ili gal who is still lit-g mit of lu pang ag r i kul tu ral in the ba ba ngay of ilijan and De la Paz. You also have this ili gal that is the pursuit of yog's pu -no in lu gar. You know that, the "cea se and de sist or der" las the de partment of ag ricul tu re la ban sa kum pan ya If you still have it. La hat of this is a bit of a bit-ba li kat of ag & p and my ja pan bangs. It is possible to do the hundreds of people who are the one who is in the open of the open plans of the plans to do the first Gen and SMC plans. Ba - MU is just going to go with the gong plans and Li Dad, can you just have it out of the day that was in the hu ling is da (tu n and ga lung gong) MU LA 2019. Hi just got it when he didn't even have the pa n gi ngis da at the bay ma la pit in the construction. Dag dag di to, pi na ngam ba han ng re s si d en te The siblings are the gas of the gases in the world, and the VIP is not the VIP in the ma la la kas and the bag is also a bag. Have you ever had a wi, and sib -sib -sib -sib -sib -sib leng not can you - wi, the VIP MU la in the pin in the only LOT of the gas of la ngis mu la at the bar - kong inar ki la ng SMC, the MT Princess Empress, you are no longer the year. La long du du mi La lo also ma di di — dis tor Hi git na ma wa wa lan ng ma ku ku nan ng ka kan yan and ma ging ng ti ra han ang ma ming ko my dad and bay. B u mi just in the middle of the mile pi li pi no is not the only one in the man of the vip. The protest of Anthony Blin Ken's protest, Ka Li - him of the US Partment of Sta Te, in Ma Laca ñang on Mar So 19. At the ban on Blin ken pa ra pu ngin si fer di nand marcos JR and the AFP in the same way that you have not been able to war with the war and still do it in the in-pacific seu rity stra tegy, the estrab he is ge mon ya ni to Asia la ban on ka - ri bal ni tong chi na. Do you go to blin ken, ha los you will be in the right place in the ban on the mar so that can be the upi syal in eko nom ya and mi li tar of the US. Pi na na na ni gi na rai mon do, ka li him of de partment of com merce of the US, de le ga sion of pre si den - ti al tra de and investment mis si on na ipi na da la of US I still have the in-do-pacific eco no mic fra me work, a "su sing" ba ha gi ng in do- pacific seu rity stra tegy. You in the de le ga sion by rai mon do the 22 pi no of ma la la king kum pan yang ame ri ka no, including da la wang kum pan ya in construction sion (bechtel, black & veatch) Do you have any ba bal and Li Dad Mi li -tar of the US in different banks. Adm. John C. Aqui Li no, even the US in the do-Pacific com mand, still in the longs AFP Gen. Ro meo braw ner Jr, you are the rest of us as the AFP's UPI. You have not been able to do the ones who are still in the 2024, who will not be able to see the "pi na - ka ma la ki" to you to say that. Ilu - this is a good time at the nes and pa la wa la la la ab ril 22 to gang ma yo 8. One of the "highlights" of to "in — teg ra ted air mis si le defen se exerci - se," or if we still have the pads in the chi's not. Which nod this is the Stra Te Gic Defen Se Stra Tegy and Pa Pel of Pi Li Pi Nas Bi Pam Pa Pa In De Pen Sang First-Is Land Cha in the US.