PC March 21 - Antixionist is not synonymous with anti -Semitic - ignorant ...

Author: fannyhill
Description: The edition of Sunday seventeen March of the maximum cloaca of the pseudo Italian journalism of Accattto, the newspaper, contains an article ...
Published Time: 2024-03-21T14:30:00+08:00

The edition of Sunday seventeen March of the maximum cloaca of the pseudo Italian journalism of Accattto, the newspaper, contains an article where - as it has always been the costume of this lair of ignorant Buzzurri who demand journalists only because they are in possession of the card of the Order - deliberately confusion between two terms only apparently synonymous.

In the firm to seek a reason to paint the enemies of the "left", in this case the young people who attend Italian universities, such as serial haters unable to dialogue with those who think differently by themselves, try their hand at playing to equalize the Anti -Semitism with antixionism, even giving voice to this Alessandra Veronese, professor of medieval history at the University of Pisa.

Costei says: «The conflict has created an atmosphere of hatred towards Jewish and Israeli students. Hostile phrases, appreciation ostentatious for the massacre of 7 October. Many begin to be afraid, afraid to go around with the Kippah or the star of David, and someone advises them to disagree, for safety reasons, their identity. Hunt for the Zionist? Yes, something like this can be said. "

Apart from the fact that the so -called conflict between the Zionist entity and the Palestinian resistance is not a war at all, but a real genocide, affects the fact that a person who should be of culture confuses anti -Vionism with anti -Semitism ; Nobody, at least on the left, denies the right to exist to the descendants of SEM as professors the Jewish faith: it is Zionism that is executed, as a racist movement that would demand that Palestine was exclusively in its hands, chasing all those who think otherwise.

Bosio (AL), March 21, 2024

Stefano Ghio - Communist proletarians Alessandria/Genoa

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-21-marzo-antisionista-non-e-sinonimo.html